View Full Version : Looking for something new?

Mr. Clean
03-Feb-2011, 05:16 AM
Text based RPG that I currently play. If you have never played a text based rpg then try not to be surprised by a game only having words and no graphics because you've been warned. You can damn near do anything on there. The websites' java software to run the game use to suck, haven't tried it in awhile to see if it has improved but I use a mud client when I play. Zmud is what I use. I started by using the java software. If you get into it, that's when you buy the program of your choice to run the mud.

I'll give people lessons if they are interested in learning aswell. The game is somewhat of a challenge to pick up if you don't know what your doing. Years ago, I had someone teach me. I've recently picked the game back up and figured I'd pass on the opertunity if anyone was interested. Great game based on a set of books.

If you decide to try it without my training to see if you like it. A few things to remember. Type "look" to see where you currently are. You can type "look at blah blah blah" to actually look at things such as "look at me" and you will look at yourself. To talk, type "say sentence". You can also talk directly to people by typing "sayto <name> sentence or whisper <name> sentence" Typing "tell <name> sentence will put you in private convo with someone else.

Movement is done by moving "north, east, south, west, or NE, SE, SW, NW." If the room your currently in list north as an exit, type north and you will move north.



The above link is a map to the newbie area. Have any questions feel free to ask. My character is Nendatrem and I am a ninja. Looking for someone to train with so :)

03-Feb-2011, 02:51 PM
Reminds me of the old Infocom adventure days... *sigh* I loved those games. Might have to check this out for a bit of nostalgia. Thanks, Mr. Clean. :D