View Full Version : Want to ask you guys and gals a question.

29-Oct-2010, 05:17 PM
I apologize in advance if this is self-centered or overly sensitive or what have you, but I've noticed something that's beginning to look (at least to me) like a pattern. So, I thought I'd just go to the heart of the matter and ask my peers.

Do I have a tendency to be overly serious/overly analytical in my replies to various threads, and do you think I tend to cause threads to stall out/lose steam?

Honest answer, and no, this isn't one of those times when someone SAYS they want the truth, but they really want an answer that'll go down easy with a candy-coating. Do I kill threads by treating the hypotheticals and various scenarios people bring up very seriously?

The reason I ask isn't really for me. If it was, it would have no business appearing on/in this forum. I want to know if I'm inadvertently being a buzz-kill in people's threads, but in such a way that people don't choose to call me out on it.

If I am, I'd REALLY, REALLY appreciate someone letting me know. I know I can be overly grim and serious at times, but I deeply value the debates, conversations and idle speculation (and yes, the macabre humor) participating here provides. If I'm screwing with that, I want to know so I can shut my trap more often and just go with the flow.

Again, apologies. I'm asking you good folks to take time out of your day to deal with what, at best, is me being an insecure prat, and at worst confirming I'm a know-it-all, pedantic would-be demagogue. Would be great if you'd humor me this once, but regardless, you have my word there won't be any more of these borderline-emo threads outta me.


29-Oct-2010, 05:21 PM
I thought the same thing about myself ages ago!

The short answer is "no, you're fine" - I won't lie and say I've enjoyed reading every one of your posts (some of them I have majorly disagreed with) but without those posts I don't think the board would be the same - in fact I know it wouldn't - you represent a certain demographic here (whatever it may be) so I for one can confidently say I've never felt negatively about your contribution to the board whatsoever. Which is the same way I feel about everyone here, even if, with some people, I have really conficting outlooks with - ultimatey it's what colours the board a nice shade of putrified green :)

29-Oct-2010, 05:25 PM
Well, I definitely think you have a tendency to analyze things, though I wouldn't necessarily say over analyze. That said, in this case, I think you may be over analyzing the responses or lack thereof to some of your posts, which I think I've seen you do a few times before.

Honestly, all threads peter out eventually, some before they even get going. In a similar vein, I tried to explain to someone not too long ago who was upset his post wasn't getting a response and, honestly, some just don't (most of the threads I start don't get any).

It really isn't a big deal. This is more a place to relax and not stress about stuff and the more you relax about things, the more people will feel at ease responding to you.

29-Oct-2010, 05:29 PM
I think everyone feels this way at one point in time or another. I felt like that here when I first came here 'cause it seemed like I was always the last reply to a thread then no more replies - the thread would just die and I figured it was because of me. I was worried I was a threadkiller or people were thinking, "screw this Lou dude - all he wants is fridays, bacon and redheads, we'll ignore him" :lol: but I think it was just coincidence.

I pretty much agreee with SymphonicX had to say - no one agrees all the time, but I've never read a thread that I thought "wow, Wyldwraith is a nutbag!" :lol:

In other words, you're good man, you're good. :D

29-Oct-2010, 05:31 PM
I was worried I was a threadkiller or people were thinking, "screw this Lou dude - all he wants is fridays, bacon and redheads, we'll ignore him" .

Wait a sec...who DOESN'T think this about Lou?! :D

To be honest Lou, and not to threadjack, but...for the longest time before you started posting regularly I only knew you as an occasional poster who Gary kept trying to coax into posting more often. DJ would always be like: "I told Lou he should have posted this, but..."

So I was like: "Who is this Lou guy and why doesn't he want to post here?"

