View Full Version : Here's a good old movie!

21-Jun-2006, 06:37 PM
:) Vincent Price is the star of this golden oldie and its called
"Last Man on Earth".
The jest of the movie is this germ or virus in the blood causes people to die and come back. Not a zombie movie but it is good for its time! It is different from the usual horror movies! . If anyone has seen it please let me know what you thought of it!
Please don't compare it to Mr. Romero's movies cause it won't measure up to his movies!!!

21-Jun-2006, 06:43 PM
I have not seen that movie in a long time. It is a pretty good movie.

21-Jun-2006, 07:22 PM
:) Vincent Price is the star of this golden oldie and its called
"Last Man on Earth".
The jest of the movie is this germ or virus in the blood causes people to die and come back. Not a zombie movie but it is good for its time! It is different from the usual horror movies! . If anyone has seen it please let me know what you thought of it!
Please don't compare it to Mr. Romero's movies cause it won't measure up to his movies!!!

But are you aware of the connection between Last Man, and Romero's films???

Last Man is based on a book by Richard Matheson called "I am legend"

Night of the living dead was written after Romero got the idea after reading I am Legend.

GAR has even stated point blank that night was a direct rip off of Matheson's book.

Welcome to the board!

21-Jun-2006, 07:26 PM
yes welcome, ive always wondered something about that film

when his dark skinned girlfriend finnaly turned unto one of them automaticly, how did she keep the whole dead thing under cover?

21-Jun-2006, 07:35 PM
I know-- I bought it on a whim at Target a year or so ago for $1.00-- I didn't know a lot about it, but I had heard some-- anyway, I loved the movie--

Now I wonder how the remake with (Will Smith?) will be....


21-Jun-2006, 08:20 PM
when his dark skinned girlfriend finnaly turned unto one of them automaticly, how did she keep the whole dead thing under cover?

If I recall correctly, she had a vaccine, or syrum, that allowed her to be out in the sunlight.

21-Jun-2006, 08:38 PM
In the Omega Man, Neville injects himself with a vaccine. He uses his blood to
develop a serum against the biological agent that has wiped out the world.

Bad guys are mutant types.

In The Last Man on Earth, Dr. Morgan is immune to the plague due to bacteria
he encountered while in Central America.

Bad guys are Vampire / Zombie types.