View Full Version : Another Star Wars trilogy?

23-Oct-2010, 10:10 PM
Who knows... They should have done them instead of the prequels we had :(


23-Oct-2010, 10:16 PM
i have this book called the complete illustrated guide to star wars (or something along those lines) and it makes mention of another trilogy taking place after the original. han and leia have twins, both are "strong with the force", one is named after anakin, but other than that, i can't remember what the main conflict was.

given that the best film of the series wasn't directed by lucas, maybe they should take that idea and roll with it....and no more jar jar type characters, use actual sets and actors instead of blue-screening the whole fucking thing, focus more on characters instead of huge CGI-battle scenes...there's lot of flaws with the new trilogy that need to be addressed before they even consider a new set of movies.

edit: and every star wars fan needs to get on youtube and watch Red Letter Media's in-depth review (crucifixion) of the new star wars films...it's fucking hilarious.

23-Oct-2010, 10:18 PM
I agree Prof, the characters really are the most important thing... too much blue screen is just not needed...

23-Oct-2010, 10:39 PM
Meh....there was a time I would've jizzed my pants over this. Now I couldn't give a fuck less. Leave it alone George. The magic's all gone. :(

24-Oct-2010, 12:48 AM
It better have Grand Admiral Thrawn in it.

Oh yeah, and that Imperial commander chick who runs the Starburst or Starcrusher or Suncrusher or whatever the hell it's called in the books. Because she's freakin' hot. It's not often that I feel my jeans squeezing over a book cover -- but she's just hot.

I think the new trilogy should also have alot of naked scenes with Winona Ryder in it, because I want to see that. Anyway, I digress...

What's this thread about again?


24-Oct-2010, 12:55 AM

That ship ship has sailed. i no longer get that excited feeling as a science fiction enthusiast for star wars, its a parody of itself now. hell, mass effect is a videogame not a movie and when the trailer for mass effect 2 came out i was more excited for than a star wars trailer since return of the jedis trailer i saw on a vhs before i got my hands on it yknow?

Actually there have been a few articles on sites like i09, boing boing or the like talking about Mass effect being this generations star wars. At the time i was kind of 50/50, but i did grow up in a world were as a kid games were a joke that politicians attested made you stupid and gave you brain cancer, but films were okay. Its odd to show star wars to a kid nowadays and its boring crap that imitates earlier westerns and samurai flicks. without the glasses of nostalgia they found the stories in mass effect about the genophage, the reappears and all the little tidbits so much more enthralling. but it is a videogame so they have an infinite amount of time at there own leisure to discover these things, not 2 hours in one sitting which cant really compare in terms of showing as much of a world as you can y'know?
Though personally the games killed star wars for me, not the prequels bad as they were, theres only so many times lucasarts can shit our the licensing for something else to occur in the mos eisely bar or that generator station on hoth y'know?

but i was that rare heretic who preferred stargate to trek or wars so there we are.

24-Oct-2010, 03:01 AM
I'm only ready for this if Lucas is. I'd see it anyway if Han, Luke, and Chewie were in it. As disappointed as I was in the prequels, at least it would all come to a semi close. The stuff I read said that the Emperor returns, Luke goes to the Dark Side, Chewie dies, and Han becomes an alkie. Lucas' chance to redeem himself and give us the dark version of it all, I love the original trilogy but the prequels were atrocious, except for the last. I want more, more, more.

24-Oct-2010, 03:13 AM
The worst thing about the Star Wars expanded universe- Hard to pinpoint actually. Most of it was garbage. All of those super weapons just kept getting more and more ridiculous, and i certainly hope that they stay away from them.

Now, Grand Admiral Thrawn, I could get behind.

24-Oct-2010, 04:08 AM
call me crazy but i have no desire to see a 70 year old han solo. harrison ford is 68 now, so by the time this thing gets off the ground...well you do the math. mark hamill is 59...ok i think you all get the point.

24-Oct-2010, 05:47 AM
Lucas should have attempted this during the late 80's or early 90's. The last movie was released in '83. That was over 27 years ago when I was in kindergarden. Has anyone seen what Carrie Fisher looks like now? It's bad. Years of drug abuse caught up with her.

24-Oct-2010, 05:59 AM
I would love to see the exploits of the solo family as they are set up in an old folks home...IN SPACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCE!

24-Oct-2010, 08:02 AM
I'd only be interested if someone else helped Lucas write them, and Lucas had nothing to do with directing them...

