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12-Feb-2011, 07:52 AM

12-Feb-2011, 09:44 AM
Yeah, I've been drooling over this for a while. Look at the clouds of mist hanging over the dark woods, the way sunlight glints on armour: beautiful! I just hope my rig can handle this; it's a good thing I'm happy to play games at 25 fps otherwise I'd be getting in some financial trouble right now... :p

Rancid Carcass
12-Feb-2011, 11:48 PM
I just hope my rig can handle this; it's a good thing I'm happy to play games at 25 fps otherwise I'd be getting in some financial trouble right now...

Been there, done that for the last one! Spent far too much money upgrading various bits of hardware, vowed never to do it again but now it's actually upon us... lol, damn it... I'm slowly cracking. :eek:

13-Feb-2011, 11:40 AM
Been there, done that for the last one! Spent far too much money upgrading various bits of hardware, vowed never to do it again but now it's actually upon us... lol, damn it... I'm slowly cracking. :eek:

I'd wait until it comes out and see how it runs first; I've heard that a lot more effort has gone in to optimising this one to run smoothly than went in to the last couple of Elder Scrolls games. It will obviously run slower than Oblivion on the same hardware, but bear in mind that the engine is being built with the same generation of consoles in mind as the previous game, so hopefully that will translate to well-tuned performance on PC as well.

14-Feb-2011, 10:12 AM
We're going to need a bigger boat.

14-Feb-2011, 02:58 PM
The games I am watching in this genre are Dungeon Siege III (PS3, PC, XBOX 360) and Lord of the Rings: War in the North (PS3, PC, XBOX 360).

I loved the original Dungeon Siege for the PC as well as the version released for the PSP. Lord of the Rings: War in the North is being released by Snowblind Studios who put out the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series as well as Champions of Norrath and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for the PS2. Whoever says that Diablo style games cannot be adequately ported to console never played the game published with the Snowblind Studios engine. I think they do an exceptional job at it which is why I am excited to see their first game for next gen systems.

15-Feb-2011, 03:17 PM
Dungeon Siege? Not tried it! Tried Titan Quest and got bored in about an hour or two... Click bash.. Click bash... Dull!

15-Feb-2011, 03:45 PM
The games I am watching in this genre are Dungeon Siege III (PS3, PC, XBOX 360) and Lord of the Rings: War in the North (PS3, PC, XBOX 360).

I checked out War in the North, this is the first I'd heard about it, but looks like it could be quite cool.

15-Feb-2011, 04:56 PM
Dungeon Siege? Not tried it! Tried Titan Quest and got bored in about an hour or two... Click bash.. Click bash... Dull!

Yeah, from what I heard you can skip Dungeon Siege II. They played with the mechanics and not many people like it. Looks like they are back on track with III though.

I'll have to take a look at Titan Quest just because I never heard of it.

17-Feb-2011, 10:12 AM
I'll have to take a look at Titan Quest just because I never heard of it.
Just too point-click-point-click-point-click-point-click-point-click for me...

17-Feb-2011, 03:34 PM
This actually inspired me to finally get around to downloading Oblivion to my 360 and giving it a shot.

24-Feb-2011, 02:49 PM

Music is great as always, and the environments looks so lush and diverse using the new engine. Bring on 11/11/11!

Rancid Carcass
24-Feb-2011, 03:07 PM
Oh hell yeah - Max Von Sydow FTW!

This one goes to eleven!


26-Feb-2011, 11:19 AM

26-Feb-2011, 11:49 AM
Loved hearing the new skyrim version of the theme. forests look beautiful, water surprisingly janky. dont care about dragons after the last game had the oblivion gates though. still super excited, but not the same pop as uriel septim giving the spiel about "the gates of oblivion have open, these are the final hours....of my life".

26-Feb-2011, 04:43 PM
Christ, I can't wait to get that.

26-Feb-2011, 10:41 PM
Loved hearing the new skyrim version of the theme. forests look beautiful, water surprisingly janky. dont care about dragons after the last game had the oblivion gates though. still super excited, but not the same pop as uriel septim giving the spiel about "the gates of oblivion have open, these are the final hours....of my life".

That's funny - everyone keeps going on and on about the water, I don't understand. The water looks like a vast improvement over Oblivion's (which was pretty sweet looking, still). Here there's cool-looking dynamic whitewater rapids and running water as part of the engine, whereas the previous games just had a set groundwater level and all the rivers and the sea were just the same flat surface. There might have been a hastily-textured waterfall somewhere, but that's it. This looks way better.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever played a game that has done "running water" well. Can anyone think of one?

27-Feb-2011, 12:30 AM
....alan wake had some decent whitewater rapids if memory serves.

27-Feb-2011, 08:38 AM
Sod the bleedin water, I was too busy looking at everything else.

...and that music!

Makes me want to grab me sword and go swinging!

17-Mar-2011, 09:28 PM
The Skyrim announcement trailer was probably one of the best moments Ive had. Just "..W..wwh...wha...wh...wh.....DRAGONBORN!!!!!!" and of course another one was Oblivion ( favourite game, its buggy and I know about the levelling but Ive never played a game before which went here is a huge world. Go do...Just go do whatever and yeah Ive played Fallout and Mass Effect, the world just made me care about saving the day. Anyway Dual Wielding, Global Economy, Random Dragon Attacks aswell as Forging your own weapons and armour.

02-Apr-2011, 05:36 PM
Some more pretty shots :)


03-Apr-2011, 10:18 AM
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever played a game that has done "running water" well. Can anyone think of one?

I thought the water in Crysis was pretty good, especially when you stood under a waterfall & all the droplets were running down your visor...

06-Apr-2011, 01:08 PM
I've just spent over 20 hours downloading and patching the following:


Morroblivion!!! This is a massive, massive, MASSIVE mod that incorporates Morrowind into Oblivion's game engine. meaning you get Morrowinds quests and environments, inside Oblivions levelling/magic/inventory system...

Spent hours doing it...and it looks and plays pretty damn good!!!! Trouble is I added a level cap patch which has resulted in me not being able to level up - so I need to restart my campaign. Damn mods.

Still on the flip side - Morrowind now runs like a modern game, with the Morrowind Graphics Extender you can run high res textures and environments (including modifying the draw distance) and it basically looks just like a new game - in fact on the subject of water in games, Morrowind running the MGE results in far, far better water effects than those found in Oblivion...! The only thing that stopped me from playing the whole game on that system is the amount of bugs you can encounter whilst running the game in a 1920x1080 format (ie: sword won't hit anything!!) so instead of installing mod after mod, I went to Morroblivion.

MB is a bitch to install though - took me a whole day minimum trying to get it all sorted. The amount of scripting software, patches and the very specific method of installing the game makes it quite a chore to sort out. Also the mod isn't finished yet, so lots of meshes need fixing to make the game stable - every now and then it crashes to desktop.

but once those guys figure it all out, man am I playing that...and just to think, a Skyrim/Morrowind/Oblivion patch that brings all the worlds together seamlessly would simply be the best RPG ever.

Rancid Carcass
06-Apr-2011, 02:47 PM
a Skyrim/Morrowind/Oblivion patch that brings all the worlds together seamlessly would simply be the best RPG ever.

Could modern computer technology run that amount of win? I fear most systems would end up as a smouldering puddle of molten slag - a sort of RPG equivalent China Syndrome... :D

06-Apr-2011, 03:13 PM
I've just spent over 20 hours downloading and patching the following:


Morroblivion!!! This is a massive, massive, MASSIVE mod that incorporates Morrowind into Oblivion's game engine. meaning you get Morrowinds quests and environments, inside Oblivions levelling/magic/inventory system...

Spent hours doing it...and it looks and plays pretty damn good!!!! Trouble is I added a level cap patch which has resulted in me not being able to level up - so I need to restart my campaign. Damn mods.

Still on the flip side - Morrowind now runs like a modern game, with the Morrowind Graphics Extender you can run high res textures and environments (including modifying the draw distance) and it basically looks just like a new game - in fact on the subject of water in games, Morrowind running the MGE results in far, far better water effects than those found in Oblivion...! The only thing that stopped me from playing the whole game on that system is the amount of bugs you can encounter whilst running the game in a 1920x1080 format (ie: sword won't hit anything!!) so instead of installing mod after mod, I went to Morroblivion.

MB is a bitch to install though - took me a whole day minimum trying to get it all sorted. The amount of scripting software, patches and the very specific method of installing the game makes it quite a chore to sort out. Also the mod isn't finished yet, so lots of meshes need fixing to make the game stable - every now and then it crashes to desktop.

but once those guys figure it all out, man am I playing that...and just to think, a Skyrim/Morrowind/Oblivion patch that brings all the worlds together seamlessly would simply be the best RPG ever.

I've never really been sold on Morrowblivion. In all the videos I've seen, it sort of rips out the spooky atmospheric look and feel of Morrowind and replaces it with Oblivion's more generic prettiness. Also, I've heard it's glitchy as hell.

One thing I do wonder though. Since it basically allows you to roam the Morrowind landmass in Oblivion, and converts Morrowind NPCs and enemies to their Oblivion counterparts, what happens when you meet an enemy that doesn't appear in Oblivion (a cliffracer say, or a winged twilight)? Does it change them to another creature, are they simply missing, or do they appear as the original model with or without the Oblivion physics data?

Also, since you character had many more capabilities in Morrowind (for example, you could get levitation potions and were much freer to create all kinds of enchantments), doesn't sticking it in the Oblivion engine interfere with you ability to complete a lot of the quests and stuff?

06-Apr-2011, 03:46 PM
mw isn't really impressing me with the UBER small text and really really over the top dialogue options....!

Dunno how the rest is being reworked to be honest - at the moment ALL MW quests are in Morroblivion...

MW's menu system, inventory etc is really frustrating - plus the lack of magic and sword dual wield (as in Oblivion) makes the game pretty much unplayable for me, on my uber big TV screen :(

---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------

Could modern computer technology run that amount of win? I fear most systems would end up as a smouldering puddle of molten slag - a sort of RPG equivalent China Syndrome... :D

Theoretically - your computer would just need to handle Skyrim - the most hungry of the three games (owing to its (lack of) age) - as the chances are you'd just take some sort of "transport" to the other world, but would take your character plus items with you. Which would mean the other maps not being loaded in memory except for the active world being played....theoretically!

07-Aug-2011, 01:58 PM
40 minutes of gameplay from QuakeCon, some minor spoilers. The crowd is hilarious:


"...it is running on the Xbox 360..."



Guess they really want their PC version.

07-Aug-2011, 09:07 PM
So I gave Oblivion a chance, In theory its a great game, but man. . . I just can't handle a game that open ended. I like it. . but whenever I turn it on. . it starts to feel like a task.

But this does look gorgeous. . . . .

07-Aug-2011, 09:15 PM
So I gave Oblivion a chance, In theory its a great game, but man. . . I just can't handle a game that open ended. I like it. . but whenever I turn it on. . it starts to feel like a task.

just leave the sewer and do what you want guy.

-saying that everytime i select stealth,locking picking and bow specialisation everytime for medieval batman.

07-Aug-2011, 09:26 PM
just leave the sewer and do what you want guy.

Yeah. . . .I did leave the sewers. . . did a few quests. . .but man. . . .just so much to do. I've always been kind of a completionist in RPGs. Gotta find all the treasure, get all the side quests, etc etc. That is just damn near impossible in this game. Eeeesss so Beeeeg.

08-Aug-2011, 02:49 PM
You won't need to.

I spent months playing the game and didn't even bother with the Mages Guild quests.

You end up just following your own path.

It's a fantastic game. I was nearly in tears taking it off the Hard Drive. :D

09-Aug-2011, 08:04 PM
Ok, So I gave it another chance last night. . .did a few quests. . . and I must admit, i'm liking it more. I still have no idea how to do certain things, like enchant stuff, and capture souls. . . .but it started growing on me a bit last night.

fulci fan
09-Aug-2011, 09:11 PM
Out of all the games I've played, the elder scrolls games are the best. I have been waiting for this to come out for 5 years.

10-Aug-2011, 01:50 AM
Ok, So I gave it another chance last night. . .did a few quests. . . and I must admit, i'm liking it more. I still have no idea how to do certain things, like enchant stuff, and capture souls. . . .but it started growing on me a bit last night.

Neither did I. Haven't a clue about magic, but my character didn't need to. He was more of a brute, than a mage type.

The point is not trying to complete everything, but "living" your life in the game, if that doesn't sound too stupid.

I spent most pf my time in Oblivion just strolling around on my horse picking up quests and discovering places. It was fantastic.

It seems overwhelming at first, but really it's a fantastic game experience. I actually played it in real time too. You can change the time sclae on the PC and I walked or horsed everywhere.

Loved it.

fulci fan
12-Aug-2011, 06:06 AM
The only bad things about elder scrolls and fallout on 360 are the glitches and freezes. I hope the new one doesn't have many. :confused:

13-Aug-2011, 06:45 PM
That's why you should get those games for the PC. I don't know how anybody plays those type of games on a console.

13-Aug-2011, 08:39 PM
Have Bethesda said if they're bringing back dungeons that auto-level with you? That was the worst part about Oblivion.

14-Aug-2011, 03:19 AM
Have Bethesda said if they're bringing back dungeons that auto-level with you? That was the worst part about Oblivion.


So you want to go back to paces that are absolutely no challenge, waste hours killing crap that yields no decent xp for your level for out dated rewards?

Rancid Carcass
14-Aug-2011, 01:09 PM
I think the issue with the way Oblivion scaled with you is that it rendered the whole XP/levelling up process pointless, you were no more badass at level 10 than you were at level 1. The whole experience and stat increases in RPG's is so your character can become the big hero/villain, feel more powerful and have a sense of character progression that you don't generally get in other games. If you can complete a game at level one, what's the point of having an XP system in the game? It all counts for nothing. And yes, part of the fun is indeed going back to places to nail the monsters that gave you grief earlier on – if only for petty revenge - it's nothing if not cathartic at the very least! Or maybe I'm just small minded that way, lol.
Having said all that, it didn't stop Oblivion being fun (shutting the umpteenth oblivion gate did that!), I'm sure that in isolated pockets in Skyrim it won't really be noticeable, and besides, we'll all be too busy crapping ourselves hiding from dragons to care... heh...heh...

