View Full Version : Peter Parker comes clean in new comic...

15-Jun-2006, 03:33 PM
Thats right, Spiderman is revealing himself...


...ouch. Some people don't know how to leave a mystery a mystery (even though we all know, but the comic public doesn't. :D )

16-Jun-2006, 11:53 AM
who cares as long as i still gets me my goon and hellboy comics im good, i think spideys been going down hill since he became iron pimps beyyatch!

18-Jun-2006, 10:34 PM
He revealed himself as part of the Marvel Civil War storyline where the government passes a law that makes costumed heroes register or be hunted down as criminals. Spider-Man gave up his identity to help "inspire" other heroes to come out and register so that they are not hunted down.

Captain America is refusing to do so and he is starting an underground group with Nick Fury (who has been missing since last years conclusion of House of M) to fight the mutant registration act.

19-Jun-2006, 02:32 PM
Spider-Man revealing his true identity to the world is a very, very big thing. Peter Parker knows personally the sort of tragedy that can befall a hero whose enemies know their identity. He's lost the love of his life early in the series because of it: Gwen Stacy.

He also knows that remaining anonymous throughout the years made his job of crime-fighting much easier since he didn't have to worry about those close to him being targeted. Now, that's going to change and it looks like he will be one of the top Marvel characters to suffer alot during this Civil War story-arc.

19-Jun-2006, 06:24 PM
...ouch. Some people don't know how to leave a mystery a mystery (even though we all know, but the comic public doesn't. :D )

i dunno given the context of Civil War, it's a ****ing brilliant move.

19-Jun-2006, 07:38 PM
Well yeah, given the status of things within the series, I guess it does fit. But under any other circumstances, it'd seem akward.

19-Jun-2006, 09:00 PM
Marvel could always write a different Spiderman comic series where the secret identity is intact.

Anyone recall when DC killed Superman a few years ago? Great tactic if you want to increase circulation for a few months. Get joesixpack to buy some comic books thinking they will be valuable, then print a huge run to fulfill the demand.

19-Jun-2006, 09:52 PM
I went to the local book store that has comics, and they did not have the cival war series. But I thought it was more of a "what if" type series, that wouldnt be included in the regular comics? No, Yes?

19-Jun-2006, 11:07 PM
And a Variant Hologram cover that crosses over into 50 different books for a whole year!
Something New and Different.

Its more of the lets forget that next year and start over junk.

19-Jun-2006, 11:48 PM
Marvel could always write a different Spiderman comic series where the secret identity is intact.

No! Marvel has flushed the idea of continuity down the toilet enough as it is :(

20-Jun-2006, 03:31 AM
I went to the local book store that has comics, and they did not have the cival war series. But I thought it was more of a "what if" type series, that wouldnt be included in the regular comics? No, Yes?

No, it's not a "what if" type series, it is taking place in almost every Marvel comic in the main Marvel Universe (not the Ultimate universe). It ties in with the "House of M" events from last year. If you are interested in the story, start with the "House of M" TPB's but also buy the Civil War series while it is still easy to find, only 2 issues are out so far for the Civil War series, but it is tied into quite a few comics.

20-Jun-2006, 02:51 PM
Marvel could always write a different Spiderman comic series where the secret identity is intact.

Anyone recall when DC killed Superman a few years ago? Great tactic if you want to increase circulation for a few months. Get joesixpack to buy some comic books thinking they will be valuable, then print a huge run to fulfill the demand.

if i'm following all of this correctly (on wikipedia, i'll buy Civil war in TPB format). the indetity reveal was doen in Ultimate spiderman, not in the classic spiderman comics. so non of the classic or core titles are effected.

20-Jun-2006, 04:56 PM
i thought the civil war issues for spidey were the amazing series along with the new costume?

20-Jun-2006, 05:03 PM
i thought Civil War was only taking place in the ultimates line?

i could be on crack.

20-Jun-2006, 06:11 PM
if i'm following all of this correctly (on wikipedia, i'll buy Civil war in TPB format). the indetity reveal was doen in Ultimate spiderman, not in the classic spiderman comics. so non of the classic or core titles are effected.

No, Ultimate continuity is not affected. Whoever said that is blowing smoke. The Civil War story-arc is a continuation of the House of M story from last summer. From all the interviews done by Mark Millar and the other people involved in the project, this story-arc will impact the primary Marvel Universe (Marvel-616) for years to come.

20-Jun-2006, 06:32 PM
ok, i'm off it then. i was under the impression this had infact started the ultimates line.

sorry kids.

