View Full Version : New website with Zombie based fiction

27-Oct-2010, 02:06 PM
I wanted to share my website. Been trying to support it and promote it since it launched a week ago, and I think this site is a great spot to share the link.


It's a diary written in real time by a survivor. So far we've done well with hits and readership, but I'd obviously like to see it grow. It's funny, a little gory, very realistic, and I would LOVE some feedback and help in promoting it. It's also got a page of Facebook.

Let me know what you guys think!



27-Oct-2010, 05:48 PM
Alrighty, so I started reading this... I know you are using a blog site to post this but it was a pain for me to get to the beginning of the story because I had to scroll down so far - then scroll up after reading an entire entry. Maybe its because I am not a big fan of how blogs are set up... but it was a pain. I made it to the Oct 4th entry and its not bad so far. I will keep reading to see how it progresses.

29-Oct-2010, 07:05 PM
Hey Souls,

On the main page there is a link that takes you directly to a page for each journal entry. That's the easiest way to follow the story. We're working on a better way to organize it as well.

I hope you enjoy the story so far, and thanks a ton for checking the site out!

---------- Post added 29-Oct-2010 at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was 27-Oct-2010 at 07:15 PM ----------

The big Halloween entry. This entry will start the story detailing how Adrian got the campus where he's holed up in clear enough to live in. It's a doozy.

Hope everyone is enjoying the story and the website so far!

11-Nov-2010, 02:59 PM
Hey Chris,

I saw how you added the "Next Entry" to the bottom of the journal entries... very nice addition and its made my reading much easier. I will say this, while there are some editing that should be done, the story is actually very good and I am entertained. I really would like to see more frequent posts, but that is because you have me hooked on the story...lol.

keep it up!

01-Dec-2010, 01:00 AM

Adrian's writing receives no editing. He's not a writer per se, so there's little actual basis to sit there and proofread it. What you read it what he's writing. The side fiction gets a full proofread though, as would any published level work should.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it. We've grown pretty tremendously. Over 150 readers everyday now usually, over a hundred users, and almost 150 fans on facebook. Not bad for our first month.

Thanks for the kind words!

04-Jan-2011, 01:56 PM
Hey Chris,

Just saw this post of yours so sorry or the delay. But, even the side fiction has glaring errors in it, just an FYI. I know you are trying for realism and I appreciate that. However, I do believe that the side fiction would warrant a real editor as there are times when the errors take me out of the story as I have to figure out what the word should be. I still love the story and I am in the middle of "The Chief" now and I am very happy with it so far.

Can't wait to see how everything progresses!

05-Jan-2011, 01:12 PM
Soul if you see copy problems in the side fiction, go ahead and send me a message on the site. I can fix those in a jiffy.

Glad you're enjoying it.

05-Jan-2011, 02:32 PM
Alright I will put on my editors cap. I will hit you up when i get on the site tonight.

17-Jan-2011, 05:42 AM
Awesome soul.

And for those of you who are interested, here's a video we're using to promote the site. Everything in a nutshell.


27-Jan-2011, 01:20 AM
I was looking at your site and it looks really good so, I joined!
Good luck with your site!!

03-Feb-2011, 01:18 PM
thanks Debbie!

12-Feb-2011, 11:57 AM
Hey Chris....just so you know, I LOVE AUD! Please quit your job and write full time. I'll start a collection to suppost ya' !

19-Sep-2013, 04:28 AM
Resurrecting this ancient thread to remind folks here that AUD is still in negotiation for a major book deal, and that if you want to pick up my newer more medieval series (with undead/zombies) The Wrath of the Orphans is available on the Kindle via amazon, and in print via createspace right now.

Hope all the HPotD folks are doing well, and thanks for the support.