View Full Version : Poseidon

21-Jun-2006, 01:32 PM
Anyone seen it, the remake I mean?

Its a good film but how much better would it have been if zombies were in it.....I mean, that scene were they have to go through the corridor with all those dead bodies, can you imagine how much cooler it would have been if they started to rise...now not only do they have to battle against time and escape the sinking ship but now they have the undead to contend with :D I want a disaster zombie film!!

If you think about it most films would be better if they had zombies in them....or maybe I just like zombies too much!? hmmmmmmmmm

21-Jun-2006, 01:49 PM
I think you may just like zombies too much.:p

I heard the remake is basic hollywood crap. I'll take the original....

21-Jun-2006, 02:41 PM
Well the remake was crap, but it would've been more interesting if there zombies in that boat. :)

21-Jun-2006, 06:07 PM
I thought the remake was fine. We watched the original shortly before seeing the remake. Totally different flicks. The remake, in my opinion, was actually rather brutal. When the boat flips over...dang...some harsh stuff. Especially in light of that tsunami in '04. Massive amounts of water hitting small, soft bodies. Yeah, it wasn't hard to think of that tsunami when watching those scenes.

21-Jun-2006, 06:10 PM
I thought the remake was fine. We watched the original shortly before seeing the remake. Totally different flicks. The remake, in my opinion, was actually rather brutal. When the boat flips over...dang...some harsh stuff. Especially in light of that tsunami in '04. Massive amounts of water hitting small, soft bodies. Yeah, it wasn't hard to think of that tsunami when watching those scenes.

I would imagine that this is because of updated special effects....

But I have a strong feeling that the characters are cardboard. Even with Kurt Russell in it......what happened to that guy, anyway? He's gone straight down hill...

22-Jun-2006, 02:30 PM
wait...whys this in dead discussion?, i thought that was a disaster movie?:rolleyes:

22-Jun-2006, 03:04 PM
But I have a strong feeling that the characters are cardboard. Even with Kurt Russell in it......what happened to that guy, anyway? He's gone straight down hill...

John Carpenter isn't casting him anymore, that's what happened.