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View Full Version : This Week in Horror - Walking Dead with Jon Bernthal

09-Mar-2011, 09:42 PM

This is a show i was listening to during the series run and they also have a video version which i've largely ignored but this week they had Jon Bernthal on and he tells some interesting stories about the casting process shooting etc. In fact this is the sort of thing that should have be on the dvd/bluray.

One of the most interesting things he talks about is the flashback scene at the beginning of Ep6 with Shane trying to rescue Rick in the hospital. The original version was about 10 times longer and shows Shane running out the hospital and meeting a soldier who confronts him asking where his tag is. Green tag means safe and red tag means infected which the people being shot in the hallway were wearing. A zombie then appears which the soldier shoots in the stomach and Shane shoots in the head because no-one knows at this point how to deal with the zeds. Shane also points a gun at Ricks head in the hospital room thinking about putting him out of his misery, then he cant do it, breaks down and thinks about shooting himself in the head.


This is the sort of stuff that would have been gold in the special features. Why not include them in the deleted scenes. There aren't any. Nada. You would think they would know the hardcore fans like us love this sort of shit.

They also talk about zombies in general later.

Check it out. Its a great watch

09-Mar-2011, 10:11 PM
This is the sort of stuff that would have been gold in the special features. Why not include them in the deleted scenes. There aren't any. Nada. You would think they would know the hardcore fans like us love this sort of shit.

I would bet they're waiting for the special edition release just before the second season.

Cool interview so far. With the exception of the silicone bimbo, anyway....

09-Mar-2011, 11:06 PM
I think I just messed my pants thinking about some cool shit like that thrown into a special edition!

10-Mar-2011, 12:05 AM
Why bother even buying the regular edition? I'm not putting any money down unless there are extras. . hell I still have the show saved on my DVR. . . .

10-Mar-2011, 12:30 AM
Cool interview so far. With the exception of the silicone bimbo, anyway....

me likey fake boobies! her voice is annoying though, put a muzzle on it! haha.

10-Mar-2011, 02:09 PM
*ponders the implications of a boob muzzle*

11-Mar-2011, 01:24 AM
Yes, thanks for posting this. I'd buy the shit outta the season one dvd if it had anything like this. This is exactly the kind of shit I devour. And that big tittied scream queen was a nice piece of eye candy to enjoy during the chit chat...

11-Mar-2011, 02:45 PM
Why not include them in the deleted scenes. There aren't any. Nada. You would think they would know the hardcore fans like us love this sort of shit.

You, sir, obviously don't know how studios operate. 90% of the time, a regular edition is released before the special edition is announced. This ensures more sales, because plenty of people will go out and purchase the special edition even though they already own the regular stuff.

11-Mar-2011, 03:16 PM
You, sir, obviously don't know how studios operate. 90% of the time, a regular edition is released before the special edition is announced. This ensures more sales, because plenty of people will go out and purchase the special edition even though they already own the regular stuff.

It's new for AMC's shows, but you're right. AMC generally releases packed dvds and just before the premiere of the next season, so that's why i'm holding out hope that the rumored special edition release will be out this fall before Season two begins.

11-Mar-2011, 03:20 PM
It's new for AMC's shows, but you're right. AMC generally releases packed dvds and just before the premiere of the next season, so that's why i'm holding out hope that the rumored special edition release will be out this fall before Season two begins.

I'm willing to bet money on it.

11-Mar-2011, 03:21 PM
Like everyone here, I sure as hell hope so. I would love to hear Darabont's commentary on the first episode. His commentaries are usually very interesting...

11-Mar-2011, 06:46 PM
You, sir, obviously don't know how studios operate. 90% of the time, a regular edition is released before the special edition is announced. This ensures more sales, because plenty of people will go out and purchase the special edition even though they already own the regular stuff.

I would agree with you if it was a movie studio but this is TV. Is there really the market for a double dip with a tv series?

11-Mar-2011, 06:54 PM
I would agree with you if it was a movie studio but this is TV. Is there really the market for a double dip with a tv series?

Given the large success of the series, I think there would be a market for this double dip. Even something as small as Spaced got a double dip with new commentaries, so it's not hard to imagine TWD getting the same.

11-Mar-2011, 07:04 PM
I'll see if I can hold out for a special edition, but it will depend on the sale price of this version...and my willpower.

Given the large success of the series, I think there would be a market for this double dip. Even something as small as Spaced got a double dip with new commentaries, so it's not hard to imagine TWD getting the same.


11-Mar-2011, 07:06 PM
Given the large success of the series, I think there would be a market for this double dip. Even something as small as Spaced got a double dip with new commentaries, so it's not hard to imagine TWD getting the same.

I hope you're right Bass. Does seem strange not to include lots of goodies for the hardcore fans.

11-Mar-2011, 10:29 PM
I wish I had your guys' patience and confidence. I couldn’t pass the DVD up for a paltry $17.99.

12-Mar-2011, 02:48 AM
I wish I had your guys' patience and confidence. I couldn’t pass the DVD up for a paltry $17.99.

$17.99 = 30 pack. That's the way I look at it. I'll be fine holding off until the special edition... I hope.

12-Mar-2011, 01:53 PM
For six episodes - will wait until it goes on sale for $9.99.

24-Mar-2011, 07:32 PM
Another good ep of This Week in Horror. They have Larry Cohen on (It's Alive, The winged Serpent) talking about the film making process and telling anecdotes. I love hearing these old school guys talking about Hollywood. Last week was Jeffrey Combs talking about Lovecraft.
Good show.

27-Nov-2011, 01:27 PM
Bump for Bassman