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View Full Version : Call of Duty- Balck Ops - Full Review

05-Nov-2010, 07:57 PM
So today I beat the S.P for Black ops, my review is this, the story line is ok, its based in the cold war, but takes you back as a soviet soldgier to fight against the germans, the Natzis are very involved in the story line. and pretty much it all leads up to this weapon called Nova 6 and the russians teaming up with the SS to release this chemical on Britan and the United States. the graphics are very good, you drive a gun boat in vietnam and your at the siege of Khe Sahn also you escape from a russian prison and a bunch of other stuff...

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

in essence its a good game and the M.P is sick and Natzi Zombies is incorporated into the Menu so its and active part of the game

05-Nov-2010, 07:58 PM
A) How'd you get the game already?

B) You call that a full review?

darth los
05-Nov-2010, 08:00 PM
A) How'd you get the game already?

B) You call that a full review?


I'd hate to see the condensed version.


05-Nov-2010, 08:05 PM
so is this campaign as short (6 hours or so) and full of ridiculous plot-holes as the last game?

seems like the majority of effort goes into the MP mode, which is something i am sick of, too...those fucking non-stop kill streaks just ruined MW2.

darth los
05-Nov-2010, 08:48 PM
One thing's for sure. The graphics have come a long way.


The link won't take you directly to it for some reason. Just scroll down a little.


05-Nov-2010, 09:01 PM
So today I beat the S.P for Black ops, my review is this, the story line is ok, its based in the cold war, but takes you back as a soviet soldgier to fight against the germans, the Natzis are very involved in the story line. and pretty much it all leads up to this weapon called Nova 6 and the russians teaming up with the SS to release this chemical on Britan and the United States. the graphics are very good, you drive a gun boat in vietnam and your at the siege of Khe Sahn also you escape from a russian prison and a bunch of other stuff...

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

in essence its a good game and the M.P is sick and Natzi Zombies is incorporated into the Menu so its and active part of the game

Pizz, he may be a tester. I had access for PS Home years before it was released.

06-Nov-2010, 02:47 AM
Bought it on Craigslist how else...lol 60$ here └A ..... the campaign is about 11 hours of good gameplay and the Ai is glitchy... I was playing Natzi Zombies on the Multiplayer Earlier its sick...

---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------

ill load up some videos of me playing zombies tomorrow

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ----------


Video as promised

Mr. Clean
07-Nov-2010, 03:26 AM
Bought it on Craigslist how else...lol 60$ here └A ..... the campaign is about 11 hours of good gameplay and the Ai is glitchy... I was playing Natzi Zombies on the Multiplayer Earlier its sick...

No problem with you scoring the game earily but I think it's a load of bullshit that this kinda shit happens. How do you not get banned? That kinda shit looks like it'd be easy to steal you $60 dollars and ban your console. I know I would if I was microsoft.

07-Nov-2010, 04:40 PM
No problem with you scoring the game earily but I think it's a load of bullshit that this kinda shit happens. How do you not get banned? That kinda shit looks like it'd be easy to steal you $60 dollars and ban your console. I know I would if I was microsoft.

The consumer shouldn't be and isn't banned for purchasing a game early because it is not their fault; it's the retailer's fault. It's not the same as cheating or anything like that.

If there were any kind of action taken, I would feel the most suiting thing to do would be to reset all of the achievements and online rankings the early-buyer scored, once everyone else got the game.

Mr. Clean
07-Nov-2010, 06:18 PM
The consumer shouldn't be and isn't banned for purchasing a game early because it is not their fault; it's the retailer's fault. It's not the same as cheating or anything like that.

If there were any kind of action taken, I would feel the most suiting thing to do would be to reset all of the achievements and online rankings the early-buyer scored, once everyone else got the game.

It's not the deer's fault for eating the veggies out of my garden because I'm the dirty bastard that put the food there to entice them. It's my fault because I didn't put up a fence. If they jump that fence, then it's still my fault because the fence was too short.

Come on, give me a break. It's the same concept as thief by recieving. Criminals steal things that don't belong to them in order to sell them off and make $$$. Without people to buy the stolen crap, they are stuck holding hot items and risk going to jail. The thief knows that there is a market for cheap stuff and figures how much money he stands to make out weights the risk. Part of this exist because of the shitty justice system the US has in place though.

If your buying stuff before the release date, your creating the market for these early release sales.

I'm not sure what the vendor gets out of earily game sales unless it's the little man trying to rack up some consumers.

He does however have every right to buy the game earily but at his own risk. Halo Reach got alot of people banned by doing so. The first achievement/trophy you get that's before the release date is something to sweat about.

07-Nov-2010, 08:21 PM
Since your analogies are a bit outrageous, I'll make an outrageous one of my own:

Suppose you're starving and somebody has a great meal sitting in front of you. They say "You can eat now and feel great, or you can continue to starve for another 4 hours." What would you do?

He didn't steal the game, he paid for it. And he probably paid extra. He's enjoying it on his own. It's not like he bought it for shelf price, then turned around and sold it off to someone for double the amount (which I've seen a ton of people doing on Craigs List).

I think it would be fair to reset his achievements and progress on release date. But to ban him? That's a bit much.

07-Nov-2010, 09:26 PM
No problem with you scoring the game earily but I think it's a load of bullshit that this kinda shit happens. How do you not get banned? That kinda shit looks like it'd be easy to steal you $60 dollars and ban your console. I know I would if I was microsoft.

I smell some Hateration....

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

and They do reset the achievements on the release day...same thing happened with the last call of duty...

Mr. Clean
08-Nov-2010, 12:53 AM
It's the lack of disipline in the whole system that's annoying.

Halo Reach was leaked and microsoft said they were going to ban Gamertag + Console Serial Number of those people they caught doing so. Easy way to get someone to go buy another console.

and get your sniffer checked. Hateration would mean I envy you. I can wait until the release date. Probably won't play it much after tuesday until this up coming weekend. 12 hour shifts, 2 screaming kids, and a needy wife leaves little time for me to dive into a game in the middle of the week. For the record, the only people I currently envy is all those lucky ass retired individuals who wake up, drink coffee, and think "ahhhh" this is the life.

