View Full Version : f***ing Chavs!!

16-Jun-2006, 10:54 AM
Ok, Both of my neighbours are chavs, their kids are hardcore chavs and the won't stop playing s**t music at all hours!!!

Is it too much to demand that all chavs be put on an island, Give them alcohol and baseball bats and just let them kill each other in a Battle Royale style game?

If any of you agree with me, rise up and let your voice be heard!!!

16-Jun-2006, 11:04 AM
I have never seen a real life chav. As those of you have described. In the USA we have our own kind of chav ... We don't have a name for them... YET! However, I am sure one will come to mind soon enough.

However, since your piece and quiet is being disrupted by a bunch of F*CK HEADS... I will rise up and help vote them into oblivion.

So now that I have rised to the occassion, where is my parting gift? :D

16-Jun-2006, 11:08 AM
If you really want to see the damage these f***ers are doing to the world, go to this site: www.chavscum.com

It will show you how to spot chavs.... then again, they aren't difficult to miss...

16-Jun-2006, 11:30 AM
I feel your pain Cykotic, we must destroy the chavs before it's too late! Only the other day I was cut up in my car by inconsiderate Burberry cap wearing tossers in a crappy old pile of junk (complete with Max Power stickers and blaring out ****e dance music)!:mad:

16-Jun-2006, 11:45 AM
my whole street is full of chavs theres only so many times you can get woken up by "babycakes" blasting out a fiat pandas or cavaliers stereo without snapping!:elol:

16-Jun-2006, 11:54 AM
I'm in such a ****ed off mood about chavs and I really do HATE them

16-Jun-2006, 01:22 PM
You have a vote right here.

Sometimes it feels like I live in the Chav capital of the world. Back in the day my little village was nice and friendly, but then the government started loading off trouble makers to us. It's died down a bit now since we have a good selection of 'Casuals' as they were called back then. Any chav tries to do something in the open and he would be dealt with. :elol:

Kill them all and let God sort them out, even though I'm Agnostic. :skull:

16-Jun-2006, 01:40 PM
My hatred of chavs comes from something personal. You see, when you get your ass kicked by about 9 or 10 of them, you develop something of a deep, pure, primeval hatred of them.

16-Jun-2006, 01:43 PM
I've had a couple mates whos had that happen to them.

They are like a pack of ****ing hyenas, they will only fight in a pack.:mad:


Heheheh, put 'kill chavs' into google, a couple things come up.

This is pretty good:

Chav Hate T-Shirts (http://www.smellyourmum.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=83_56&osCsid=ab4ca00fac748784e6352e1ebb25361c)

16-Jun-2006, 01:50 PM
You genius...

I love the "Chav Wars: Return of the Goth" shirt...

16-Jun-2006, 02:17 PM
i like the "fcuk'in' chavs" shirt ,classic.:lol:

16-Jun-2006, 03:03 PM
What most people don't seem to realise is how much of a problem they are...

They're like pigeons... As soon as one shows up, the whole F***ing lot of them appear!!!

16-Jun-2006, 03:52 PM
Hehehe I like this T-Shirt

Tshirt (http://www.smellyourmum.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=83_59&products_id=526&osCsid=ab4ca00fac748784e6352e1ebb25361c)


16-Jun-2006, 07:35 PM
Back in 1995 recall seeing a white kid driving around in a pimped out Ford Escort wearing gold chains and listening to way too loud rap music. Does that count?

17-Jun-2006, 12:34 AM
Back in 1995 recall seeing a white kid driving around in a pimped out Ford Escort wearing gold chains and listening to way too loud rap music. Does that count?

It does indeed! Pretty much a good description except the ladette in the back and the look of pure stupidness in his eyes.

17-Jun-2006, 03:15 AM
Ahh, I see, so Chavs are like wiggers here in America? White kids who try their hardest to act black? Or are they worse than that? Either way I'm with you. Annoying turds, by the looks of that website you linked.

17-Jun-2006, 03:23 AM
yeah I didnt know what you guys were talking about at first, I thought it was a racial slur for mexican at first! LOL

yeah the "thugs, wiggers, gangstas" here in america arent that MUCH different


17-Jun-2006, 03:38 AM

watch chavhemian rasphody, nuff said.

oh and chav aid.

"i see a little siloetto of a goth,
kick 'im in!, kick 'im in!,
let us rob all of his money
all his ****ing make up veyr, very frieghtning me!

marylin manson,marylin manson, mayrlin manson..."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

god i hate chavs.

17-Jun-2006, 01:59 PM
Ahh, I see, so Chavs are like wiggers here in America? White kids who try their hardest to act black? Or are they worse than that? Either way I'm with you. Annoying turds, by the looks of that website you linked.

I must be old for I have no clue what a chev or a wigger is. Can someone enlighten me? I am assuming it is someone that is out to cause trouble like a gang member or whatever. By the way, Cykotic, did you get that window fixed?:D

17-Jun-2006, 08:22 PM
why dont you all get together
and go out and beat them up

take back the streets from the scum
wipe them out

it doesnt seem like you would cause
an uproar if you did this
and i bet you would get lots
of willing helpers

time to act boys

17-Jun-2006, 09:18 PM
why dont you all get together
and go out and beat them up

because they outnumber us 50 to 1, itd be like the end of the lord of the rings, onnly with a shade of burbery on one side, him and slayer shirts on t'uther.:D

18-Jun-2006, 03:34 PM
You think your neighbors suck? I live in the Bronx, and for every normal person, theres 10 total f**king a**holes. My buildings OK, but i'm surrounded by scrreaming, crap music playing lowlifes.
Think on this.
9am to 5pm. 4 Non Blondes "whats going on" played 10 times mixed in with the latest 4 indistinguishable **** crap hits (the * is to hide the type of music, so I dont offend, but it sucks big time)...

Its 2 AM. 16 year old with a screaming baby on the street. Some tricked out loser mobile blasting the latest in Garbage Radio rap (I like Hiphop, but not like that). 10 sweaty fat guys screaming "Come down here and I'll *****" (left out the vulgarisms, for the sensitive, to the 80 year old lady who asked them to keep it down.
And that was just last night

I called the cops, and to my true amazement, they actually came!!! Maybe it was the part about "They are intimadating passersby with threats". Heh.

Breaking car windows, fighting, cell/walkie talkie screaming a-holes.
and I live in a "good" neighborhood.

As we speak "music" is puking in from literally 4 different directions.

Makes me wish for a swarm of zombies to come and eat em all up. I can watch out my window and laff my nads off.
Not to sound bitter...
But I am:evil: :lol:

When I get some $$$
I AM OUTTA HERE. I want to move somewhere nice, like Iraq.:(

18-Jun-2006, 03:44 PM
Dude, I thought where I lived was bad but, Coma, you have my sympathies...

18-Jun-2006, 04:27 PM
pfft, there's not THAT many chavs, ha!

If the media would shut up about them and stop pinning "chav" on all these celebrities or just any old bugger who exhibits say one trait of the many that make up chavs, then the numbers would diminish. Hopefully it's a fad and they'll all find something new and cool to be a part of so they can look cool, and hopefully that something will either be community service or mass suicide. :lol:

Also depends on where you live too, like zombies, chavs congregate in the cities...

19-Jun-2006, 06:44 AM
Also depends on where you live too, like zombies, chavs congregate in the cities...

I see what you mean. Around here, you can usually find groups of them hanging around street corners and bus stops drinking bottles of cheap cider.

Do we really want or need chavs? I might seem very extreme in my views regarding chavs, but when a group of them nearly kill you, you have a right to be angry at them.