View Full Version : Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (film)

17-Feb-2011, 01:31 AM
So, I'd gotten this belated Xmas gift from my older bro, who teaches writing on the west coast. He sent me two zombie books, one which was meh and the other ...

The Zombie Night Before Christmas was cute but I think it could be made better, the other book is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Jane Austen's classic reimagined in an England overrun with The Stricken.

Despite my misgivings, this actually turned out to be a clever parody, though at times the contrasts between survival and certain social proprieties seemed to crash rather than clash. But otherwise, it's a fun romp, hopefully headed for the big screen sooner rather than later ( Natalie Portman is reported to be involved with this. )
Hint, the Book Club questions at the end of the novel are pretty funny. Don't skip it.

Now, the other night I came home late from work and caught this little cinematic tour de force on cable.
Zombie Strippers, with Jenna Jameson, Robert Englund, boasts T&A, wounds(Insert your fav Porn reference here.) of every kind, Campy fun to be had by all. Right?
Honestly, the fun ended about a quarter of the way through. The fifth time the Zomb Bombshells took some very special customers backstage, I was already bored outta my skull.
I can enjoy low rent as much as the next guy, but this crap makes Bikini Frankenstein look like a Master(Insert Porn Pun Here.)Piece.
Maybe I've just been around the block too many times to be that easily distracted.

Wayne Z
"Sex is a Joke in Heaven? "
"I hear it's pretty much a joke here on Earth too. Do you see the expressions you humans make mid coitis? "
Linda Farentino and Alan Rickman, Kevin Smith's Dogma.
(Pardon My Paraphrase. )

'Even God Has a Sense of Humor. Consider the Platypus ... "

Mr. Clean
17-Feb-2011, 04:44 AM
Pride and Predjudice and Zombies was good. Dawn of the Dreadfuls wasn't bad either but didn't really click with the other book. Still, if you like PPZ...you should check out DOD.

If your into Novel Horror then check out the Vampire Hunter D novels. They've been converting them over from Japanese to English and a few of them are really good. Pale Fallen Angel has been my favorite so far.

06-Apr-2011, 10:42 AM
A (new) director attached - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Craig-Gillespie-All-But-Confirmed-As-The-Director-Of-Pride-And-Prejudice-And-Zombies-24059.html

19-Apr-2011, 08:40 AM
A (new) director attached - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Craig-Gillespie-All-But-Confirmed-As-The-Director-Of-Pride-And-Prejudice-And-Zombies-24059.html

A week later, AICN confirms this... http://www.aintitcool.com/node/49320

02-May-2013, 12:23 PM
...TWO YEARS LATER... Could it still be made? - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Pride-Prejudice-Zombies-Gets-Resurrected-With-Star-Director-37310.html

The Hollywood Reporter has learned that Lily Collins is now set to star as the female lead in Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. What's more, Burr Steers, the filmmaker whose previous credits include Charlie St. Cloud, 17 Again, and Igby Goes Down, is now attached to direct. For those unfamiliar with Grahame-Smith's novel, the story is a twist on Jane Austen's classic story, pitting all of the great literary characters against a zombie apocalypse. While the film was originally set up at Lionsgate, it will now be financed by Panorama, which plans on selling the project at Cannes.

02-May-2013, 03:58 PM
...TWO YEARS LATER... Could it still be made? - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Pride-Prejudice-Zombies-Gets-Resurrected-With-Star-Director-37310.html

Honestly, at this point almost any adaption might still be fun. The only film I'd seen with Lily Collins in it was The Blind Side ( where she played a girl named Collin. ) and - in addition to being memorably cute - she did a very good job. So I've hopes she'll do well with this.
Maybe, just maybe it'll lessen the sour of World War Z ( of which I've little confidence in )

Wayne Z

Elizabeth and Darcy merely looked at one another in awkward silence, until the latter reached both arms around her. She was frozen-"What does he mean to do?" she thought. But his intentions were respectable,for Darcy merely meant to retrieve his Brown Bess, which Elizabeth had affixed to her back during her walk. She remembered the lead ammunition in her pocket and offered it to him. "Your balls, Mr. Darcy?"
He reached out and closed her hand around them, and offered, "They belong to you, Miss Bennet."
Upon this, their colour changed, and they were forced to look away from one another, lest they laugh.”

