View Full Version : From the "WTF?!" department...

21-Jun-2006, 03:54 PM
Someone sent this to me - I have no idea why. :elol:

Has anyone seen this site before?

ZombiePinups.com (http://www.zombiepinups.com)

Some people are just strange....

21-Jun-2006, 04:38 PM
not exactly what i have in mind when i think of a dead lay :p

21-Jun-2006, 04:41 PM
lol, I've seen worse than that, haha.

I checked the site just in case it was a naughty-no-no, but you're in the clear. I remember seeing a website somewhere which had girls with their baps out, dressed as zombies - I'm talking full on gore, fake missing limbs 'n' all - sucking off guys ... it wasn't exactly sexy, lol.

Obviously, nobody go and post a link to such things as what I described here as that's a naughty-no-no. :rockbrow:

21-Jun-2006, 05:15 PM
Dear God, no! It isn't that kinda site.. :D That's something I may have looked at, but I would've kept it in my head where it belongs. :lol:

That kinda stuff you described reminds me of Dawna of the Dead, but I'm not gonna link to that, that's for sure. :elol:

21-Jun-2006, 05:20 PM
Without going to the link.....it's "zombie porn", right?

21-Jun-2006, 05:22 PM
I didn't do it! :D That site is too corny for me.

However, I am the man responsible for sending Lou the link for DAWNA of the DEAD. :p

21-Jun-2006, 05:26 PM
I had to stop clicking on the "zombie porn" when a friend sent me the link to the Zombie porn Vid........*shudders*

21-Jun-2006, 05:29 PM
no, not zombie 'porn' - just pics, and not distasteful ones either.

Dj - ok, zombiepinups was too corny for you, yet you sent me a link to Dawna of the Dead? That movie is the epitome of corny! :lol:

21-Jun-2006, 05:38 PM
But it had a hot chick in it... getting plumbered by a zombie... Thats not corny, that's entertainment. :D

21-Jun-2006, 05:43 PM
Cold Ethyl

One thing I miss is Cold Ethyl and her skeleton kiss
We met last night making love by the refrigerator light
Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms
Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms

One thing
No lie
Ethyl's frigid as an eskimo pie
She's cool in bed
As she oughta be 'cuz Ethyl's dead

Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms
Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms
Come on Cold Ethyl
Freeze me babe

One thing - it's true
Cold Ethyl I'm stuck on you
And everything is my way
Ethyl don't have much to say

Ethyl Ethyl let me squeeze you in my arms
Ethyl Ethyl come and freeze me with your charms
Come here Cold Ethyl
What makes you so cold? Ooh so cold

Cold Ethyl
Cold Cold Ethyl
If I live 'til ninety-seven
You'll still be waiting in refrigerator heaven
'cuz you're cool
You're ice
Cold Ethyl
You're my paradise

21-Jun-2006, 05:44 PM
But it had a hot chick in it... getting plumbered by a zombie... Thats not corny, that's entertainment. :D

heh, to each his own I guess.. :p

21-Jun-2006, 05:51 PM
heh, to each his own I guess.. :p

Ya know Eyebiters Ethyl poem reminds me of the short film Stale Mate. Remember that Lou? about the guy who has the infatuation with the dead movie star and takes her out on a day date then stuffs her back into the coldbox when the date is over.

It was a short film that was the winner of it's city in the 2004 48 hour film project.

21-Jun-2006, 07:24 PM
Stale Mate was a fantastic short. It made me laugh, almost cry, and was just so insane that it made sense.

At least to me. :D

21-Jun-2006, 08:01 PM
Cold Ethyl- Alice Cooper tune, right?

21-Jun-2006, 09:23 PM
*runs off to google Dawna of the Dead*

Hmmm...interesting...and there are some hotties in there ... next to some rotting corpses, strange ... the trailer has been duly downloaded...

*views trailer*

lol ... I would actually watch that flick you know. Shame they took their title design inspiration from Yawna of the Dead 2004, teehee.

21-Jun-2006, 09:58 PM
*runs off to google Dawna of the Dead*

Hmmm...interesting...and there are some hotties in there ... next to some rotting corpses, strange ... the trailer has been duly downloaded...

