View Full Version : Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Mr. Clean
19-Nov-2010, 02:06 AM
a Beef'd up Assassin's Creed II + a Interesting Multiplayer Concept = Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

I really like it. I haven't really messed with the Multiplayer much yet thou. The Storyline picks up directly from the ending of the ACII and gives you more information on the Pope Assassination. You start out with alot of Abilities and gear but ending up losing alot of them which I figured as much. The maps are huge so you can ride Horses inside the cities now. Not to mention do alot of things on the horses. I was being chased by a guard on a horse and ended up blasting him off his horse with my wrist cannon.

Fighting is alot better than the previous games. Your rewarded with your agression but AI is alot more agressive too. Say your preform a counter attack and impale some dude with your sword, you can continue to keep executing people with single strike attacks as long as they aren't carrying better weapons than you.

You can upgrade the city as long as they aren't oppressed by the Boria. If they are you have to go into the restricted area, kill the captain of the area, and burn down their tower. Then you pay to open up Blacksmith Shops, ect. With you get money in return for every 20 mins.

I haven't got to the part where you recruit other assassins but I can't wait. :elol:

I did play the multiplayer just a tad bit and they appear to have done a really good job. For any of you that's played The Ship --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ship_(video_game) they have alot in common just Brotherhood is in a 3rd person concept.

---------- Post added 18-Nov-2010 at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was 17-Nov-2010 at 07:28 PM ----------

Just started recruiting Assassins. Pretty Sweet to sit on a bench listening to a enemy's conversation then giving the hand signal for a recruit to sprint into the scene and perform the kill.

19-Nov-2010, 10:14 AM
Speaking of money, do you still have to go running back to Monterigioni (sp?) all the damn time to get the money out of your ludicrously small chest to put into your ludicrously huge pockets? That always bugged me in AC2.

What's the difficulty like in missions and combat compared to AC2? Some missions in AC2 were really fucking annoying, while most of them were just fine, and sometimes combat could be a right old faff with all the different moves, particularly when you had to deal with more than one brute.

19-Nov-2010, 11:40 AM
I've never played any of the AC games, but they do look interesting! Im put off this one purely by the fact they've used "tineh tempah" music on the advert for it though :rockbrow:

19-Nov-2010, 11:52 AM
I've never played any of the AC games, but they do look interesting! Im put off this one purely by the fact they've used "tineh tempah" music on the advert for it though :rockbrow:

Well don't let that spoil it for you - I had no idea that's who it was, but I do agree the music used for that trailer is utterly dreadful. The AC2 advert featuring "Genesis" by Justice was far, far, far superior (and rather cool).


I never played the first game, although I was interested, but it was generally perceived as a disappointment with plenty of annoying shit in it - so I wasn't having any of that. AC2 then came along and improved on pretty much everything that people didn't like or were disappointed by in the first game. I've played the second game, and while for 10% of the time I played it I was frustrated or outright pissed off, the vast majority of my time with AC2 was fantastic. It's a great setting and all the parkour gameplay is tip-top. I really got into it.

I'll get AC:Brotherhood at some point in the future, but when it's on sale (like I did with AC2). So in short Tricky, if you wanna check it out, I'd recommend having a look at AC2 as it'll be piss-cheap by now, and don't let that dreadful advert for AC:B spoil it for you. ;)

darth los
19-Nov-2010, 03:26 PM
@ Tricky.

If you play the first one don't let it discourage you from playing the sequels as it is no where near the level of the second or third. Just go through it for experiencing the stories sake.

The second was a huge upgrade but after the game was beaten there wasn't much left to do in terms of replayability. As Mz said you could keep going back to your chest for money but for what? There's really nothing to buy with it.

I just bought it this morning but hopefully the multiplayer element will give it the replayability the first 2 were sorely lacking.


08-Jan-2011, 05:20 AM
Gamefly mailed a copy. I should receive it with the next 12 hours.

Mr. Clean
09-Jan-2011, 11:51 PM
Keep all your sellable items such as tomatoes and such. I was stupid and sold a shit ton of things before I knew what they were for so I had to bust my ass to get alot of them back the hard way. Just a tip :)

10-Jan-2011, 06:29 AM
Thanks, I did not know about the tomatoes. I am also learning new words such as cazzo. Who says video games are not educational.

18-Jan-2011, 08:01 AM
Just beat the game. Next up, Dead Space 2.

18-Jan-2011, 09:42 AM
Just beat the game. Next up, Dead Space 2.

I haven't played it yet, but what's it like compared to Assassin's Creed 2 (which I have played)? Harder, easier? Are there still randomly annoying missions every now and then, etc?

18-Jan-2011, 05:44 PM
It is about the same. In fact, the game picks up right after AC 2. The guards put up a better fight and there seemed to be more of them. You also get to own and remodel property for profit. I cannot remember if it was in AC 2. In this game, you get to recruit and train about a dozen assassins to carry out missions and kill guards. There will be an AC 4, because it leaves you hanging at the end.

Mr. Clean
18-Jan-2011, 11:15 PM
Yeah, I didn't quite understand the ending...I did like how the ending ties into the continuous gameplay after the credits though.