View Full Version : Caprica - pre new Battlestar Galactica

16-Jun-2006, 04:01 PM
Way back in the late seventies the producer of Galactica had a idea called 'Life on Galactica' following the exploits of a family living on the ship, naturally it was dropped.
And now thanks to the success of the reimagined BGS, RDM is writing a series set 50 years beforehand, it's shows the creation of the Cylons, their subsequent uprising, the armastice and will explain why the colonials took a step backwards from automation.
This could easily mean we'll see the return of centurions, Lucifer, basestars and so forth.
Pity we know the Cylons came back twice strong and wiped out the Colonies.

16-Jun-2006, 04:46 PM
I heard about this a few weeks back. I am game so long as it is approached with the professional seriousness that the other series is. Apparently one of the families will be the Adama's. I am guessing that the Admiral will be a small child.

16-Jun-2006, 06:49 PM
Depending on Adama's age, in the original series Adama was over a hundred years old, in this new series he could be a cadet or officer if they still maintain that the colonials live longer.

16-Jun-2006, 07:41 PM
Depending on Adama's age, in the original series Adama was over a hundred years old, in this new series he could be a cadet or officer if they still maintain that the colonials live longer.

If he ends up being cadet age, then I hope they cast Benecio Del Toro as Adama

17-Jun-2006, 03:32 AM
Pity we know the Cylons came back twice strong and wiped out the Colonies.

phantom menace anyone? :D

18-Jun-2006, 03:46 PM

18-Jun-2006, 04:08 PM
Seeing as how the original Battlestar from the late 70's was a direct rip off of Star Wars, and the battle CGI from the new show was slightly borrowed from Attack of the Clones, the comparisons to that franchise are hardly new.

18-Jun-2006, 07:56 PM
The same FX guys also did Firefly and Firefly could be called the further Adventures of Han Solo if you tweaked a few things... well okay everything.
Nice to see a good show actually stay on the air for once, can't wait for the Battlestar Pegasus series to start so I can tear that to shreds and moan about franchise fatigue.

Did anyone catch the ending to season 2? I mean what a ending!
they skipped a whole cylon less year where Galactica scours the colonies for survivors and builds New Caprica and some characters got married, pregnant ect.
Then the Cylons find them again, the skeleton crewed fleet jumps orbit leaving New Caprica tobe occupied.