View Full Version : wow jack black seems pretty high right about here

24-Oct-2010, 03:49 AM

This is from when they were about to go on stage earlier, with dave grohl drumming no less and he seems baked out his gourd. Not his usual jumpy tenac self. i think he actually goes ....dude, what? a few times in the video. :lol:

24-Oct-2010, 03:51 AM
And the problem is....?

24-Oct-2010, 05:09 AM
they both seemed pretty lit up if you ask me. cool to hear some love for red dead thrown out there. and pong? hell yeah. that's going way back...and sadly, i remember playing that on atari against my dad waaaay back in the day.

and anybody else think that if they ever did another super mario brothers movie that jack black would make a great mario? that fucking mustache, man.....:lol: