View Full Version : Something for bassman

07-Mar-2011, 07:53 PM
Japans take on janine.



07-Mar-2011, 07:59 PM
That will never even have a chance of becoming part of my collection. I don't think I would keep it if it were a gift...

And you think I haven't seen this already? You underestimate me, man. :p

07-Mar-2011, 08:15 PM
That will never even have a chance of becoming part of my collection. I don't think I would keep it if it were a gift...

Its the lack of glasses aint it?

07-Mar-2011, 08:27 PM
well....it's not technically Melnitz, anyway. Just some random Asian female.

I'm just not into the whole "sexy" nerd stuff. I may be a nerd, but i'm not quite THAT pathetic. :p:lol:

Someone recently made a custom 6" Melnitz to go along with Mattel's current Ghostbusters line. Again...i'm not into the whole skin showing thing, but it's pretty good.

07-Mar-2011, 08:54 PM
Again...i'm not into the whole skin showing thing http://www.heaven4sure.com/Portals/0/photos/berka%20black.jpg ??

07-Mar-2011, 09:31 PM
I get where Bassman's coming from. It doesn't fit in with the Janine from the films or the cartoon show, it's just a contrived, cynical attempt to "sex up" the toy so neck-bearded perma-virgins will cough up for it.

Seriously, if you ever find yourself buying a plastic action figure because you find it sexually attractive, you've failed at everything. ;)

07-Mar-2011, 11:24 PM
Seriously, if you ever find yourself buying a plastic action figure because you find it sexually attractive, you've failed at everything. ;) http://www.heartlessdoll.com/realdoll.jpg :p

07-Mar-2011, 11:30 PM
http://www.heartlessdoll.com/realdoll.jpg :p

ESPECIALLY one of those.

08-Mar-2011, 12:19 AM
It's like that asian cartoon porn stuff. I know some people like it(and I could probably think of a few guilty folks here:shifty:), but that's a big WTF, if you ask me. How exactly does one get off on a cartoon? :rockbrow:

08-Mar-2011, 12:23 AM
It's like that asian cartoon porn stuff. I know some people like it(and I could probably think of a few guilty folks here:shifty:), but that's a big WTF, if you ask me. How exactly does one get off on a cartoon? :rockbrow:

ask james franco.

08-Mar-2011, 12:49 AM
It's like that asian cartoon porn stuff. I know some people like it(and I could probably think of a few guilty folks here:shifty:), but that's a big WTF, if you ask me. How exactly does one get off on a cartoon? :rockbrow:

I love me some dirty Hentai. . . no secret there. It's not so much the Cartoon chicks as it is the weird shit that hey can do that is impossible in the real world. . . .unless you start throwing Peter Jackson type budgets at porn.

08-Mar-2011, 09:52 AM
Japans take on janine.

Hm. A... jumpsuit-kini? Seems practical!

08-Mar-2011, 01:34 PM
For the purpose of this conversation are we overlooking how they somewhat sexed Janine up for the cartoon? Or am I misremembering the cartoon???

08-Mar-2011, 01:39 PM
For the purpose of this conversation are we overlooking how they somewhat sexed Janine up for the cartoon? Or am I misremembering the cartoon???

She wasn't really sexed up. Just a more cartoon-ish version.


It's funny how she looked normal in the first film, but when the second film rolled around(after the success of the cartoon), she looked similar to the cartoon version...

08-Mar-2011, 01:40 PM
For the purpose of this conversation are we overlooking how they somewhat sexed Janine up for the cartoon? Or am I misremembering the cartoon???

She was changed a little for the cartoon, I wouldn't say "sexed up", but she does look a little younger. But that was part of a wider re-jigging of the characters - Egon getting blonde hair, Winston dropping the moustache, Peter and Ray looking nothing like Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd - which I think probably had something to do with saving money on likeness rights.

08-Mar-2011, 01:59 PM
that was part of a wider re-jigging of the characters - Egon getting blonde hair, Winston dropping the moustache, Peter and Ray looking nothing like Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd - which I think probably had something to do with saving money on likeness rights.

Not to mention the mutli-colored jumpsuits. They say on the dvd set that it was to avoid confusion. The characters all looked too similar, especially in the tan suits, so they gave them all their own color, different hair, etc. The original suits can be seen in the Pilot short(below) and the beginning of "Citizen Ghost", which is an episode that takes place immediately after the events of the first movie.


God I miss eighties cartoons...