*views trailer*

lol ... I would actually watch that flick you know. Shame they took their title design inspiration from Yawna of the Dead 2004, teehee.

See perv minds think a like. :D

Truly great entertainment. :p

21-Jun-2006, 10:10 PM
An interesting tidbit - the zombie porn flick "Re-Penetrator" (classy title eh? lol) was banned at their site by their billing company, but it got a free showing in NYC ... oh wait, that was in 2004, lol. Oh well, thought I'd mention it anyway...I'm gonna google me up some zombie porn, ha!

22-Jun-2006, 12:47 AM
That's actually some funny stuff. Perhaps the first real zombie comedy.

22-Jun-2006, 02:50 AM
eh, kinda weird

22-Jun-2006, 09:48 AM
Holy crap! "Crash Test Dummies"!!! Those were awesome, I had a couple of dummies and the blue car, damn I got a lot of play out of that, got it for my 6th birthday I believe, that was a fantastic toy from back in the day!

22-Jun-2006, 11:17 AM
Holy crap! "Crash Test Dummies"!!! Those were awesome, I had a couple of dummies and the blue car, damn I got a lot of play out of that, got it for my 6th birthday I believe, that was a fantastic toy from back in the day!

The funny thing is... they made them so commercial it didn't help one iota with vehicle safety. I think because they were always in perilous situations and always crashing something it didn't teach kids anything other than if you crash you can just screw your head back on, and keep crashing some more.

22-Jun-2006, 02:32 PM
the funny thing is i posted a link to it a few weeks back, and i think the thread was called ''WTF'':lol:

indeed ts rate creepy.

22-Jun-2006, 02:41 PM
the funny thing is i posted a link to it a few weeks back, and i think the thread was called ''WTF'':lol:

indeed ts rate creepy.

d'oh! :lol:

22-Jun-2006, 03:34 PM
I was watching one of those call-in sex advice shows late one night at work -- can't remember if it was Dr. Drew or Sex Talk with Sue Johanson and a guy called in with a zombie fetish (I think it was Sue). I so wish I had been watching at home, so I could have digitized the segment.

Anyway, the man says that he had seen a lot of slasher and zombie movies as a kid, and somehow it had been eroticized during his adolescence (he wasn’t sure how). However, now zombie fantasies are necessary for him to function. He said he had two different kinds, one where a girl is torn apart by a group of zombies and another, where a girl zombie attacks and eats him.

I remember the therapist advising him that he might be able to get a girl to play along with role playing, but she cautioned that would be unlikely to be something that you could get someone to do very often, unless their fetish matched yours.

He said that he had no interest in the dead – only the reanimated, flesh-eating dead. Sounds reasonable to me.

This could have been a prank call, but the guy was so convincing. He sounded embarrassed and a little sad.

Actually, that guy is probably a member of HPOTD, so let me say ‘Howdy’ to him. Don’t worry, we’re not judging you here. You make us nervous, but we don’t judge you.

We accept you, one of us! Gooble Gobble!

22-Jun-2006, 07:27 PM

Ok, now that is kinda creepy. I've never heard of anyone with a zombie fetish before. I think he needs to rent Dawna of the Dead. :D

22-Jun-2006, 08:12 PM
it may have been a pun, i saw a freind of mine ring into the write stuff using microsoft sam and saying he was a sex addict.:D

22-Jun-2006, 08:16 PM
Was that the purpose of them? To promote vehicle safety? I just thought they were fudging cool! I just smashing them around to cause as much carnage as possible, I'd unscrew the screws in the bumber as well to cause further carnage so the bumper flew off and the bonet would crush in more, it was wicked, still got it in my cupboard somewhere too, damn, I've had that toy for 16 years now, geeeez, how the time flies!

08-Jul-2006, 09:55 PM
Something Awful has done a review with pics of "Porn of the Dead."


Click at your own risk. This link is for adults only.

09-Jul-2006, 08:07 PM
I one day shall own Dawna Of The Dead as well as The Repenetrator.