View Full Version : 400 wolves overrun serbian town with a pop. of 1,300

07-Feb-2011, 05:10 PM

Holy fuck that must have been pants shittingly creepy. One minute you see something out in the snow on the outskirts of town....then another....then several...then more and more and more.

I mean 400 wolves attacking a small village at once? that sounds like a line from a movie, hell replace the wolves with vampires and youve got 30 days of night.:eek:

luckily they not gonna after humans but this 'superpack' has grouped together to down horse herds, killing 30 horses in like 72 hours.

I'll take my chances against zombies rather than wolves, because you know these guys have a chance of thinking "why dont we just attack the apes that live in the self made caves?".:|

07-Feb-2011, 05:44 PM
Ripped from the headlines of a World of Darkness supplement!


I dunno if it's real, but I think it's amazing and--yeah, I'll admit it despite the problems involved for the local inhabitants--pretty cool.

One also can't help but wonder if Russia's historic assfucking of their ecosystems has helped play a role in the development of this problem.

07-Feb-2011, 05:48 PM
One also can't help but wonder if Russia's historic assfucking of their ecosystems has helped play a role in the development of this problem.

Well they say they've only been forced to do it because there natural food supplies wiped out.

07-Feb-2011, 06:00 PM
Well they say they've only been forced to do it because there natural food supplies wiped out.

Oh, I read that part, even still the SU and now Russia have a very horrible record with how they have handled and mismanaged their natural resources and little things can stack up to cause big problems in unexpected ways down the line. I'd be interested in reading more about this from a few different ecologists viewpoints and then read civil reports and rebuttals to contrast it.

08-Feb-2011, 11:19 AM
Just finished reading Lord of the Rings and I'm sure Bilbo mentions something about "Fell Wolves" that attacked The Shire during the worst winter they ever had. This is like that come to life.

08-Feb-2011, 11:35 AM
Perhaps a horror movie based on wolves invading a Serbian town would make a better political allegory for a Serbian movie, than a load of old sexual violence in A Serbian Film?

No idea how "newborn rape" (:eek:) has anything to do with political tyranny.

In a town surrounded by wolves? I know I'd shit myself.

08-Feb-2011, 11:57 AM
No idea how "newborn rape" (:eek:) has anything to do with political tyranny.

Basically, from the moment you're born, you're getting fucked. ;)

08-Feb-2011, 03:12 PM
Basically, from the moment you're born, you're getting fucked. ;)

You got that right... hence the term Fucked at Birth

08-Feb-2011, 06:05 PM
Man, I fucking love the Daily Mail. That is the most kick ass news story I have read for ages!!! :)

11-Feb-2011, 10:00 AM
There's only one solution for this problem: Hooking up a CD player to a PA system and blasting out Creed (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/01/21/norwegian-boy-fends-off-wolves-with-creed-song/). Or Scott Stapp could just visit the town directly and be like the Pied Piper of Verkhoyansk.

(BTW, Siberian town, not Serbian.)

11-Feb-2011, 11:37 AM
Pity those wolves will be wiped out soon enough.

12-Feb-2011, 02:15 AM
$330 per wolf pelt bounty, sounds like a good payoff.

Also should note this happened in Russia (SIBERIA not Serbia).