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View Full Version : So... the UK premier has just finished..

05-Nov-2010, 11:07 PM
And wow.. im impressed.. seriously i enjoyed it from start to finish! It captured the mood of the comic series really well, the zombies were really well done, i liked rick, even though as a avid reader of the comics i knew what was going to happen i found myself praying he didnt go into the city on the horse at the end.

Im really impressed and cant wait for part 2, now im gonna watch the first part again1 GO SKY PLUS!

Also on a unrelated note, is it just me or did FX not put a single commercial break in there? Amazing.. im hyper!

05-Nov-2010, 11:14 PM
I thought it was great, and as others have already said, the scenes with "bike girl" & the other guys wife were powerful tear jerking stuff! great atmosphere and very convincing "aftermath of an apocalypse". hats off to Andrew Lincoln too, I've always thought he was a decent actor from his role as "egg" in This Life years ago, but he's outshone himself here as Rick! I'm still suprised they got a brit in the role to be honest! :cool:

05-Nov-2010, 11:27 PM
Yeah it is a brilliant bit of casting, he's exactly how i pictured rick would be in real life, seriously i cannot think of a better actor for the role.

Lori however, i always pictures being more attractive..

Seriously though, even dead set didnt have me as excited as this does. i cant wait for part 2.

06-Nov-2010, 12:11 AM
And wow.. im impressed.. seriously i enjoyed it from start to finish! It captured the mood of the comic series really well, the zombies were really well done, i liked rick, even though as a avid reader of the comics i knew what was going to happen i found myself praying he didnt go into the city on the horse at the end.

Im really impressed and cant wait for part 2, now im gonna watch the first part again1 GO SKY PLUS!

Also on a unrelated note, is it just me or did FX not put a single commercial break in there? Amazing.. im hyper!

Yeah, they decided to show the premiere without adds...very wise and appreciated move. :cool:

06-Nov-2010, 12:26 AM
Yeah, they decided to show the premiere without adds...very wise and appreciated move. :cool:

Was there any difference Legion between the UK and US version?

06-Nov-2010, 08:18 PM
Saw it last night ... promptly Randy Marshed after the Rick/Morgan intercut sequence, which was the highlight of the episode for me. Pitched the nature of the show perfectly, and the bicycle zombie was wonderfully performed - there was a real pathos behind those dead eyes.

I'll blog about my thoughts in-full later on, and I'll try and do so for every episode too. :)

---------- Post added at 08:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

Okay, as promised, here at my thoughts in-full on TWD:


06-Nov-2010, 08:48 PM
Without Romero we wouldn't have the zombie we all know and love - he's done more than enough for we horror fans - to expect him, after all these years and all these movies, to still be the same filmmaker he was in the 1960s through 1980s is unfair and entirely unrealistic.

Personally I believe Romero is the same filmmaker he was during that period. It's more the audience that has changed. Romero continues to make movies according to his vision for what the zombie apocalypse should be, and that's absolutely fine. There's nothing wrong with that in the slightest, and he still has quite a few fans that are right there with him.

That's why I always shake my head whenever I read that Romero has lost his touch or is going off in the wrong direction. Romero has always done things his way; that hasn't changed. And isn't that why people fell in love with his work in the first place? I'm not saying that everyone has to like all of his stuff (I dislike a lot of the newer movies, for example), mind you, but I'd submit that Romero isn't really the one that has changed.

06-Nov-2010, 09:43 PM
I don't even know how to respond to what you said below

Personally I believe Romero is the same filmmaker he was during that period. It's more the audience that has changed. Romero continues to make movies according to his vision for what the zombie apocalypse should be, and that's absolutely fine. There's nothing wrong with that in the slightest, and he still has quite a few fans that are right there with him.

That's why I always shake my head whenever I read that Romero has lost his touch or is going off in the wrong direction. Romero has always done things his way; that hasn't changed. And isn't that why people fell in love with his work in the first place? I'm not saying that everyone has to like all of his stuff (I dislike a lot of the newer movies, for example), mind you, but I'd submit that Romero isn't really the one that has changed.

06-Nov-2010, 10:02 PM
Look, all I'm saying is that Romero has always been a bit of a nutjob that has marched to his own beat. That's why, say, Dawn of the Dead was completely unlike anything that had come before it. As a director he hasn't changed over the years. He still makes movies that fit his vision and his vision alone. Just because a lot of fans of the genre don't like where those movies has gone doesn't mean that it's Romero that's changed.

As an audience we've been subjected to so much over the years (especially the past decade) in the zombie genre that the standards have gone up significantly. A lot of people feel that Romero is now below this new standard. I'm saying that this isn't because he's changed, though, it's because he HASN'T changed.

06-Nov-2010, 10:32 PM
Thats pretty much it.
Welcome Mitch btw.

06-Nov-2010, 10:54 PM
I don't even know how to respond to what you said below

Ok, I will say his vision could, well, maybe be the same, and his directing is the same? I would say , I'll give you that but to me still debatable. His writing style is totally different from the original trilogy. His last three are a joke as far being written and character building and suspense. He's fallin apart in those area's.

06-Nov-2010, 11:24 PM
I have this sneaking suspicion (and I hope I'm wrong about this) that the reason the characters were developed so well in the first batch of movies was partly because the budget dictated that the zombies and special effects not be the focus. It seems like Romero has really had a hard on for blowing stuff up and random glory shots of zombie heads exploding since he's had more money to work with.

