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View Full Version : Robert Kirkman gives a few tidbits on season 2

03-Mar-2011, 12:32 PM
just found this brief interview with series creator robert kirkman. not much new to report...hershell's farm is definitely featured in season 2, the shane v rick conflict is going to be a key plot element, and october is still the expected season 2 premier date.


no definite word on tyrese or michonne, but i can't see them not making an appearance by the end of the season.

also, for those living under a rock for the last year or so, AMC is airing a TWD marathon this weekend in case you missed it the first time around, and the dvd/blu-ray release is next week.

03-Mar-2011, 04:35 PM
Maybe after departing the CDC our heroes swing by the vato's hideout and care for some old folks! :)

03-Mar-2011, 07:50 PM
I am hoping for vegetarian zombies that glitter in sunlight.

03-Mar-2011, 08:00 PM

Show's ruined, folks. Frank Darabont raped my mother.

03-Mar-2011, 08:04 PM
totally. they should be on season 4 by now, goddammit!

03-Mar-2011, 09:20 PM

Show's ruined, folks. Frank Darabont raped my mother.

I didn't know that Darabont plays quarterback for the Steelers.

I just re-watched the first couple of episodes, and I think that I'm a bit disillusioned with the series as a whole. It was great the first time around, but at least for me it doesn't seem to keep its luster the second time through. I usually enjoy multiple viewings of shows I like, too. I can't count how many times I've seen the Lord Kinboat episode of the X-Files.

04-Mar-2011, 10:05 AM
I didn't know that Darabont plays quarterback for the Steelers.

I just re-watched the first couple of episodes, and I think that I'm a bit disillusioned with the series as a whole. It was great the first time around, but at least for me it doesn't seem to keep its luster the second time through. I usually enjoy multiple viewings of shows I like, too. I can't count how many times I've seen the Lord Kinboat episode of the X-Files.

Strange isn't it. I've just rewatched the whole series on bluray and had a great time. In fact it was a pleasure watching it again and I thought it was better this time around.

04-Mar-2011, 10:17 AM
Hmmm ... the link isn't working for me.

Anyway, hopefully they'll reduce the sheer number of characters that were on the farm, because there were too many of them in issues 7 through 12 (volume 2 of the trade paperbacks, as I know them) ... indeed, that 2nd volume wasn't anywhere near as interesting, so hopefully season 2 will condense volume 2 into the essentials with fewer background/side characters, and focus more on the 3rd volume.

If so, Tyreese would show up in the first half of the season, and perhaps Michonne would appear at the end of the season?

I've yet to re-watch the season, but I will sometime - give myself enough distance so that it's fresh all over again, you know? And in advance of season 2, natch.

04-Mar-2011, 10:58 AM
Kirkman mentions that will be seeing locations from the 1st season again.
Maybe Ricks hometown and Morgan?

04-Mar-2011, 11:41 AM
Kirkman mentions that will be seeing locations from the 1st season again.
Maybe Ricks hometown and Morgan?

Definitely want more Morgan, that's for damn sure.

04-Mar-2011, 04:17 PM
Moar Merle! :elol:

04-Mar-2011, 05:39 PM
Definitely want more Morgan, that's for damn sure.

I've had this idea for a while now that Morgan could replace Tyrese. I wouldn't be too upset. Bit of a tweak to the storyline in the comics and it could work.

04-Mar-2011, 06:06 PM
I've had this idea for a while now that Morgan could replace Tyrese. I wouldn't be too upset. Bit of a tweak to the storyline in the comics and it could work.

Interesting ... interesting ... ... although Tyreese is quite a large part of the story (from what I've read so far - which is up to and including Volume 5 of the trade paperbacks), so I'm not sure if they'd do that, but perhaps they could replace one (or more, let's be honest) of the folk from the farm with Morgan (and indeed his kid) ... ... that would be pretty cool actually. Perhaps Tyreese and Morgan (and his kid) are out there together and then they come across the RV?

Ooh, the possibilities. :)

04-Mar-2011, 08:25 PM
Interesting ... interesting ... ... although Tyreese is quite a large part of the story (from what I've read so far - which is up to and including Volume 5 of the trade paperbacks), so I'm not sure if they'd do that, but perhaps they could replace one (or more, let's be honest) of the folk from the farm with Morgan (and indeed his kid) ... ... that would be pretty cool actually. Perhaps Tyreese and Morgan (and his kid) are out there together and then they come across the RV?