08-Nov-2010, 01:08 AM
Watch that Movie " Its a Wonderful Life" maybe you'll feel better.

08-Nov-2010, 01:36 PM
the condensed review goes something like

"today I played black ops"

08-Nov-2010, 02:46 PM
Gamefly just shipped this game out. I should have it in hand by Wednesday.

Mr. Clean
08-Nov-2010, 02:49 PM

Sheriff's office spokeswoman Monica Worrell says anyone who has the game before Tuesday shouldn't have it and asked residents to call authorities if they're offered copies of the game before it's released.

So much for It's a Wonderful life? :D

08-Nov-2010, 03:59 PM
i've said it before, but fuck call of duty. people purchasing/playing this game are only encouraging activision to pump out yearly CoD titles, and from what i've seen over the last few years, they're not getting any better.

08-Nov-2010, 04:03 PM
i've said it before, but fuck call of duty. people purchasing/playing this game are only encouraging activision to pump out yearly CoD titles, and from what i've seen over the last few years, they're not getting any better.

Agreed, plague + me = avoiding

08-Nov-2010, 04:40 PM
I dunno, I heard the Zombie bonus game is really strange this time around...


08-Nov-2010, 04:56 PM

So much for It's a Wonderful life? :D

Your Lame dude... Focus on your family instead of bringing Negativity Here.

darth los
08-Nov-2010, 05:11 PM
Gamefly just shipped this game out. I should have it in hand by Wednesday.

That line always gives me a chuckle. :lol:

Same here. GF just shipped it out. :hyper:


08-Nov-2010, 05:17 PM
I dunno, I heard the Zombie bonus game is really strange this time around...


Not just him, but also!!!!

JFK, Fidel Castro, and Robert McNamara. Don't know why the chose the last dude instead of like McCarthy or something.

08-Nov-2010, 05:31 PM
i dunno why the even decided to put zombie mode back in...oh yeah, that's right, so they can make you pay extra to play the old zombie maps on the new CoD game....brilliant!!!!

as for those of you paying more money to play maps you already have, not so much.

long live activision, yearly call of duty games and new and pioneering ways to rape consumers wallets with pointless DLC!

Mr. Clean
08-Nov-2010, 05:34 PM
Yes, the situtation is negative but I'm the one negative because I called the foul?

I'm glad you enjoyed your earily game and nice review. :)

08-Nov-2010, 05:46 PM
Yes, the situtation is negative but I'm the one negative because I called the foul?

I'm glad you enjoyed your earily game and nice review. :)

Yes, because it stirs of up negativity, that we would normally avoid here, I come here to talk about things with and open mind, if I want criticism I'll take my mom. Have a good day.

darth los
08-Nov-2010, 06:33 PM
Now this is thievery!:



08-Nov-2010, 06:49 PM
Now this is thievery!:



that is some b.s.

09-Nov-2010, 02:33 AM
You know you've got a hit game on your hands when people are stealing whole cases of it.

I'm about to go to the midnight release. My first midnight release. Thankfully I talked my girlfriend into coming with me so I can have someone distract me from the ultra-nerds that I may otherwise end up fighting.

09-Nov-2010, 03:45 AM
my 1st midnight release was MW2. tons of douchebags and annoying uber-nerds, non-stop nerdspeak, trash-talking, profanity, and bro-tacular ingorance. black ops will probably be the same thing. i wouldn't even go to the midnight release if i was given a free copy just for showing up.

be sure to thank your girlfriend, you both are about to be exposed the sort of hyped bullshit that draws the worst of gaming out of their mom's basements.

darth los
09-Nov-2010, 03:47 PM
Check it out peeps!:



09-Nov-2010, 04:44 PM
Carlos, that's awesome! Thanks!

As far as the midnight release went - it wasn't as full of nerds as I expected. In fact, I didn't see a single person that you could immediately be like "that's a nerd". It was 85% meatheads, though. Like you said, tons of adult-oriented profanity (even though there were younger kids with their Dads waiting in line), and ample amounts of macho attitude. The Gamestop employees were doing tons of fun/free shit for the line and giving out stuff and half the guys were heckling them the whole time - particularly the group right next to my girlfriend and I. One of the employees was black and a dude from the group next to us had to chant "OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA!" when the black dude was trying to raffle off some free stuff to everyone.

Ugggh. Never doing that again. At least we didn't show up til 11 and were out of there at 12:07.

Anyway, I fucking LOVE it so far. It's so fast/frenetic that you never have a chance to think "this is dull". You guys complained about killstreaks and stuff from MW2: there are way less here, because killstreaks no longer stack - meaning you can't use a killstreak to get to your next killstreak. So most of what's being called in by teammates/enemies are spy planes (recons) and these hilarious/awesome little RC cars rigged with C4 that you can control.

If you hated how arcadey MW2 was, however, you'll especially hate this one as it takes the arcade-ness one step further.

I still have yet to even touch nazi zombies, campaign, or (as Carlos mentioned) that secret game mode.

09-Nov-2010, 04:56 PM
If you hated how arcadey MW2 was, however, you'll especially hate this one as it takes the arcade-ness one step further.

thanks, that pretty much confirms all suspsicions and cements me into the "never gonna fuck with that game" posistion.

i'll just stick with the first MW and WaW hardcore multiplayer, will probably never bother with another new CoD game again.

EDIT: and as for your midnight release experience, i consider the type of characters in your description to be geeks, hence my subjective views as to the amount of nerds/geeks/buffoons present at the MW2 launch. and yeah, i seriously doubt i'll ever attend one of those things again. i'd much rather wait it out a day than have to put up with that bullshit (very similar to my strategy to sit out on the new fallout till all DLCs are free and bugs are fixed in the GOTY edition)...i can't buy into that sort of hype anymore.

09-Nov-2010, 05:23 PM
thanks, that pretty much confirms all suspsicions and cements me into the "never gonna fuck with that game" posistion.

