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View Full Version : Kinect comes out this holiday season will you buy it?

01-Nov-2010, 10:24 AM
Personally if it can do what is promised i'll get it eventually just for the video chat and interface but honestly i've heard enough bad stuff to put me off a day one purchase, certainly for the price, and its too big to fit on top of my flat screen tv, #firstworldproblem i know but still.

01-Nov-2010, 10:58 AM
I'm not in the slightest bit interested. MS and Sony going all Wii-rip-off years down the line is just stupid if you ask me. The last thing I want to be doing when playing a video game is leaping around my bedroom like a meerkat on speedballs. I've been entirely unimpressed by the whole Kinect thing, and their spelling is atrocious. :sneaky:

01-Nov-2010, 02:59 PM
not liking the direction of the video game industry these days, particularly with microsoft. nothing about this kinnect crap is remotely appealing to me. i don't recall how much space you need to play, but i've not got a huge apartment and don't feel like re-arranging my set-up just to play some goofy crap games designed for little kids. seriously, how the fuck is kinnect gonna work with games like fallout, gta, etc?

kinnect looks (and like MZ said, is spelled) pretty ghey, i get more that enough physical activity hitting the gym 5x per week. no thanks, MS, stick it up your arse.

01-Nov-2010, 03:19 PM
how the fuck is kinnect gonna work with games like fallout, gta, etc?

Simple, it's not. The only thing im after is the interface where i can, supposedly, just move my hand in the air to flick through menus like the pages of a magazine or tell my xbox to turn off or play a video or chat with friends on a screen thats not a laptop. Games wise i am only excited about the campcom survival horror game and child of eden which is essentially to rez what bioshock is to system shock 2.
As for stuff like fallout that won't be in there market and the vidoes i have seen of "shooters" are absolutely god awful. at least the wii has a physichal interface, imagine pointing you arm forward as your gun, clicking your fingers to shoot and tea bagging everytime you want to reload.


01-Nov-2010, 03:27 PM
Nah, not interested at all. If I wanted motion sensing capabilities in my games, I'd play my Wii. I think it's just a matter of someone "jumping on the bandwagon" and have zero interest in it whatsoever.

01-Nov-2010, 04:30 PM
If they announce some non-casual stuff, sure, I'll be interested. I'm really looking forward to what this technology is capable of, but the software lineup just isn't there yet.

I wonder if Epic delayed Gears 3 to add Kinect support...nah, who am I kidding?

01-Nov-2010, 05:49 PM
If they want any real life out of it, they need to make Kinnect porn.

But even that would be shit.