View Full Version : A History of Horror with Mark Gatiss

30-Oct-2010, 03:13 AM
Mark Gatiss btw, being the guy frrom The League of Gentlemen

This is an extremely good docu of horror.

You can watch it from episode one on bbi player.


Whats importiant to us is Mark Gatiss has a short interview with the man himself in episode 3 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/vjm4v/).

Never thought that you should act 'weak' as a zombie. Given me a whole new look.

Edit: I'v only watched half way through! this episode is fucking awesome! It has Dawn in it as well.

Double Edit: Thats the last one as well, being a Dawn '78 fan I am highly impressed.

30-Oct-2010, 10:51 AM
it was entertaining enough but a fairly masturbatory work as well, by that i mean, its less about giving information than the host of the show saying why he liked it and thats not my thing in terms of documentary shows.

30-Oct-2010, 02:12 PM
That's why I liked it, you have your info doc with 'The Dead Will Walk' and 'Document of the Dead', this gives you a little more on the side.