Well, while I say it's more arcade-like than MW2, I actually like it a lot more than MW2 & WaW and would compare the fun to when I first starting playing CoD4. If you ever get the chance to borrow it from a friend, give it a shot; you may like it.

darth los
09-Nov-2010, 06:00 PM
Carlos, that's awesome! Thanks!

As far as the midnight release went - it wasn't as full of nerds as I expected. In fact, I didn't see a single person that you could immediately be like "that's a nerd". It was 85% meatheads, though. Like you said, tons of adult-oriented profanity (even though there were younger kids with their Dads waiting in line), and ample amounts of macho attitude. The Gamestop employees were doing tons of fun/free shit for the line and giving out stuff and half the guys were heckling them the whole time - particularly the group right next to my girlfriend and I. One of the employees was black and a dude from the group next to us had to chant "OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA!" when the black dude was trying to raffle off some free stuff to everyone.

Ugggh. Never doing that again. At least we didn't show up til 11 and were out of there at 12:07.

Anyway, I fucking LOVE it so far. It's so fast/frenetic that you never have a chance to think "this is dull". You guys complained about killstreaks and stuff from MW2: there are way less here, because killstreaks no longer stack - meaning you can't use a killstreak to get to your next killstreak. So most of what's being called in by teammates/enemies are spy planes (recons) and these hilarious/awesome little RC cars rigged with C4 that you can control.

If you hated how arcadey MW2 was, however, you'll especially hate this one as it takes the arcade-ness one step further.

I still have yet to even touch nazi zombies, campaign, or (as Carlos mentioned) that secret game mode.

Sorry you had to go through that. That's one great thing about Gamefly. it come straight to your mailbox so you can avoid all that shit.

The drawback is that for highly anticipated titles such as this one i have to wait a couple of days for it (most likely thursday) :( while others are having fun with it.


09-Nov-2010, 06:12 PM
Watched a couple of reviews online. IGN gave it 8.5/10, and Machinima's dude reviewing it (the same dude with the really annoying voice and inflection and scripting style who does the narration for Machinima's "All Your History" videos) utterly jizzed his pants off and gave it a *sigh* 10/10 ... now, come on for fuck sake. What was worse with Machinima's video review was that it was 10 minutes long, but I barely learned anything about the single player.

Apparently the SP mode is 6.5 hours long, so a smidge longer than MW2 in that case, but still ... goddamn dude, give us a couple more hours worth of campaign, yeah? This focus on MP - in general, not just in the COD franchise - pisses me off.

That said, the reviewers I've read have commended the story - and it certainly looks like a cool story with lots of potential for dramatic moments, which I'll certainly enjoy (when I get the game ... fuck off was I paying £45 for it ... that extra fiver they stuck on because it's so popular is just a piss take, and £40 alone for a 6.5 hour game is ridiculous too ... so it's going on my list for Santa ;)) ... apparently it's quite frantic, perhaps too frantic, but nevertheless I enjoyed MW2 (certain issues aside). I don't actually play that many FPS games nowadays ... haven't bothered with the new MOH, but I'll definitely play the new COD at some point.

Apparently there's more side-stuff for folk like me to do, you can do MP type stuff with Bots, which is a good thing to have, as I otherwise wouldn't get to enjoy a bit of that stuff. There's also that Arcade game 'Dead Ops' which is like a top down shooter, and of course the zombie mode (which is apparently rather good - you can fight beside ex-Presidents too apparently, like Richard Nixon :p).

I think COD's biggest problem are the section of the audience who are just, as mentioned earlier, "meat heads". The sort of inane knobs who don't speak English, but "bro-lish" ... you know the kind. That in turn impacts on the franchise (the sheer focus, from the dev team, and the gaming media, on MP over SP) ... so if that element of the 'COD thing' could be gotten rid of, then that'd be a plus.

Anyway, I'll get to the new COD game soon - as I said, I'll be asking Santa for it. :D

09-Nov-2010, 07:19 PM
Grabbing my copy on the way home from work, so I'll see how it is all too soon.

I'll let you all know if I feel immediately cheated, but I expect it'll be on par or slightly better than the last CoD and that'd be fine by me..

09-Nov-2010, 07:33 PM
While it looks pretty good, I'm just not feeling this one. The rumored next installment might have me back playing the CoD franchise again:


That unit hasn't talked specifically about what it's doing with the franchise. But industry sources say Sledgehammer's Call of Duty will be set in the future and feature, for lack of a better term, space Marines, a very big step for a franchise that has historically based itself on realism.

Future warfare sounds like a breath of fresh air, so many possibilities. Just don't mess it up like BF 2142.

09-Nov-2010, 07:45 PM
I'm playing the secret mode, Dead Ops Arcade, right now and holy shit! Fucking awesome! Treyarch could have easily made this an XBLA title and sold it for $15. Gotta hand it to them for including it for free.

darth los
09-Nov-2010, 07:50 PM
I'm playing the secret mode, Dead Ops Arcade, right now and holy shit! Fucking awesome! Treyarch could have easily made this an XBLA title and sold it for $15. Gotta hand it to them for including it for free.

Which is the way it should be. These companies nickle and dime us to death waaaaaaaay too much. It's good business to include something like that.

Remember the Orange box and all the stuff that came with? That thing is STILL selling like hotcakes.


10-Nov-2010, 10:17 AM
Apparently if you type in "zork" into the same console that you type "DOA" into, you get a text adventure game.

10-Nov-2010, 05:47 PM
I have game in hand.

darth los
10-Nov-2010, 05:55 PM
I have game in hand.

If it was in your hand for more than 5 minutes you're playing with it. :D

And no, I never get tired of that one. :lol:


10-Nov-2010, 08:01 PM
I fired it up last night and though it was more of the same in many respects, I enjoyed it a lot. They need some more variety in their types and layouts of maps, set up some serious tight kill zones as the only way to access the other half of the map and set up people who want to play a sniper or long arms game.

I really do like the multiple zooms on some(?) of the sniper rifle scopes and the ability to buy upgrades with in-game earned cash. I like the customization options and the handling.

I haven't tried anything but MP, yet...then again, MP is what I primarily bought it for.

That said, if you didn't dig, or were recently burned out by the last installment in the franchise stand down and stay clear ;)

Mr. Clean
11-Nov-2010, 12:59 AM
I'm playing the secret mode, Dead Ops Arcade, right now and holy shit! Fucking awesome! Treyarch could have easily made this an XBLA title and sold it for $15. Gotta hand it to them for including it for free.


I haven't made it passed level 6 yet but I haven't really tried too hard. As soon as I passed 5 that gorrilla thing popped out and I started messing with him. Not sure if you can kill him or what. He stomps my ass though.

11-Nov-2010, 01:55 PM

I haven't made it passed level 6 yet but I haven't really tried too hard. As soon as I passed 5 that gorrilla thing popped out and I started messing with him. Not sure if you can kill him or what. He stomps my ass though.

That's weird - any time he shows up in my game, he doesn't even bother with me no matter how much I shoot him.

Anybody else try any of the mulitplayer wager matches yet? Those are damn fun! Not only is it sweet betting "money" but the game modes are a breath of fresh air, as well. There are three different tiers wager matches, and each tier has 4 modes. Each tier is:

Ante Up - buy in is $10
Weekend Gambler - buy in is $1,000
High Roller - buy in is $10,000

The modes are:

One In The Chamber - One bullet in a handgun, a knife, 3 lives, and instant kills. Players receive 1 bullet after each kill.
Sticks & Stones - Crossbow, ballistic knife, and tomahawk.
Gun Game - Start with a handgun, each kill advances you up to the next/better weapon. First player to get a kill with every weapon wins.
Sharpshooter - Weapons cycle every 45 seconds.

12-Nov-2010, 02:24 AM
I love Natzi Zombies, really my favorite game, from Balck Ops, I like playing the map called " Five" so far on live , I have made it to 16 rounds...with hordes of Pentagon Zombies on my ass... I recommend it to you all.

12-Nov-2010, 11:52 PM
Beat the game.

13-Nov-2010, 03:57 AM
Beat the game.

I've had it since launch, played most days this week, but only just got around to starting the campaign tonight ;)

I'm more of an MP fan for these sorts of games, I guess.

13-Nov-2010, 04:10 AM
I go through these types of games very quick. A stage for the zombie game is unlocked after completing the campaign. Pentagon stage. It starts after the ending credits are finished. The characters are Castro, Nixon, JFK, and someone else.

13-Nov-2010, 02:35 PM
The characters are Castro, Nixon, JFK, and someone else.

Robert Mcnamara; Sec of Defense under Kennedy & Johnson.

Had a bit to do with America's involvement in Vietnam. Kind of an important guy.


They made a Documenary a couple years ago about him - Fog of War:



13-Nov-2010, 02:37 PM
Anybody know how to open the plastic shrink wrap in a way that can be replaced? :lol:

I'm holding some Christmas presents for my buddy's family and one of them is this game. :sneaky:

13-Nov-2010, 06:22 PM
the other night when me and some buddies went out on veteran's day for some free beers for me, one of them brought this game over and was like "well, if we get back early tonight, maybe we can fire it up and you can check it out."

i told him that after all the bitching i'd done about how badly activision has fucked this series raw and bloody, and how i swore i'd not buy another new CoD game till they made significant changes making the price-tag legit, i'd be a huge hypocrite for even allowing that game in my console, and the only way i'd allow it to be played is if he singed in and i was signed out. then i told him fuck it, just take the thing back out to your car for all i care....thanks, but not interested.

i'll stick with WaW and MW (the first one), thank you. the ridiculous killstreaks, glitchy maps, and the load of unbalanced perks that have ruined the MP mode can fuck right off.

13-Nov-2010, 06:34 PM
the ridiculous killstreaks, glitchy maps, and the load of unbalanced perks that have ruined the MP mode can fuck right off.

That's why you need to try this out, dude. They fixed that shit. There's no more martyrdom, stopping power, juggernaut, and whatever other unfair perk I'm forgetting. Also, the killstreaks aren't stackable any more. Therefore, say you get a care package with an attack chopper in it - the kills that attack chopper gets aren't going to allow you to get more killstreaks; you must earn each killstreak via your gun/knife. Finally, the maps aren't glitchy; I haven't seen a single person wall/sky-glitching, no care package glitches, etc.

By the way, you're saying you think Activision fucked up the CoD series? The game was developed by Treyarch (they're owned by Activision but have a completely different staff). Treyarch also developed World At War, which you say you love. MW2 was developed by Infinity Ward, which has nothing to do with Treyarch/Activision.

I think you're really missing out on this one, man.

13-Nov-2010, 06:47 PM
well, at this point, it's almost a matter of principle with me, mike.

the inclusion of save-films and the slight customization makes me kinda want to play it, but the keeping of care-packages, the new RC-cars, the jumping-dive move and a lot of other shit shun me away. plus i'm not paying 60 bucks for a six-hour campaign and essentially the same MP game i've already bought 3 times with MW, WaW, & MW2. and i really don't wanna pay extra to play the old zombie maps i already purchased for WaW, and you just know they're gonna throw a couple map-packs on the market for 15 bucks each.

so lets say you buy the hardened edition for 80 bucks, then buy (let's assume they'll release 2) map-packs at 15 bones each, that's about 110 bucks for one game that is really nothing more than an update for a game that's already old and stale.

and then the community of CoD is fucking annoying: boosters, trash-talkers, etc. they're the reason i've got my xboxlive settings set to where i can only communicate with my friends. CoD attracts the most gamers, sure, but most of them are assholes or immature brats, so i'll wait till it's cheap and all the 13-year olds have moved on to the new CoD game.

as for activision, i hate their fucking guts cuz of how badly they've handled the spider-man franchise, tony hawk franchise, and guitar hero games. they find a developer with a good game or property, get the publishing rights, and have to put out as many installments as they can and suck the fucking thing dry, getting the most $$$$$$$$$$$ they can while ruining the series. unless they come up with the "zombie game of our dreams" as me and MZ call it, i highly doubt i'll ever buy another one of their games again, unless it's used. i don't want those fucks getting a single penny of my money, as it only encourages them to pump out more shitty games at an ever faster rate.

