View Full Version : back from jackass 3d.

05-Nov-2010, 10:34 PM
know what pissed me off going in? because its only 90 minutes we had to sit through FIFTY FUCKING MINUTES of trailers. they ran gullivers travels with jack black 4 fucking timeds!


Anyhoo. its funny, really funny. but it blows it load early and the the most unfunny stuff is put at the end. could really use a reediting. The opening actually got a gasp from everyone It opens with beavis and butthead giving a talk about 3d technology i shit you not, animated, in 3d the real deal worth the price of admission to see and be reminded there coming back and still funny Some of it is less gross and more funny, certainly now most of them are in there 40's and past the "lets get wasted because we can" phase and there comic timing is much better, certainly sober steve-o.
a lot of the best parts go to ryan dunn, preston lacy and eren mgeehee. I think knoxeville does the "get his by a bull in a bullring" skit about 4 times in this one movie. So there ideas are running slim.

Overall its funny, but not as good as two, theres just not enough new ideas. most of the skits are rehashes of old ones or dirty sanchez skits but less extreme and funny.

still very much worth seeing but after the dvd 3.5 comes out i think this is the last we are gonna see of them frankly because they dont have any new things to do now.

05-Nov-2010, 11:56 PM
The movie was good, but clearly the best part of it was the trailer for Tron.

I saw an interview with Johnny Knoxville a while back where he talked about he most likely wouldn't be returning for another movie after this one because his body was having a hard time taking the punishment as he got older. I'm not exactly sure where that leaves his career at this point.

06-Nov-2010, 12:04 AM
i just don't think they have enough to do. i mean we have 6 or 7 skits about getting chased by an animal in a bullring. 9 or 10 about firing something at someone with a slingshot and 4 or 5 with lierally just shitting. in the past two its maybe the same type of skit repeated at most 3 times and thats rare. this was about 20 minutes of funny ideas repeated 3 times over.
Which is a sahem because i am sure the best bits have been cut out for the straight to dvd jackass 3.5 which will undoubtably make far more money than this cinema run.

06-Nov-2010, 03:35 AM
Time will tell, hell... Saw it yesterday, in the rain (a ten/fifteen minute walk from my house! Save the planet, walk!), and I must say it's... more of the same... yeah, some bits were good, but overall... yeah, could have used more skateboarding... But honestly, you can't expect them to outshine what they've already done... but Kosick gets it a couple times, if memory serves, so that's cool.
I wore my leather jacket!

14-Nov-2010, 07:21 AM
Saw it last night, still hilarious stuff, the portaloo slingshot got the best laugh out of me! Shame to see age creeping in on them all now though, can't believe its a decade since this stuff started showing on TV!

14-Nov-2010, 11:09 AM
Saw it last week, enjoyed the hell out of it. So what if most of the stunts are variations on established themes, there's only so many things you can do, and it doesn't really make the things they do less gnarly.

The entire audience was having a ruddy good time. Just a good old time to have ... Jackass never was, or never will be, anything more than a bacon double cheeseburger - but so what, it does what it does well, and while I don't always wanna eat bacon-double-cheeseburgers, it's really nice to have one now and then.

Plus I'd not really been paying much attention to the 'world of Jackass' for a while now (aside from The Dudesons, which I'd skim through when it was on recently), so it was like a nice victory lap of a movie. I'm looking forward to the DVD/BR release to see all the stuff that got cut out.

14-Nov-2010, 03:39 PM
Jackass never was, or never will be, anything more than a bacon double cheeseburger - but so what, it does what it does well, and while I don't always wanna eat bacon-double-cheeseburgers, it's really nice to have one now and then.

Wait...you don't always want a bacon double cheeseburger? :shifty::duh:

14-Nov-2010, 04:24 PM
Wait...you don't always want a bacon double cheeseburger? :shifty::duh:

I know, I'm a kook ... :D

14-Nov-2010, 05:35 PM
nah, you're cool. Sometimes you just gotta have that steak...
Kooks rollerblade.