14-Aug-2011, 01:59 PM

So you want to go back to paces that are absolutely no challenge, waste hours killing crap that yields no decent xp for your level for out dated rewards?

For me, the best parts of these games are about exploring new places and overcoming certain challenges. I didn't even finish Oblivion once I realized the game was leveling with me, and dungeons/crypts were filled with randomly generated enemies that were similar to my level.

The sense of exploration is much greater in F3 and NV because the game isn't holding your hand the entire time. I just wish there were places in Oblivion like Dead Wind Cavern, places where low level characters can still check out, even though they'll probably get annihilated.

Rancid Carcass
10-Oct-2011, 07:43 PM
Time to start planning those adventures... Ye olde Skyrim sat nav is now available:


Oh yeah!


11-Oct-2011, 01:19 PM
I'm so genuinely excited by this game. I can't wait.
It's been a couple of years now of massively disappointing games that I have had no fun playing. So many returns and exchanges for crappy titles that should never have ended up in my collection. Even so far this year, with my purchases of games being limited to about three or four titles (purchase really means played til the end - lots of titles "procured" but either not played or only played half of the game before being pissed off with it.) I've yet to find a game this year which is actually worth playing for more than five mins. Dead Island is good, but not amazing. Just got FEAR 3 which seems pretty boring, and stuff like Deus Ex and The Witcher 2 haven't held my concentration from more than a few hours.

Skyrim though should beat all this hands down. If it's anywhere near the coolness of Oblivion, we're onto a winner. Ob wasn't an amazingly pretty game, but it was so playable and had some really nice relaxed places to enjoy. I think my days of war shooters are over, to be replaced with some great RPG games like this. It's just a shame there aren't more games around like Morrowind, Oblivion, STALKER, etc...first person, deep RPGs. This should be a nice fit into my collection - I just hope my machine holds up, which sounds ridiculous but The Witcher 2 caned my system even with the GTX 590....

edit - turned off uber sampling and witcher runs on Ultra perfectly...

11-Oct-2011, 01:35 PM
im trying to get excited, i really am, i LOVE the elder scrolls games.

but then i think of the sheer refuckulated bug fests of fallout 3- and new vegas that i literally could not finish since the game spawned me outside the final area in an invisible box...

17-Oct-2011, 03:44 AM
tried oblivion, but put it down (and ended up selling it to a friend) due to the same reasons listed by clanglee. doubt i'll ever bother picking that one up again, but i'm very impressed with what i've seen of this game thus far and think i'm gonna give this one a shot.

07-Nov-2011, 11:35 AM
Hands on preview - http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gamehunters/post/2011/11/hands-on-with-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/1

07-Nov-2011, 02:05 PM
Hands on preview - http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gamehunters/post/2011/11/hands-on-with-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/1

Oh my god...it just looks superb. So exciting.

BF3 was my first ever gaming pre-order, for the 360 - but I sold the console and games and cancelled the pre-order. Just the other day a friend pointed me to a website that she claims delivers the pre-ordered copies a couple of days earlier or gives you a discount on the next one. So I went with that. It comes with a cloth map too, which IMO is the most valuable product that comes with the special edition - but I've ordered the normal version, it just comes with the cloth map as a bonus.

I loved Oblivion so much, and Fallout games...they were just amazing. so CHOCK full of content, so many moments, so many great environments and fun weapons. So much time wasted just enjoying the atmosphere, milling around, and relaxing.

Oblivion was better for prettyness, because of it's setting only -although the fallout series is beautiful, it's not pretty - now with the updated engine and graphics, Elder Scrolls 5 should be even more beautiful than fallout and without a doubt a hundred times more pretty than Oblivion.

Now there was a mod to bring the world of Morrowind and Oblivion together using Oblivions arguably better game engine - called Morroblivion. Hopefully in the not to distant future, we'll have a mod than brings Morroblivion into the game engine of Skyrim - creating nothing less than an almost fully functioning COUNTRY to a game..!

-- -------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

oh by the way, if you wanna pre-order this game WITH the cloth map - look here:


08-Nov-2011, 12:32 PM
First review gives 95% - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/325216/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-review-first-verdict-is-95/

08-Nov-2011, 07:45 PM
First review gives 95% - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/325216/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-review-first-verdict-is-95/

Yeah. I saw that yesterday. Can't wait. Got it preordered and should have it on Thursday. I don't really have the time to play games anymore but im gonna make time for this.

08-Nov-2011, 09:38 PM
Im gonna wait a month to buy it until they fix some of the glitches. There are bound to be glitches. Dead Island had horrible glitches and corrupted saves. When Fallout 3 released "The Pitts" no one could play it and was removed from xboxs game market place that same day. With all expansive RPGs there will always be nasty glitches when first released.

08-Nov-2011, 11:50 PM
not surprisingly, they've already confirmed that there's DLC in the works, and i'm still barely started on fallout:new vegas, so i think i'll be holding off till the inevitable GOTY edition is out next summer.

09-Nov-2011, 05:09 PM
not surprisingly, they've already confirmed that there's DLC in the works.

Arrgh not that word again, DLC, why cant they just release this stuff at the same time as the rest of the game? Half the time the stuff is already packaged with the game but you have to pay to unlock it a couple of months after you bought it :mad:

09-Nov-2011, 08:21 PM
Arrgh not that word again, DLC, why cant they just release this stuff at the same time as the rest of the game? Half the time the stuff is already packaged with the game but you have to pay to unlock it a couple of months after you bought it :mad:

Usually if you preorder the special edition version of the game for like $150 you can get all the future DLC for free. I always pass on this

09-Nov-2011, 08:55 PM
Arrgh not that word again, DLC, why cant they just release this stuff at the same time as the rest of the game? Half the time the stuff is already packaged with the game but you have to pay to unlock it a couple of months after you bought it :mad:

This is true when it comes to things like extra maps for multiplayer shooters, but the Bethesda's DLCs are usually more substantial (horse armour excluded, although the backlash to that debacle probably helped ensure their current level of quality). If you look at the DLC for Fallout 3, for example, each one added several hours to gameplay along with new weapons, enemies, characters and extended the playable game area for miles with new environments and stuff to explore.

According to Todd Whatsisface, they have plans for the Skyrim DLC mapped out but haven't really begun working on it in earnest. Apparently they take a holiday after releasing a game, see how the public take things, relax, then come back and start working on DLC a month or two later. So no, it's not hidden inside the Skyrim game disc when you buy it.

11-Nov-2011, 09:18 AM
Anyone played yet? Sitting in my jacket right now, the "cloth" map is like shitty christmas table cloth material - really disappointing plus misleading as the product description changed on the website. Arse. it's still better than the map you'd get normally I guess - but still not on that they did that.

Anyway, not overly important, the game is here! I cannot WAIT!!! :) :) :)

See you all in about 3 years. xxxx

11-Nov-2011, 11:31 AM
so apparently my mum bought it for me as a gift for helping her set up her computer the other month and it arrives today.

on one hand super excited for the sequel to oblivion.

on the other its a day one launch bethesda game with no bug fixes...

11-Nov-2011, 01:18 PM
I need to have this game, just been watching some videos of it that people have put out today & it looks gorgeous! It'll have to wait till the end of the month for pay day though!

11-Nov-2011, 01:53 PM
I am going to wait, until after Thanksgiving and see if it goes on sale.

11-Nov-2011, 01:57 PM
Theres so many good games out at the moment its hard to focus on just one, never mind afford them!

11-Nov-2011, 02:06 PM
Theres so many good games out at the moment its hard to focus on just one, never mind afford them!

Just reduce your food budget....it's what I've done to afford loads of new games recen'cfdmv /\sl;dkjfzsdf;

sorry...passed out.

11-Nov-2011, 02:18 PM
ha ha if only, I do a lot of weight training so need to keep up the food intake!
Whats it like then chief, first impressions?

11-Nov-2011, 05:57 PM
Here is a screen by screen comparision for the 360 vs PS3.


11-Nov-2011, 06:10 PM
my first 3 hours and 7 levels in skyrim:

did the opening mandatory story bit.
chased a fox for about 20 minutes.
stealthed about the woods with a bow and arrow collecting pelts and ingredients.
found woman in cabin in the woods. discovered skulls and purple fire in her basement, went back up and she screamed how nobody must know her secret and summoned ghost wolves and breathed fire to try and kill me. dont know if that was one of the lauded randomly produced content things or i killed some dark brotherhood woman or something.
did the golden claw quest.
tried to do some blacksmithing.
3 hired thugs that way outpowered me tried to wreck my shit, only by using all my potion and stuff did i actually survive.

11-Nov-2011, 06:51 PM
sounds absolutely fascinating danny

11-Nov-2011, 07:02 PM
my first 3 hours and 7 levels in skyrim...

What is your impression thus far, though? Any "wow", "oh no" or "WTF" moments?

11-Nov-2011, 07:27 PM
What is your impression thus far, though? Any "wow", "oh no" or "WTF" moments?

hard to say, interface is certainly a low point, they tried to make it function like the original ipod menu interface and it sucks. i just want straight menus back. and a d pad full of hotkeyed spells seems to be lacking too.

Other than that what i have seen looks great and the musics amazing. my only real complaint is i always go stealth and bows and if i hold right trigger you get the bow out, but unlike oblivion and morrowind you need to release it, wait half a second then hold it again to notch an arrow.

id recommend it, but havent really done any story yet to say how good it is.

-also a tip BUCKETS!

want to steal in front of a shop owner? hold A instead of pressing it to physically pick up a bucket and using physic's put it over the shop owners head. they are now counted as being behind and wall and you can just pilfer the store right in front of them.

Mr. Clean
11-Nov-2011, 07:39 PM
-also a tip BUCKETS!

want to steal in front of a shop owner? hold A instead of pressing it to physically pick up a bucket and using physic's put it over the shop owners head. they are now counted as being behind and wall and you can just pilfer the store right in front of them.

:lol: That's pretty funny.

12-Nov-2011, 05:18 AM
got a gift card for veteran's day, decided to pick this up, even against my better judgement. i've been looking at videos and marveling at how incredible this game looks...then everytime i go to play fallout: new vegas, all i see is decay, trash, and brown.

getting ready to fire it up, will post some impressions later this weekend.

12-Nov-2011, 03:23 PM
360 owners need to read this. Do not download the game to your harddrive, yet. There is a glitch that affects the texture quality. They are currently working on a patch to fix the issue. This may explain why the PS3 version looks better my last post.


12-Nov-2011, 03:34 PM
360 owners need to read this. Do not download the game to your harddrive, yet. There is a glitch that affects the texture quality. They are currently working on a patch to fix the issue. This may explain why the PS3 version looks better my last post.


i did and it looks absolutely amazing. so either thats overblown or ive got low standards! :lol:

either way i can deal with crappier textures for now if it means no new vegas tier load times.

12-Nov-2011, 04:43 PM
360 owners need to read this. Do not download the game to your harddrive, yet. There is a glitch that affects the texture quality. They are currently working on a patch to fix the issue. This may explain why the PS3 version looks better my last post.

http://www.gamespot.com/news/6345189.html...and of course the PC version will blow them both out of the water (assuming a good spec) :)

12-Nov-2011, 05:16 PM
From what I have read so far, the PC version does have the better graphics.

12-Nov-2011, 06:53 PM
Superb game this. Very very pretty. Downside is that i tend to get pretty bored of "go there, get this, etc". Hopefully there is something substantial to keep my interest. I do love the universe though.

12-Nov-2011, 07:05 PM
From what I have read so far, the PC version does have the better graphics.

Generally is the rule of thumb... More memory and more horsepower. Just more $$$$ too :)

12-Nov-2011, 07:25 PM
MY MAJOR COMPLAINT: i always play elder scrolls as a rogue/assassin type favouring stealth and bows. the f*cking hit detection is terrible. you can aim to shoot just past a door and it gets stuck in mid air like its in the wood of the door. Or i use the zoom timeslow aim to get a perfect headshot and it goes through their head and just alerts them to me and if its like a orc with a great hammer i get one shot and die. its very bloody irritating that my playstyle is broken through no fault of my own!

darth los
12-Nov-2011, 11:42 PM
my first 3 hours and 7 levels in skyrim:

did the opening mandatory story bit.
chased a fox for about 20 minutes.
stealthed about the woods with a bow and arrow collecting pelts and ingredients.
found woman in cabin in the woods. discovered skulls and purple fire in her basement, went back up and she screamed how nobody must know her secret and summoned ghost wolves and breathed fire to try and kill me. dont know if that was one of the lauded randomly produced content things or i killed some dark brotherhood woman or something.
did the golden claw quest.
tried to do some blacksmithing.
3 hired thugs that way outpowered me tried to wreck my shit, only by using all my potion and stuff did i actually survive.

What is your impression thus far, though? Any "wow", "oh no" or "WTF" moments?

The thing i got from that which is maybe the most awesome is that you could literally play this game for weeks, maybe months and not touch the main quest. It's so far from linear it's not even funny.

Although, I'm wondering how I'm going to fit this in with all the other games coming out. Next week alone I'm getting ACR, Rayman, Halo Aniverssary And SR the 3rd. This is on top of not evn touching uncharted 3 yet and being totally addicted to MW3 multiplayer. My plan is to Get all of those out of the way first because it looks like once I crack Skyrim open nothing else is gonna get played.

Cool stuff though danny.


13-Nov-2011, 05:09 PM
The thing i got from that which is maybe the most awesome is that you could literally play this game for weeks, maybe months and not touch the main quest. It's so far from linear it's not even funny.

