View Full Version : upcoming flick "APOLLO 18", so whad'we reckon?

24-Nov-2010, 08:04 PM

A 'found footage' shakey cam film documenting a 'failed' moonlanding that was covered up due to what it revealed.

i am excited, but i am a sucker for shakey cam and space horror.however i predict a big flaw going in if something on the moon is a threat that means it can reach earth- if this is the case and yet they have not at that point, why? yknow?

still, tentatively looking forward to it.

24-Nov-2010, 08:09 PM
I love realistic spacey sci-fi conspiracy horror. Do it. DO IT NAU!

24-Nov-2010, 08:28 PM
Sounds totally flippin' awesome!

24-Nov-2010, 08:39 PM
No teaser trailer???

24-Nov-2010, 09:08 PM
No teaser trailer???

This. Can't form an opinion or any anticipation without seeing a second of footage....

24-Nov-2010, 09:38 PM
I am with bassman on this... how can i get excited about something when no footage is available and we're 4 months from release.

19-Feb-2011, 09:50 AM
trailer time. looks dumb but fun.


19-Feb-2011, 10:55 AM
trailer time. looks dumb but fun.


You know what my big problem with that is? Where's the low gravity?! :rockbrow: They're just walking around on the surface like they're going for a stroll, not like in all the footage we've seen where they do that kind of 'space bob' from foot to foot as they kind of bobble along.

19-Feb-2011, 12:53 PM
That's a boatload of meh...

19-Feb-2011, 02:47 PM
I'm definitely looking forward to it. It's definitely a somewhat original concept in a sea of mediocre same-ol'-shit out there.

However, how the hell is a Saturn V SPACE LAUNCH hidden and/or covered up? You can see the damn thing for MILES. Plus, there is the issue with all the families and engineers/staff who all worked on the project. That doesn't seem plausible to me. Too many people would be involved with it for it to be swept under the rug. Still, I'm hoping the film will explain this in a logical and reasonable way.

There's a great deal of "found footage/mockumentary" type films coming out I'm really looking forward to (in my opinion they are the only horror films really worth much of a shit for the most part these days): this, "Super 8", "REC 2", and "Area 51". I'm looking forward to all of them.


19-Feb-2011, 03:21 PM
However, how the hell is a Saturn V SPACE LAUNCH hidden and/or covered up? You can see the damn thing for MILES. Plus, there is the issue with all the families and engineers/staff who all worked on the project. That doesn't seem plausible to me. Too many people would be involved with it for it to be swept under the rug. Still, I'm hoping the film will explain this in a logical and reasonable way.
Hahahahaha, ahhh, I'm sorry... good luck with that... "logical and reasonable" snerk...
No, ahem, let me get serious here... an Apollo movie without Kevin Bacon or Tom Hanks? No good.
And yeah, need the bob.

19-Feb-2011, 07:02 PM
Sounds like a nice idea, but watching the trailer I just get the feeling they've dropped the ball with the idea!?

21-Feb-2011, 06:34 PM
That's a boatload of meh...


The lack of proper zero gravity int he trailer is freakin' distracting

21-Nov-2011, 12:10 PM
So i just watched it. Put it off because i heard nothing but negative press. For once pleasantly surprised. I dug it a lot. It's nothing special. is slow, poorly paced and cliche as all get out.

However i enjoyed the ride of it, probably more than the first paranormal activity but not the second. I'd say not as entertaining as rec but better than cloverfeild. I think some of you will hate it, some of you will really like it, i recommend watching it.

21-Nov-2011, 01:04 PM
I also enjoyed it. It wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be but for what it was I enjoyed the ride as well. I'd also consider as better than the last "Paranormal Activity" film (but not the first two) though I can't compare it to "Cloverfield" which I just think is spectacular.

Overall, I'd give it a 3/5 as it was an enjoyable ride for a one time watch even if it wasn't as good as I had hoped.


21-Nov-2011, 01:13 PM
i really dont care for cloverfeild. i watched it in the cinema and spent half of it looking at the aisle floor and aftet was leaning against the cinema sitting down hoping the nausea would pass. after watching it on dvd when it was like £2 at HMV it was just a film about yuppies walking. the build up ARG and mystery before it came out was more entertaining than the thing itself.