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View Full Version : Bicycle zombie homage to ROTLD?

01-Jan-2011, 07:59 PM
I was watching 'Return of the Living Dead' with my wife and a friend of hers last night and I noticed something I hadn't before. The half zombie old lady that they tie down and interrogate "Eating brains stops the pain being dead" looks very similar to the "bicycle" zombie in ep. 1. Anyone think this was a conscious homage?

02-Jan-2011, 12:48 PM
Personally, no, I don't think for a second it was an homage. But unless Frank Darabont actually says one way or another, we'll never know for sure.

02-Jan-2011, 02:59 PM
It's paying homage to The Walking Dead comic series. :p

02-Jan-2011, 03:00 PM
Nice parallel you picked up on, Mpokera. Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, I can definitely see some of the resemblance with the piteous state of both creatures, the muddy decayed coloration and their weak languidness.

02-Jan-2011, 06:37 PM
It's paying homage to The Walking Dead comic series. :p

So Kirkman is the one we should be asking.

03-Jan-2011, 04:03 PM
Sheesh, certainly didnt mean to offend anyone. Simply thought there was a very strong resemblance between the two creatures and thought it might be a sly nod to another popular zombie movie.

And btw I get the TWD and GAR movies were both far greater than the spoofish ROTLD, dsnt mean it cant be light entertainment and have be worth a shout out to.

03-Jan-2011, 05:01 PM
No no, I get what you're saying, and yeah, I can see how you would think that. Good point, even. But yeah... I don't know...
Anyway, when's "Unicorn Zombies" coming out?

darth los
03-Jan-2011, 05:40 PM
Sheesh, certainly didnt mean to offend anyone. Simply thought there was a very strong resemblance between the two creatures and thought it might be a sly nod to another popular zombie movie.

And btw I get the TWD and GAR movies were both far greater than the spoofish ROTLD, dsnt mean it cant be light entertainment and have be worth a shout out to.

So what if people get offended? That just means you're earning you're stripes around here is all.

You made an observation and gave ROTLD some love. get over it peeps.

See? I probably just pissed off a few right now.

I'm one of like maybe 5 people around here who think the dawn remake is a kickass movie. Sure i get shit about it but it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Read it and move on.

Never be tenative when it comes to stating where you stand on a particular issue.

But as to your point. Me thinks any zombie that looks like the ghoul on the embalming table is going to be compared to it just because it was the first.

Just as every ghoul who is missing their jaw since 1985 is invariably reminiscent of and and compared to Dr. tongue.

Twd had one just like that that I think daryl took out. Uh-oh i just compared it to the iconic Dr. tongue!



03-Jan-2011, 05:48 PM
Stay on the right side of the staff and you'll be safe around here ;) :elol:

19-Jan-2011, 04:21 PM
I must be the 6th person that thinks Dawn08 was good.
It's really not the same type of zombie flick as the original IMO so I never really compared the 2.
I also love ROTLD pt1, pt2 I like but not nearly as much.
ROTLD pt1 was my intro to zombie flicks. I was too young to be able to appreciate Dawn or even Day when they were 1st released.
Return had lots of zombies, lots of action, gore, comedy, punk music.
I don't care who you are, if you can't appreciate Return for what it is you're taking the whole genre too seriously!!

19-Jan-2011, 04:42 PM
I don't care who you are, if you can't appreciate Return for what it is you're taking the whole genre too seriously!!

Or...perhaps....just maybe....its possible.....that people have different opinions? :p

I definitely don't take ROTLD seriously. I know, I know...."It's a comedy!". So what if it is? Comedies can suck too. I've tried. I really have. But ROTLD is just not good, imho. Comedy, horror, musical, whatever you want to call it. And of course i'm not the only one that shares this opinion...

20-Jan-2011, 02:35 PM
Sheesh, certainly didnt mean to offend anyone. Simply thought there was a very strong resemblance between the two creatures and thought it might be a sly nod to another popular zombie movie.

And btw I get the TWD and GAR movies were both far greater than the spoofish ROTLD, dsnt mean it cant be light entertainment and have be worth a shout out to.

Don't worry about what some of the more over zealous members think... and be careful what yu say baout ROTLD... It is way better than anything Romero has put out since LAND

darth los
20-Jan-2011, 03:18 PM
Don't worry about what some of the more over zealous members think... and be careful what yu say baout ROTLD... It is way better than anything Romero has put out since LAND

And unlike land it doesn't drag. A very tight Aprox. 90 min. Land on the other hand had people walking out of the theater, including my sister who has loved Gar's dead films as I have since we were kids. :dead:


20-Jan-2011, 03:36 PM
And unlike land it doesn't drag. A very tight Aprox. 90 min.

Land is 93 minutes and ROTLD is 91. Those two extra are killer.:lol: :p

Why must it always come back to Land/Dawn04. We're like broken records around this place...

darth los
20-Jan-2011, 03:57 PM
Land is 93 minutes. :lol: :p

:lol: Lolz

Funny but that's exactly my point. Both film are around 90 minutes yet one is over before you know it and the other (Land) made ME want to shoot myself in the head.

I think it's the whole big daddy fiasco. I try to imagine the movie without him and with the exception of a couple of cheesy parts (the dude with the headphones on the dock) it's not terrible.


24-Jan-2011, 04:41 AM
I didn't feel like it was an hommage so much as I think it was created to show you some of the character behind the lead character of Rick. While most everyone has read the comic books and is well aware of his character its a bit harder to convey that message on the screen and initially they need to come up with ways to really engage the audience with who he is. Him coming across the torso was at first terrified and later it meant something to him to put it out of its supposed misery. In that sense to me it makes an hommage because he can sense the misery of these 'geeks' and in ROTLD they went and asked the torso why do you eat the brains... the answer being to stop the pain of death. Whether it was or wasn't I thought it was well done.

24-Jan-2011, 07:21 PM
exactly my point! I agree that it was used to show Rick's compassion for the zombies, and the subtle nod back to the ghoul from ROTLD that explained how it "hurts to be dead" just added another layer of empathy if even subconsciously for anyone who had seen it.

27-Jan-2011, 04:36 PM
exactly my point! I agree that it was used to show Rick's compassion for the zombies, and the subtle nod back to the ghoul from ROTLD that explained how it "hurts to be dead" just added another layer of empathy if even subconsciously for anyone who had seen it.

You know, that does make a sort of sense....

27-Jan-2011, 04:39 PM
If that's the reasoning as to why it's a tribute to ROTLD, you could also say it's a tribute to the baseball zombie in Dawn or Bub. They both had very sympathetic moments...

I admit that the zombie does look kinda similar, but beyond that is just a stretch.

27-Jan-2011, 04:53 PM
As always, bass is right. Excuse me, Mr. Serling. Excuse me again, bass.
Here's a thought, would such a zombie (the sympathetic moment type) have been a good addition to 'Night'? Thoughts?

27-Jan-2011, 09:17 PM
wasnt meaning that it was a "tribute" or homage or nod or anything because it was a "sympathetic moment". What I meant was that it was a nod back to the zombie in ROTLD which looked quite similar. Thus possibly adding even more sympathy for this zombie because of remembering that one, either consciously or subconsciously.

Hows that for a convoluted sentence?

27-Jan-2011, 10:22 PM
wasnt meaning that it was a "tribute" or homage or nod or anything because it was a "sympathetic moment". What I meant was that it was a nod back to the zombie in ROTLD which looked quite similar. Thus possibly adding even more sympathy for this zombie because of remembering that one, either consciously or subconsciously.

Hows that for a convoluted sentence?

That was what I was agreeing with. Whether intended or uninteded, if you felt any sympathy for the dead girl in ROTLD, an echo of that may remain for the bicycle girl. Again, that may have been totally unintended by Kirkman, et al.