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View Full Version : Psychedelic musings on space...

12-Jan-2011, 07:52 AM
...in the form of a musical trilogy.




12-Jan-2011, 08:40 AM
Thoroughly enjoyed those, mate! Well done!

Puts me in mind of:


12-Jan-2011, 11:04 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed those, mate! Well done!

Puts me in mind of:


That was epic. Much like the people commenting on the video, definitely got a Spinal Tap feel.

And my music would be more along those lines if all my guitars weren't broken. My songs NEED guitar in them, but alas, the quality of the guitar recording will be so low when compared to the electronic elements its not worth it until I buy an axe worthy of my shredding

13-Jan-2011, 09:25 AM
That was epic. Much like the people commenting on the video, definitely got a Spinal Tap feel.

And my music would be more along those lines if all my guitars weren't broken. My songs NEED guitar in them, but alas, the quality of the guitar recording will be so low when compared to the electronic elements its not worth it until I buy an axe worthy of my shredding

I liked the electronic stuff in your tracks. As a whole, they came across as sounding like a mix of Hawkwind, Tangerine Dream and the Daft Punk Tron Legacy soundtrack; which, believe me, is no back thing!

Are those tunes all just one-man recordings, or do you have a band?

13-Jan-2011, 07:52 PM
I liked the electronic stuff in your tracks. As a whole, they came across as sounding like a mix of Hawkwind, Tangerine Dream and the Daft Punk Tron Legacy soundtrack; which, believe me, is no back thing!

Are those tunes all just one-man recordings, or do you have a band?

Although I'm currently a 'mercenary musician' that works with several other bands and musicians, these were all done completely solo.

I did use some royalty free drum loops from Looperman.com as well as making some drums of my own as well, but everything that isn't the drums (which I painstakingly mixed together, matched, and arranged) was played by me on my keyboard.

Thank you for the kind words, by the way. Haven't heard much of any of those artists, but I'm definitely intrigued now to check them out. I've heard good things about the Tron soundtrack, like what I've heard from Hawkwind and heard TD dabbles in film-score.