View Full Version : Global Warming pic of the day

03-Feb-2011, 01:47 PM



03-Feb-2011, 02:09 PM

Are people still going on about this now proven myth of global warming? I thought after it was proven as a sham perpetrated by the scientific community a year or so ago we'd be done with this silliness. :)

Climate Change = Yes. Global Warming = NUTS. :p


03-Feb-2011, 02:53 PM
Looks like a shot out of The Day After Tomorrow.

Oh and I was waiting for Lou to bring up the Global Warming thing... it had been a few months since I heard anything about it.

03-Feb-2011, 02:56 PM
So THAT's where the polar ice floes are going! It all makes sense now!

03-Feb-2011, 03:03 PM
Looks like a shot out of The Day After Tomorrow.

Except this picture is more entertaining. :p

03-Feb-2011, 03:46 PM
That picture was from yesterday in Chicago (Lake Shore Drive, to be exact).

It started as "global warming" shifted to "climate change" - and now, keep your eyes out for "biodiversity'" - it's all the same, but they change the name when the others don't get any traction. "Climate change" is the only one that's somewhat accurate, but "climate change" doesn't mean "getting warmer" - in fact, it seems to be quite the opposite

Wasn't it 4-5 years ago Al Gore was screaming "our kids won't remember what snow looks like!!!" Now the mantra is that all the snow and cold weather we've been getting HAMMERED by here in the northeast US is because of "global warming" I love how it works both ways for these people. :rolleyes: I guess they'll only be satisfied when the climate stays in one place for decades, eh?

You wanted something controversial, here ya go. :D Now it's only a matter of time before someone calls me and others "stupid" and "ignorant of the facts" because we don't believe what the "SCIENCE!" is telling us.

Well, to that I say, "Show me a hockey-stick temperature increase and I’ll show you some quasi-scientists who are trying to manipulate the data to get their preferred results." Suck on this. (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100017393/climategate-the-final-nail-in-the-coffin-of-anthropogenic-global-warming/) :p

03-Feb-2011, 05:33 PM
Not that I'm a believer or disbeliever in global climate warming change, but all along it has been discussed as producing climate extremes, not just higher temperatures.

And that's a great picture btw!!

03-Feb-2011, 05:50 PM
I may get snow today or tomorrow or maybe not.

03-Feb-2011, 06:14 PM
Not that I'm a believer or disbeliever in global climate warming change, but all along it has been discussed as producing climate extremes, not just higher temperatures.

Depends on just who you ask or listen to. Al said we wouldn't see snow ever again in a few years, but some say "oh, extreme snow is because of AGW!" - like I said, interesting how they get to claim both sides of the argument. ;)

Not just that, but just look at all the things affected (http://www.numberwatch.co.uk/warmlist.htm) by so-called "global warming" - from acne to oyster herpes! :lol:

This "carbon credits" business looks to be an extremely lucrative one - how do I get in on the ground floor of this shit?

03-Feb-2011, 08:07 PM
Wasn't it 4-5 years ago Al Gore was screaming "our kids won't remember what snow looks like!!!"

If you choose to pay attention to Al Gore in regards to the environment, that's your problem.

03-Feb-2011, 08:08 PM
If you choose to pay attention to Al Gore in regards to the environment, that's your problem.

So true, DC. So true.

03-Feb-2011, 08:41 PM
So true, DC. So true.

The problem is, the bottom feeders typically point to Gore & company as a reason to do absolutely nothing to minimize the detrimental effect of rampant industrialization on the environment.

Just because jackasses exist on both sides doesn't negate the existence of a real problem.

03-Feb-2011, 09:34 PM
Here's the thing:

Global warming never became climate change. They're two different things. Global warming refers to the trend in recent decades for the overall world temperature to raise gradually over time. Climate change refers to the more localized effects of global warming, which can include temperatures that are both higher and lower than normal in certain areas and at certain times of year. These fluctuations can happen because the higher overall temperature can interfere with the flow of ocean and air currents that otherwise bring more predictable conditions.

