View Full Version : The end of the internet as we know it...?

24-Jan-2011, 07:42 PM

ISPs are threatening to cripple websites that don't pay them first. Barry Collins fears a disastrous end to net neutrality

You flip open your laptop, click on the BBC iPlayer bookmark and press Play on the latest episode of QI. But instead of that tedious, plinky-plonky theme tune droning out of your laptop’s speakers, you’re left staring at the whirring, circular icon as the video buffers and buffers and buffers...

That’s odd. Not only have you got a new 40Mbits/sec fibre broadband connection, but you were watching a Full HD video on Sky Player just moments ago. There’s nothing wrong with your connection; it must be iPlayer. So you head to Twitter to find out if anyone else is having problems streaming Stephen Fry et al. The message that appears on your screen leaves you looking more startled than Bill Bailey. “This service isn’t supported on your broadband service. Click here to visit our social-networking partner, Facebook.”

The free, unrestricted internet as we know it is under threat. Britain’s leading ISPs are attempting to construct a two-tier internet, where websites and services that are willing to pay are thrust into the “fast lane”, while those that don’t are left fighting for scraps of bandwidth or even blocked outright. They’re not so much ripping up the cherished notion of net neutrality as pouring petrol over the pieces and lighting the match. The only question is: can they get away with it?

It’s worth pointing out that the concept of net neutrality – ISPs treating different types of internet traffic or content equally – is already a busted flush. “Net neutrality? We don’t have it today,” argues Andrew Heaney, executive director of strategy and regulation at TalkTalk, Britain’s second biggest ISP.

“We have an unbelievably good, differentiated network at all levels, with huge levels of widespread discrimination of traffic types. [Some consumers] buy high speed, some buy low speed; some buy a lot of capacity, some buy less; some buy unshaped traffic, some buy shaped."

“So the suggestion that – ‘oh dear, it is terrible, we might move to a two-tiered internet in the future'... well, let’s get real, we have a very multifaceted and multitiered internet today,” Heaney said.

Indeed, the major ISPs claim it would be “unthinkable” to return to an internet where every packet of data was given equal weight. “Yes, the internet of 30 years ago was one in which all data, all the bits and the packets were treated in the same way as they passed through the network,” said Simon Milner, BT’s director of group industry policy. “That was an internet that wasn’t about the internet that we have today: it wasn’t about speech, it wasn’t about video, and it certainly wasn’t about television.


More info in the link posted at the top. Unreal...

24-Jan-2011, 08:19 PM
Merged threads with an expiring notice before search nazi interdiction. :p

24-Jan-2011, 08:24 PM
Merged threads with an expiring notice before search nazi interdiction. :p

Umm, aren't these two different stories? One about IP addresses running out, and my story relating to tiered internet being proposed in the UK?

Am I missing something?

24-Jan-2011, 08:37 PM
I don't know what you're talking about :D

Sorry, two very similar topics and the mention of ISPs running out in both, but it should be all fixed now.

25-Jan-2011, 08:12 AM
I don't know what you're talking about :D

Sorry, two very similar topics and the mention of ISPs running out in both, but it should be all fixed now.

That's it. I'm revoking your right to visit this website.

Unless you pay up.

25-Jan-2011, 12:35 PM
I don't know what you're talking about :D

Sorry, two very similar topics and the mention of ISPs running out in both, but it should be all fixed now.


Nah, it's cool Aces. I won't say anything if you don't. :shifty:

25-Jan-2011, 02:30 PM
Actually there is another thread in Media about this from 3-4 days ago that i replied in....

ok may be there isn't or it was already merged.