View Full Version : Would you?

04-Feb-2011, 09:13 PM

04-Feb-2011, 09:34 PM
Would I climb into the truck and try to drive it out like a moron? No.

Would I call a tow truck to safely tow it out? Definitely.

04-Feb-2011, 09:38 PM
Would I climb into the truck and try to drive it out like a moron? No.

Would I call a tow truck to safely tow it out? Definitely.Congratulations! You pass and can therefore continue to add to the gene pool! Other candidates have not been so lucky apparently!

04-Feb-2011, 09:40 PM
The answer is:

HELL no I would not! This guy wins the "Dumb Ass of the Day" Award. Congrats to him!

The overwhelming stupidity of people just never ceases to amaze me.


04-Feb-2011, 10:10 PM
I... I guess they couldn't get a tow truck there... it was a narrow mountain road... but geez, doesn't seem like a good idea, does it? Is the dude alright?

04-Feb-2011, 10:24 PM
I... I guess they couldn't get a tow truck there... it was a narrow mountain road...

If that truck got there in the first place, a tow truck should be able to do the same. It would be tricky and take some serious thinking to prevent pulling the tow truck off in an accident, but it would definitely be safer than trying to drive it out.

08-Feb-2011, 11:40 AM

Not on your ruddy life! :eek:

Remember the Bolivia special of Top Gear when they were on that mountain road and it was a dirt road with a sheer drop on one side? Christ almighty ... that didn't do my vertigo any favours watching that! The above video is just a ridiculous ... the guy was a moron for getting in that, there was no other way for that to go than side off entirely. How far down did that ravine/whatever go? Anyone know?

08-Feb-2011, 01:23 PM
Just to be on record: I would not. :)

08-Feb-2011, 01:47 PM
How far down did that ravine/whatever go? Anyone know?

If you look at this clip, you'll see the truck going further down than in the original...


08-Feb-2011, 01:51 PM
"MORTAL ACCIDENTE DE CAMION" - he died then :(

08-Feb-2011, 05:33 PM
If you look at this clip, you'll see the truck going further down than in the original...


You go hanging around a lot of YouTube channels called things like "SexxxyGirls"? :p

"MORTAL ACCIDENTE DE CAMION" - he died then :(

A damn shame, and all the more-so because of how goddamned foolish it was to get into the cab in the first place in that position. :(