― Seth Grahame-Smith, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

02-May-2013, 05:01 PM
I'd rather see a smartly done adaptation of The Forest of Hands and Teeth.

23-Oct-2015, 07:16 AM

Mr. Clean
28-Oct-2015, 01:24 PM
While watching the trailer, it occurred to me that Feminists everywhere should be celebrating. It is my understanding that this is the kind of thing that they have been fighting for but for some reason I hardly believe that they will consider it a victory at all.

25-Jan-2016, 03:42 PM

28-Jan-2016, 07:46 PM

I am so there for this film. Each trailer just gets better and better. Also I haven't seen Charles Dance on the big screen in a long while, so that's a big plus. It just looks like bloody good fun.

30-Jan-2016, 10:39 AM
Glowing review at AICN - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/74316

It so fun to see a film that you can't say enough good things about, and PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES most definitely fits this bill. From the beautifully illustrated prologue to the gorgeous costume design (complete with just a touch of T and A, a la heaving empire-waisted cleavage and weaponry hidden in garters), every frame of the film feels like a nostalgic romp taking place in an entirely new universe.

30-Jan-2016, 05:03 PM
Hmmm ... the trailer left me feeling rather "meh" ... I'll see it eventually; hopefully it is decent after all.

01-Feb-2016, 06:12 PM
Empire thought it was a bit myeh! - http://www.empireonline.com/movies/pride-prejudice-zombies/review/

There are some decent action beats in the effects-packed last reel, as our heroes head to London for a desperate stand-off against the zombie hordes. But they can’t dispel the feeling that this is a misshapen venture, a horror-comedy without much in the way of laughs or scares. And zombie purists beware: these biters don’t just run. They talk too.

01-Feb-2016, 10:10 PM
Empire thought it was a bit myeh! - http://www.empireonline.com/movies/pride-prejudice-zombies/review/

Considering Empire dishes out 4 stars to any big budget hollywood film for marketing reasons, 2 stars is definetly a low grade for them to give.
I'm not sold on the trailer. Looks like 90 minutes of action scenes and zombie killing. That's not what I want in a zed film.

02-Feb-2016, 09:28 AM
Has a whiff of "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" about it... :shifty:

03-Feb-2016, 08:23 AM
While watching the trailer, it occurred to me that Feminists everywhere should be celebrating. It is my understanding that this is the kind of thing that they have been fighting for but for some reason I hardly believe that they will consider it a victory at all.

While reading your comment, it occured to me that you have no idea what a feminist is.

10-Feb-2016, 06:19 PM
So new Walking Dead episode Monday night... and should be seeing this Tuesday... :)

12-Feb-2016, 06:43 PM
So new Walking Dead episode Monday night... and should be seeing this Tuesday... :)

I can't wait, for us it is Sunday... Valentine's Day. It's the perfect romantic show to watch with your loved one. I expect major things out this episode if it follows the comic even a little bit.

Also I am really looking forward to P+P+Z. It looks brilliant.

12-Feb-2016, 08:02 PM
I can't wait, for us it is Sunday... Valentine's Day. It's the perfect romantic show to watch with your loved one. I expect major things out this episode if it follows the comic even a little bit.

Also I am really looking forward to P+P+Z. It looks brilliant.

I saw Pride and Prejudice and Zombies today, and I'm of two minds about it. That a film was attempted at all was great; although I look at Lily James as Elizabeth Bennett and keep imagining Natalie Portman in the role, but that's my own issue. ;) One tiny spoiler: a lot of the best stuff from the trailers is at the beginning, and that rarely bodes well does it? I thought this film was ok, but it was not as full bodied a spoof of British manners and manors of state as it might have been. On that front, however, Matt Smith actually put in a wonderfully stuffy and oblivious performance as Pastor Collins; more concerned with nabbing a choice wife from among the Bennett sisters than the increasing legions of stricken roaming the perpetually gloomy countryside. Likewise Charles Dance stodgily grumbled his lines as Mr. Bennett, a patriarch less interested in suitors for his daughters than making sure they might survive the apocalypse. And the young ladies, one and all, did put forth a fair amount of pluck in this venture, although I really wished that the fight and dance sequences had been better staged, but once again that's just me.
Still, I'm afraid that as the movie hurriedly rushed toward it's conclusion, I saw the punch line miles away. So generously I'm giving this one a 7/10.