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Mr. Clean
25-Dec-2010, 11:55 PM
Spent most of the 24th getting the boy all hyped up over Santa coming. Pulled up a Santa tracker and showed him that santa was on his way. He didn't like Santa when he seen him at the store, we told him to tell Santa that he wanted Walle on DVD because he broke his other DVD but he refused. By the end of the night, he called his grandmother to have her make sure Santa had Walle in his bag of goodies.

Took a power nap and woke up when the kid had went to bed for the night. Placed all the gifts around the tree and went back to bed. He woke up this morning and did his normal routine asking us to get up and what not. The wife told him to go ahead and get up to see if Santa had eaten the cookies they left for him. This is when he remembers Santa or "Ho Ho" as he calls him, so he flies off the bed runs into the living room and notices all the presents. A memory I won't ever forget.

After all the presents are opened I go back to bed for another nap because readjusting to day shift from a week of graveyard shift does something to your resting patterns that's hard to correct. During my nap, the wife wakes me up twice to tell me that it's her turn to take a nap. So here I am now, with a sleeping wife, a sleeping baby, and a little monster tearing up the house with his newly acuired toys with Scrouged on the TV.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone and Happy New Year! :D

28-Dec-2010, 12:13 AM
Woke up Christmas Eve morning to tons of last minute shopping. Mainly, I just went to a grocery store and bought everyone gift cards (I hate last minute shopping, but have been working like CRAZY). Went to my grandparents for a few hours for X-Mas eve dinner, left there and went to my cousins on my dads side of the family and got hammered. My 12 year old brother woke me up early morning to open presents, did that and went to my other grandparents for a few hours. Then to my buddies house where his girlfriend made steaks, lasagna, garlic bread, some kind of potatoes that were amazing, mushrooms, and all kinds of other good stuff to go with the wine and beer we had. Spent the night playing Wii and board games.