View Full Version : Climbing Mount Snowdon..

26-Mar-2011, 08:45 PM
Well for my latest adventure, me and a few mates decided we were going to climb up the highest peak in the welsh mountains, so yesterday at 4 in the morning we threw all our gear in the car & headed off to Wales. There are 6 different paths up Snowdon, some easier than others (and also a railway that goes straight up one side to the summit for the lightweights) we chose an intermediate one, the "Pyg track" as its known, its a pretty steep walk with some scrambling and climbing involved, but offers some spectacular views! We'd all packed waterproofs, thermal gear, hats, gloves & of course plenty to drink & eat, it turned out though that it was a gorgeous day so after the first half hour of climbing we'd all stripped down to shorts & T-shirts & were carrying a shedload of dead weight in our packs, my shoulders are stiff today! I suppose its better to have it and not need it rather than the other way round though, plenty have died or had to be rescued on Snowdon! Anyway it was a great experience and I certainly feel like I've done it today! Heres a few pics anyway, I took loads but dont want to bore you all...

Snowdon is the peak in the distance here..

Looking up at Snowdons peak from about halfway up..
http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/1089/imag0764r.jpg (http://img38.imageshack.us/i/imag0764r.jpg/)

Looking down from near the summit...
http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/637/imag0784.jpg (http://img545.imageshack.us/i/imag0784.jpg/)

Me & my mate stood on the Cairn at the summit, highest men in Wales :cool:

26-Mar-2011, 08:59 PM
Sounds like a great time, man. I'm no mountaineer, but a firm believer in "It's better to have and not need, than need and not have".

Looks like a beautiful sight!

26-Mar-2011, 10:57 PM
awesome, ive climbed up a few of the smaller ones around derbyshire and the peak district and theres no feeling quite like looking downt to see birds flying below you and once even some clouds. bet it was windy as fuck no?

26-Mar-2011, 11:23 PM
sounds like an awesome day. i live in the midwestern portion of america, so there really isn't a lot like that (mountains, that is) around here. i do love to get out and go camping/hiking/canoeing when the weather permits.

fucking snowing here today, so i'm stuck indoors w the xbox and dvd's. hard to believe that it was in the upper 70's/lower 80's just a handful of days ago.

27-Mar-2011, 08:49 AM
Actually hells we were lucky, there was barely any wind at all up there, and just a nice cooling breeze at the summit. From what I've read that's quite rare though & conditions can be pretty challenging up there a lot of the time!

27-Mar-2011, 10:34 AM
Looks like you picked the right day for it, Trickster. :cool:

Lovely view from up there.

27-Mar-2011, 12:27 PM
Have you been up Snowdon MZ? if not its definitely worth it for someone who loves photography, its just dramatic scenery everywhere you look!

27-Mar-2011, 02:28 PM
Have you been up Snowdon MZ? if not its definitely worth it for someone who loves photography, its just dramatic scenery everywhere you look!

I'm sure I'd get some great shots from up there, but fuck me I'd be knackered climbing that. :D

Or I could get that train up there that you were talking about. :sneaky:

27-Mar-2011, 03:40 PM
I'm sure I'd get some great shots from up there, but fuck me I'd be knackered climbing that. :D

Or I could get that train up there that you were talking about. :sneaky:

There is that option! Its the cheats way though :p


27-Mar-2011, 05:04 PM
There is that option! Its the cheats way though :p


our nick has no problem with the easy mode, HEY-OOOOO!! :p

27-Mar-2011, 06:29 PM
our nick has no problem with the easy mode, HEY-OOOOO!! :p

Ooh that scamp beat me to my own punch. :p

27-Mar-2011, 11:51 PM
As an American of (I believe) Welsh decent AND a fan of Arthurian legend, this makes me doubly jealous. ;) Very nice pic's. :D

28-Mar-2011, 12:37 AM
Was it a mountain before you went up? Or just when you came down? ;)

28-Mar-2011, 02:44 AM
Very nice! I saw a pic and mention of Snowdon on FB before coming here and seeing the thread the other day. I'm very jealous! I don't know when, if ever, I'll get to Wales.

Glad to hear the weather was just right for you, Tricky!

zombie theo
28-Mar-2011, 07:38 PM
I did Snowdon last year with my pa and one of my brothers, however in all out gallivanting about we thought it would be a good idea to take the the hardest route along crib gough I believe it's called it was pretty scary and fun I have some great pics, I'll post a few if anyone is interested

28-Mar-2011, 08:03 PM
Yeah post them up dude, we looked at Crib Goch but for 3 of us it was a bit much seen as we're inexperienced! (the lad im stood with on that last pic is a Royal Marine, he would have run across the Crib given half the chance!)

Tom Price
01-Apr-2011, 03:09 AM
Dead mountains,not a tree to sleep under,no chipmunks
no elk no deer no bears
no 500 ' declines to rapell down.

UK hiking looks beat.

01-Apr-2011, 04:40 AM
Dead mountains,not a tree to sleep under,no chipmunks
no elk no deer no bears
no 500 ' declines to rapell down.

UK hiking looks beat.

this is delicious, the aim of being a dick is getting folks mad, i havent seen a troll crash and burn this well outside of gaia.

01-Apr-2011, 08:40 AM
Dead mountains,not a tree to sleep under,no chipmunks
no elk no deer no bears
no 500 ' declines to rapell down.

UK hiking looks beat.

That shouldnt bother you, at 49 your way past it anyway ;)