View Full Version : Life mocks us in the most devilish manner sometimes....

11-Mar-2011, 06:06 PM
to set this up: I've been single for well over a year and have been recently been flirting with this chick who works up the road.

long story short: i get her number, call her, get invited over for coffee. i'm sitting there making small talk and whatnot and it suddenly hits me, "man, this chick seems awfully young."

so i say, "do you know how old i am?"

she says, "I've never really thought about it but I just turned 20."

20. oh.my.goodness.

i choked a bit on my drink to be honest then i'm like "um, I'm 41."

she says, "wow. my dad is 43."

time to finish coffee and break off contact.

11-Mar-2011, 06:56 PM
Dude....20's legal. And not exactly everyone will get the chance you've been given, if you know what I mean. You walk away now and you don't deserve a penis. :lol:

11-Mar-2011, 07:00 PM
Dude....20's legal. And not exactly everyone will get the chance you've been given, if you know what I mean. You walk away now and you don't deserve a penis. :lol:


i know. i just don't want to get mixed up with a crazy ass young girl with papa issues.

i have a date on saturday night with someone my own age anyway.

11-Mar-2011, 08:06 PM

i know. i just don't want to get mixed up with a crazy ass young girl with papa issues.

I dunno, man, I'm pushing 40 myself.

That's my only shot with the cute young things anymore.

That's okay, I'm a good papa...

(I may have just made myself throw up a little in my own mouth)

11-Mar-2011, 08:32 PM
Dude....20's legal. And not exactly everyone will get the chance you've been given, if you know what I mean. You walk away now and you don't deserve a penis. :lol:

age can bug some folks more than others. i know it does for me, but its kinda culture related. I remember when i worked at mcdonalds one summer a few years back when i was 20 this one girl was constantly hitting on me, nice sweet kid but she was 16 and just 4 years was a colossal difference half of the shit we said to each other in conversation the other didnt get. now increase that age gap? geez. I can get someone in there 40s meeting someone like 7 years older or younger and not seeing something like years as too much because theres still 30+ years of shared history to be like 'remember when the berlin wall fell?' or something but the younger you are the bigger that age chassm appears.

11-Mar-2011, 08:45 PM
Dude, hit that shit. Apparently she is interested. It may be your last chance at a chick at that age. She's not a little girl and if she is not living with her parents, then how would they know her business. It is not like you are boyfriend/girlfriend with her. Maybe she wants some experience with an older guy, instead of boys.

11-Mar-2011, 11:10 PM
Hit it. Just don't get all bootie drunk on it.

12-Mar-2011, 02:45 AM
I'm with these dudes. Last piece of 20-year-old tail you'll probably see. No offense.

12-Mar-2011, 07:56 AM
unless she has something worse than a 'daddy complex' and goes psycho on you.

12-Mar-2011, 10:18 AM
If it makes you feel any better, think you probably did the right thing, Mike.

I mean, it wouldn't have been a big deal if you had gone ahead with it but, dude, you were probably out there getting drunk and having sex before she was even CONCEIVED: I know a lot of guys will make predictable "laddish" comments about how great that is, but to me there something kinda wrong there.

Chances are you're going to have fairly little in common given that for over half of your life, she didn't even exist. Obviously that's not always the case, but often. Also, early twenty somethings are capricious and are still partially in the teenage phase of being able to change their personality, outlook and aspirations overnight; so it's likely the girl you become involved with today will not be the same person in six months or a year's time.

If it's just for sex, then fair enough, but it's easy to forget how emotionally unstable and how easily youngsters can develop obsessive/possessive relationships with their sexual partners, so you might get more than you bargained for. Plus over-25s are invariably better in the sack anyway. :p

12-Mar-2011, 12:50 PM

Do what Ronnie does! :p

15-Mar-2011, 03:02 PM
Girls with daddy issues? I wish. I'm searching for girls with grandpa issues at this point. Take what life gives you and don't look back. But, on a more serious note, don't mess her up either. That's an awfully impressionable age.

15-Mar-2011, 05:31 PM
Girls with daddy issues? I wish. I'm searching for girls with grandpa issues at this point. Take what life gives you and don't look back. But, on a more serious note, don't mess her up either. That's an awfully impressionable age.

I've always believed that you ultimately should treat dating somebody younger than you like a campsite.

Leave 'em in better condition when you leave than it was when you arrived.

15-Mar-2011, 05:39 PM
This old guy at my work told me a bit of advice a few years ago. "Don't pass up any opportunities, that you'll reget not doing later in life"

15-Mar-2011, 06:21 PM
I mea
Chances are you're going to have fairly little in common given that for over half of your life, she didn't even exist. Obviously that's not always the case, but often. Also, early twenty somethings are capricious and are still partially in the teenage phase of being able to change their personality, outlook and aspirations overnight; so it's likely the girl you become involved with today will not be the same person in six months or a year's time.

If it's just for sex, then fair enough,

you have hit the proverbial nail right on the head. beyond a general interest in some older punk music and some of the same reading habits, i have zero in common with this chick. she's never even seen an episode of "the incredible hulk" for christ sakes.

i prefer women my own age. contrary to common belief they are much, much more interesting than younger women could ever be.

anyhoo, like i said in post above, i had a date saturday with a woman my own age and it went quite well.

as for sex for its simple sake: I'm way over that and not interesting in meaningless "hookups" at all. nothing but the deepest affection/love is going to lure me back into another relationship of any sort.

15-Mar-2011, 06:43 PM
i prefer women my own age. contrary to common belief they are much, much more interesting than younger women could ever be.
Don't be hasty... no one here is saying you have to choose. You don't have to stop going to Taco Bell just because you eat at a fine Mexican restaurant when you get the opportunity. Of course, at some point you may find yourself cooking your own meals if the restaurants catch wind of each other.

16-Mar-2011, 05:06 PM
as for sex for its simple sake: I'm way over that and not interesting in meaningless "hookups" at all. nothing but the deepest affection/love is going to lure me back into another relationship of any sort.

Spoken like a true, grizzled, veteran. ;)

Ghost Of War
17-Mar-2011, 08:33 AM
Hope you don't mind me chiming in, but if I was in your situation I'd be on it like a ferret down a rabbit hole. You may not get another chance like this, take the opportunity to feel good, man. You'll be doing nothing wrong, and who knows, it might even work out between you two. If not, you've just scored 1 million man points.

17-Mar-2011, 07:19 PM
I slept with a 14 year old once

I was 15 at the time. I haven't since.

I'm currently in the random hook up phase of my life, I'm young (22) going to college and soon to head back to the army full time to get my licensed practical nurse. Actually I haven't had a stable relationship in like two years.
When I put it like that, It's kind of depressing.

Even though I'm trying to start one with my cute math tutor whose only a year older then me. Only problem is she's rather religious (I'm Jewish, and a secular one) and I'm possibly leaving in June or July for the Army. rwar