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Mr. Clean
22-Nov-2010, 02:20 AM
The spouse exposed me to another dumb show.

Why do people care to watch a show about two middle aged lezbos and their motherhood adventure?


I just don't get it.

26-Nov-2010, 07:20 PM
Because, unlike you it appears, they have open minds and like to see how people who are traditionally ostracized when it comes to parenting are fulfilling their dreams. It has actually been proven in studies that lesbian parents raise better adjusted children.

And it is very apparent that you "just dont get it".

Have a nice day!!!

PS.....I should have stated the first time.....while I was surprised at your reaction to the content of the show...I happen to agree with the fact that it is probably a really bad show. I dislike all those shows ...Like the "Kate with Eight" and "19 Kids and Counting". Like with many other things they have multiplied too much.

27-Nov-2010, 04:23 PM
Because, unlike you it appears, they have open minds and like to see how people who are traditionally ostracized when it comes to parenting are fulfilling their dreams. It has actually been proven in studies that lesbian parents raise better adjusted children.

And it is very apparent that you "just dont get it".

Have a nice day!!!

i like how people tell others to be more open while they bash you. maybe this guy is tired of having that shit rubbed in his face. alot of channels have their agendas. keep pushing a lack of openness to expand. he has an opinion, deal with it. it's called a majority. have a nice day, my aunt fanny.

27-Nov-2010, 05:26 PM
Amazingly my first thought when I got an email with your post was..."Hitler had an opinion too"...........and to my amazement I saw your avatar...I think that is all that has to be said.

Oh...except for....."Have a REALLY nice day!"

27-Nov-2010, 06:00 PM
Amazingly my first thought when I got an email with your post was..."Hitler had an opinion too"...........and to my amazement I saw your avatar...I think that is all that has to be said.

Oh...except for....."Have a REALLY nice day!"

OMG that's so dumb - his avatar is from a zombie movie Dead Snow.

The rest of your posts haven't been worth replying too.

he never bashed them for being gay, he bashed them for being part of a pointless and annoying show which he doesn't like nor want to see on the telly.

Do you really think he'd have kept quiet if this show was about two straight women doing the same thing? no, it'd be equally annoying.

27-Nov-2010, 06:07 PM
It has actually been proven in studies that lesbian parents raise better adjusted children.

any source concerning these studies? also, could we then infer then that gay men raise children who are actually worse off then those raised by traditional households?

27-Nov-2010, 06:35 PM

I guess irony means nothing to you??? My reaction was "Hilter".....and his avatar is a "Nazi"...think about it.

As for gay bashing.....this line does not seem like bashing to you....."two middle aged lezbos and their motherhood adventure?" Again...if the subtlety escapes you...?????

And yes I do think that he would have not said anything if it was two straight women.....cause where is the controversy in that? Actually your whole question makes no sense.

And as you can read, I agree that the preponderence of these shows is annoying...what I reacted to was the venomous way he stated the subject matter.

---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------

any source concerning these studies? also, could we then infer then that gay men raise children who are actually worse off then those raised by traditional households?

Yes there are. I will happily find them and then post them for you.

Mr. Clean
02-Dec-2010, 02:32 AM
LOL funny shit. I really should let this one go but I feel the need to make it clear my standing toward gay couples since I was labeled a close-minded gay basher.

Yeah, I never bashed the 2 mothers for being gay. I do not have a problem with gay people or what they do in the privacy of their own home just as long as I don't see or hear of the gay things they do.

If I'm close-minded for refusing to try a dick or even slightly considering to try it then by all means consider me VERY close-minded individual. :D

Was my statement politically incorrect? Most Likely. :o

Is the show in question awful? You betcha. :duh:

Are alot of people super damn sensitive? Absolutely. :cool:

02-Dec-2010, 02:56 AM
If I'm close-minded for refusing to try a dick or even slightly considering to try it :

http://www.brandidentityguru.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/spotted-dick.gif Come on. . . .just one bite

Mr. Clean
02-Dec-2010, 03:10 AM

Skip to 3:30 or just watch the whole thing :D

02-Dec-2010, 03:49 AM
LOL funny shit. I really should let this one go but I feel the need to make it clear my standing toward gay couples since I was labeled a close-minded gay basher.

Yeah, I never bashed the 2 mothers for being gay. I do not have a problem with gay people or what they do in the privacy of their own home just as long as I don't see or hear of the gay things they do.

Calling them LEZBOS is not bashing????? And usualy when people say "I have no problem with gay people Ijust dont want to see it"...they usually have a problem with gay people. Remember..gay people see heterosexual activity around them every minute of their lives.

If I'm close-minded for refusing to try a dick or even slightly considering to try it then by all means consider me VERY close-minded individual. :D

No one asked you to try dick...your sexuality never came into question at all.

Was my statement politically incorrect? Most Likely. :o If you know it was incorect why make it?

Is the show in question awful? You betcha. :duh: I agree with you that it probably is awful!

[/I]Are alot of people super damn sensitive? Absolutely. :cool: Since when is standing up for your community being sensitive? Your LEZBO comment was rude and insentive and would be considered hate speech.

Mr. Clean
02-Dec-2010, 05:11 AM
and your being sensitive yet again...

Lezbo(actually Lesbo) is a another term for lesbian so don't give me that hate speech crap because there are other terms out there that are degrading to gay females.

What's so derogative about that word that makes it rude and insensitive?

I like to be politically incorrect a lot of the time because people are extremely sensitive(especially Americans) and it annoys me to no end that people are so bitchy and want you to tip toe around their feelings. Screw that, If people can't just take a min to laugh at themselves every once in a while and not take everything so damn seriously, I'm going to screw with that nerve a little.

Besides, I can't get offended because I don't have a white heritage month(that's a joke). :DI wouldn't even want one if offered one because all that crap is so stupid. It's great to be proud of what you are but that stuff is just a form of rubbing it in other peoples' faces. What's the point? To be accepted? If someone doesn't like you, what's it to you? Why can't you just write them off? Pretty damn easy to do let me tell ya.

I'm not trying to insult your community. I have my way of life and you have yours. Get over it and stop taking me so serious. If you really dislike me by this point, do like I said and write me off but I'm really a pretty harmless guy unless your sensitive. :evil: