View Full Version : Well it's 2011 and i already almost died

01-Jan-2011, 11:58 AM
835836 ONE FOOT from my place.......one foot from having to find another place to live.....thank you ms big titty "i swerved to avoid a cat" drunk driver.

01-Jan-2011, 12:10 PM

01-Jan-2011, 12:13 PM
drunk driver's car is on the lawn of my place resting a foot from my bedroom window

01-Jan-2011, 04:46 PM
drunk driver's car is on the lawn of my place resting a foot from my bedroom window

Oh! Police came I assume?

Mr. Clean
01-Jan-2011, 05:16 PM
oh fuck :eek:

What a dumbass.

01-Jan-2011, 06:29 PM
That would have enraged me if I was in your position. Especially, if it was a drunk driver. I attended 2 New Year's Eve parties last night and was sober when I drove back home. I was not under the influence of drugs and the only alcohol present in my body was a shot of whiskey that was downed a few hours before midnight. And I consumed food with that shot. My drinks of choice last night was a soda and water for the most part. And you better believe I watched out for drunk drivers.

01-Jan-2011, 06:31 PM
Oh! Police came I assume?

nope, there wasnt any accident so just triple a came out and pulled her and the car that got stuck trying to help her get unstuck out of the mud.

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

That would have enraged me if I was in your position. Especially, if it was a drunk driver. I attended 2 New Year's Eve parties last night and was sober when I drove back home. I was not under the influence of drugs and the only alcohol present in my body was a shot of whiskey that was downed a few hours before midnight. And I consumed food with that shot. My drinks of choice last night was a soda and water for the most part. And you better believe I watched out for drunk drivers.

i was very mad, but i never show emotion. my cousin was killed by a drunk driver a few years back who was driving the wrong way on the freeway. see i drink like you, which is not alot. i had a bottle of boone's farm 3 weeks ago. but i ate with it. so its like i never drank. glad u were watchin out,man. texas aint nothin to mess with....been there and i see how you cowboys get when ur drunk LOL jk

01-Jan-2011, 10:31 PM
nope, there wasnt any accident so just triple a came out and pulled her and the car that got stuck trying to help her get unstuck out of the mud.

Still, if she was driving drunk you would have had every right to call the cops.

02-Jan-2011, 12:57 AM
Still, if she was driving drunk you would have had every right to call the cops.

agreed,it was just fishy tho. the people that helped her wouldnt get out of the car. so maybe they were drinking?

02-Jan-2011, 01:00 AM

nice hmm?

02-Jan-2011, 06:34 PM
You're right. In fact, I was surrounded by drunk rednecks that night and I had to watch out when I drove home. I never had a drunk crash that close to one of my homes, but a few years back a drunk hispanic lost control of his car and crashed into a ditch in front of one of my rent houses. He got out of his car after he realized he was stuck and began to act bossy and demanding. He wanted us to pull his car out with a truck before the police arrive. We pretty much told him to "no, fuck off", so he leaves the scene on foot even with us telling not to, because the police were on their way. He walks next door to ask his friends to help. The police arrive before walked back over to the scene of the accident. They throw his drunk ass on the ground and cuffed him. He went to jail and his car towed at his own expense.

02-Jan-2011, 08:57 PM
You're right. In fact, I was surrounded by drunk rednecks that night and I had to watch out when I drove home. I never had a drunk crash that close to one of my homes, but a few years back a drunk hispanic lost control of his car and crashed into a ditch in front of one of my rent houses. He got out of his car after he realized he was stuck and began to act bossy and demanding. He wanted us to pull his car out with a truck before the police arrive. We pretty much told him to "no, fuck off", so he leaves the scene on foot even with us telling not to, because the police were on their way. We walks next door to ask his friends to help. The police arrive before walked back over to the scene of the accident. They throw his drunk ass on the ground and cuffed him. He went to jail and his car towed at his own expense.

:eek::eek: now thats fucked up. i didnt have any contact with anyone in the accident except the girl in the car who was stuck, not the suv. she was actually pretty hot but i was tired as shit and wearing shorts a sleeveless shirt and combat boots LOL

02-Jan-2011, 09:56 PM
Take it from a professional beer drinker (because I like that better than drunk): the only people who drink on New Year's Eve in PUBLIC are amateur's. It's called "Amateur's Night" for those of us who are regular drinkers. Rule of thumb for people that are used to drinking regularly is that you never go to the bar and never get into that mess on three days of the year:

1. New Year's Eve (easily the winner)
2. St. Patrick's Day
3. Cinco De Mayo (sp?)

These three days are full of people who do NOT know how to handle their alcohol or know WHEN to stop being out on the road and being at bars. And they act obnoxious and ruin the company/pleasure of being around the other regulars like us. Those of us who are regulars at bars generally stay home these three nights of the year because it's not worth dealing with dumb-ass amateurs.


03-Jan-2011, 01:40 AM
Calling the police on this guy was the right thing to do. Not only was he acting like a prick, but his car was full of empty beer cans and he reeked of booze. If we had helped him get away and he had crashed, again and killed or hurt someone, then I would have never forgiven himself for not stopping him.

03-Jan-2011, 01:48 AM
This could have been much worse than it was! I say it's a New Year's miracle!

03-Jan-2011, 07:10 PM
This could have been much worse than it was! I say it's a New Year's miracle!


03-Jan-2011, 07:28 PM
Congrats on your 3,000th post! Another miracle, perhaps?

03-Jan-2011, 09:47 PM
Congrats on your 3,000th post! Another miracle, perhaps?

lol seeing as others have more than passed this.....i'd say no

03-Jan-2011, 10:46 PM
Alright, if you say so...
And not to be rude, or anything, but could you maybe do something about your sig? The gyrations are causing me some minor dain bramage... thank you.

04-Jan-2011, 12:48 AM
Alright, if you say so...
And not to be rude, or anything, but could you maybe do something about your sig? The gyrations are causing me some minor dain bramage... thank you.

ahhh cmon man!! it's kelly!!

04-Jan-2011, 01:31 AM
Exactly... nah, I guess it's alright... I mean, you do what you gotta do, man...

04-Jan-2011, 02:18 AM
Exactly... nah, I guess it's alright... I mean, you do what you gotta do, man...

LOL ah crud.... cmon man. would u rathr it be murdoc holdin his bass with just undies on?

04-Jan-2011, 02:11 PM
Well... yeah, if I'm honest...

04-Jan-2011, 03:29 PM
hey, ace's place almost bought the farm due to some drunk, big-titted woman who swerved to avoid an animal. If he wants to put up a pic of michael jackson in his undies, by all means sir, go for it. :lol: :D

04-Jan-2011, 04:47 PM
ahhh cmon man!! it's kelly!!

If she was naked I would say keep it but she isn't and the loop is off by a beat and thus making it slightly out fo time... For the sicko's out there that could really throw off any possible masturbation rhythm.

04-Jan-2011, 04:52 PM
You should look into getting a house further from the street.:stunned:

Also....Kelly Clarkson - Ewwww :p

04-Jan-2011, 04:58 PM
For the sicko's out there that could really throw off any possible masturbation rhythm.


darth los
04-Jan-2011, 06:16 PM
i see how you cowboys get when ur drunk LOL jk

We all have ace. :shifty:



04-Jan-2011, 07:23 PM
We all have ace. :shifty:



:eek: holy christmas!!

04-Jan-2011, 07:55 PM
:eek: holy christmas!!

Is that redundant?
"Not with all the commercialization of the holiday, no." - Noodle
"What do you know about it, eh? Aren't you a sodding Buddhist?" - Murdoc
"And you're a Satanist. What's your point?" - Noodle