Ooh, the possibilities. :)

Also the prison arc would carry more weight when you take into account their early history together.
I bet Kirkman and Darabont are having a blast in the writers room.

04-Mar-2011, 11:45 PM
I don't see any reason to expect they WON'T cut more characters out. They cut Donna, Alllen and their twin boys (so far), and the boys Ben and Billy are crucial to a pretty killer story arc further down the pike. I hope they don't mess with the story too much and take their time because I think within 5 seasons we'll be caught up to the comics.

08-Mar-2011, 08:07 AM
here's another quick read concerning season 2. again, not much in the way of sensational information, but there is a bit that made me very happy to read: merle is NOT going to end up being the governor, according to mr. darabont. so glad they decided not to go that route, as some have (crazily) speculated.


picking up season 1 on dvd after work today, can't wait!:)

08-Mar-2011, 05:38 PM
Also most of the season will be spent at the farm and they will be sticking closer to the comic generally. A bit of romance as well

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

The Paleyfest panel is up on youtube if anyones interested

11-May-2011, 04:55 PM
Kirkman's talking again (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/walking-dead-s-robert-kirkman-186604).


THR: Any update on Stephen King writing an episode?
Kirkman: That’s been discussed a little bit. Everyone involved on both sides of that are very anxious to make that happen; AMC is excited; Frank Darabont is excited; I’m excited. I know Stephen King and Joe Hill are excited. We’ll see if we can make that come together. I can neither confirm nor deny. (Laughs.)

THR: Has production started?
Kirkman: We’re well into the show; scripts are all completed and the final touches are being made and I think he cameras will be rolling in a few weeks. We’re all very excited to get back to Atlanta and sweat.

(So they're NOT yet shooting as previously reported)

THR: Will we see Merle (Michael Rooker) in Season 2?
Kirkman: All I can really say is that everyone loves Michael Rooker.

And now the real downer piece of news....

THR: When are we going to meet machete-wielding bad-ass Michonne?
Kirkman: Maybe Season 3. Frank and everybody involved in the show love her and we’re all very interested in working her into the show.

11-May-2011, 05:07 PM
And now the real downer piece of news....

Ugggh...what a downer.

11-May-2011, 05:46 PM
Downer? Perhaps - but entirely expected, methinks, considering she doesn't turn up until what, Trade #4? Season 1 consisted of Trade #1 (issues 1-6), and season 2 will cover issues 7-12 or 7-18.

Oh the intrigue for us zed-heads! :)

11-May-2011, 06:59 PM
True, she doesn't appear until later in the comics, but we had already heard from multiple sources that she would be included in the second season. I think Darabont straight up said "yes, Michonne will be in season two" during an older interview. I was thinking they might bring her in at the Hershel's farm storyline, but it looks now like they may have decided to wait for the prison in Season Three.

Who knows? Kirkman likes to play around in interviews, so maybe she is still scheduled to appear this season and he's just throwing out false info.

11-May-2011, 09:23 PM
Stephen King and Joe Hill writing an episode would be great. Although King's "Cell" was a little out there, I enjoyed it and have read it twice.
I'm not too disappointed about the Michonne news to be honest, I'm hoping they bring Tyrese into it to be honest, I thought his character was badass in the comics.
I really hope they do the whole Wiltshire Estates segment and I think Tyrese would be a crucial part in that.

11-May-2011, 09:34 PM
I could picture Michonne being a presence in Season 2; a lone figure (more or less) tracking the survivors, watching them. No dialogue, just pure foreshadowing.

12-May-2011, 04:13 AM

i'm not sure i agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, billy.

seems like if they featured her profile/outline/image/etc for any more than a couple of episodes without some sort of reveal at the season finale, people would be pissed...

but, on a similar note, if they closed season 2 with a glimpse/hint of her and that famous katana, it'd be an amazing teaser for season 3.

12-May-2011, 03:09 PM

i'm not sure i agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, billy.

seems like if they featured her profile/outline/image/etc for any more than a couple of episodes without some sort of reveal at the season finale, people would be pissed...

While I agree with you, I wouldn't put it past them. Merle's plot was never resolved in season one and quite a few people were upset about that, iirc.

12-May-2011, 10:59 PM
d'oh! forgot about that whole merle plotline....kinda seems like the writers did, too.