13-Nov-2010, 07:45 PM
and then the community of CoD is fucking annoying: boosters, trash-talkers, etc. they're the reason i've got my xboxlive settings set to where i can only communicate with my friends. CoD attracts the most gamers, sure, but most of them are assholes or immature brats, so i'll wait till it's cheap and all the 13-year olds have moved on to the new CoD game.

I sympathize, but to be honest, I haven't had any conversation or heard the voice of anyone playing a CoD multiplayer game for the last year. I just plug my head phones in, turn of my mic, set them aside and crank the headset volume down.

13-Nov-2010, 11:16 PM
and then the community of CoD is fucking annoying: boosters, trash-talkers, etc. they're the reason i've got my xboxlive settings set to where i can only communicate with my friends

Yeah, a buddy of mine has his XBOX set to that. Kind of sucks when he's in a party with me and others, though, because they can't hear him and get confused when I'm replying to shit he says and vice versa.

I just plug my head phones in, turn of my mic, set them aside and crank the headset volume down.

You lost me man... so what's the point of plugging in your headset if you're just turning its volume all the way down, muting it, and not even wearing it?

14-Nov-2010, 12:24 AM
probably so he doesn't have to hear the whiny cunts coming through his tv speakers.

14-Nov-2010, 12:41 AM
Oh shit man, i tried to play Call of duty 4 online last night..jesus fucking hell man, i got killed SEVEN times in my spawn zone, by random people just throwing grenades. I'd respawn and get killed by grenades, i'd turn a corner, and get shot in the face by an underslung nade launcher. Seriously, fuck that game, fuck it so fucking much.

14-Nov-2010, 12:52 AM
probably so he doesn't have to hear the whiny cunts coming through his tv speakers.

Then why not just leave the headset unplugged? I don't get why he'd go through the trouble of plugging it in if he's not going to use it.

Oh shit man, i tried to play Call of duty 4 online last night..jesus fucking hell man, i got killed SEVEN times in my spawn zone, by random people just throwing grenades. I'd respawn and get killed by grenades, i'd turn a corner, and get shot in the face by an underslung nade launcher. Seriously, fuck that game, fuck it so fucking much.

Yeah, I'm so glad that shit is over. The handicap they put on throwing nades is awesome - it's nice/much more realistic that grenades can only be thrown like 30 feet.

14-Nov-2010, 01:32 AM
Then why not just leave the headset unplugged? I don't get why he'd go through the trouble of plugging it in if he's not going to use it.

I'm sure there's a setting to eliminate it, but if I have my headphones unplugged in a multi player situation the speakers on my tv default to blaring out what other players are saying into their mics.

14-Nov-2010, 03:01 AM
that's what i was talking about aces. can't recall the way to do that, but i think it's under privacy or family settings, something like that.

i enjoy playing the CoD games i like and other MP games so much more without having to hear all the ramblings of little kids, morons singing stupid songs just to annoy the entire lobby, racists of all shades arguing back and forth about who's "superior", loads of complaining about how shitty the game being played is, etc..

only takes about 5 minutes and is worth the simple effort, trust me.

14-Nov-2010, 04:30 AM
That is why I do not mess with MP games with strangers too much. I play for fun, but some people take it too seriously. Or use online chat or a mic to talk to shit to someone or a group of people knowing that cannot do anything to them. During the arcade days, you better be able to back your shit if you open your mouth. Cheaters are bad too. I wonder how often I played with people who probably used modded consoles to cheat or get achievements.

14-Nov-2010, 05:03 AM
i personally know of a guy who mods xboxes and have played a lot of CoD and ran across quite a few others out there who do the same thing.

the guy i know says that with his modded xbox and computer set-up, he can view the ips of everyone playing and if that person speaks into the mic, he can figure out which ip address is theirs and use his computer to somehow fuck up their connection and make them lag and have problems. this is coming from him, though, and i don't know him all that well, but he does mod xboxes so they can play NES games, customized games, burned games, and all sorts of other shit; so what he's claiming could be the truth.

as for CoD, though, yeah, it seems to attract the biggest lot of asshats, dickheads, modders, boosters, etc. i do enjoy the older CoD games before they ruined the experience with shitty overpowered killstreaks and unstoppable perks. as the new CoD games come out, the dildos tend to move on to those and leave the older games behind, so that's a plus.

14-Nov-2010, 02:41 PM
Your friend better not get caught. I remember reading an article moths ago about a guy who sold modded 360s to people. MS found out and to make a long story short, he in court with charges pressed on him. MS is also banning people with modded 360s. I played RRD during the summer. On a MP game, there was one player who was on the other side of the map. He teleported to my location and attacked me, unsucessfully. A week later they began to ban players for cheating.

Mr. Clean
15-Nov-2010, 06:05 PM
So far I like it but the graphics are indeed a step down from MW2 and there are not really any sniping spots. Alot of retards shoot from the hip and are surprisingly good/lucky in doing so. I was getting so pissed because no matter what I did, this one guy would still end up killing me. I watched the video on the theater as him and he was just pulling hip shots as he came around corners / using their Spy Plane Intel to kill me. So I wasn't as pissed afterwords but still pretty annoyed. Oh and the spawning is retarded. It'll spawn me right next to an enemy every time.

Speaking of cheating, My buddy was telling me some people use what's called a lag switch? I guess it's sorta like pulling your connection plug out and putting it back really fast. You don't get disconnected but it makes everyone in the room lag until a min or so goes by. It only works if your the room host but people who aren't good at it will lose the host slot and the room will change host. Someone the other night we thought was doing it. We'd have 3 bar connection and then suddenly drop to 1 and the host would still have a 4 bar connection. It kept it up most of the match but I guess he did it too much or something and lost host.

Also, How in the hell are people already at the 3rd prestiege?