21-Jun-2006, 11:14 PM
ok, short rundown of how the civil war story cam to be.

a short while after the kree/skrul war (alien vs alien conflict that involved earth) iron man gathers a small group of heroes (reed richards, namor the sub mariner, blackbolt of the inhumans, the black panther and dr. strange) and puts out the idea that with all their combined resources that if they had grouped together and worked as a group that things like the kree/skrull war could have been avoided or at lest dealt with better. at some point iron man discusses that a possible law involving superhumans could be drafted and that fighting between those for and against the law would start, the group disbands after disagreements with each other.

a little while later, the "dissassembled" and "house of m" storyline take place, the publice begins to have less and less trust where superhumans are concerned, mutants have lost almost 90 percent of their population and drastic measures are taking place where they are concerned. the group of teen heroes called the new warriors have become glory seeking hounds who star on a reality television show that showcases their superhero exploits (the big problem now with the new warriors is that they once stood for great things and wanted to help people, now they have become tv stars and care about fame) during a filming of one of thier episodes the new warriors attempt to take down villians they know they are no match for but attempt to take them out any way because it would be good for ratings, one of the supervillians named nitro ( has the ability to explode, causing extreme amounts of damage) blows the entire area and kills over six hundred people, over 30 of the vicitims are children who were playing in a play ground near where nitro exploded. this lack of caution and care for lives cause the government to pass the "superhuman registration act" (this was attempted a few years ago but was turned down because of the amount of superhumans that opposed it) just like iron man had stated could happen, and the lines are drawn as to what heroes agree with the SRA.

captain america, an agent of shield is asked by the commander of shield to begin taking down and arresting those superhumans that do not go along with the new act. cap america rebels against shield and becomes fugative gathering allies that will help him fight against the new law and also against the heroes who are being sent out after them, cap america begins resuing and freeing superheroes that the goverment has apprehended.

tony stark/ iron man has talk with peter parker ( who has a great deal of admriration for tony stark and sees him as a father figure) and expresses the fact that those heroes that do not register will be arrested, their financial acounts frozen and even thier families arrested for aiding them. peter does believe in the superhuman registration act and also believes he should stand by his mentor and friend tony stark, tony asks that if peter is with him he has to be with him all the way, even though the regustration act does not force the heroes to reveal themselves publicly, just to the authorities, that he should reveal himself to the public, to show their support for the new law and that it is the right thing to do, tony stark reveals in public once again that he is still iron man ( his identity had been revealed a while back but due to circumstances he felt the need to once more convince the public that he was no longer in the iron man armor) spiderman follows suit and reveals himself on national television as peter parker. some people are not suprised, some are going to feel idiotic (doc octopus once unmasked spiderman in issue 12 many years ago but refused to believe that spiderman could be simple kid in highschool, and he once dated may parker, doc ock is going to feel stupid) and j.j jameson just feighnted in his chair. its also revealed that nick fury has been in contact with captain america, and has been providing him with help.

so far some things have taken place that make the future look grim, iron man has asked thge thunderbolts to begin capturig supervillians to bring them on the side of the regstration act and help fight against the heroes that opposes the new law, hints at possible brainwashing could be the motivation for the captured villians to help the heroes, reed richards has plan "42", wich is classified, some believe it could be a concentration camp of some type for impriosoned superhumans, with the return of the sentinels it looks like this could be a possible lead in to days of future past.one of the worst possible outcomes is that the writers at marvel has stated that the current hulk storyline "planet hulk" ( after a gamma bomb explodes in the hulks face and he survives, reed richards and the rest of the illuminati, the group gathered by iron man decide that the hulk has become to powerfull and traps him in a ship and jets him ouit into space heading towards a distant planet wher he can survive but cannot hurt anybody, something oes wrong and hulk winds up on the wrong planet full of gladiators and aliens, hulk is taken captive and becomes a gladiator) is going to be part of the civil war storyline, hulk stated that whenb he returns to earth everbody was going to pay, hulk is going to kick major ass when he gets back to earth and somehow the civil war storyline is going to be a part of this.

thats all for now, more tie in issues will be coming out and the story is looking good, it seems at some point that cap and iron man will fight, spiderman will switch sidea about how he feels concerning the new law, and the rumors going around, and being feuled by marvel themselves is that spiderman could be dealing with something very tragic because of his decision, as either a widower, or perhapos a greiving nephew, or something as drastic as those scenarios.

SUPERHUMAN REGISTRATION ACT: superhumans will have to register with the goverment (all superhumans, not just those trying to be heroes), those wanting to be heros will begin training and recieve payment, kind of like police officers.

22-Jun-2006, 02:21 PM
that just cant end well, though its a good way to add spiedy fighting the sentinels, maybe a return of master mould?

got its been a while since i read xmen, i think the last issue i bought was when i was 6 in 94 when scott married jean, heh ive still got it its got the fleer ultra cards inside still.

anyway i think this is gonna go wrong but hey is marvel so wolverine will save the day somehow.:D