06-Nov-2010, 11:28 PM
It seems like Romero has really had a hard on for blowing stuff up and random glory shots of zombie heads exploding since he's had more money to work with.

ehhhh....in Night maybe I could see this being the case. But Dawn and Day? One of the early shots in Dawn is a head being blown off by a shotgun and then a car exploding...

06-Nov-2010, 11:56 PM
I meant more the frequency of it and the complexity of the shot (erm, camera shot, not gunshot). It's the action that's getting more focus than the characters.

07-Nov-2010, 12:11 AM
ehhhh....in Night maybe I could see this being the case. But Dawn and Day? One of the early shots in Dawn is a head being blown off by a shotgun and then a car exploding...

Totally agree, it becoming laughable and very embarrassing watching what he thinks is acceptable CGI. I'm also very tired of the same attack scene when the unsuspecting poor bastard gets taken from behind and gets his neck bitten, it's such blatant overkill. Like these characters are oblivious of the dangers around them. That whole cardiac zombie kill in "Survival" was down right masturbation on film.

---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 AM ----------

But the head explosion in "Dawn" fir the scene it and it Worked, so I disagree on that. It just that his kills now are so over the top, as if his characters themselves in the movie are trying to become more creative and inventing the ideas

---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 AM ----------

I meant more the frequency of it and the complexity of the shot (erm, camera shot, not gunshot). It's the action that's getting more focus than the characters.

I quoted the wrong post, I was actually agreeing with you Mitch

07-Nov-2010, 01:52 AM
So, UK gets to watch it on friday nights? Just 24 hours and 12 minutes til the second installment is on. YaY!!!! I can't wait to see what happens after Rick gets out of the tank!?!
I am glad that the UK gets to see it too! I mean all the hype they had all over the world about it, it wouldn't be fair if everyone doesn't get to see it!!

08-Nov-2010, 04:41 PM
FX is too big not to show this in every country they have coverage on, and then sell it to all the countries that don't cover FX...it's a win win situation, US acquisition shows for all networks....!

as for the show, I'm a bit "meh" to be honest. It was OK, but I fail to recieve the blow job that everyone's been promising that it'll provide.

08-Nov-2010, 05:53 PM
FX is too big not to show this in every country they have coverage on, and then sell it to all the countries that don't cover FX...it's a win win situation, US acquisition shows for all networks....!

as for the show, I'm a bit "meh" to be honest. It was OK, but I fail to recieve the blow job that everyone's been promising that it'll provide.

When did anyone promise a Blow Job... believe me if a BJ was promised I would be first in line. :lol:

So, let me ask this for clarity, are you guys getting it two days earlier than the US, or 5 days later?

08-Nov-2010, 05:59 PM
we got it on Fridays the 5th of November, and every friday from then....

08-Nov-2010, 07:31 PM
Deej - five days later.

I've heard a couple of people in real life go "nothing special" about it, and I can't fathom it. It's kick ass - I'm not slobbering it's knob, nor is it the second coming of christ like some people seem to think some other people see it as (it was never going to be, nothing ever is) ... what it is, is a well made serious look at a zombie apocalypse that focusses on character.

Like hellsing said, give it three episodes.

I think the pilot might have divided some because of its length and sedate nature ... it'll be interesting to see the reaction to the second episode which is, apparently, much more action oriented (and of course at the normal episode length).

I wasn't gasping for breath with such over-joy as I watched it, but I can't remember the last time I ever watched something which elicited such a reaction. I was glued to the set throughout though, even in the slower portions where you're settling into the groove. It took a good 30 minutes for me to get into the groove of the show, during which time I was a little bit unsure how to take it, but what cemented my thumbs up reaction to the show was that intercut sequence of Rick and Morgan dealing with their own seperate tasks.

The acting was good too - the dude playing Morgan (also a Brit) did the grieving widower thing really well, it wasn't "DRAMA! I'M ON TELEVISION!" type mourning and sorrow, it was realistic ... there was a moment where he was talking about his wife and he just halts and gasps. Best "very upset" acting I've seen on TV since William Fichtner in season four of Prison Break.

08-Nov-2010, 07:31 PM
Hey, I'm new about here....

A friend through work set me onto The Walking Dead comics and I couldn't quite beleive they decided to turn this into a series. Absolutley delighted with the end result, no ads on the first show was great.

Even the misses loved it, having just finished watcing Dexter S4 I wasn't sure if she would take to it but it was so well done.

08-Nov-2010, 07:39 PM
Welcome Integra!

It's always cool to see more people enjoying anything zombie, especially when it's quality work like TWD. Hope you settle in and share your thoughts about the future episodes with us.

08-Nov-2010, 09:11 PM
Welcome to the boards integra!!!
Amazing isn't how people that don't care for the zombies like this show?
I liked the commercials they had on about it...they had me sold on watching it from day one.
Don't forget to sign up on AMC to win a 'stagger on role'. I have last week and this week. lol

09-Nov-2010, 03:15 PM
I hope they stay faithful to the story line but does anyone know if they will include all the madness (and darkness) that happens within the prison? I'm guessing someof the scenes may be too strong for TV but I hope not.

09-Nov-2010, 05:07 PM
I hope they stay faithful to the story line but does anyone know if they will include all the madness (and darkness) that happens within the prison? I'm guessing someof the scenes may be too strong for TV but I hope not.

welcome to the boards. allow me to direct you to this thread, which is a good place to discuss stuff that some might not yet be aware of:
