View Full Version : Older Xbox360/PS3 games

Mr. Clean
12-Jan-2011, 01:52 AM
I was somewhat of a late bloomer with my Xbox 360 so I've been picking up cheap old used games for quite a while and sometimes find jackpots and other times find rotten apples. Recently, I just picked up Iron Man, Time Shift, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.

First off, video games that come from movies 9 out of 10 times usually blow major ass but for whatever reason, this Iron Man (2008) game was accually well executed. I was really surprised.

Time Shift (2007) is a pretty decent game (so far) on an older FPS engine. Not sure which one it was but being able to stop, rewind, or slow time is pretty sweet. Not to mention freeze time, run up to an enemy and take his weapon and then set time back to it's orginal speed to see the bad guy surprised.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (2006) - This game I've already beaten on PC (before I went to console gaming). Just going back through for a second play through to get achievements and enjoy it once again. I really liked this game the first time I played it just didn't get everything I could out of it because I pretty much just ran with Deadpool the whole game so this time I'm changing it up.

A while back a few of you were talking about BioShock Infinite so I decided to give the orginal Bioshock a try and this is one of the jackpots I was talking about. I did avoid BS2 though. Still unsure about that one.

One of the only games I'm not going to be able to play through again is probably Oblivion. It's like Fall out 3. I lend my copy of FO3 to my brother and he finally returned it. I started to put it into the xbox and just couldn't bring myself to hitting the play button. Just put entirely way too many hours in on those games.

Any of you played any older games and want to recommend or have suggestions?

12-Jan-2011, 02:28 AM
I see you like comic heroes, so you should definitely try Batman: Arkham Asylum. Loads of fun.

And for movies turned games....Ghostbusters is one of the best.

12-Jan-2011, 02:42 AM
Earth Defense Force 2017 for 360.


I'll recommend this one till I'm blue in the face. Some of the best local co-op this side of Gears of War. It can be found for 1600 points on Xbox Live, or even cheaper at retail. It doesn't have the best graphics, and you can tell it's a budget production, but the that addictive gameplay is there.

The sequel comes out in March; 8 player online co-op, more weapons, enemies, etc:


And it's only $40. :D

Mr. Clean
12-Jan-2011, 03:01 AM
And for movies turned games....Ghostbusters is one of the best.

No shit? Sooooo many times I've almost picked that one up.

---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------

What kind of weapons are in the Earth Defense game Coin?

12-Jan-2011, 05:35 AM
Everything from rifles, machine guns and shotguns to all sorts of rockets, missile launchers, lasers, etc. 150 weapons in all, I believe.

Mr. Clean
27-Jan-2011, 01:18 AM
Just hit another jackpot. $20. Probably much cheaper off the internet though.


It reminds of me SNES Wing Commander(Space Flight Sim) meets Mass Effect(Space Travel System). Over 300 solar systems & 35+ hrs of gameplay. Play as a pirate, trader, mercenary, bounty hunter, smuggler, or assassin. Ship configuring is pretty cool. The only thing that annoys me at the moment is the radius of the jump drive. It gets bigger as you upgrade but currently I have to jump 2 to 3 star systems in order to get where I need to go instead of just jumping straight to my destination.