15-Nov-2010, 06:12 PM
those at prestige level 3 are likely the lonely loser CoD trolls who boost their profiles by joining lobbies with their friends and manipulating headshots, weapon kills, etc

the CoD community is rife with these pathetic dolts, probably one of the main reasons i stick to the older CoD games while all the "cool kids" ditch them and go for "teh newest b3st game EVAR!!!!1!"....until the next one comes out and they all praise that one as the 2nd coming of mario.

darth los
15-Nov-2010, 06:58 PM


15-Nov-2010, 07:15 PM
that video makes me chuckle for a few different reasons:

1. the guy during the intro looks old as shit and doesn't seem like the gamer type...but we've had the dude-bro-man-boy trend going on for quite a few years now....

2. rolling stones need money that bad that they'd sell out to acitivision?

3. CoDfags are seriously the most pathetic gamers out there. watching 3+ minutes of those morons jumping around and "celebrating" was pretty revealing of how crazy/stupid/gay some of those dweebs are over these games.

Mr. Clean
15-Nov-2010, 07:52 PM
That map is way over played. In one server, people voted for it 10x in a row. I just leave the room now when someone votes for it.

darth los
15-Nov-2010, 08:43 PM
that video makes me chuckle for a few different reasons:

1. the guy during the intro looks old as shit and doesn't seem like the gamer type...but we've had the dude-bro-man-boy trend going on for quite a few years now....

2. rolling stones need money that bad that they'd sell out to acitivision?

3. CoDfags are seriously the most pathetic gamers out there. watching 3+ minutes of those morons jumping around and "celebrating" was pretty revealing of how crazy/stupid/gay some of those dweebs are over these games.

I call those "internet gangsters."

They can be a tough as they want to be because they know nothing is going to happen to them.

These are the same dudes that if they were in prison, they would be undercover fags.


27-Nov-2010, 05:36 PM
goddammit....three of my close friends from back home have just bought this game, 2 others are going to get it soon, and everyone of them is telling me that they think i should get it so we can all jam together....a few even told me they'd throw 10 bucks down on it as a belated veterans' day present for me.

i was so against getting this game, but the prospect of playing online with my buds from back home who i rarely see is really starting to make me have a change of heart...

what a dilemma........................................... what to do?

27-Nov-2010, 05:58 PM
what a dilemma........................................... what to do?

Stop being an anti-fanboy and get it!

It hasn't even been out for a month and they've already released multiple patches fixing multiple issues, which is awesome. Infinity Ward (MW2, CoD4) wouldn't have done that.

28-Nov-2010, 09:55 AM
well, i hate going back on my word and as you recall, my words against this game were pretty strong. oh well, theater mode, enhanced customization, zombie mode, bot matches, and being able to play online with my friends from back home will be worth the self-loathing due to my hypocritical ways, i suppose....

my only reservation now is that i will be away from my xbox for 3 weeks between semesters at school and i've got finals between now and then....now i gotta decide whether to get it now or wait till after the holidays....

---------- Post added 28-Nov-2010 at 04:55 AM ---------- Previous post was 27-Nov-2010 at 01:03 PM ----------

well, picked it up on the way home today, and after an hour or two, i can see that i made a mistake. gonna return it tomorrow afternoon.

the first level of the SP had tons of ignorant NPC's on both sides, and i didn't really care for the story right off the bat, particularly the presentation and the level intro's, seemed way too aimed at the generation-ADHD.... and why is some character speaking all thugged out in his gangsta voice in 1961? swear i heard xzibit or ice t or some other rapper talking all funkdafied during the first 5 minutes of action. fuck off, stop trying to make these games so "hip".

as for the MP, not a fan of most maps, as they all seem to have lots of natural choke-points and bottlenecks where all the opposing team has to do is aim down a tunnel or corridor and your team gets lit up. hit detection was a pain in the ass, saw tons of jack-holes sprinting around with marathon + lightweight with uzis, throwing tomahawks....fucking ghey. and even thought they supposedly got rid of commando, seems like i got knifed from five yards away plenty of times in the 2 hours i wasted on this game.

the MP is a big let down, i still prefer the older games before KRAZY KILLSTR3AKZ!!!!!1!1!!! took over and they made goofy-ass perks like unlimited sprinting and icarus boots. not even gonna bother with zombies, bot wars or theater mode, as the main draw and attraction to this game is pitiful in my humble opinion. not a big fan of the full-auto, spray-n-pray weapons, and that's why i think WaW is my favorite CoD game ever. this game is full of full-auto weapons, which i am not a fan of at all.

guess i shoulda just stuck to my guns and saved a couple hours of time.:o

28-Nov-2010, 01:42 PM
Here's all that really needs to be said about the singleplayer of Black Ops, or any CoD for that matter:


I hope this isn't a horrible indication of where FPS games are headed. It's all scripted, smoke and mirrors bullshit. At least Halo has A.I. and huge, open levels you can play around in.

Makes you wonder what Treyarch have to sacrifice to achieve 60 frames per second.

28-Nov-2010, 06:39 PM
as for the MP, not a fan of most maps, as they all seem to have lots of natural choke-points and bottlenecks where all the opposing team has to do is aim down a tunnel or corridor and your team gets lit up. hit detection was a pain in the ass, saw tons of jack-holes sprinting around with marathon + lightweight with uzis, throwing tomahawks....fucking ghey. and even thought they supposedly got rid of commando, seems like i got knifed from five yards away plenty of times in the 2 hours i wasted on this game.

the MP is a big let down, i still prefer the older games before KRAZY KILLSTR3AKZ!!!!!1!1!!! took over and they made goofy-ass perks like unlimited sprinting and icarus boots. not even gonna bother with zombies, bot wars or theater mode, as the main draw and attraction to this game is pitiful in my humble opinion. not a big fan of the full-auto, spray-n-pray weapons, and that's why i think WaW is my favorite CoD game ever. this game is full of full-auto weapons, which i am not a fan of at all.

As far as maps go, I can only think of ONE of the fourteen maps that has a choke point. The rest of the maps have so many varying ways around them that it's quite easy to not get caught in a bottleneck. If that was happening to you, it's because you didn't know the map well enough to know there were other routes around and one guy saw that you kept coming back so he didn't move from his spot.

