View Full Version : Anyone else find the lack of birds a little freaky?

15-Jun-2006, 04:01 PM
When I was a child there were flocks of birds. In the evening hundreds (thousands?) of birds would flock around the sky...

Now, you see the odd bird flying around (if you're lucky)...

Where are they? Something has changed over the past 20 years!!

15-Jun-2006, 04:07 PM
I've noticed that too... It is a bit weird and creepy

15-Jun-2006, 04:31 PM
It is due to land development. Birds need trees to live in, so when big lots are being cleared in lieu of strip malls, they have to go somewhere else.

15-Jun-2006, 04:49 PM
Theres plenty round me,their probably just avoiding built up areas.we have flocks of pigeons,starlings,geese,swallows,sparrows,seagulls & all sorts of other types!either that or the french have eaten them all.......

15-Jun-2006, 07:15 PM
We have all kinds of birds. Then again there are 6 thirty foot pine trees, and several ash trees around the yard. Plenty of cover for animals.

If you want to see more birds put out a feeder and a clean water source. Just make sure the tree rats (squirrel) don't get in and eat all the bird seed. Those buggers go wild for sunflower seeds. The rest of the bird seed ends up on the lawn.

15-Jun-2006, 07:50 PM
in florida we have these sand hill crane birds that are 4 feet tall

sweet mofos they are

15-Jun-2006, 09:06 PM
There are no shortages of birds around here
quite the opposite in fact

15-Jun-2006, 09:22 PM
we have birds out the ying yang around here. matter of fact the city of cincinnati has had to invest in falcons to help control the bastarding pigeons from crapping all over downtown.

15-Jun-2006, 09:56 PM
Yeh but you're a Lahndahnah though ain'tcha. Around these 'ere parts where I doth live, there are buttloads of birds. They start up with the chirping around 4-bloody-AM, some even have a jingle they sing, it's like a few notes in succession which actually sound like music - ACTUAL birdsong, lol.

Yeah there's loads, we don't really have flocks, although you do see clumps fairly often. Depends on where you live really.

16-Jun-2006, 04:08 AM
Birds plenty here in the country. A hawk attacked me in the woods last week. LOL! I must have been close to a nest but damn I got a real close look and they are beautiful! But in my general home area though I noticed fewer birds than normal. I remember starlings would sit at my window and wake me day in and day out and now come to think of it I do not see the birds much

16-Jun-2006, 04:23 AM
We got birds here too, and I don't really notice any difference in the ammount from say 20 years back.

16-Jun-2006, 04:27 AM
All the birds are here. They sh*t on my car daily. I have noticed a lack
of honey bees. I use to see them all the time growing up. I rarely see them now.

16-Jun-2006, 04:59 AM
I have noticed a lack of honey bees. I use to see them all the time growing up. I rarely see them now.

the lack of bees is most likely due to the mite infestation of a few years ago. the north american honey bee was damn near eradicated by a pest. there was a rather big stink about this in enviro circles because without bees you can kiss lots of kinds of agriculture goodbye - in particular fruit trees and berry trees/bushes. the answer was to import zillions of russian and european honey bees (which are more resistant to this particular pest) to buck up agriculture. the north amer bees probably haven't fully recovered in your area yet.

16-Jun-2006, 11:46 AM
Theres plenty round me,their probably just avoiding built up areas.we have flocks of pigeons,starlings,geese,swallows,sparrows,seagulls & all sorts of other types!either that or the french have eaten them all.......

spoken like a true englishman, blame anything on the french.:p

its true though i live in almost the centre of england so the was all kinds of ****, like the story i told a while back of my nemesis the grey heron, and we used to have tons of seagulls and stuff and robins and all that **** but you hardly see any of em, in fact i think ive only seen 2 bees this year.

its a conspiracy man, there are no birds left, the kernerls herbs and spice recipe finally did em all in!

16-Jun-2006, 12:27 PM
When I was a child there were flocks of birds. In the evening hundreds (thousands?) of birds would flock around the sky...

Now, you see the odd bird flying around (if you're lucky)...

Where are they? Something has changed over the past 20 years!!

They're at the casting call for the new The Birds remake. :D

16-Jun-2006, 07:31 PM
Yeah I've not noticed many bees or wasps for that matter. We've had the first invasion of house spiders, but the cooler weather/rain has stopped that for now, but there's certainly no bees and wasps flying around, and definately no hornets. Ain't seen many or any butterflies or dragonflies. But if I went into the woods I'd find them all, and mosquitos...bastards.