Although, I'm wondering how I'm going to fit this in with all the other games coming out. Next week alone I'm getting ACR, Rayman, Halo Aniverssary And SR the 3rd. This is on top of not evn touching uncharted 3 yet and being totally addicted to MW3 multiplayer. My plan is to Get all of those out of the way first because it looks like once I crack Skyrim open nothing else is gonna get played.

Cool stuff though danny.


Thats what I'm like, I really should finish Dead Island, GTA4 and give the awesome Battlefield 3 some more of my time before buying Skyrim, but I keep watching videos of it and its got my attention and captured my imagination more than any game has in years. I hope when I do finally buy it (probably in a couple of weeks) that I'll enjoy it as much as I think I will, and I hope the bugs I've heard about don't ruin the immersion for me!

13-Nov-2011, 09:28 PM
Shit. Im gonna say it.
This is the best game i have played in 30 years of gaming. Even the side quests are epic. I'll give you an example. I've started a storyline to become a bard (yes i know). In the 1st mission, after quite a trek through a dungeon with all sorts of puzzles, i've ended up in a big chamber fighting side by side with a friendly ghost, whose been helping me out, against the undead. Now it doesn't get much better than that and this is a side quest which is only really there for you to shape your character/class.
My advice is dont buy this unless you can devote a lot of time to it to do it justice.
Superb and surprisingly varied game.

14-Nov-2011, 12:12 AM
Damn Kidgloves...now I may have to slap it in the 360 sooner than planned. Glad you like it :thumbsup:

I'm in the same boat as a lot of people here...Gears 3, Battlefield 3, some strategy PC games, another 2nd hand 360 game (Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, which I've been wanting to mess around with) and now I went and picked up Skyrim Friday night....talk about a full dance card!

Danny, quick question: I know you mentioned some of the issues with archery already, but do you find that it's compounded by limited range and a relatively quick groundspeed for targets? That tends to usually be my big issue with bow/crossbow weapons in games like this.

14-Nov-2011, 12:44 AM
I started my first character today. A High-Elf necromancer. Having a great time. Brings back memories of Bloodmoon and Solstheim. Solstheim was my favourite part of Morrowind, hands down, so this is so kick ass. I usually play a warrior, that's why I thought I'd go all out necromancer with this one. Necromancy was impossible in Oblivion, so it was kind of a wild-card, but one of the first spells I came across was "wake dead". Kick ass.

14-Nov-2011, 12:49 AM
INecromancy was impossible in Oblivion, so it was kind of a wild-card, but one of the first spells I came across was "wake dead". Kick ass.

Damn, that sounds tempting. I'm leaning towards a ranger-style combatant, currently...but who knows till I actually start up a game.

Rancid Carcass
14-Nov-2011, 02:49 AM
I guess it settles that age old argument - anyone who thinks video games cannot be considered as art clearly hasn't played this. It's just jaw dropping at every turn.

Also, not sure if it's just me, but I'm sure I'm hearing occasional music cues from Morrowind when wandering round the cities. Either that or it's very similar. Awesome which ever it is.

On an adventuring note, just spent a ton of money on a house and some furnishings - livin' the dream! Flat broke now though, can't decide on an enchanted Dwarven bow or a horse... hmm maybe I'll see what my housecarl thinks, lol. :D

14-Nov-2011, 04:26 AM
im up to lvl28 now on my nord rogue and theres a few things bugging me.
1: the archery is really broken compared to oblivions, i know i said it before but the arrows go through heads and alert whole rooms you are there. very annoying.
2: i have 56,000g with nothing to buy and full inventory of crap to sell. im constantly overcumbered or leaving valuable loot behind but each shop has between 700 and 200g so to sell my inventory i must go to every store in the game then wait a few in game days and do it again after each dungeon i clear through.
3: rather than just give you a list of quests all the side quests are lumped into one grouping. this is the most annoying thing yet in game. i will be told 'find the body of X's missing sister and its giving me direction to bear pelts i need because these are in the 'minor quests' category. id rather just have a list of individual quests like every other bethesda game ever.
4: more voice actors but like 1 to 2 things said across the entire town.
5: so far i either find forts or ruins full of bandits or necromancers or hagravens and maybe the odd giant or thief. aside from that i experience NOTHING but wolves and spiders and at this point even without doing the main plot i have covered the whole map and the sheer lack of enemy types is the biggest disappointment. i have put in like 17 hours and most of it has been spent killing the zombie vikings or bandits. thats a lot of content but not a lot of variance.

dont get me wrong, great game. but so far its only really out doing oblivion in the graphics department for me. other than that its more bland and more samey than morrowind or oblivion. that or im very unlucky and all the good questlines have yet to be stumbled upon because thus far every one has been 'go clear ruin of zombies' or 'investigate ruin, turns out necromancers killed everyone. again' its kind of a let down in the rpg department so far for me:(

14-Nov-2011, 05:05 AM
sadly, i've had a busy weekend and very little time to play this. i have been very impressed with everything thus far, and should have a couple of evenings this week free to really sink my teeth into this one.

and speaking of teeth, i just discovered that you can actually become a vampire or werewolf in this game...incredible. sounds like that could be a rather amusing time.:evil:

14-Nov-2011, 09:33 AM
ha ha if only, i do a lot of weight training so need to keep up the food intake!
Whats it like then chief, first impressions?

f*cking amazing.

-- -------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

From what I have read so far, the PC version does have the better graphics.

Of course it does! :P 1920x1080p output verses an up-res'd 640p picture....Direct x11 vs Direct x...8, 9? probably 8...I got a shedload of screen grabs of this game running on Ultra settings - I'll post them up soon. :)

-- -------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------

So I've put in a few hours over the weekend and am up to level 15....just milling around I have found various settlements and am currently enjoying the College of Winterhold's missions.
I'm currently being followed by a chick called Lydia who's useful to stash my shit with but I keep buying spells and thusly forgetting to save up for a house. I really need a house to store some of my potions, ingredients and stuf in because I'm very encumbered by all my shizzle.

Some environments are a bit "fallout"y for me...sparse and a bit baron, the more verdant areas are the most interesting whilst the snowy areas which unfortunately dominate skyrim are probably the least interesting

-- -------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------

Here is a screen by screen comparision for the 360 vs PS3.


Hmm, not much use considering it's a higly compressed flash video at a much lower resolution than the output of the actual consoles...! Kinda like taking a picture of a 50 inch TV screen with a camera phone and saying "hey, look at the picture quality of my telly!!

14-Nov-2011, 09:47 AM
and speaking of teeth, i just discovered that you can actually become a vampire or werewolf in this game...incredible. sounds like that could be a rather amusing time.:evil:
You could in previous ones too! Became a - excuse the pun - a pain the neck trying to get cured!

14-Nov-2011, 11:03 AM
I didn't get it lauch day and I was too hungover on Saturday to enjoy it, so I spent all Sunday on it and have reached level 14 - I think.

What an outstanding game, the graphics on the PC are amazing (auto detected my setting should be at High :p) and the maps are so diverse I don't think I have seen the same dungeon layout twice.

Have to admit the physics are out by a bit, things you kill have a tendency to slide all the way down a hill if not blocked, and I have seen a clip of a guy who freezes a bear way up in the mountains, the bear starts rolling down the hill and gets faster and faster until it creates its own gravity as it warbles in the air.

Still, these things can be fixed, even a modder can sort this out. It does not stop me from enjoying this immensely.

P.S: Those who got the map with their game, take a closer look. ;)

14-Nov-2011, 12:34 PM
Can't wait to play this. But, I'll be out of my home until Feb next year due to flooding last month!! :(

Ah well, at least there will be some mods by the time I get around to playing it.

14-Nov-2011, 02:24 PM
Got some time to write a longer post about this epic f*cking game.

I am a "woodland elf" in Skyrim. I chose this because I liked the idea of being able to command animals, but I've rarely used it.
my (spoiler-less) route through the game has been as follows: did the first quest, left Helgen, followed the dude around and spoke to King of Whiterun who introduces you to the quest which gets you the shout ability - once that was done I was invited to see the redbeards, but I didn't bother. Off I went exploring....!
I did the Golden Claw quest and ended up making a break for the Winterhold. Got there and was introduced to some new missions, but left them before leaving to explore the area. Found a house on the map full of anti-daedric crusaders but they won't talk to me! I guess my reliance on the "summon flame atronauch" spell didn't do me any favours there - but with one follower (Lydia) and the flame atronauch (just purchased the familiar conjuration spell but not used it) you're pretty much unstoppable in any battle.
So a few hours in I do a few quests and now all the enemies are dying after about 3 hits. Literally. Skelton warriors and the like are taken down with around two hits - or one hit and a concetrated blast of anything from my destruction spells....the only enemies that have caused an issue was a troll and a mammoth which I stupidly tried to take on about 1 hr into the game - after some lady asked for a Mammoth tusk.

14-Nov-2011, 07:50 PM
I have already fixed two problems I had with Skyrim, thanks to it's extreme modability.

I felt the mouse movements were very unsmooth and the field of vision was very narrow. Somehow, despite me playing on a widescreen monitor and the game featuring many epic, grand locations, it didn't feel all that epic. So I changed the Field of Vision in the .ini files as well as adjusting the mouse movements. And now? Feels much better! Much more epic.

Take a gander at this. This is the guide I used.


14-Nov-2011, 09:42 PM
Got some time to write a longer post about this epic f*cking game.

I am a "woodland elf" in Skyrim. I chose this because I liked the idea of being able to command animals, but I've rarely used it.
my (spoiler-less) route through the game has been as follows: did the first quest, left Helgen, followed the dude around and spoke to King of Whiterun who introduces you to the quest which gets you the shout ability - once that was done I was invited to see the redbeards, but I didn't bother. Off I went exploring....!
I did the Golden Claw quest and ended up making a break for the Winterhold. Got there and was introduced to some new missions, but left them before leaving to explore the area. Found a house on the map full of anti-daedric crusaders but they won't talk to me! I guess my reliance on the "summon flame atronauch" spell didn't do me any favours there - but with one follower (Lydia) and the flame atronauch (just purchased the familiar conjuration spell but not used it) you're pretty much unstoppable in any battle.
So a few hours in I do a few quests and now all the enemies are dying after about 3 hits. Literally. Skelton warriors and the like are taken down with around two hits - or one hit and a concetrated blast of anything from my destruction spells....the only enemies that have caused an issue was a troll and a mammoth which I stupidly tried to take on about 1 hr into the game - after some lady asked for a Mammoth tusk.

Do yourself a favour: make for the settings menu and change difficulty to the highest setting. In my experience, instead of having enemies level with you on a roughly even keel, it seems to create a more Morrowind-esque experience where relatively low level enemies are still common across the map, but with a drastically increased chance of stumbling into a fight with something vastly out of your league, particularly in certain areas and dungeons. Last night my level nine character fought an epic hour-long battle with a ridiculously overpowered draugr scourge I met in some catacombs, during which I expended over a hundred arrows and increased my archery, destruction, restoration and sneak skills by several points apiece. The sense of achievement when I finally took that bastard down was made it seem like an hour well spent (right before I began to wonder if I was really making the most of my time on earth). Then I found a cave full of high-level vampires and, to cut a long story short, fled. But not before vowing to return when my character was stronger to lay those sparkling pansies to rest once and for all. The game seems much more involved and rewarding this way.

15-Nov-2011, 10:23 AM
Do yourself a favour: make for the settings menu and change difficulty to the highest setting. In my experience, instead of having enemies level with you on a roughly even keel, it seems to create a more Morrowind-esque experience where relatively low level enemies are still common across the map, but with a drastically increased chance of stumbling into a fight with something vastly out of your league, particularly in certain areas and dungeons. Last night my level nine character fought an epic hour-long battle with a ridiculously overpowered draugr scourge I met in some catacombs, during which I expended over a hundred arrows and increased my archery, destruction, restoration and sneak skills by several points apiece. The sense of achievement when I finally took that bastard down was made it seem like an hour well spent (right before I began to wonder if I was really making the most of my time on earth). Then I found a cave full of high-level vampires and, to cut a long story short, fled. But not before vowing to return when my character was stronger to lay those sparkling pansies to rest once and for all. The game seems much more involved and rewarding this way.

In the interests of challenge and longevity, I think I'll be ramping the difficulty up tonight after your advice, cheers :)

15-Nov-2011, 11:02 AM
Must resist! Must not buy this game!


15-Nov-2011, 01:42 PM
Here's some screenshots of "Ultra" mode....thought I'd take a nice shot of the...erm....central lights...(northern lights....kinda, but central)


On a side note does anyone know how I can delete old pics from my HPOTD repository? The option in the uploader doesn't seem to exist.

15-Nov-2011, 04:01 PM
Here's some screenshots

Nice screenies, Symph! Now you have me wondering as to whether I should have bought the PC version, if only really for the modability.

15-Nov-2011, 04:06 PM
now crashing my entire system everytime i try a manual save. youd think after 5 years using basically the same shit they would iron the gorram bugs out.

15-Nov-2011, 04:12 PM
I played this at a friend's house over the weekend and it's clunky as hell. The controls are horrible and the movement of the characters looks like something from N64. I'm not normally into these types of games anyway, but the few hours I spent with this game made me absolutely sure it would never be a purchase...

15-Nov-2011, 04:28 PM
I played this at a friend's house over the weekend and it's clunky as hell. The controls are horrible and the movement of the characters looks like something from N64. I'm not normally into these types of games anyway, but the few hours I spent with this game made me absolutely sure it would never be a purchase...

What system did you play it on out of interest Bass?

15-Nov-2011, 04:35 PM

I'm glad everyone enjoys it, but I just don't see it. Like I said, I was never really into the genre anyway, so i'm sure that didn't help.