I've played online MP for an absurd amount of time and I've only come across people running around with marathon and uzi's probably once. I've only been tomahawked once, and that's out of over 2,000 deaths. I'd say the average load-out people use is assault rifle with crossbow. The odds of you coming across multiple people tomahawking and using uzi's are pretty slim - were they all on one server? If so, it was probably a group of idiot friends doing it. Switch servers, problem solved.

As far as being knifed from a ridiculous distance, this has happened to me multiple times. However, I can say that every time was when my connection was running somewhat slow. It's not the game, it's the connection. Running at a perfect connection you'll find you have trouble knifing from even like 4 feet away.

You've compared World At War to this game multiple times in this thread, saying you like it way better because it was before killstreaks and perks... yet the game had both of those things. A lot of the same perks, in fact. What's BETTER about Black Ops is that they got rid of that stupid fucking martyrdom.

It sucks that you didn't like it - I was hoping we could get a few matches together. Oh well, maybe next time?

28-Nov-2010, 09:08 PM
sorry it didn't work out mike, was actually looking forward to stomping on some zombies with you at some point.

as for the maps, yeah, i guess it could be due to my unfamiliarity with them, but it really seemed like most levels had a couple areas where you couldn't even approach cuz there was always some dude aiming right down the path with a sniper rifle. and i played on a few different servers and noticed loads of marathon/lightweight commando tomahawk types. i could tell they were different due to differing playercards. people that sprint around knifing the entire time and using full-auto uzi's annoy me to no end, and i swear i came across like three or four of these guys in my 2 hours of playing.

concerning the tomahawks, i've seen a few youtube vids showing how glitchy and fucked up they are, and i encountered it firsthand last night. i see a guy on an elevated platform, put a three-round burst right into his chest, he throws a tomahawk at me, misses, hits the ground, tomahawk bounces off the ground and hits my shin, i die. i also caught a few other tomahawks, so i can't say i only saw one or two guys using them.

about the killstreaks, i liked the system before where everyone had the same balanced killstreaks. MW and WaW both had everyone using the same 3, 5, and 7 killsteaks and it seemed a lot fairer that way. i can't stand care packages, napalm, rcxd's (goddamn i hate those things), chopper gunner, carpet bombers, ughhh....no thanks, most of those are way too overpowered and some are real game-changers and can totally fuck up a match, which completely ruins the experience for me.

as far as perks go, i can tolerate juggernaut and martydom if it means no scavenger, unlimited sprinting, or lightweight crap. even though these games are far from realistic, things like unlimited sprinting just strike me as ridiculous.

perhaps i just pitted myself against it long enough that it ruined my perceptions, but from the little bit i did play, the MP is more of the same, only worse, and the SP is probably pure crap too once you peel away all the flashy explosions...glad i never made it far enough to encounter gary oldman's character, that dude drove me nuts during WaW. i'd pay 30 bucks for this game perhaps, but there's nothing in the entire package worthy of the 60 dollar price tag, even when you add up the SP, MP, and zombies.... oh well, got a new copy in exchange for my opened one, then returned it to another store for full value and picked up the new castlevania game, which i have decided to give a try.

03-Dec-2010, 01:14 PM
sorry it didn't work out mike, was actually looking forward to stomping on some zombies with you at some point.

I forgot to mention that you can play BAREBONES multiplayer. They made this specifically for people like you: team deathmatch without any perks, equipment or killstreaks. There's also a mode that has killstreaks but, like WaW, they're the same for everyone and at 3, 5, and 7 kills.

Mr. Clean
04-Dec-2010, 03:06 PM
Here's all that really needs to be said about the singleplayer of Black Ops, or any CoD for that matter:


I hope this isn't a horrible indication of where FPS games are headed. It's all scripted, smoke and mirrors bullshit. At least Halo has A.I. and huge, open levels you can play around in.

Makes you wonder what Treyarch have to sacrifice to achieve 60 frames per second.

I had to watch a second time, I KNEW there was no way he was playing that on veteran. The missle(tunnels) mission was kicking my ass, I had to learn to just spray bullets and move forward while reloading then spray some more. I just hit a point where Nam is kicking my ass. Stupid N. Vietnamese just keep coming and I can't get down the stupid hill without being torn up.

05-Dec-2010, 05:09 PM
Stupid N. Vietnamese just keep coming and I can't get down the stupid hill without being torn up.

Ugggh that mission had me on the verge of tearing the controller in half (Hulk strength).

Stay to the right side, upgrade to better guns in the bunker that's like 15 feet down/to the right from where you start. Then just keep taking cover behind sandbags for a little bit - take out enough enemies to move up to the next set of sandbags. Once you get to the bottom set, just in front of the path/trench, clear out just enough to run ahead like 20 feet (to the right). Once you get to a certain spot, it triggers something that stops them from coming.

...then you have to battle UP the next hill. But don't worry, that's much easier.

Mr. Clean
05-Dec-2010, 05:26 PM
Thanks, I'll try that. I've been able to make it to the trench but always catching a stray bullet straight to the Nogin.

06-Dec-2010, 06:04 PM
I don't think I've given my full review but as I bought the game for the 3D mode I figured I played it enough to warrant an opinion on it.

Single Player: boring, run of the mill FPS garb with nothing special in there. Nothing close to the cinematic intensity of MW1 or even 2 - just standard, walk, shoot, walk shoot.

Multiplayer: Endless streams of people shooting the person in front in the back, then being shot in the back and respawning, only to shoot someone in the back, only to get shot in the back and respawn. Repeat into infinity. Boring.

Zombies: Dull and buggy, boring and massively impossible to get into a good game with it. Lobbies close, connections drop, and then you do get into a game only to be lumped with 3 morons and die on round 7. Has moments of fun but nothing whatsoever to keep me coming back. Boring, boring, boring.

Overall a lifeless and dull game with only one redeeming feature: Stereoscopic 3D - which does look fantastic. So I guess I'll be playing this game in 3D just to get shot in the back over and over and over.