24-Oct-2010, 10:39 AM
Lucasfilm might be better off with another animated cartoon series. All of the original Star Wars actors are ready for retirement. Doubt they would have much of a presence in any new live action series, outside of a cameo in the pilot episode.

24-Oct-2010, 01:00 PM
I'd only be interested if someone else helped Lucas write them, and Lucas had nothing to do with directing them...

this...THIS...a thousand times THIS!!

i think we have a winner, folks.

24-Oct-2010, 03:51 PM
I must agree.
Also, Mara Jade... she's cool...

24-Oct-2010, 06:25 PM
Give ma Zahn's trilogy with re-casted talent and Thrawn and I may just forgive you, George...but I won't forget!


24-Oct-2010, 07:41 PM
After I saw the atrocious Revenge of the Sith in cinemas I just abandoned Star Wars altogether. And I still have. Probably won't catch any new films in the cinemas and I won't care. Right now I'm holding out for the next Star Trek. Now there's a franchise that never fails me.

24-Oct-2010, 08:11 PM
If other directors come in, I would be interested. Lucas just isn't a good director. He got lucky with the original film. The prequels were okay for what they were(Sith being the best), but we don't need any more of those toy adverts...

Rancid Carcass
24-Oct-2010, 09:05 PM
C'mon, what we all really want is a Holiday Special reboot... :p

24-Oct-2010, 09:09 PM
There's only one viable post-Return of the Jedi metaplot they could dial in on and have the slimmest chance of making work.
The Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the reconstituted Republic. There isn't enough meat on the bone with the whole fragmented Imperial forces/Thrawn subplots etc. to justify a trilogy be based around them. The Yuuzhan Vong are the only threat "big enough" to have even a chance of recapturing the epic feel of the franchise, because without Epic Antagonists, you have no Epic Story.

Yes, yes, I'm aware there's ALL KINDS of complexity in the wake of Palpatine getting tossed down a deep shaft and Vader kicking the bucket. But do you REALLY want a trilogy that would be at least in part consumed by Luke-centric subplots as he struggles to reconstitute a new generation of Jedi, and then only after subplots full of emo B.S where he temporarily falls to the Dark Side but come back, all in the process of becoming a true Jedi Master?

Mark Hamil isn't equipped to be that involved and shoulder the burden of the entire new trilogy resting on his character. You need a plotline where enough time has passed to justify the now old surviving main-character-actors BEING OLD. By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion Han and Leia have adult children. Given that Han was probably in his early thirties when he hooked up with the Rebels, and his late thirties by the time Palpatine was toast, having kids in their mid 20s would neatly explain Harrison Ford being in his mid 60s, yes?

As for how badly Mark Hamil has aged? Same time interval helps justify his age, plus all that struggling to become a Jedi Master and survive all the Force-related weirdness between Vader's death and now when he's rebuilt (sorta) the Jedi Order. Once you've dealt with the obvious aging of those two, dealing with Leia is easy, and you're home free with the rest, because everyone else is in major costume or animatronic.


24-Oct-2010, 09:56 PM
An unbelievable missed opportunity was executed with the prequels. They were a disaster of truly epic proprtions. They should have been the darkest entries into the Star Wars cannon, repleat with tragedy and dispair.

Instead, we ended up with a farce that's been dismissed as laughable by the vast majority of fans and non-fans alike. Honestly, if I had access to the money, effects, production values and everything else Lucas had at his disposal, I would have made three masterpieces and I'm DEAD serious about that.

So...if Lucas has fuck all to do with this, it may be ok. However, I certainly won't be holding my breath.

Unfortunately, 'Star Wars' died about half way through 'Return of the Jedi' for me and it was never re-animated.

---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 PM ----------

C'mon, what we all really want is a Holiday Special reboot... :p

Only if Carrie sings.

25-Oct-2010, 12:05 AM
After I saw the atrocious Revenge of the Sith in cinemas I just abandoned Star Wars altogether. And I still have. Probably won't catch any new films in the cinemas and I won't care. Right now I'm holding out for the next Star Trek. Now there's a franchise that never fails me.
I actually though Sith redeemed itself, but the 2 before were near death to me. Let them finish up strong, then reboot later and give us a much darker version. I wouldn't mind if it was done in animation, but more realistic than that one they put out, more like that Resident Evil one with Leon in it. I want blood, I want pain.
I will say the New Trek was pretty dang sweet. They gotta (re)do it up with Khan, though. I mean really.
Other than the reboot, I only like the original Trek. The rest is just too lame to me. I've tried, it just doesn't work for me.