15-Nov-2011, 06:21 PM
Funny, I hear everyone complain about the character models, but I don't see it myself. I know Oblivion and Fallout had characters that looked like wooden puppets but this, to my eye, has completely overhauled the animation system. It is, of course, an RPG at heart so many of the interactions like hitting a character with a sword or jumping or whatever are based on underlying stats and attributes as opposed to the raw physics of object meeting object, so it will never be precisely photorealistic like that but I think they do a good job of dressing it up. Also, I'd rather the designers spent more of their time building a huge and interesting game world to excite my imagination rather than agonizing over little things like getting the angle of a character's foot on a sloped surface exactly perfect which ultimately adds nothing to the gameplay.

15-Nov-2011, 11:08 PM
Damn, I want this game so badly. I just live it vicariously through what you guys post on here. Maybe I'll start New Vegas back up, until I can get this.

15-Nov-2011, 11:25 PM
So im leaving a jarls house and the towns under attack by 4 frost dragons at once.

yeah, that was neat.

fulci fan
16-Nov-2011, 01:37 AM
I got some decent hours in this game. I like it alot more than oblivion. If only they would make a zombie rpg. :(
You would figure they would since we are going through another zombie craze.

16-Nov-2011, 11:48 AM
I got some decent hours in this game. I like it alot more than oblivion. If only they would make a zombie rpg. :(
You would figure they would since we are going through another zombie craze.

Dead Island didn't do it for you dude?

16-Nov-2011, 12:56 PM
I caved in and bought it last night, my willpower wouldnt last until next pay day! First impressions are good! A few niggling problems with the controls, such as if you change the interact and sheath buttons from the keyboard to the side buttons on the mouse, you cant drop items from your inventory, and also the key bindings dont change so it still keeps telling you to press "R" which no longer works, so I begrudgingly had to swap them back to the keyboard (I always use arrows instead of WASD so its not really convenient to reach across to R and tab for menu & sheathing weapons etc). Only a small problem though, I'm sure I'll get used to it. Love the setting, although after going for a good walk on it I dont think the map is quite as big as I was expecting, but its still huge. I did a couple of quests and met a few people on the road and in the first town, and kept spending loads of time reading all the books I found, I'm not sure if its essential to the plot to read them all, some of them are long and you start itching to get back into the game, but I'll read them anyway so I dont miss anything!

16-Nov-2011, 01:28 PM
I caved in and bought it last night, my willpower wouldnt last until next pay day! First impressions are good! A few niggling problems with the controls, such as if you change the interact and sheath buttons from the keyboard to the side buttons on the mouse, you cant drop items from your inventory, and also the key bindings dont change so it still keeps telling you to press "R" which no longer works, so I begrudgingly had to swap them back to the keyboard (I always use arrows instead of WASD so its not really convenient to reach across to R and tab for menu & sheathing weapons etc). Only a small problem though, I'm sure I'll get used to it. Love the setting, although after going for a good walk on it I dont think the map is quite as big as I was expecting, but its still huge. I did a couple of quests and met a few people on the road and in the first town, and kept spending loads of time reading all the books I found, I'm not sure if its essential to the plot to read them all, some of them are long and you start itching to get back into the game, but I'll read them anyway so I dont miss anything!

I'm resisting... I dare not buy it for fear of how much free time it will consume!

If I did get it I'd be temtped to actually follow a 'walk through' so as to limit the amount of days of my life it will eat!

Mr. Clean
16-Nov-2011, 01:30 PM
well I guess you can get married...


Skyrim is a large place. After playing for hours you’ll start to feel like you are actually in this fantasy world, why not have a fantasy husband / wife to come home too? Skyrim allows just this to happen. I was actually not away of this feature at first. To allow this process to occur some aspects must occur first. Let’s go over those!

Travel to the town of Riften.
Find and enter the “Bee and Barb” inn.
Speak to an NPC named Maramal about the Cult of Mara.
Buy the Amulet of Mara off Maramal - 200 gold.
While wearing the amulet you have new speech options to court NPCs who can be courted.
Maramal will be at the Temple of Mara for the rest of the game.
After purposing to an NPC, talk to Maramal at the Temple of Mara and you become married.
Side note: Marriage can be heterosexual or homosexual.
That is the marriage process. Why again would I want to be married though? This is why:

Once married you can move into that NPC’s house or your own.
If that NPC has a shop you receive 100 GP a day and some NPCs will start a store upon marriage.
Once a day your spouse can cook a meal that increases regeneration of magicka, health and stamina.
‘Lover's Comfort’ is a buff you receive for 8 hours after sleeping in a house with your spouse. This gives you 15% increase to skill learning.
Anyone you marry can become a follower if they weren’t before.

16-Nov-2011, 02:11 PM
^^ Most importantly, do you get to see their wobbly bits?

I did read one review that made me laugh. The reviewer married a women, but then she prompty walked off never to be seen again - WOMEN! :)

There’s also the opportunity to purchase property in cities, and even seek out companionship. Having property was quite useful considering the amount of hoarding I usually do in Bethesda RPGs, but having a wife was not. My special lady went off for a walk just after the wedding ceremony, never to be seen again.

16-Nov-2011, 02:41 PM
Nice screenies, Symph! Now you have me wondering as to whether I should have bought the PC version, if only really for the modability.

Cheers bruvva! A couple of years back I would have said get the console version - but now I won't go near them...way too underperfoming nowdays, even the most basic PC can outwit an xbox 4 times graphically and processing wise yet they're still popular....!

There was an AMAZING mod for Ob and Morro called Morroblivion - which I'm sure you could guess is an amalgamation of the two games that allows you to travel between the worlds using Oblivion's game engine. Skyrim works on a completely new, and very different game engine which makes "morroblivirim" an impossibility...but the rest of the mods should still be awesome! I would love Morroblivirim myself...morro...blivi....rim...just love the sound of it really.

16-Nov-2011, 03:32 PM
There was an AMAZING mod for Ob and Morro called Morroblivion - which I'm sure you could guess is an amalgamation of the two games that allows you to travel between the worlds using Oblivion's game engine. Skyrim works on a completely new, and very different game engine which makes "morroblivirim" an impossibility...but the rest of the mods should still be awesome! I would love Morroblivirim myself...morro...blivi....rim...just love the sound of it really.

Not strictly true. While Bethesda gave the engine a new name (Creation), it is not truly a new engine started from scratch. In fact, just like Gamebryo (Oblivion's engine) was basically an updated Netimmerse (Morrowind's engine), Creation was built on top of Gamebro code, and as far as I know, uses basically the same (albeit updated) file formats for things like meshes and terrain. So I suspect Skymorrowblivion is not totally out of the question.

17-Nov-2011, 12:07 PM
Not strictly true. While Bethesda gave the engine a new name (Creation), it is not truly a new engine started from scratch. In fact, just like Gamebryo (Oblivion's engine) was basically an updated Netimmerse (Morrowind's engine), Creation was built on top of Gamebro code, and as far as I know, uses basically the same (albeit updated) file formats for things like meshes and terrain. So I suspect Skymorrowblivion is not totally out of the question.

Let's hope not! Although the guys at Morroblivion think it's "impossible".....but it would be AMAZING....I still haven't been through all of Morrowind so to have the game functioning with Skyrim's graphics would be awesomeness.

17-Nov-2011, 10:57 PM
I'll get a screen grab at some point, but my character looks just like Lemmy Kilmister (on purpose seen as I went to see Motorhead last week) , so as well as being god, Lemmy is also a Dragonborn :evil:

17-Nov-2011, 11:47 PM

my character, best image i could get of the tv with iphone. A currently lvl38 nord rogue with 100 archery, sneaking, lockpicking and speech with high 70s alchemy, light armour, smithing and pickpocketing.

-interesting tidbit, had friends round when i booted it up, they said try and make a fat female dwarf looking viking woman. i was picking nord anyway like i always do so didnt really care about gender. the weight thing though?

that picture of my character is the maximum heavy set figure for a female in a skyrim game. i had to laugh if thats heavy set :lol:

17-Nov-2011, 11:49 PM
@ Dope Danny, I noticed you are at level 37. Are you close to beating the game????

18-Nov-2011, 12:11 AM
@ Dope Danny, I noticed you are at level 37. Are you close to beating the game????

i have no goddamn idea.

18-Nov-2011, 04:24 AM
@ Dope Danny, I noticed you are at level 37. Are you close to beating the game????

I think you can beat the game (that is, complete the main quest) at a rather low level if you want too and focus on nothing else. Probably something like level 15 or 20.

18-Nov-2011, 12:12 PM
So everyone....

Stormcloak rebellion or Imperial Legion????

18-Nov-2011, 01:49 PM
So everyone....

Stormcloak rebellion or Imperial Legion????

I've not sided with either yet although I've made contact with both sides, I guess I'll have to make a decision soon but I'm leaning more towards Stormcloaks.
Those giants are bastards, is there any way of approaching them without them attacking or are they permanently aggressive towards you? I met a guy who was taking a cow to them as an offering but I didnt see what happened to him, maybe I should have followed him...

18-Nov-2011, 02:02 PM
I've not sided with either yet although I've made contact with both sides, I guess I'll have to make a decision soon but I'm leaning more towards Stormcloaks.

Have a chat around the Wildhelm camp - there is at least one person who will give you a very good insight, from what I can tell, about the Stormcloaks....

I mean, when I arrived at Windhelm the guards were harassing an Elven lady, who was very unimpressed with them....But then you hear loads of shite about the Legion being lazy and ineffective....

Rancid Carcass
18-Nov-2011, 03:22 PM
I was leaning towards the Stormcloaks, but there doesn't seem to be a clear cut 'we are the good guys, we are the bad guys' side to take. This game does do the moral grey area thing rather well, so now I'm not sure which side to take. A lot of Nords do seem quite racist though, I'm playing an Imperial and they're always telling me where to shove it - thank goodness for bar room brawls! :lol:

darth los
18-Nov-2011, 07:45 PM
i have no goddamn idea.


And that's why this is the greatest game ever.


19-Nov-2011, 12:16 AM
God dammit I'm growing to hate these bad boys

Loving the game though, I wasnt quite sure what to make of it at first having not played a real RPG in a long long time, but its really drawing me in now. Also the graphics which I felt a bit underwhelmed with at first actually take on a beauty of their own once you get used to them (just dont examine textures too closely). I went to meet the grey beards earlier to learn a bit more about this shouting, and I stood on the edge of the Throat of the world looking down, what a view from up there!! :stunned:

19-Nov-2011, 12:41 AM
use fire, trolls have a weakness to it and it stops them regenerating. They used to one shot my poor rogue like giants do. then i got wise, launched a 6x damaged stealth arrow, then double flame as it ran up then finished it with a well times dragons breath flame shout.

Mr. Clean
19-Nov-2011, 03:42 PM
I may end up jumping on the Skyrim band wagon soon if New Vegas doesn't stop being a bitch. I wasted 4 hours last night because of some BOS glitch that caused them all to get pissed at me when I didn't do anything. Skyrim isn't glitchy besides the arrows is it?

19-Nov-2011, 03:43 PM
I may end up jumping on the Skyrim band wagon soon if New Vegas doesn't stop being a bitch. I wasted 4 hours last night because of some BOS glitch that caused them all to get pissed at me when I didn't do anything. Skyrim isn't glitchy besides the arrows is it?

There are glitches but I havent found anything I would call game breaking yet! Mainly graphics & physics glitches I've seen so far

20-Nov-2011, 03:21 AM
Although I haven't had much time to play it lately, I just wanted to echo the sentiments in this thread; Skyrim is just awesome. So much to do and see, with a fantastic soundtrack to accompany your travels. The Dark Brotherhood has just let me into their hideout, hopefully their quests are as good as those in Oblivion.

Also, the game seems relatively bug free for a Bethesda game; only one lock-up so far.

20-Nov-2011, 03:58 AM
Although I haven't had much time to play it lately, I just wanted to echo the sentiments in this thread; Skyrim is just awesome. So much to do and see, with a fantastic soundtrack to accompany your travels. The Dark Brotherhood has just let me into their hideout, hopefully their quests are as good as those in Oblivion.

Also, the game seems relatively bug free for a Bethesda game; only one lock-up so far.

they really aren't, theres very few quests and they try to compensate it by making it 'epic' but as a story its really really dull. my only big disappointment in the game compared to skyrims.

right now im at 89 hours in at lvl39. i got a lot for my moneys worth but im kind of wanting the main stuff to just end already. I dont care about the imperial/ stormcloaks thing and would rather get back to the dragonslaying.

some things that bug me:

i have over 200,000g and nothing to spend it on. you buy and upgrade a house and upgrade the dark brotherhood hideout, other than that money is pointless.
Most of the shouts are never needed ever. and i still dont have the 20 for the achievement but ive found the 3 words for 18, thats a LOT of walls ive found already, makes searching for them a little dull when you get word after word for the same power rather than new powers.
really want a patch for archery, headshots are literally impossible.

given that i think the end is near ill say this: excellent game, really stellar, makes the fallout games look like shit. However its not as good as oblivion. The voice acting is lazier. the dungeon recycling is more obvious, the world feels taller, but smaller. The sheer amount of fantastic quests oblivion had like going into a water colour painting to fight trolls made of ink or something are far, far rarer in this game. The dragons ARE a dull moving version of the random oblivion gates just like i predicted they would be.

dont get me wrong, i love it i really, really do. Its just not as good as oblivion. it looks nicer sure, but it just feels like a more uninspired mod of it than a true sequel to the likes of morrowind and oblivion. I still totally recommend it, best game of the year in fact, but still im a little disappointed that they spent so much time crafting a gorgeous landscape but filled it with so little variance other than terrain.

20-Nov-2011, 10:50 AM
I just gotta say, there is something immensely satisfying about "force-shouting" a frost troll or a draugr wight off a precipitous drop to their death, amirite?

20-Nov-2011, 12:42 PM
I just got that "Whirlwind" shout thingy, which is kinda useless for me as I'm playing a Necromancer, but still awesome.

I disagree with Danny on much of your comparisons to Oblivion. I think the voice acting and dungeons are superior in Skyrim, even though they were excellent in Oblivion as well. As for the world, it's hard to compare as I haven't even been everywhere yet (I've visited 4 out of 9 cities). But Oblivion's world was huge, yes. But even then, in Oblivion, a game I spent 200+ hours on (probably double that), I never even visited everything there either. And Morrowind, which I played even more, I'd say the same. By the time the next Elder Scrolls game comes out, I will not have visited all of Skyrim. So their relative size to each other matters little to me.

20-Nov-2011, 02:43 PM
I just got that "Whirlwind" shout thingy, which is kinda useless for me as I'm playing a Necromancer, but still awesome.

I disagree with Danny on much of your comparisons to Oblivion. I think the voice acting and dungeons are superior in Skyrim, even though they were excellent in Oblivion as well. As for the world, it's hard to compare as I haven't even been everywhere yet (I've visited 4 out of 9 cities). But Oblivion's world was huge, yes. But even then, in Oblivion, a game I spent 200+ hours on (probably double that), I never even visited everything there either. And Morrowind, which I played even more, I'd say the same. By the time the next Elder Scrolls game comes out, I will not have visited all of Skyrim. So their relative size to each other matters little to me.

The size doesn't really bother me, its the lack of variance compared to oblivion. In oblivion there are things with little to no relevance to anything. A bunch of coffins floating downstream leading to a satanic church full of vampires. A town of lovecraftian stylings with a cult worshipping sub human things that lived in caves below the town. or even things like morrowinds 'oh look, a dead body with boots that are +1000 jump! what could go wrong!' thing to stumble upon.

Things that aren't map marker locations or things for quests but honest to god oddities with no connection to anything you could just run into. Things you replayed the game for because you know you never caught them all in your first game. Skyrim doesn't have that.

it has a lot of dragons, bandits, bears, cats and zombies. With the occasional wolf, rat, troll, or very rarely a whisp or wraith. maybe a dozen vampires at most. Its very samey with a great lack of variance. Like i am enjoying it, but when im done i dont think im going to have any incentive to play it again. for the most part 'classes' seem to matter far less and things like the speech system are almost completely removed so chances of different things happening seem to fall into the tired and cliche 'saint or bastard' stark moral choice system.

I mean i love the game. Love it, im gonna break 100 hours on it. However its flaws are just greater than oblivions. Like i've maxed all the skills i use like archery, stealth, lockpicking and so on but im only lvl 40. So for the final 20% of the levels i must grind up things i have absolutely no skill with and dont use at all like alteration magic or block or something i have no interest in doing. Thats just one example of things it does that a great rpg shouldnt. Not to say it isnt great. I just expected more of a leap y'know?
When oblivion came out i was blown away by how extreme a jump the morrowind sequel had made. Like i stood up, pointed at the tv and yelled "holy fuck!, this is amazing!" out loud i was so impressed. Best i've gotten with skyrim is 'oh hey, that looks cool". The combat feels worse, the movements still floaty and so on. I just expected more of an improvement than the one we got is all.

20-Nov-2011, 04:00 PM
Rewind 6 years, replace every mention of "Skyrim" in your post with "Oblivion", and use "Morrowind" as a placeholder for where you refer to "Oblivion" and you have a perfectly generic forum post 6 years ago. Your reaction is incredibly standard, to be honest. When Oblivion came, people moaned and bitched about it. Heck, the exact same thing happened to Morrowind, "failing to live up to" Daggerfall and all that.

21-Nov-2011, 10:47 AM
Oblivion was a very lazy game in some respects....I dunno how people felt that to be more varied as the actual places to visit were usually one of four variations - with a different layout....The landscape outside was very flat and you could basically run from one end of the game to the other in a straight line and reach the coasts - in Skyrim you can't do that at all....for better or worse. The only thing I can safely accuse of being samey is the Inns in various villages and towns, which all have the same layout. As for everything else, it's pretty varied. However I can see some lazyness in the overall design of the game.

For instance it's far easier on the computer's resources to have a low depth of field and a blur covering the horizon, whilst being obscured by snowy weather...this is most definitely why being in the more populated or verdant areas of the game affect it's performance insanely...and the majority of the game is set within a snowstorm....

But by comparing Skyrim to Oblivion I just don't think the two match up. Skyrim is closer to Fallout, and it takes from it, all the cues of lazyness that Fallout 3 and F:NV suffered from - for instance the most populated areas of the Fallout games were places like Megaton and The Strip - and let's face it, these areas are hardly populated, bustling metropoli that we'd kinda love to see. Luckily for Fallout the apocalyptic setting lends itself to a sparsely populated environment but not with Skyrim.

However that said, the game is still HUGE. I've seen plenty of enemy variations and they're getting stronger and stronger. Plenty of vampires have fallen to my sword - and the things they've lost from oblivion help the game move along nicely. There were too many variations of the same spell in Oblivion, and too many kinds of random spells which were useless...so it feels more streamlined...

However I doubt I'll be getting 150+ hours out of it with the current levelling system....until the "level cap" mod comes out, or course...then my character wil be GOD!!!

-- -------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

Forgot to add:

Gamebreaking bug found in my version of Skyrim...

The south western side of the island (I think) has a cave called BONECHILL PASSAGE....if you go in there, be prepared for a crash to desktop....no way through it, it seems.

further edit - put into windowed mode to pass through Bonechill Passage, then fullscreen again when exiting.

21-Nov-2011, 11:57 AM
One of the first quests I was given in the game was from a family in Whiterun who wanted me to find out what had happened to their son and later to try and free him. I found myself where he was being held last night at a prison right up in the far corner of the map (I was on another quest to find an axe with some annoying dog which took me there), anyway when I got to the prison the guards were having none of it and turned hostile when I asked about the missing guy, and it ended with me, the dog & Lydia fighting all the elven guards at the prison and freeing him, was a tough one! After we freed him and got outside the prison, a dragon showed up and we ended up having to fight that as well, I raised several of the elven guards as zombies to help fight the dragon, and when it landed on the nearby beach, a load of walrus type things came out of the sea and started attacking it! Word seems to have got round about what I did at the prison too as the stormcloaks are being even more friendly while the imperial sympathisers are being a bit arsey now....

21-Nov-2011, 04:25 PM

22-Nov-2011, 01:14 PM
Some modders have gone into game files and basic border breaking to reveal the entirety of cyrodil, morrowind, hammerfall and parts of a few other provinces of tamriel are in game. like complete. theres no buildings added but all the terrain is in game right now.

I think the dlc for this game is going to be MASSIVE.

22-Nov-2011, 03:16 PM
Some modders have gone into game files and basic border breaking to reveal the entirety of cyrodil, morrowind, hammerfall and parts of a few other provinces of tamriel are in game. like complete. theres no buildings added but all the terrain is in game right now.

I think the dlc for this game is going to be MASSIVE.

Whoa....WHOA! Pics or it didn't happen! lol :) :p

22-Nov-2011, 05:24 PM
Tits or gtfo!

23-Nov-2011, 07:27 PM
Mods - http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/11/14/the-10-best-skyrim-mods-so-far/

24-Nov-2011, 10:11 AM
Some modders have gone into game files and basic border breaking to reveal the entirety of cyrodil, morrowind, hammerfall and parts of a few other provinces of tamriel are in game. like complete. theres no buildings added but all the terrain is in game right now.

I think the dlc for this game is going to be MASSIVE.

yeah I think I cracked this one last night and it's not really something to get excited about....Basically without going into spoilers there's a Daedric quest which sends you up very high in the Sky to talk with a God - during this time you can see the whole of Cyrodill. The "landscapes" are very very very basic and when you look at them closely, they don't even match the original Oblivion too well. I am pretty sure that this landscape is purely for that quest....

24-Nov-2011, 11:15 AM
yeah I think I cracked this one last night and it's not really something to get excited about....Basically without going into spoilers there's a Daedric quest which sends you up very high in the Sky to talk with a God - during this time you can see the whole of Cyrodill. The "landscapes" are very very very basic and when you look at them closely, they don't even match the original Oblivion too well. I am pretty sure that this landscape is purely for that quest....

i know what you mean but most of this stuff is being found on the other side of the map.


-- -------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

so i run into giants, no problemo, im lvl40, have 104 hours in this game, i can deal with it.

-shadowmere runs in and takes a melee hit for me and flies into orbit.

-her dead corpse lands in riverwood 20 real world minutes later


24-Nov-2011, 01:57 PM
-shadowmere runs in and takes a melee hit for me and flies into orbit.

-her dead corpse lands in riverwood 20 real world minutes later


Sounds like the physics engine needs a bit of attention :)

24-Nov-2011, 08:41 PM
Sounds like the physics engine needs a bit of attention :)

I think it's a deliberate feature of the giants. Just a bit of humour. They smack pretty much anything they hit into space, I've seen them do it to wolves, foxes, bears, my character... :lol:

24-Nov-2011, 08:56 PM
I think it's a deliberate feature of the giants. Just a bit of humour. They smack pretty much anything they hit into space, I've seen them do it to wolves, foxes, bears, my character... :lol:

Even if you put a bucket on their heads?

25-Nov-2011, 05:01 PM
Well, I've been enjoying the hell out of the game, myself. :thumbsup:

25-Nov-2011, 05:34 PM
ditto. absolutely hooked right now. been exploiting the easy smithing leveling-technique, (which i discovered on my own before videos started showing up online for it) and have been making a fortune crafting all sorts of expensive armors and weapons to sell, then improving and enchanting my own to ensure total-badassery.

mainly focusing on side quests and getting my house decked out. will probably blow through the main quest later, i'm really not even concerned with that now.

25-Nov-2011, 07:59 PM
Its got to the stage now when i will only play this at weekends. I don't know about anybody else but i need 5-6 hour stints because its so immersive.

25-Nov-2011, 10:54 PM
kinda bummed, found my first game-fucking bug: one of my companion quests involves assassinating a lieutenant of the silver hand clan, problem is, i'd already killed this particular asshole a few days prior while exploring the area....so now when i go to the journal and highlight the quest, his corpse has a marker hovering over it. took all items off his body, still nothing. used a staff to reanimate the corpse, killed it again, nothing.

so now, i can't take on any new quests for the companions...nice.

i hear there's a patch coming next week, hopefully this will be one of the problems addressed, along with the graphics issues when the disc is installed to the HDD.

still my favorite game in ages, but since i have no saves dating back that far, it's a pretty shitty ordeal.

25-Nov-2011, 11:12 PM
kinda bummed, found my first game-fucking bug: one of my companion quests involves assassinating a lieutenant of the silver hand clan, problem is, i'd already killed this particular asshole a few days prior while exploring the area....so now when i go to the journal and highlight the quest, his corpse has a marker hovering over it. took all items off his body, still nothing. used a staff to reanimate the corpse, killed it again, nothing.

so now, i can't take on any new quests for the companions...nice.

i hear there's a patch coming next week, hopefully this will be one of the problems addressed, along with the graphics issues when the disc is installed to the HDD.

still my favorite game in ages, but since i have no saves dating back that far, it's a pretty shitty ordeal.

i JUST discovered the same bug and its the LAST questline i havent beaten in skyrim. sure i can reroll a new character and do it just for the achievement, but i want to beat it on my character, not some random achievment run one.

26-Nov-2011, 12:55 AM
Guys, you should know by now to always have multiple save files because of shit like this, rotating each file with every save.

26-Nov-2011, 01:49 AM
Guys, you should know by now to always have multiple save files because of shit like this, rotating each file with every save.

ive got over 300 saves, the problem is the next quest in the chain doesnt start. going back and reloading an earlier save doesnt matter. you need to restart a whole new game- and when i go back to my origional character it deletes the saves from the new one so it sucks either way.

27-Nov-2011, 07:46 PM
i was actually considering starting over and staying away from that particular hideout till i got the actual quest requiring me to go there, but with 40 hours already completed and my character/house/wife/skills already established, i'd have a very hard time re-doing everything for that one questline/achievement.

still debating on just saying "f*ck it" and starting from scratch, but we'll see.

very aggravating, for sure. perhaps i'll wait till the patch comes out next week and then see whether or not i feel like starting all over.:|

-- -------- Post added 27-Nov-2011 at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was 26-Nov-2011 at 01:35 AM ----------

like i was going on about in the shoutbox, i said fuck it, started over. kicking myself for buying this right away and not waiting for the first patch to come out.

Mr. Clean
27-Nov-2011, 08:17 PM
i was actually considering starting over and staying away from that particular hideout till i got the actual quest requiring me to go there, but with 40 hours already completed and my character/house/wife/skills already established, i'd have a very hard time re-doing everything for that one questline/achievement.

still debating on just saying "f*ck it" and starting from scratch, but we'll see.

very aggravating, for sure. perhaps i'll wait till the patch comes out next week and then see whether or not i feel like starting all over.:|

-- -------- Post added 27-Nov-2011 at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was 26-Nov-2011 at 01:35 AM ----------

like i was going on about in the shoutbox, i said fuck it, started over. kicking myself for buying this right away and not waiting for the first patch to come out.

:lol: Sometimes it's good to be broke. :)

-- -------- Post added at 03:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------

I've been foaming at the mouth for this game since it came out but since I'm taking a huge cut in pay and Christmas time is coming around I've stop buying a crap load of stuff that I normally do including chips, sodas, and BEER :(

28-Nov-2011, 11:23 PM
1.2 Patch available for PS3 in Europe now, coming Wednesday for PC and 360, not sure about the PS3 in NA:


• Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PlayStation 3)
• Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive (Xbox 360)
• Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz (PC)
• Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away
• Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player’s wedding dead
• Dragon corpses now clean up properly
• Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack
• Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug
• Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely
• Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory
• Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor
• Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death
• ESC button can now be used to exit menus (PC)
• Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
• General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)

I'm only level 15, really gotta find time to sink into this behemoth of a game.

29-Nov-2011, 10:14 AM
I personally haven't experienced many bugs with this title so far - only a few minor things not limited to collision detection and whatnot. A couple of times a character will walk past me whilst I'm in a convo and will start talking random shite over the useful NPC and things like that, still I look forward to the update.

I also really want to see a mod that removes the level cap and allows a player to continue levelling up past 50 and still adding perks.

29-Nov-2011, 11:37 AM
The only game breaking bug I've found so far is in a place called "Bonechill passage" where you have to go and kill a vampire, I get so far into the cave & the game just instantly quits to desktop every time, I've searched for the problem and a few people have had it, apparently running the game in windowed modeis the way to get round it just on that section, but rather than mess about with that I'll just go back to that quest later when its been patched, I've got more than enough other stuff to be doing in the game!

29-Nov-2011, 01:24 PM
Famitsu, Japan's most well known gaming publication, has for the first time given a Western-developed game a 40/40:


Famitsu's editors have awarded their latest perfect score. This time, an overseas game finally managed to cross the 39 barrier and received a perfect 40 as Famitsu's four person review crew each scored The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim a 10. The game sees PS3 and Xbox 360 release on the 8th.

Well deserved for a truly great game. I thought Oblivion was crap, but Bethesda really made great improvements in every category for Skyrim.

29-Nov-2011, 01:29 PM
Guys, can someone explain to me if the Silverhand quest line is really broken if you haven't already cleared out the target dungeon/cave/camp in question?

I'm trying to avoid excess spoilage if possible.

29-Nov-2011, 01:54 PM
Guys, can someone explain to me if the Silverhand quest line is really broken if you haven't already cleared out the target dungeon/cave/camp in question?

I'm trying to avoid excess spoilage if possible.

what's the quest name?

29-Nov-2011, 02:03 PM
what's the quest name?

I'll have to look at it at home, the wiki doesn't list the part of the quest I'm on as part of the Companions quest line but there's no comparable listing falling between "The Silver Hand" quest and the next in the line "Blood's Honor". Weird that there's no mention of it in the associated articles.

29-Nov-2011, 05:02 PM
I'll have to look at it at home, the wiki doesn't list the part of the quest I'm on as part of the Companions quest line but there's no comparable listing falling between "The Silver Hand" quest and the next in the line "Blood's Honor". Weird that there's no mention of it in the associated articles.

Cool so I looked it up and will post my reply in spoiler tags just in case...

so the Blood's Honor quest seems to be the one where you need to collect the witches heads? - if so don't fret, I've done that one and have delivered the heads - the next quest you get is an assassination which I haven't done yet, but Blood's Honor, that's OK.

29-Nov-2011, 06:19 PM
Thanks so much for the info Symph! Will take it under advisement and plow further ahead...after I finish what I have on the docket (sooooo much to do in this game, I love it)!

30-Nov-2011, 09:40 AM
Thanks so much for the info Symph! Will take it under advisement and plow further ahead...after I finish what I have on the docket (sooooo much to do in this game, I love it)!

yeah I think I've done the companions quests - or at least the main ones...not sure now...the quests for the companions have taken a different spin since doing the one in the spoiler box! But yeah, definitely OK past that Silver Hand point...

Funnily enough the last companions thing I did with Aela the Huntress ended up taking me to a mine that I'd just cleared....got me worried for a sec but all the enemies (spiders) had respawned.

God I only get two hours a day and a few at the weekend since taking this new role, so I can never really get too involved with it. I need a good 12 hour slot....

30-Nov-2011, 10:49 AM
God I only get two hours a day and a few at the weekend since taking this new role, so I can never really get too involved with it. I need a good 12 hour slot....

Yep this game is responsible for the dark circles currently residing under my eyes! I'm up at the crack of dawn and dont get home till 7 at night, so my gaming time is limited unless I stay up till daft times in the morning which I have been doing. I get a bit of time on a weekend but thats when my girlfriend starts wanting my full attention, I don't think she'd take too kindly to me spending more time with Lydia than her :p

30-Nov-2011, 11:25 AM
God I only get two hours a day and a few at the weekend since taking this new role, so I can never really get too involved with it. I need a good 12 hour slot....

Same here. I'm off for the Holidays from the 16th and onwards. YEAAAAH!

30-Nov-2011, 01:40 PM
My wife is away starting from tomorrow till Sunday, so Thursday night, Friday night and all day Saturday will probably be spent in Skyrim.


01-Dec-2011, 11:48 AM
a thought occurs: Is Umbra in skyrim?

04-Dec-2011, 11:34 PM
Best Buy had a buy 2 get one game free. So, I purchased Elder Scrolls 5 *360* , Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Mario Kart 7.

05-Dec-2011, 01:01 PM
Well I managed to get some steel plate armour last night, it looks boss! :cool: stolen from the corpse of a bandit leader I killed. I havent really bothered with the smithing too much so far so I'm having to rob the dead for good kit.

05-Dec-2011, 02:48 PM
Well I managed to get some steel plate armour last night, it looks boss! :cool: stolen from the corpse of a bandit leader I killed. I havent really bothered with the smithing too much so far so I'm having to rob the dead for good kit.

I just completed my Ebony armour set! Fucking hardcore - my companion now has an almost full set of stamina enhancing armour too.

I've been enchanting all over the place, and have come up with a pretty good naming convention for the armour too...indulge!

8th Mage Steel Armour = Armour with 8%/point Magicka increase
24th Mage Steel Armout = Armour with 24%/point Magicka Increase
24th Swordmaster Ebony Gauntlets = One handed increased by 24%/points

Weapons are simpler: Fireglass, Firesteel, Burning Skyforge, etc....

not very interesting but still fun :)

i've also got a mask that regens faster magicka by 100%, and a set of boots or gauntlets that does the same by 34%, plus an amulet that does it by 50% - so with all of them on magicka regens really really quickly - meaning my destruction is now in the late 70s as is my one handed.

-- -------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------

In reality, I've totally reached the level cap for one handed. lol

05-Dec-2011, 03:09 PM
I've got that mask as well. Morokei, right?

I got the Arch-Mage robes as well, that enhances it by 100% as well, as well as making all spells 15% cheaper to cast.

My amulet only does 9% faster Magika regen, tho... Gotta get better at enchanting.

BTW, can you enchant something with soul trap?

05-Dec-2011, 03:15 PM
BTW, can you enchant something with soul trap?

It can be done and it's not even a very difficult enchantment. I'm just trying to cap enchantment to be able to place that on my bow, as well as a 2nd enchantment. But I'm on my way!

05-Dec-2011, 05:17 PM
I've yet to find a weapon with that enchantment so I can disenchant it. I want it on my dagger, damnit!

05-Dec-2011, 06:37 PM
I just completed my Ebony armour set! Fucking hardcore - my companion now has an almost full set of stamina enhancing armour too.

Yep I need to get something like that sorted, cant be having the lovely Lydia harmed :lol:

Oh god I'm one of those uber gaming geeks with a crush on a make believe game character, Skyrim what are you doing to me??? :stunned:

05-Dec-2011, 06:38 PM
Oh god I'm one of those uber gaming geeks with a crush on a make believe game character, Skyrim what are you doing to me??? :stunned:

Planning your wedding yet, Tricky? :p

05-Dec-2011, 06:42 PM
Planning your wedding yet, Tricky? :p

The house is decorated ready, I just need the amulet that lets me! (refusing to cheat with console commands) :p

05-Dec-2011, 06:43 PM
The house is decorated ready, I just need the amulet that lets me! (refusing to cheat with console commands) :p

I bumped into that amulet over the weekend, had no clue how marriage worked...speaking of, I hope I didn't sell that amulet by mistake :eek:

05-Dec-2011, 09:29 PM
Managed to get a good 4 hour streak into this game. I'm really enjoying this more and more. While not being hardcore or anything, there are a few rules I tend to follow just to make the "journey" a bit more interesting.
- As a mage (necromancer), I try to avoid any and all forms of melee combat. I keep Lydia around as a tank and if I don't have a zombie following me, I summon an atronach. Good fun. Chain lightning can be really devestating sometimes.
- I avoid the Map-fast travel system that was introduced in Morrowind and then kept for Fallout and New Vegas. The only reason being is that it just takes so much out of the journey. It's no real fun just clicking somewhere and BAM, you're there. Having that said, whenever I'm going from town to town I try to catch a carriage as often as possible.
- Whenever I come upon a town or an inn and it's dark (more or less, past shops closing hours), I usually rent a bed and sleep. Gives me time to explore the countryside a bit more and meet more characters. Also, the Well rested trait is great.
- I switch off quest markers as often as possible and I manage quite well. I often take a quick look on the minimap to see "That's where I'm going, Okay". Then I turn off the quest markers and steer my course in that general direction.

I'm currently on a quest that's taken me from Winterhold to Dawnstar to Solitude and Morthal. All on foot on my quest to find the three pieces of Mehrunes Razor AND the three pieces of the Amulet of Gauldur. Next stop is way over in Markath, where a nearby bandit has his hands on the next piece of the Razor.

Man this game is really a blast. I take my sweet time, tho but I'm loving it. I actually DID manage to enchant my dagger with soul trap, by the way.

05-Dec-2011, 10:26 PM
Its been a long time since I've got into a game as much as I have with this, and even now I've had it 3 weeks and spent a long time in it, the visuals havent lost their stunning appeal. I sat on the Jarls balcony at Dragonsreach one night in the game just staring up at the Aurora Borealis and the mist blowing around the peaks of the distant mountains, and the soundtrack playing in the background, I honestly dont think I've ever felt as awe struck by a game! I've put hours into this and I bet I havent even seen a quarter of the things it has to offer. I'm looking forward to the time off work over christmas so I can just kick back and play it undisturbed :cool:

06-Dec-2011, 11:16 AM
I've got that mask as well. Morokei, right?

I got the Arch-Mage robes as well, that enhances it by 100% as well, as well as making all spells 15% cheaper to cast.

My amulet only does 9% faster Magika regen, tho... Gotta get better at enchanting.

BTW, can you enchant something with soul trap?

That's the mask, I got the arch mage robes too - but I only wear it when I'm selling stuff.

Dunno bout you guys but in my house all my shit is arranged into the following containers:

Stuff to sell
Stuff to enchant/disenchant/forge
Sellable potions and poisons
useable potions and poisons
weapons and armour
and finally
quest items (consumable stuff like find 20 deathbells for XXX and 20 nirnroot for xxx)

So what I do, is go out adventuring, collect as much stuff as I can between myself and my companion - come back home, dump the quest consumables away, filling up the main containers with the new stuff

then I empty EVERYTHING i can into a spare container, and fill myself up with the stuff to sell container, pop out to whiterun and the other towns, and flog my shit - all the time keeping one good sword and my arch mage robes handy just in case :)

06-Dec-2011, 11:38 AM
Where do you store all your stuff Symph? I own the house in Whiterun but it only has the one storage chest in there up in the main bedroom, can you get extra ones? I havent filled it yet but I'm not sure how much it holds...

06-Dec-2011, 01:45 PM
Where do you store all your stuff Symph? I own the house in Whiterun but it only has the one storage chest in there up in the main bedroom, can you get extra ones? I havent filled it yet but I'm not sure how much it holds...

Yeah my house is in Whiterun - I saved up my cash and bought the house and all available upgrades at the same time - you can buy the upgrades from the same dude you bought the house from...

When you've upgraded the house you get at least 8 storage containers I think, plus two bookcases and a weapon rack...

16-Dec-2011, 09:32 AM
Online mod:-



16-Dec-2011, 11:55 AM
I've been watching lots of let's plays and walkthroughs online, but this is really a game that doesn't lend itself to stuff like that, because you find yourself mad at the person playing because they aren't looking at what you want to see, or using the weapons you are curious about..etc..

This year has really been a downer for me. I got injured at work in July and haven't had a paycheck since. Workers compensation is covering the medical bills, but I'm not receiving any sort of pay. My girlfriend is making ends meet, but only just and I'm afraid Christmas is going to be rather lean this year.

Anyway, enough of that, I'm really curious about the combat in the game. I've been farting around with Oblivion a little lately (my left hand is in a cast and it's the easiest game to play as it usually doesn't involve too much controller movement) and even looking to Fallout: New Vegas the changes are evident. The thing that worries me though is that sense in first person that you're just moving a camera around with the thumbstick. I think that's why I never finished Oblivion, the combat was something you HAD to do, but it was such a chore, ya know? And the third person view was flat out useless!

That may be a little nitpicky I guess, but that's really the only concern I have regarding the game!

16-Dec-2011, 12:27 PM
^^ Can't comment on the game as I've not bought it. Terrified about the amount of time it would require me to put into it :eek:

16-Dec-2011, 04:20 PM
I looked on Steam before I started Skyrim last night, and was shocked that I've already put 60 hours into it in a month, and I've barely even scratched the main quest yet :eek:

16-Dec-2011, 05:22 PM
I ready on the news this game is already nearing $0.7 billions dollars! Wow!

16-Dec-2011, 05:37 PM
All I have to say is, if there are more quality mods for this game, I will actually pick a PC copy of it up for play in addition to my 360 copy. I'm fascinated by the idea of even more expansive options using the engine etc.

Personally, I'd love to play a fan mod based on Ravenloft with this engine, but I don't know how deep the modding tools are for the game and what to expect in regards to completely new material from modders.

17-Dec-2011, 08:00 AM
All I have to say is, if there are more quality mods for this game, I will actually pick a PC copy of it up for play in addition to my 360 copy. I'm fascinated by the idea of even more expansive options using the engine etc.

Personally, I'd love to play a fan mod based on Ravenloft with this engine, but I don't know how deep the modding tools are for the game and what to expect in regards to completely new material from modders.
At the very least there's loads of mods already out there to enhance/improve the graphics...

17-Dec-2011, 08:20 AM
I ready on the news this game is already nearing $0.7 billions dollars! Wow!

shame they cant afford to hire some more people to fix the goddamn bugs...

17-Dec-2011, 08:30 AM
I looked on Steam before I started Skyrim last night, and was shocked that I've already put 60 hours into it in a month, and I've barely even scratched the main quest yet :eek:

Word. I've played 50 hours. Barely touched the main quest and the only other questline I've started is the College of Winterhold. It's gonna be a loooong game.

17-Dec-2011, 09:05 AM
Word. I've played 50 hours. Barely touched the main quest and the only other questline I've started is the College of Winterhold. It's gonna be a loooong game.

Im frightened that if I follow the main questline I'll end up finishing the game fairly quickly and missing so much of the other stuff they've thrown in there!

@Childofgilead - I cant comment on the combat in Oblivion as I never played it, but in Skyrim its quite enjoyable, blocking with your shield & then lunging in with a sword/axe/mace strike, or using enchanted weapons which freeze enemies, set them on fire or absorb health & magika points from them, not to mention using magic attacks on them or summoning zombies and other creatures. The combat AI isnt fantastic but it works well enough, enemies will block your attacks and counter your blows, usually while insulting and taunting you at the same time, and sometimes when your getting the better of them they'll yield or run away. The game sometimes goes into a cool camera mode when your character delivers the finishing blow to an enemy too.

17-Dec-2011, 03:11 PM
Yeah, I've seen videos of the..executions? Finishing moves? Dunno, but they seem pretty boss. I've been browsing the wiki, trying to find out the weapons and clothing options and everything. I guess I'm just a geek for customization. I think it's really refreshing for a single player experience really. So many games just have multiplayer tacked on nowadays, even if the gameplay isn't really conducive to that sort of thing.

As for the bug reports..unfortunately, that doesn't surprise me at all. I've been pretty much a day one buyer of the Fallout series and some of the bugs in those games are unworldly. I understand they're wide open world games and all, but you'd think Bethesda would have a robust bug team. I think that the gaming industry as a whole has really slipped because of the mentality that they can just patch it later. But not everybody has access to or even wants to plug their console into their broadband connection, so it's really unfair to do business that way. At least in my opinion.

17-Dec-2011, 06:37 PM
This game is absolutely incredible. I've got nearly 100 hrs on it already.

18-Dec-2011, 07:26 AM
Just started playing this today and I've already spent like 5 hours, on only two quests. I informed my girlfriend that she's going to have to let me have the living room for a while, because this is going to eat up my spare time.

18-Dec-2011, 03:21 PM
This game is absolutely incredible. I've got nearly 100 hrs on it already.

...and this is why I will not buy it!

18-Dec-2011, 05:30 PM
...and this is why I will not buy it!

Yeah. You've got to have a lot of time to devote to it to do it justice

19-Dec-2011, 12:44 PM
I'm at least 100 hours in now. Been caning it all weekend. Finally I have my second home in Riften - Honeyside. Bought all the upgrades now I gotta move home!

With the civil war quest I have overthrown Whiterun which is now under Stormcloak control

I'm currently trying to level up my Smithing ability. Really want to make dragon armour. I have about 65 dragon bones and scales sitting in Breezehome....

I'm finding trading quite a chore. Vendors only really have small amounts of cash considering what I want to offload. I have tons of weapons and armour which are all valuable - not to mention the potions.

My alchemy skill is really high too, well above 50 - what I tend to do is collect as many ingredients as I can find and just make every available potion. Just realised you can add different ingredients from different catagories to make a mixture of effects. After a couple of these sessions, where I raid the Arch mage's quarters for ingredients and purchase all available ingredients from every vendor in the realm, I have thousands worth of potions and poisons sitting in my Breezehome sidetable.

Some of these potions are worth upward of 400 septims each...this is a problem - I cannot even get close to selling all these worthless potions in one go - stuff like "fortify two-handed" and various poisons which I am never going to use...there's more value in my breezehome than I can actually account for.

When I go on selling sprees like I did yesterday, I invariably visit every town and every vendor I can find and usually they're only packing between 500 and 1043 septims each. I sell maybe 5 or 6 potions and they're out of money. Same with weapons.

My "disenchant/enchant" drawer is also very full. I'm shrinking this down only to include dragon bones and ebony armour sets which I am constantly upgrading. 2x superior Ebony swords are waiting to be enchanted - 42 damage points each with a further 40 points fire damage....yes please!

in my pocket I was packing over 29 thousand septims but after buying Honeyside and upgrades, this is much less - however, the accumilated value of everything I've collected so far will far outweigh this - it's just such a pain selling things.

It's gotten to the point where I don't collect jewels (I have hundreds of necklaces, rings, stones etc) or armour (unless ebony), or weapons, at all...I'm raiding places and just leaving stuff behind.

19-Dec-2011, 02:39 PM
I've found that the Khajjit traders that set up camp outside towns occasionally generally always have a bit of cash to spend, and they usually have one or two exotic items that I buy from them which then gives them more money to buy crap from from me.

19-Dec-2011, 03:40 PM
I've found that the Khajjit traders that set up camp outside towns occasionally generally always have a bit of cash to spend, and they usually have one or two exotic items that I buy from them which then gives them more money to buy crap from from me.

yeah I was part-exchanging all yesterday :)
Trouble with that though, I usually end up cleaning someone out of the good stuff and returning with the same amount of cash, just slightly better items...feels like a waste that I don't make profit from it.

19-Dec-2011, 04:20 PM
I can sympathize with the vendor pains, Symph. I have two staffs I am currently looking to unload and each staff is well over the septim-limit most of these vendors seem to have lately and I haven't been buying much from vendors in recent sessions, so no desire to purchase up stuff just to be able to sell a staff.

19-Dec-2011, 05:45 PM
Also getting irritated with the lack of vendor cash.
I am now the proud owner of Proudspire Manor as i needed a bit more room for my collection of books.
Had some truly epic battles with the dragons and boy does the Dragonrend shout help.
Also coming across quest stalling bugs but nothing major yet.

19-Dec-2011, 10:11 PM
been taking a break from skyrim lately, just got too into and and needed to mix it up with other games before i ended up playing nothing but skyrim for 6 months straight like i did with fallout 3.

i will add my voice to those complaining about vendors not having enough $$$ to buy all my treasures and whatnot.

also have a shit-ton of stolen property that i can't sell, but i've been told that getting in with the thieves in riften will introduce you to a person who buys stolen goods.

19-Dec-2011, 10:36 PM

>go to riften.
>join thieves guild.
>have fence with 4000 cash at the start you can raise as your speech progresses.

22-Dec-2011, 12:28 AM
LOVE this game thus far.

I attempted to pickpocket someone while they were sleeping. They woke up and alerted guards. I was immediately caught and decided to serve my jail sentence. A few days later, a group of thugs randomly attacked me. After defeating them, I discovered a piece of paper on one of them. The paper turned out to be a bounty for my head, paid for by the person I had tried to pickpocket. Awesome!

23-Dec-2011, 10:54 AM
The arch-mage paid someone to f*ck me up....!

You can avoid pick pocketing penalties when they're sleeping by moving to the other side of the bed and picking from their back...worked for me trying to get a key for Dragonsreach cellar place (whispering lady quest)

I sacrificied Lydia!!!!!! She's deader than shit now. Got some cool weapon for it. Supposed to betray someone I trusted to a Boethian God - the bitch annoyed me when I went to look in her inventory....

23-Dec-2011, 01:42 PM
I sacrificied Lydia!!!!!! She's deader than shit now. Got some cool weapon for it. Supposed to betray someone I trusted to a Boethian God - the bitch annoyed me when I went to look in her inventory....

But she was sworn to carry your burdens! :eek:

23-Dec-2011, 01:59 PM
I'm quite attached to my Lydia, I think if I come across that quest I'll likely leave her in Whiterun and pair up with some other companion to offer up as sacrifice, besides, she looks FIT in the steel plate armour I've currently got her wearing :p

23-Dec-2011, 03:05 PM
Yeah, Lydia is perfect for me considering I'm all mage and no strength. She can run in and take the hits so that I don't have too. I'll blast them with my lightning from afar or summon a frost atronach right next to them. That's a real nice trick, by the way. Whenever I enter a large room or dungeon I stay back, survey the area and then cast a frost atronach as far into the room as possible. He diverts everyone's attention.

EDIT: I just got Mehrunes' Razor. Haven't tried it yet, but I guess it's mostly as a souvenir. I did the Mage's Guild, but none of the other guilds (or the main quest) really fit an evil necromancer. I think my goal will be to complete all 16 Daedric quests. Once that's done, it's time to try something new (probably warrior).

Which sign is everyone? I found the Lord sign out close by Mehrunes' shrine. It gives extra damage and magic resistance. Pretty fitting for someone who doesn't wear armor. At least now that we can't make Shield potions anymore (like in Oblivion).

23-Dec-2011, 03:18 PM
Which sign is everyone? I found the Lord sign out close by Mehrunes' shrine. It gives extra damage and magic resistance. Pretty fitting for someone who doesn't wear armor. At least now that we can't make Shield potions anymore (like in Oblivion).

I was using the thief stone for quite sometime, but then decided I didn't want my skills to keep going up quite so fast. Now, I use steed for clearing dungeons of loot =)

26-Dec-2011, 02:07 AM
I maxed out my smithing and unlocked dragon armor. I want to unlock Daedric Smithing next, because I have read the weapons are superb. My character is almost at level 38 and is now a werewolf.

26-Dec-2011, 03:05 AM
I maxed out my smithing and unlocked dragon armor.
I've maxed out armoring, myself and am thinking about unlocking dragon armor, is there a light armor variant or is at all heavy?

26-Dec-2011, 03:28 AM
I've maxed out armoring, myself and am thinking about unlocking dragon armor, is there a light armor variant or is at all heavy?

You can build both types for light and heavy: helmets, armor, boots, gaulets, and shields. They look pretty cool, too.

26-Dec-2011, 08:35 PM
This game is just..the business!

26-Dec-2011, 08:56 PM
This game is just..the business!

Heh, I couldn't agree more :)

26-Dec-2011, 09:34 PM
I've started writing down notes on a pad next to me, just so I won't get distracted. This is because I don't fast travel so it always takes awhile for me to get... Anywhere. Travelling from Morthal to Markath can take me an hour. So basicly, on this pad I write small simple instructions for myself so I don't wander off and waste time on doing stuff I shouldn't be.

27-Dec-2011, 07:04 AM
for a second i thought ned had turned into one of those sad bastards with the 'skyrim rp journals'.

explanation: On 4chans videogame board a bunch of people bought leather notebooks or something of the like, inks, quills and waaaaaaay too much monster energy drink and would roleplay keep a journal of their skyrim game.
They kind of died off when everyone pointed out 1:you wont fit a fraction of the game in it, 2: you will be writing something down you will never do anything with other than hope your family never finds it rather than enjoying the game itself and 3: yes, you are another guy keeping a diary as the lusty argonian maid, good for you, nobody cares. :lol:

-- -------- Post added at 08:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 AM ----------



27-Dec-2011, 10:13 AM
Pahahahaha..I really tried to get away with no fast travel, but I'm trying to cram as much of the game as I can before surgery on the 3rd.

There are a few things that irk me ny their absence, like fighting from horseback or calling your horse when it invariably runs off..but those are generally things that I only notice when they're not there.

Only bugs I've noticed so far are amusing rather than game breaking..in Whiterun a dude was walking with wood in his arms, an axe floated in front of him and a block of wood between his legs..I laughed for three straight minutes.

27-Dec-2011, 01:26 PM


That reminds me, I should invest in one of these companies doing clinical trials on 3rd generation diabetes medication.

27-Dec-2011, 09:15 PM
I'm only a lvl 12 and some of these quests that are offered to me are WAY out of my league. For instance, attempting to free Thorald Gray-Mane from Northwatch Keep (Thalmor's) - As soon as I set foot in the place, I'm dead. Like literally 1 second after they start to attack me. I stumbled across another area, on my way to another quest, that contained invisible ice monsters that pretty much instantly killed me.

So, looks like I'll just have to stick to some petty quests for a bit.

27-Dec-2011, 10:53 PM
So... Stormcloaks or Imperials? I can't bring myself to take sides.

My initial sympathies lay with the Stormcloaks. I found the idea of being the underdog, fighting a huge totalitarian regime, to be exciting. However, the more I see of them, the less I like. They are, for the most part, belligerant racists, fighting not for freedom and humanitarian reasons, but out of jingoistic patriotism and "racial identity". For me, this makes them hard to sympathise with.

The Imperials have their plus points - they seem to genuinely want peace in Tamriel (albeit on their terms), their ultimate goals are essentially altruistic (although often misguided), and I have sort of a soft spot for them from the previous game - but when you boil it down, they are essentially just a bunch effete beaurocrats under the thumb of the snobbish and malevolent Thalamor, whom they resent but are too scared to defy.

To be honest, I think instead of fighting, the Stormcloaks and Imperials should be combining their efforts to wipe out the Thalamor. I love killing those bastards whenever I cross paths with them on country roads.

27-Dec-2011, 11:15 PM
So... Turncloaks or Imperials?

Fixed :p

28-Dec-2011, 04:40 AM
Very astute..almost makes you wish there was a third option, dunnit?

Yeah, that Grey-Mane quest is a bugger alright. I'm torn between paying for training to level up and just flat out fighting my way there. Anybody else feel like they hit a wall at level 10 and levelling up takes much more time?

-- -------- Post added 28-Dec-2011 at 12:40 AM ---------- Previous post was 27-Dec-2011 at 08:42 PM ----------

I took these this morning with my camera phone..I was multitasking, I had Jason and The Argonauts (1963) going on my laptop and took these with my camera phone..so fun!



28-Dec-2011, 06:54 PM
im up to lvl28 now on my nord rogue and theres a few things bugging me.

Figured I'd follow up on this after getting around 120 hours into the game.

1: the archery is really broken compared to oblivions, i know i said it before but the arrows go through heads and alert whole rooms you are there. very annoying.
I know the game was patched before I started playing, so maybe that accounts for the lack of archery issues I've had. However, when I'm standing at odd angles (looking over a ledge and shooting downward at a tight angle for example) I will notice the arrows still clipping. But archery has been a blast for me, but the combat has started to get too easy.

2: i have 56,000g with nothing to buy and full inventory of crap to sell. im constantly overcumbered or leaving valuable loot behind but each shop has between 700 and 200g so to sell my inventory i must go to every store in the game then wait a few in game days and do it again after each dungeon i clear through.
I really haven't run into a lack of money sinks, with buying land, but I don't steal everything not bolted down in towns. I do clean out dungeons though using my steed stone blessing and companion. I agree it'd be damned nice to have more to spend money on though, so much potential.

3: rather than just give you a list of quests all the side quests are lumped into one grouping. this is the most annoying thing yet in game. i will be told 'find the body of X's missing sister and its giving me direction to bear pelts i need because these are in the 'minor quests' category. id rather just have a list of individual quests like every other bethesda game ever.
Haven't had too much issue with this sort of thing, but I agree the quest log seems very cluttered. I'd prefer to be able to group quests by area, so I can see if I have two different quests taking me to the same cave on my list.

4: more voice actors but like 1 to 2 things said across the entire town.
Couldn't agree more. More voices, more variance in what people say.

5: so far i either find forts or ruins full of bandits or necromancers or hagravens and maybe the odd giant or thief. aside from that i experience NOTHING but wolves and spiders and at this point even without doing the main plot i have covered the whole map and the sheer lack of enemy types is the biggest disappointment. i have put in like 17 hours and most of it has been spent killing the zombie vikings or bandits. thats a lot of content but not a lot of variance.
I don't mind the cave and tomb cloning, but a few more types of enemies would be enjoyable and add immensely to the game.

Anyway, just figured I'd give some feedback, myself.

28-Dec-2011, 07:07 PM
So... Stormcloaks or Imperials? I can't bring myself to take sides.

i picked stormcloaks, i dont particularly like ulfric and his lot, but they were fighting to keep skyrim in the hands of the jarls and high kings and stop it turning into another province controlled by an empire thats so much a pawn of the thalmor they dont even allow them to believe in a actual proven deity purely because the idea that talos was nord and not altmer puts them off it.
Both are really bad choices for the people of skyrim, but i sided with stormcloaks because in the long run they seemed to offer the people more choice whereas the empire just seems to want to steamroll it for the thalmor. the stormcloaks are dickheads, but they want everyone to be free to be dickheads.

29-Dec-2011, 08:54 PM
I just slayed two dragons. Has anyone else had to fight more than one dragon at a time? I also saw an elder dragon earlier, but he did not fight me.

29-Dec-2011, 10:27 PM
I just slayed two dragons. Has anyone else had to fight more than one dragon at a time? I also saw an elder dragon earlier, but he did not fight me.

ran into a blood dragon and three frost dragons at once in the town with the mythic dawn museum. pretty sure it was a bugged spawn though.

Hell of a fight though. the entire town helped me take them down. good thing i was an archer with dragonrend.

30-Dec-2011, 11:20 AM
I need to get back on Skyrim, I took a bit of a break from it due to the recent map pack for Battlefield 3, but I'm feeling that itch for more exploring again now!

30-Dec-2011, 11:45 PM


02-Jan-2012, 08:51 AM
Level 49 now...
100 smithing
78 destruction
89 one handed - among others.

Only one more level to go before I start adding perks as and when I reach the attainment level of each perk....

Dark Brotherhood quests just started (go see Aventus Arentino in the "Arentino Residence" in Windhelm, do his bidding then go have a kip in a bed somewhere) - quests seem good fun - trying to off people without being reported to the guards.

College of Winterhold quests complete
Companions Quests complete
Thieves Guild - on last quest
Main Quest - 50% complete
countless side quests complete
2 properies owned, fully furnished...

I just married Aela the Huntress from the companions - she's got a cracking bod on her - great arms, must be all that bow use. First thing she did was give me 300 gold from her new business, then got straight over to the cooking pot to make me a sammich! can't complain...

A bit of meat between two sweetrolls? Sounds good to me...as I say, cracking bod!

Civil war quest:
I went with the Stormcloaks.

As for potential paths on the civil war quest - it's worth noting that (potential spoiler) I've read that you can negotiate a truce between the two sides.
I've not seen any dialogue for this option...and I've tried and tried.

I also tried to free the Grey-mane guy from Thalmor custody - if you speak to General Tullius you have a dialogue option to try convince him -as I'm now stormcloak I believe this option to be instantly refused when you ask. I imagine you really gotta complete or near complete the civil war quest before you can free him. I could try walking in, all fists blazing - haven't tried it yet, really wanted to get him out diplomatically. I imagine that being an Imperial supporter would allow you to complete quests for Tullius - thusly winning his respect and him making the bloody effort to make a quick magical phone call or something.

anyway that's basically the entire summary of my social and sexual life right now. Level 49...lonely girlfriend...losing all social ability.

02-Jan-2012, 08:32 PM
I also tried to free the Grey-mane guy from Thalmor custody - if you speak to General Tullius you have a dialogue option to try convince him -as I'm now stormcloak I believe this option to be instantly refused when you ask. I imagine you really gotta complete or near complete the civil war quest before you can free him. I could try walking in, all fists blazing - haven't tried it yet, really wanted to get him out diplomatically. I imagine that being an Imperial supporter would allow you to complete quests for Tullius - thusly winning his respect and him making the bloody effort to make a quick magical phone call or something.

I did that quest quite early on, not too long after first arriving at Whiterun, it was a tough one for someone of my low at the time level! I approached the gates of the prison & they immediately drew swords on me! There was a huge amount of guards too, luckily a dragon attacked around the same time and it wiped out most of the outside guards, leaving me to just finish off the indoor ones. After completing it and getting back to Whiterun, the guards there started talking to me about how the Thalmor had been given a bloody nose, so I guess it went down well with them that I ended up fighting my way through it!

03-Jan-2012, 08:38 AM
I did that quest quite early on, not too long after first arriving at Whiterun, it was a tough one for someone of my low at the time level! I approached the gates of the prison & they immediately drew swords on me! There was a huge amount of guards too, luckily a dragon attacked around the same time and it wiped out most of the outside guards, leaving me to just finish off the indoor ones. After completing it and getting back to Whiterun, the guards there started talking to me about how the Thalmor had been given a bloody nose, so I guess it went down well with them that I ended up fighting my way through it!


yeah I got pissed off seeing that quest in my menu screen so I looked it up online - apparently there is broken code in the game that doesn't allow a peaceful resolution for this quest - it's go in and bloody some noses, or leave it til they fix the bug (if at all) - the fact is you should be able to released dudeo from Imperial custody peacefully, but as some idiot coder has forgotten an "if" statement somewhere in the game code.

"if <wages recieved>
{don't make the fucking effort}"

So tonight I think I'm gonna load up and shoot these fuckers down.

One question - for everyone playing - Where the fuck is Marcurio? He's a guy for hire type who sits around somewhere like Solitude or Windhelm - but I can't find him again...can't be arsed to look it up online, just while I'm here typing, thought I'd ask - it's not a big deal...but that dude is a PROPER powerful mage....there was also a battlemage type guy who'd conjure familiars for me during battle - and I'd conjure Atronauchs (frost) - so we'd have sometimes 5 people fighting the same enemy (for instance in quests where you gain a second companion temporarily)

24-Jan-2012, 01:33 AM
What is everyone's current level? I am at level 51. I also managed to get through a glitch in the Dark Brotherhood quest: Death Incarnate. A certain coffin glitch. I just waited for a long time. I have yet to complete the 1st act of the main quest or enter the civil war story.

25-Jan-2012, 01:07 PM
What is everyone's current level? I am at level 51. I also managed to get through a glitch in the Dark Brotherhood quest: Death Incarnate. A certain coffin glitch. I just waited for a long time. I have yet to complete the 1st act of the main quest or enter the civil war story.

Level 53 here.
Destruction level 91
One Handed Level 100
smithing = 100
enchanting = 91
heavy armour = 86

among others...

Just bought a house in Markarth - Vlindrel - which is a really nice pad. But I'm keeping my base in Riften - Honeyside - as this is closest to the best vendors in the game (thieves guild fences)

Yesterday before buying Vlindrel I had 87k gold in my pocket...

My carry capacity is a WHOPPING 658!!! That's a full set of dragon armour with Carry Capacity enchantment, with the Thieve's guild armour as the main bit - there's also a stone called The Steed Stone that gives you an extra 100 capacity - this can be found directly north to The Statue of Merida or west of Solitude

25-Jan-2012, 01:31 PM
What is everyone's current level?
If I recall, I'm in the mid 40s, I might even be low to mid-50s, but I have taken a break from the game for the last few weeks. Concentrating on SWTOR, right now.

I have yet to complete the 1st act of the main quest or enter the civil war story.
I tip my hat to your discipline. I wanted to start the civil war storyline, to decide on a faction, just in case it had repercussions throughout the rest of the game world, or opened up any character progression/customization options (even though I doubted this was the case).

28-Jan-2012, 04:50 AM
I am going to take a break from this game, before I get burned out on it. My character is level 53 and I am finally in the 2nd act of the main quest. I have not completed the thieves quest, because I refuse to give up the skeleton key, until the game is 100 % complete, which includes future dlc. I am going to play Tropico 4 for a while, until Darkness 2 comes out.

Overall, I am very pleased with the game. The only complaints are the glitches. I still cannot purchase a house in Markarth. Some quests cannot be completed. I am constantly saving and using multiple copies to cover my ass.

29-Jan-2012, 04:28 PM
I too have been away from the game for a few weeks, I still love it but since the Back to Karkand map pack came out for BF3 I've got a bit hooked on that. I'll soon be back to Skyrim though, I'll have to be before I start forgetting what I'm actually doing in the game!

02-Feb-2012, 04:25 PM
This looks fairly f***ing amazing TBH - Specifically the ease of mod upload/download via Steam!


See MZ! Another great use of Steam :)

06-Feb-2012, 11:42 AM
Just started playing this. I wanted to wait til we were back in our house, but that looks way off.

Anyway, I thought 'Oblivion' was one of the greatest games I had ever played and 'Skyrim' looks to be the same sort of life sapping delight. Only started playing on Saturday and already have about 20 hours or so clocked up.

Loving it.

For such a beautiful and expansive game, it's truly incredible that the producers managed to get it into a 6Gig install. Amazing.

I wish they could put out an elder scrolls game every year.

08-Feb-2012, 08:56 AM
High Resolution Texture Pack has been released if your system is powerful to handle it, only for the PC I believe... Just go into Steam and click the button...

08-Feb-2012, 01:24 PM
Loving the creation kit....only thing is, I really have no want or need to learn "code" to put in scripts for the game to respond to. Same thing with the Portal 2 level designer, don't want, don't care. Too complicated. I'm spending my entire existence trying to learn things like Cinema 4D, there's no academic space left in my brain to bother learning some bastardised Java-script code just so I can get a character to walk to somewhere, interact with something, and execute a bit of dialogue.

It's a shame really because an age old company called Bungie originally had the best and most workable idea for a level editing system - and in terms of MP games, worked phenomenally well - it was called Forge. Now if Portal 2 had that, game on. If Skyrim had some sort of bastard derivative, great - but scripts and crap like that? Don't have the time.

Loving the community mod addition too - gonna add some of those hi-res things later.

10-Feb-2012, 01:39 PM
Very interesting! Fast forward to 1:31 if you're in a hurry...


10-Feb-2012, 04:26 PM

Haven't seen any of that shit!

10-Feb-2012, 04:44 PM
That is sick! Makes me want to buy a PC version to take advantage of all the mods that must be out by now.

10-Feb-2012, 06:57 PM
High Resolution Texture Pack has been released if your system is powerful to handle it, only for the PC I believe... Just go into Steam and click the button...

From what I hear the modder's texture packs sounds better than the bloatware official HD texture pack!?

10-Feb-2012, 11:11 PM

Haven't seen any of that shit!

According to the scrawl at the start of the clip, it was a little modding project the developers tried AFTER shipping the game: take one week and add/modify one feature of the game. Because it was done after the game was finished, none of those are in the actual game, but may possibly be added in a future update or as free/paid DLC.

11-Feb-2012, 01:48 AM
Ah ok. Cheers Kraken. I just flew through to the goods.

13-Feb-2012, 02:05 AM


*official valve mod for skyrim apparently.

13-Feb-2012, 06:48 AM
That Game Jam... Needs to be released as a DLC. Í'll pay lots for it!

13-Feb-2012, 11:22 AM
It better be released soon, as most players will have completed the game and not give a toss about footprints in the snow, goblins or horseback fighting.

13-Feb-2012, 05:51 PM
I've had the game for nearly 2 months now and only put about 32 hours into it. Don't get me wrong, I really like it, but I don't find it as gripping as most people do. I can only play it for like 40-50 mins at a time before I get kind of bored and give up, as it's essentially the following formula repeated endlessly:

-Talk to guy and get quest to go retrieve something
-Fast travel to destination
-Wait for loading
-Arrive at destination and enter cave/building
-Wait for loading
-Kill/talk to person and retrieve quest item. Leave cave/building
-Wait for loading
-Fast travel back to original guy you talked to
-Wait for loading
-Enter building guy is in
-Wait for loading
-Give him item. Quest completed. Exit building
-Wait for loading

Rinse and repeat. I've realized that probably 40% of my gameplay is me staring at the loading screen and it's really boring. You could say not to fast travel but that's how I was originally doing it and after you've walked through the same area a dozen times, it gets pretty stale.

14-Feb-2012, 03:00 AM
i've recently gotten back into skyrim and am enjoying it thoroughly again. but i gotta agree with mike about the damn loading screen (even with the game loaded to my HDD) and how much time i've spent looking at it.

while i try to "keep it real" and minimize fast travel by using horses rather than using the skip-trip feature, i always find myself using it when i gotta run back to riften and offload the pockets-full of stolen jewelry i can't help but lift off every poor bastard i encounter.

still having a blast, have my thieving bow-hunter on like a dozen little side missions, barely paying attention to the main quest.