29-Oct-2010, 05:43 PM

Yes you analyze the shit out of things. And it's a GOOD thing. There are too many asinine comments around here from a few folks that don't like to think about different perspectives/thoughts. You always put a great deal of meat and potatoes into your posts, and I dig it. Honestly, you're the one poster here that I enjoy reading your posts more so than anyone else (not to say I don't dig a few other folks posts greatly too, you're just my favorite) -- because generally most others will just stick with a one sentence post/reply to something that should certainly be thought out more. Critical thinking is a dying skill, unfortunately, so I cherish it when I see it.

Of course I'm down to about 15 brain cells that still remain from my drunk nature, so when they're gone my occasional critical thinking will probably be gone too.


29-Oct-2010, 06:39 PM
Wait a sec...who DOESN'T think this about Lou?! :D

touche' :D

To be honest Lou, and not to threadjack, but...for the longest time before you started posting regularly I only knew you as an occasional poster who Gary kept trying to coax into posting more often. DJ would always be like: "I told Lou he should have posted this, but..."

So I was like: "Who is this Lou guy and why doesn't he want to post here?"

Not to threadjack or to turn this to be about me, but it kinda goes along with the conversation in a weird, skewed kinda way:

Like many "new" posters, I usually don't just jump right into the fire from the frying pan. I like to "feel out" a message board before I get involved, only because I can sometimes be an opinionated asshole (please refer to my sig) and can turn people off if I'm not careful - but I try to make it all in good fun, which I think everyone else does too, minus a few people who take themselves way too seriously (wyld, that's not directed at you by any means!). Sometimes a community is so tight-knit that when new people do jump in a conversation, it halts that conversation in its tracks. It's a weird, tricky line to walk.

Everyone at times can feel sorta out of place and feel like a "threadkiller" - I do it all the time. :o Shit happens, and even the people I don't get along with or don't agree with, they do have valid opinions. I may not agree with them, and I may not post because I don't agree and don't want to stir a bunch of shit, that's all.

In conclusion, wyld, we'd miss it if you weren't posting, so keep it up and don't overanylize this too much. It's all good. :D

darth los
29-Oct-2010, 06:42 PM
I'll let you know as soon as I finish reading your post wyld. :D

For the record though i Like your posts just fine and feel you add alot to discussions.


29-Oct-2010, 06:43 PM
I don't think you have any reason to worry about how you post stuff. I've read a lot of what you've posted, and it's all very well thought out, and considered. Analyzed? Yes. Over-analyzed? I don't think so. As for people's reactions to what you post, don't worry about it. When I start a thread, I'm lucky if it ever goes above five replies, and yours just did within a day, so, yeah... nothing to worry about! Just keep on being you, because that's what makes you great!
That said... why doesn't anyone like my threads?

29-Oct-2010, 06:44 PM
Wyld I have never thought that there was anything wrong with your posts or you. I too have felt like my posts cause folks to want to abandon the thread, but apparently this is not exclusive to you or me.

As far as I am concerned your posts, though I may not always agree with the content, are well written and a welcome addition to the many voices that make HPOTD an awesome place to chill and chat.

Besides, as has already been pointed out we do not necessarily have to agree 100% all of the time to be friends- shit, if we did then this place would become stale and the content of the posts irrelevant.

Peace, brother!

darth los
29-Oct-2010, 06:53 PM
But so what if it's over analyzed? Isn't that what we do here? Pick apart the minutia of various films, scenarios and events?


29-Oct-2010, 06:56 PM
It's all good. I quite like most of your posts. Some are a bit too long for my tastes, but I enjoy what I read of them anyway. :p

And I just want to point out that I don't get the whole "kill thread/no response" thing. I've heard quite a few people around here say the same thing. Threads just die. Just because your post was the last doesn't mean it was your fault. Same thing with making a thread that nobody responds to. It doesn't mean anything really. Hell...I've made countless threads that nobody has responded in. Doesn't hurt my feelings and damn well shouldn't hurt anyone else's.

As I always say....it's a friggin message board. I come here to escape the bullshit of everyday life and have a laugh with some cool amigos. No reason to take things too seriously.

darth los
29-Oct-2010, 07:17 PM
Agreed bass.

