View Full Version : Three Songs off my upcoming album

20-Dec-2010, 05:59 AM
It'd be groovy if y'all would take a gander at the first three songs from my upcoming EP.




So basically, while stuck at home with a suspended license, I decided to release a Frank Zappa amount of music in the 3 months I'm stranded. Either an EP a month, or if I keep up this rate, 2 a month.

There are six songs on this EP, all recorded entirely by myself between December 7th and December 20th. I also made that artwork myself a few hours ago.

Feel free to give me some input on my music. Trying to spread it around so if you know anyone that'd be interested in Symphonic Psytrance Metal Dubstep Hip Hop type music, shoot them a link

Oh yea, BTW...if anyone REALLY digs this and wants to hear the rest before Christmas, I have the videos on PRIVATE on Youtube but all the songs are already up. Add me as a friend and I'll add you to the list of people who can watch the private videos.

20-Dec-2010, 11:09 AM
Interesting stuff.

What did u compose this on?
Do you do any other styles of music?

I know there are a bunch of other ppl here
who are in bands or make music on their own

it would be cool to see a thread with songs from
different members. that would be really interesting.

they dont have to be you tube vids, could be links to
Sound Cloud or any other service like that.

Lets hear what ur bands are doing ppl.

20-Dec-2010, 05:53 PM
Usually my music is more guitar based; blues, funk, metal. This album is way more electronic and hip hop than I'm used to, but I've been going in that direction for a while so its the culmination of the sound I've been looking for.

I use Ableton Live. I was using Mixcraft for years, and only recently got Ableton, so now with this added sound quality I'm gonna start re-recording all my old songs and releasing them as free albums / EPs.

For a shit-load more of my music, check out these links. Though, like I said, ALL that old stuff is getting redone bigger and better.


21-Dec-2010, 12:33 AM
Thread moved to the Media Section.

Pretty cool stuff, btw!

21-Dec-2010, 02:15 AM
Dude, this sounds awesome! Keep up the great work!

21-Dec-2010, 07:01 AM
Thanks y'all.

And I'll be keeping up this work, Blind2d....I'm gonna make an EP of 5 - 10 songs every month and release it FREE online. Well, that is, until I get my license back and start playing hella shows again. Than I imagine it'll be every other month.

29-Dec-2010, 06:09 PM
The album has been released, as I had planned, on Christmas day. There are new cuts of the songs listed above, check out all six below or download the entire album at my official website. If you listen to any one song from the list below, I highly suggest Abysmal Sludge, its my favorite track off the entire album.



ALSO, check out this early cut of a song to be featured on my January EP, Astral Selection. I started to record it during the Lunar Eclipse a few days ago
