View Full Version : Which Apocalypse Would Be the Most Fun?

02-Mar-2011, 07:29 PM

Love their position of the true Zombie film...

02-Mar-2011, 08:34 PM
I'm personally rooting for the nympho apocalypse.

Sure it'd be messy, but what a way to go.

02-Mar-2011, 09:04 PM
I'm holding out for the Weed-Kitten-Doctor-Who-Marathonpocalypse...

I missed you guys...

03-Mar-2011, 02:51 PM
i would choose the Slow-Stupid-But-Insanely-Cannabalistic-Zombie Apocalypse. :).

Ive seen alot of zombie films and ive kind of, in a way, obsessed over how i would be able to survive in one. i note new strategies down constantly, i even write down lists on what i need and where i would go and hideout. stuff like that. lol. even though its been proven that zombies are just a figment of someone imagination and then put into film, i like to think alot on what i would do so im totally prepared IF (and thats a big big big if) an actual outbreak happens. i recently created a thread last time i was on, "Preferred Zombie Survival Situation". feel free to check it out. :). i only have 2 started threads so it wil be easy to find. lol.

03-Mar-2011, 04:51 PM
i'm opting for the "every guy in the world but me dies and it's up to me to repopulate the earth" scenario....

03-Mar-2011, 05:07 PM
Gonna go with the zombie apocalypse. Asteroid-caused certain doom is just a downer, and a Terminator-style robot apocalypse would be just that, an apocalypse. Mankind wouldn't even have enough of a chance to get our rocks off smashing some bots for a few days before being offed. The robot spy satellites would locate every damned campfire we built and dispatch an absurdly overkill-number of hunter-kill machines...whatever it takes for its calculations of "Chance of total elimination of discovered human group" to = 100.00%

So yea, a Shambler-Apocalypse is really the only option with any entertainment potential. That or some sort of E.T. bio-matter causing some sort of Deadspace-style biological infestation. Real Alien-apocalypse? No thank you. Any species that has somehow circumvented the light-barrier to arrive at our planet in less than 10,000 years is so far ahead of us it would be a massacre. We'd probably never even know what hit us. About the only meaningful thing in such an eventuality that we MIGHT be able to do IF the "Alien Armada" has to take a significant period to decelerate (for example) upon entering our solar system would be to spite the aliens by a mass-detonation and forced meltdown of all nukes and nuclear reactors, to at best deny the aliens their prize (our planet), or at worst at least make them use their advanced technology to completely scrub the planet of radiation, leaving them with a dead planetoid with liquid water.

03-Mar-2011, 08:47 PM
i'm opting for the "every guy in the world but me dies and it's up to me to repopulate the earth" scenario....

I would have agreed with this before reading Y: The Last Man from start to finish. It kind of made that particular scenario lose its luster for me. Although it also gave me a better appreciation for monkey feces.

09-Mar-2011, 03:06 PM
I like the Biblical one...