View Full Version : Simpson Home Replica

18-Mar-2011, 04:13 PM
This might be old news to some, but apparently back in 1997(hard to believe that was almost 15 years ago...) Fox set up a promotional competition where the winner received a real-life replica of The Simpsons home.


More pictures HERE (http://curbed.com/archives/2011/03/16/this-exists-reallife-simpsons-house-outside-vegas.php#simpsons-house-3).

Back in 1997—way before these things called "blogs" and all—the 2,200-square-foot four-bedroom yellow house was built by Kaufman and Broad Home Construction as a nationwide sweepstakes organized by FOX and Pepsi. How'd they do it? Well, for starters, by watching more than 100 episodes of the show, obsessing over 7,200 color swatches (before actually settling on 25), and ultimately choosing 1,500 Simpsons-themed styling props, from Duff Beer cans to the living room's sailboat painting. Part of an affordable-housing community—not Evergreen Terrace but still appropriately named Springfield—the house cost Kaufman $120K to build. And here's the extra-depressing part: the retired factory worker from Kentucky who won the sweepstakes decided, instead, to take the $75K payout instead of the house itself. In 2001, after being stripped of its Simpsons likeness, it was sold to another owner.

18-Mar-2011, 04:16 PM
That's awesome!

Although I have to say - I don't remember the Simpson house in the TV show being such bright yellow. Isn't it more a kind of burnt orange or something?

This is the house now (via. Google Street View): http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=712+Red+Bark+Lane&sll=39.414977,-115.114746&sspn=3.293073,8.453979&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=712+Red+Bark+Ln,+Henderson,+Clark,+Nevada+89 011,+United+States&ll=36.076367,-115.01411&spn=0.006729,0.016512&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=36.077171,-115.015276&panoid=yTtqHHg2fNeHv3znLUsdCA&cbp=12,341.66,,0,5.94

Seems the new owners would rather just blend in... :p

18-Mar-2011, 04:25 PM
Even after being changed, it still looks....funny. I would like to see it from the back, as well. It would've been great if they built it on a lot with a grown tree and added the treehouse. :lol:

18-Mar-2011, 04:28 PM
It would've been great if they built it on a lot with a grown tree and added the treehouse. :lol:

I know. Where's the commitment? :p

18-Mar-2011, 04:43 PM
Imagine having that house next door to yours and this is what you see when you got out to get the paper in the morning....



That thing still creeps me out...

18-Mar-2011, 04:57 PM
That thing still creeps me out...

Ick. I'm trying to eat lunch over here, Bass :p

18-Mar-2011, 05:47 PM
I would have taken the house, then sold it, instead of receiving $75,000. The retired factory worker is dumbass.

18-Mar-2011, 05:50 PM
Let's just say it's lucky Gary Glitter didn't win that competition!!!

18-Mar-2011, 08:52 PM
"The guy from that Clash song." - 2D

12-Jul-2011, 05:07 PM
Another famous cartoon house has become a reality....



12-Jul-2011, 06:17 PM
It appears to be on corner property, too. Nice.

12-Jul-2011, 07:10 PM
Another famous cartoon house has become a reality....


That is frikkin' cool!