I've also started threads no one has answered and imo, it means either there's no interest in the subject or there are no meaningful contributions that anyone wants to add.

What's better no answers or smart ass ones?

Either way I don't take it personally and neither should anyone else.


29-Oct-2010, 07:18 PM
wyld, in the wise words of arnold, CHILL.


most everybody here gets overly-wordy at times. hell, i go on epic rants about shitty video games and how much i despise the entertainment industry in general, others go on at great lengths about other trivial things, it's just what we do around here.

darth los
29-Oct-2010, 07:20 PM
wyld, in the wise words of arnold, CHILL.


most everybody here gets overly-wordy at times. hell, i go on epic rants about shitty video games and how much i despise the entertainment industry in general, others go on at great lengths about other trivial things, it's just what we do around here.

Exactly. If you're passionate about something be passionate about it. Nothing wrong with that. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Aren't free societies great?


29-Oct-2010, 08:18 PM
touche' :D

Not to threadjack or to turn this to be about me, but it kinda goes along with the conversation in a weird, skewed kinda way:

Like many "new" posters, I usually don't just jump right into the fire from the frying pan. I like to "feel out" a message board :D

Stop having foreplay with HPOTD... BM might get jealous.

29-Oct-2010, 09:26 PM
Yeah. . .I am right there with ya Wyld. . .I have "killed" a lot of threads in my time. You write out what you think is a great and well thought out response to a thread and then you check the thread the next day and find that not only has noone responded to you, but the thread is all of a sudden dead as hell. . .and you think. . ."was it me?" . . . It wasn't you. A large number of threads start and Die every day here at HPOTD. Most people tend to follow and respond to only the threads they care about, or the top 10 threads. And once your thread gets out of the most recent 10. . .most people will let it drop, unless they are personally vested in the thread. Also, if you are anything like me. . if you come into the thread late, the chances of a return response are smaller. I do that all the time.

29-Oct-2010, 09:48 PM
I kill threads all the time. I post something like this...


...and then the whole thread screeches to a halt. :lol:

29-Oct-2010, 09:58 PM
Thanks guys & gal(s),
As one of you said, I over-analyzed this and saw something where nothing was. It means a LOT to me that so many of you took the time and replied, and hell, I'm ECSTATIC that even the people who disagree with my positions think the delivery/execution is well-considered and thoughtful. I really couldn't have asked for anything more. Again, thank you all. I feel a LOT better to know I'm not the only one to ever wonder about this, and that it really ISN'T me. In closing, let me say that I think you're all great, and yes, you can have my beer :)

Thanks guys, I was being weird and you were all very cool about getting my head screwed on straight again. I won't forget, and you won't have to make a habit of this, promise. Now, about this last line, I sat staring at a blank prompt for like 3-4 solid minutes deciding if I wanted to add this, but eventually decided I should. You all really made my day. I start off wondering if I'm jackassing peoples' threads up, and end feeling all valued and respected. Some people might toss that off the cuff, but to me this qualifies as a Red-Letter Day.

Thank you all, again :)
I now return you to your regularly scheduled The Walking Dead countdown already in progress ;)

29-Oct-2010, 11:18 PM
Do I have a tendency to be overly serious/overly analytical in my replies to various threads, and do you think I tend to cause threads to stall out/lose steam?

No, that's MY job. :-D

Seriously, as you can see, several of us feel like that from time to time. The forum takes all kinds. I enjoy reading the thoughtful, detailed analysis that people like you bring to the forum, AND the lighter more irreverent fare offered by others. Our strength is our perversity diversity!

04-Nov-2010, 01:50 AM
wyld, I enjoy your posts personally. I too have felt like I have "killed" threads and I get to feeling well....less than brilliant to a lot of college students and scholars here on the boards.
So, I trudge along still posting.
No Wyld your posts are fine. I wish I had your way of writing.
Just keep on keeping on along with the rest of us. :)