Two different things, with different meanings.

04-Feb-2011, 11:49 AM
I suspect "Peak Oil" is far far more of an issue than "Global Warming". At least over the next 10-20yrs...

04-Feb-2011, 02:01 PM
Here's the thing:

Global warming never became climate change.

Oh it most certainly did. "Global Warming" was pushed as the real issue, originally. When that got no traction and they couldn't motivate people in their direction, "Climate Change" became the new "buzz word" and the term "global warming" took a back seat. Once they pushed Al & Co. out the door for not being effective enough on the issue, then it became "Biodiversity" which is the term being used now. If you don't believe me, google the term. It's pretty self evident.

While you are indeed correct, they are different terms with different meanings, the AGW backers use the terms to their advantage, regardless of proper context. Just watch the trending of these terms in the news outlets. It may not be correct use of the terms, but that's exactly what's being done.

The problem is, the bottom feeders typically point to Gore & company as a reason to do absolutely nothing to minimize the detrimental effect of rampant industrialization on the environment.

Just because jackasses exist on both sides doesn't negate the existence of a real problem.

This is true, but how can we even say there is a problem when we've been flat-out lied to about the issue (at least from the "warming" side, the IPCC emails have proven this to be true)? We have some "science" saying the planet is warming, and other "science" saying it's cooling.

For example: Apparently, hiding data is a critical part of science according to Dr. Phil Jones, former chief of the East Anglia Climate Research Unit.

Professor Phil Jones Discusses Emails & How Hiding Data is a Critical Part of Science (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1254660/Climategate-professor-Phil-Jones-admits-sending-pretty-awful-emails.html#ixzz1CvZ3BkAU)

He states that it's "not 'standard practice' to release data and computer models so other scientists could check and challenge research." Wait, WHAT?! :stunned:

Who's right? and how do we know? When I find a website that shows 200+ links to stories about certain things being affected by global warming (http://www.numberwatch.co.uk/warmlist.htm) - how can anyone take any of it seriously? One article states Climate Change Killing Coral Reefs (http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/earth/stories/s211822.htm) and the very next article I read is Global Warming Helps Coral Reefs Grow (http://news.scotsman.com/nature/Global-warming-helps-coral-reefs.2586806.jp) - WTF?

There may be a true problem, but with all the lies & bullshit surrounding it, no one can act on jack because we're being pulled in two directions at once with no real definitive facts to back any of it up. I'm all for keeping a clean planet and doing what we can to not destroy our environment, but lying to the public about it isn't going to get anyone to act on it.

I'm just sayin'...

05-Feb-2011, 02:59 AM
Except this picture is more entertaining. :p

Oh I dunno, a 1/5th of Jack a bag of cheetos and The Day After Tomorrow can make for an exciting 2.5 hours in some cultures

05-Feb-2011, 03:19 AM
Oh I dunno, a 1/5th of Jack a bag of cheetos and The Day After Tomorrow can make for an exciting 2.5 hours in some cultures

If you're ever around Atlanta, you've got a place to crash.


06-Feb-2011, 04:08 AM
I don't for any of it..Global warming etc. is a bunch if hooey! The weather goes in cycles.I can remember many years ago when I was a kid we had weather like it is now or worse. I believe all this whooha over global warming and whatnot is a big bunch of political crap. It gave Al Gore a what was a it? Nobel Prize?
Honestly, don't we have other things we have worry about?

06-Feb-2011, 05:17 PM
this is funny, everyone is on about global warming and how its not real.....but people still believe in WMD

06-Feb-2011, 06:15 PM
I don't follow...

06-Feb-2011, 07:13 PM
I don't follow...
Both were invented fictions put forward and championed for ultimately selfish gain.

07-Feb-2011, 02:17 AM
Aha! Right, gotcha!
Sorry, I'm slow sometimes... but y'all know that.