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View Full Version : You Supply the Plot...

13-Nov-2010, 05:25 AM
To be honest, I'm trying really hard to get back into writing the way I used to. It isn't that I don't enjoy it anymore, or that my time is dedicated to an overwhelming plethera of things... I'm just stuck in a rut. I need something to kick me in the ass and get me moving.

So, here's the deal: I'll give you guys a week (Thats up until Nov. 20th) to post your most outlandish zombie plots here. Anything goes. At the end of the week, I'll post a poll regarding the plots and write whatever you guys decide upon.

The crazier, the better. I need a challenge. (Just don't be a dick. If you don't want to contribute, stay away)


13-Nov-2010, 02:06 PM
A cheating bastard is caught right before it all happens. He still has to save his family even though he hates them, not his kid of course...

13-Nov-2010, 02:30 PM
Did you say the crazier the better?

In the 1700s, a trade ship is bound from Spain to Japan. Along the way, it docks at a small town in Africa to allow the crew some shore leave. While there, a member of the crew is bitten by a man known to the natives as a Shadow Man. The ship continues on, but it turns out that this Shadow Man was actually a zombie. One by one, the crew is attacked and turned into zombies themselves. With only a few men alive, the ship docks in Japan and the zombie plague begins to spread among the populace of the local town.

Unbeknown to the trade ship crew, a group of pirates has been following them since they made landfall in Africa. The pirates track them to where they dock in Japan, but when their ship comes into view of the town the locals fire upon them, thinking that they also are carrying the plague that is devastating them. The pirate ship sinks, and most of the crew barely makes it to the beach alive.

Meanwhile, the Emperor becomes suspicious that something is amiss in the town since all communications in and out have ceased. He sends his most trusted warrior to investigate, knowing that if the trade traffic has been somehow stopped it would severely hurt the Empire's economy. This warrior has been trained since birth, and he/she is the master of multiple disciplines of hand to hand combat, weapons, and stealth techniques.

That's right, Zombies vs. Ninjas vs. Pirates.

13-Nov-2010, 04:10 PM
That's right, Zombies vs. Ninjas vs. Pirates.

:lol: I started such an epic tale, once upon a time. Although mine was less historically accurate and more of a dark comedy... Wonder what I ever did with it? Guess I'll spend my free-time this week perusing my old flashdrives :shifty:

13-Nov-2010, 04:15 PM
If you do decide to write something like that, whether using my idea or your own, you have to use the lines, "I shall not allow you to bring dishonor to me with the undeath of the Ancestors!" and "When I be done with ye, I'll be buryin' yer zombie skull with me buried treasure!"

13-Nov-2010, 04:27 PM
hahahaha... I'll be sure to work both those in ;)