View Full Version : Merry Christmas guys! (and girls)

24-Dec-2010, 07:10 PM
I'll probably end up checking in tomorrow once dinner, presents & family time is done & I've realised theres nothing I want to watch on TV, but in case I dont, all the best to every member of HPoTD :D


25-Dec-2010, 06:46 AM
^^ I assume that's you last year?

25-Dec-2010, 03:12 PM
Hope you guys are having a great Christmas and you all got plenty of cool stuff off Santa.

Good health to you all! :)

25-Dec-2010, 05:23 PM
Merry Christmas to all!

25-Dec-2010, 08:53 PM
Happy Holidays!

That's right I'm a rebel.

25-Dec-2010, 09:18 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!

It's about 5pm here in Atlanta and it's been the best Christmas in recent memory. The wife and kid loved their presents, the family gathering was peaceful, the food was great, and most importantly....we're having a white Christmas! VERY VERY VERY rare for Georgia. Not only snow, but actual accumulation. A couple inches so far with more on the way. It's really been a fantastic day. Now I've just got home, going to crack open a bit of booze, sit by the fire with the family and stare out the window.

I hope you guys have had a great day like me. This is one I won't ever forget. Merry Christmas!

By the way....got the Alien Anthology BR set and several hundred dollars in gift cards. Kewl stuff.

25-Dec-2010, 09:27 PM
and several hundred dollars in gift cards. Kewl stuff.

i kinda hate this 'safe gift' idea. aside from one book all i got was money, and knowing me im gonna waste it on videogames. i would have much rather have gotten actual gifts instead but people seem to just get gift cards or money as gifts more and more. i dont know if its the ease of it, or just because 'well everyone is happy with money right' thinking but it seems so much more impersonal and cold compared to a thoughtful gift i may not even like y'know? The book wasnt even that great but its still the thing i appreciate the most.

25-Dec-2010, 10:21 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/evening!awwww helsing I am sorry you didn't get some gifts instead of money. I buy actual gifts for under tree for my kids and they have to wait til Christmas morning to open eventho they are grown. They also don't live in the house. But, my daughter has an apartment but comes to stay Christmas eve then we open gifts as I said in the morning.
I know what you mean about money, I would rather have gifts. I have to give my son and daughter in law money for Christmas the past 2 years and to me that sucks but it is what they want. Next year they are gonna get a mixture money and gifts I don't care what they say. lol There is nothing like watching someone open their special gifts you went out and actually bought. I LOVE Christmas and all the hustle and bustle of all of it.

26-Dec-2010, 03:23 AM
All of my kin went out of town for the holidays, though we plan to catch up just after the New Year.
So, for Xmas Eve I bought fixings for a modest feast for one on the Big Day, went out to see the Coens version of True Grit (which I liked very much) did some creative work on my computer, a favor for my upstairs neighbor, and then couch potatoed with a beer or two.
Today, did some chores over at Mom's place while she's on the west coast with Sis, caught up with some correspondence and projects, cooked up a nice spread of Turkey Roast(boneless breast from Butterball, 3lbs )brocolli, lasagna, dinner rolls, and some decent Merlot to wash it all down with. Afterward, chatted some on the phone with my sibs, then settled down to watch the Doctor Who Xmas episode on BBC America.
It was OK, not necessarily the best Who, but it weren't terrible.
Tomorrow, I'm actually headed out into the storm to work, unless sanity prevails and they close early.
Good Luck All, God Bless and the Happiest of Holidays.

Wayne Z
I have great respect
for psychiatry, and great contempt for amateurs
who go around practicing it.
Miracle on 34th St (47), starring the one and only Santa Claus (Edmund Gwenn )

26-Dec-2010, 08:11 AM
Argh! I was given a mobile phone as an x-mas present! Argh! I'm now one of the mobile phone brigade :annoyed:

26-Dec-2010, 10:12 AM
Argh! I was given a mobile phone as an x-mas present! Argh! I'm now one of the mobile phone brigade :annoyed:

When it gets to the point where nobody carries a wallet or a set of keys anymore and just has one handheld omnitool device for everything will you be the codger on the hill yelling how there was nothing wrong with 3g in 80 years when the rest of us have a built in 100tbps wireless uplinks in out palms? :p

26-Dec-2010, 10:21 AM
Argh! I was given a mobile phone as an x-mas present! Argh! I'm now one of the mobile phone brigade :annoyed:

You haven't had a mobile phone until just yesterday?! :confused::stunned::eek:


As for me, had a lovely day with the family, and made out like a bandit on the presents front. We had a turkey crown, I think that's what it's called, the sort without a carcass or legs or wings - just the good stuff - and absolutely stuffed myself, and I wasn't even trying (I guess my stomach has slowly been shrinking what with my gradual weight loss over the last couple of years as planned) ... I'll see if I can remember my gifts off the top of my head:

* The Expendables 3-disc edition Blu-Ray
* Inception 3-disc edition Blu-Ray
* Call of Duty: Black Ops
* A bunch of sweets, including one nicely done set of old school classics
* A Simpson's 'joke of the day' desk callendar
* A couplen of long sleeved tops
* A new beanie hat to keep the old noggin warm in these sub-zero temperatures
* The Big Book of Top Gear 2011
* Jeremy Clarkson's new book
* A spoof book version of Clarkson's books
* The Man In The White Suit book
* Scott Pilgrim Volumes 1 & 2
* Travel bag with assorted travel items (like small shower gel, deoderant, scissors, nail trimmers etc)
* "Directions To See A Ghost" by The Black Angels (CD)
* Mark Kermode's autobiographical film book (about his life in regards to certain movies and his work as a film critic etc)
* A Cineworld gift card

A few surprises in there too, which is always nice. I've certainly got plenty to read, mind! It's usually the way though, I always ask for so many books at Xmas these days and then make my way through them over the year (with more, usually, coming in for my birthday) ... in fact I've still got a book from last Xmas to read, and a book from my birthday that I'm part-way into (Peter M. Bracke's gigantic Friday 13th tome ... I've done the chapters on the first two flicks so far). Plenty to watch too.

Plus I've got the Scott Pilgrim Blu-Ray on its way, along with Kick Ass on Blu-Ray, Volume 5 of the Walking Dead trade paperbacks, and Volume 2 of Cyanide & Happiness.


I can understand what hellsing means, not that we do gift cards in my family usually, but if you were just getting a shedload of them I could see that as a bit of an anti climax ... there's not as much thought in it really is there? Not to knock it for those that dig it, because it does mean you can go spending like a madman - essentially for free (to you yourself at least :D) - hoovering up games and discs and whatever you fancy, but at the same time it's nice to get a specific gift from someone. We often provide lists so that the bulk of stuff is "from the list", but we also "go off list" to bring in some surprises - which is a good mix, I think.

It can be so hard figuring out what someone wants though - better to give a gift card than give someone a second (or third, or worse) copy of some movie or book they've already got. I think gift cards are ideal for more distant relatives, or friends, or people that don't know so well what you've already got, and presents from those closest to you. A good mix.

Hope you all had a spiffing Xmas, and here we are already on Boxing Day - it all came and went so fast, as usual. :p