06-Dec-2010, 06:19 PM
seems like i read a lot of reviews similar to yours symph. yet suckers like us keep putting down good money for these rehashed shitty games.

the only reason i bought it was to play online with friends, but after about 90 mins of MP, i realized that unless these friends were all hot topless chicks playing splitscreen with me in my apartment, there was no way i'd be able to play that game for more than 2 matches before getting uber-pissed at all the BS (tomahawks, infinite sprinting, shitty respawns, RC cars, etc).

MW2 ruined the series for me. i'm standing firm from now on in regards to this: I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER CoD GAME AGAIN. MW & WaW are great, but the rest can fuck right off.

seriously, maybe if people stopped buying these rip-off games in record numbers, they'd stop pumping them out like welfare babies...speaking of which, isn't it about time they announce the next CALLLLLLOFFFFFFFFFFFDUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!1 BRAH!" game yet?

darth los
06-Dec-2010, 06:49 PM
seems like i read a lot of reviews similar to yours symph. yet suckers like us keep putting down good money for these rehashed shitty games.

the only reason i bought it was to play online with friends, but after about 90 mins of MP, i realized that unless these friends were all hot topless chicks playing splitscreen with me in my apartment, there was no way i'd be able to play that game for more than 2 matches before getting uber-pissed at all the BS (tomahawks, infinite sprinting, shitty respawns, RC cars, etc).

MW2 ruined the series for me. i'm standing firm from now on in regards to this: I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER CoD GAME AGAIN. MW & WaW are great, but the rest can fuck right off.

seriously, maybe if people stopped buying these rip-off games in record numbers, they'd stop pumping them out like welfare babies...speaking of which, isn't it about time they announce the next CALLLLLLOFFFFFFFFFFFDUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!1 BRAH!" game yet?

Since you're in such a state of mind right now this is really gonna float your boat dude!


I'll tell you what. The day it becomes a paid service that's when I check out fo' reeeelz.


06-Dec-2010, 06:55 PM
wow, that's disgusting. how much money have they already made off that engine? they've not updated much at all over the last 4 games, they're just putting new skins on it....

so now, according to this capitalist greed-face dicksuck, we've first gotta pay for the console, a proper TV to play it on, pay utility bills, pay internet bills, xbox live fees, buy the game, and then pay more to play the frustrating and shitty MP online? no thanks, scrooge. think i'll just stick to SP games or grab a book if it comes to that.

and i'm more upset with myself for allowing my money to go towards encouraging fag-a-vision to make more of these shitty copy&paste games. never again. i love the "old" ones, but that's where i draw the line.

EDIT: and if they decided to start charging to play those, there's no fucking way. i'd play private matches online with friends (if they even allowed that without making you break out the wallet) or just let the games gather dust. i really couldn't see them doing that to the older games, but for all you CoDsuckers who plan on buying them every year, get ready. the article says that activisions CEO has already said that if he could charge form MP access, he'd do it overnight....what a fucking clown.

darth los
06-Dec-2010, 08:05 PM
wow, that's disgusting. how much money have they already made off that engine? they've not updated much at all over the last 4 games, they're just putting new skins on it....

so now, according to this capitalist greed-face dicksuck, we've first gotta pay for the console, a proper TV to play it on, pay utility bills, pay internet bills, xbox live fees, buy the game, and then pay more to play the frustrating and shitty MP online? no thanks, scrooge. think i'll just stick to SP games or grab a book if it comes to that.

and i'm more upset with myself for allowing my money to go towards encouraging fag-a-vision to make more of these shitty copy&paste games. never again. i love the "old" ones, but that's where i draw the line.

EDIT: and if they decided to start charging to play those, there's no fucking way. i'd play private matches online with friends (if they even allowed that without making you break out the wallet) or just let the games gather dust. i really couldn't see them doing that to the older games, but for all you CoDsuckers who plan on buying them every year, get ready. the article says that activisions CEO has already said that if he could charge form MP access, he'd do it overnight....what a fucking clown.

So we have two CEO's in the same company saying different things huh? Who do you think will win out.

My bet is on charging more money but it's awfully tough to backtrack after another officer in your corp. clearly said that it will continue to be free.


10-Dec-2010, 02:36 AM

The latest installment in the Call of Duty franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops had a record-setting launch in November selling 8.4 million copies in the U.S., already cracking the top 10 best-selling games of all time (No. 7), according to the latest sales report by market tracking firm The NPD Group.

That's insanity. People like their Call of Duty!

17-Jan-2011, 06:39 PM
goddamnit, eating my words here...

got a copy (again) for christmas, and with most of my buddies playing it, i decided to just stop fighting and get in on the action.....and i hate to say, but i'm really hooked now.


17-Jan-2011, 09:16 PM
goddamnit, eating my words here...

Got a copy (again) for christmas, and with most of my buddies playing it, i decided to just stop fighting and get in on the action.....and i hate to say, but i'm really hooked now.


boo ya!!!

21-Jan-2011, 05:19 PM
stopped playing this particular beer coaster and have reset it back to its original use - keeping my coffee table from getting tea rings in the wood grain.

25-Jan-2011, 06:41 PM
still enjoying the MP with my friends quite a bit.

could really care less about the campaign, but since i've beat all other CoD games (with the exception of the first one and the 3rd one) on veteran difficulty setting, i've got some sort of OCD thing in my head about beating this one and getting all achievements....and fuck me, playing these games on veteran is beyond frustrating...

and the story is decent, i suppose, but i'm really not feeling all the needless profanities and dumbed-down for 21st century digital boy audience writing.....seems every other word in this game is FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK and every time ice cube's character is on screen, he sounds like he's about to start freestyling or being the hype-man for vietnam gun battles....please.

definitely the last CoD game i'm playing, unless something really worthwhile is added. even if i get a free copy, i'll probably take it and return it/trade it in for store credit.

26-Jan-2011, 01:08 AM
Doesn't deserve it's own thread, but if you like CoD, check out the Crysis 2 demo that just went up on Xbox Live. Similar gameplay, but with great graphics and armor abilities.