View Full Version : My New Fav Time Travel Film.

04-Nov-2010, 03:56 AM
OK, not a new new film, but one that's been making the rounds on cable.

I've seen alot of them over many years, from Michael Rennie in Cyborg 2087(67) to The Final Countdown (80) where a nuclear aircraft carrier goes back to stop the Japs from attacking Pearl Harbor, and( of course ) Somewhere in Time(80) as well as Time After Time(79).

Joining these as a worthwhile addition is The Time Traveller's Wife (09)

This very linear little film features Rachel McAdams (Clare) and Eric Bana (Henry )as Time-Crossed Lovers who, through an odd anomaly in Henry's genes, suffer from his frequent tendencies to jump back n forth in his own life(yes, like Slaughterhouse Five, but without the Bombing of Dresden )
Clare, who was visited by Henry when she was a child (Yes, the Girl Who Waited ),tries to establish some kind of normal life for the both of them, with certain predictable events buoyed up by the almost desperately sweet performances of the two leads.
Again, this is a very linear time line, so a particular outcome is anticipated even as the when, where and how remains unknown.
Still, by movies end, there were some good emotional moments which brought a few manly eye moisture from this dude.
This isn't a movie about splashy FXs but rather the strain that separation takes on relationships (Sales, Soldiering or Time Travel. )
I think it worked well.

Wayne Z

04-Nov-2010, 12:27 PM
Haven't seen this....but the greatest time travel film is the Back To The Future trilogy. :cool:

04-Nov-2010, 01:41 PM
Haven't seen this....but the greatest time travel film is the original Back To The Future, before they played it out with monotonous sequels. :cool:


I know some of you love BttF II and III, but they were pretty empty throwaway movies to me. I don't think I even bothered to see either of them in the theaters. Maybe I was too old for them at that point or something, dunno. They're okay, but...ultimately mehsky :|

04-Nov-2010, 02:52 PM
Temporal Anomalies in Time Travel Movies review did a 22 part review of The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)


05-Nov-2010, 01:33 AM
Temporal Anomalies in Time Travel Movies review did a 22 part review of The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)


Suspect as many of the propositions are, that was a good series.
I can't wait to peruse the rest of the site.
I especially liked the second part about Henry being drawn back to big events in his own life, though perhaps not as Clare remembers.
I think of Time Traveler's Wife as a fixed time line film ( tho I doubt, in the face of Quantum theory, that linear time truly exists as we think of it. )but I can see the argument for replacement time as valid.
It was like the extended ending for T2 where Sarah Connor actually stops Judgement Day from happening. This was a shift into a parallel universe, as was The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Man, I love this time travel stuff. It's a good kinda crazy.

Wayne Z
Clare Abshire: I wrote down every time that you came to visit me.
Henry DeTamble: Which I gather I did, or will do, fairly often.
Clare Abshire: The last time that I saw you, I was 18. Seems that you go back to the same places a lot.
Henry DeTamble: Yeah, it's like gravity. Big events pull you in.
Clare Abshire: I was a big event.
Henry DeTamble: So it would seem.

05-Nov-2010, 09:18 PM
TTW is an awesome movie. I read the author wrote it in regards to an affair she had, thus the guy always disappearing and stuff, lol.
When I saw it, I had some fucked up stuff going on in my life as well, so I also had a few manly, uhhhh...
Nevermind, I swear it was popcorn salt in my eye!!!