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View Full Version : Rumor: Gears of War 3 retooled for Kinect?

15-Nov-2010, 11:30 PM

According to our tip, Microsoft is using the Spike TV Video Games Awards (VGAs) to introduce some big action games, including new titles for the Kinect. The headliner is Gears of War for Kinect, coming straight from Epic Games. Now, we cannot clarify whether or not this is an all-new Gears of War for Kinect or if it's an existing Gears of War game, retro-fitted for the camera controller. But it definitely clicks with recent rumblings that Microsoft wants to get in front of the conventional wisdom that the Kinect is only a toy for casual gamers and family.

If true, it's probably one of those "hybrid" games MS was talking about; still played mostly with a controller, but with bits of Kinect-only features throughout. They are in desperate need to give hardcore gamers a reason to own this thing, here's hoping they deliver.

16-Nov-2010, 06:16 AM
meh. wave around and invisible chainsaw? no thanks.

When youve got bioshock infinite plasmid integration with kinect then we'll talk. :)

30-Nov-2010, 04:39 PM


It's been confirmed that Gears 3 isn't going to use Kinect, but I wonder what he means by "it's not what you'd expect."