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31-Mar-2011, 11:39 PM

Would you give a portion of your winnings to those who didn't participate like usual? This is easy for me...I would and I wouldn't even have to think about it.
I saw some of these people on the news tonight and it sounded like they were leaning towards not sharing. It's stunning to me how fast money can corrupt people. It's not like you have to give up much and it's basically found money in the first place.
Hell, I give to several charities on a fairly regular basis and I barely have a pot to piss in a window to throw it out of.

31-Mar-2011, 11:55 PM
The thing I've never understood about people winning large sums of money is the "quitting the job". Really? Do you hate your job that much that you'd just quit because you don't have to work anymore?

I don't know, call me old fashioned but I've just never understood it. I enjoy my job (most days) and I wouldn't have an issue in working without a paycheck if I didn't need one. I'd probably end up putting my wages from work into a department fund I work with people in my department and take us all out every couple of weeks to a nice restaurant and buy rounds for everyone and just have a hell of a good time.

I don't know, I guess I can somewhat understand people quitting their jobs if they have families and want to spend time with them -- but wouldn't that be damned boring in not working after awhile? I'd rather have some type of purpose as opposed to just screwing around (figuratively and literally) all day. I've never cared for traveling much (everything I need is within 20 miles of me) and just don't see the point in leaving my job just because I have money and don't need to work. I don't know, I guess I'm just a minority individual when it comes that issue.


01-Apr-2011, 12:38 AM
if i was in their position, i'd at least give something to those co-workers who regularly played, but nothing more than say, a million or so. i'd also take care of my immediate family and make sure they didn't have anything to worry about financially. not that my family is in the poor-house, my parents and siblings all work and have rather good jobs/houses/vehicles/etc.

and you're drunk again, JP. you like your job that much that you'd go if you had absolutely no need to? with the right investing, you could make that sort of money last you the rest of your life just by living off the interest. fuck going to work, maybe i'd open up my own business or something and do that as far as staying busy and having something productive to do, but there's no way i'm devoting any more of my time to making $$$ for someone else if i ever won that kind of a prize.

01-Apr-2011, 12:48 AM
I would have shared and kept my job. I would be rich and there is no point in being a selfish douche about it. I would talk to my financial adviser and set up a fat nest egg, so when I do finally retire in many years in the future, I will be set. I have a business sense about things and view outside the box.

01-Apr-2011, 01:58 AM
I kind of think of it this way, if you keep the job after you win that big of sum of money don't you think you would be taking the job from someone that needs it?
I defo would share it with my family and friends. I couldn't stand it if I had all kinds of things and they didn't get anything at all.
I would also give it to strangers too.

01-Apr-2011, 02:02 AM
don't forget about me, then, deb...

01-Apr-2011, 02:05 AM
don't forget about me, then, deb...

ok Prof, you are on my list! lol

---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------

BTW: the lottery is up 100 million this saturday for PA! Cross your fingers I win Prof...

01-Apr-2011, 02:19 AM
I honestly do not believe I would be taking away a job from someone who needs it, because anyone can easily piss away millions of dollars. Look at past lotto winners or athletes such as Mike Tyson, who pissed away over 400 million dollars. Some people let money go to their head. They see an endless supply of money and think it will never end.

01-Apr-2011, 02:29 AM
I honestly do not believe I would be taking away a job from someone who needs it, because anyone can easily piss away millions of dollars. Look at past lotto winners or athletes such as Mike Tyson, who pissed away over 400 million dollars. Some people let money go to their head. They see an endless supply of money and think it will never end.

Well said. For me it's not a matter of taking away a job from someone but doing what I should do. I don't expect everyone to share my religious convictions, but for me I'd almost feel unethical to not work in some capacity. I enjoy working and having a job -- whether I have millions or not money itself wouldn't change that. I feel good getting up in the morning knowing I've got a job to accomplish and sleep better at night knowing I've accomplished something through my actions. It's a reason as to why I doubt I'll ever retire (of course, I doubt I'll live long enough to worry about that anyway, but I digress), I enjoy having a job and doing something active with my day too much.


01-Apr-2011, 03:00 AM
well, my point wasn't that i think it'd be the life to sit around all day and get wasted from sundown till sun-up, i just think i'd open a small business related to something i like. either opening a fitness center, start a landscaping company, etc....i'd much rather be my own boss (and maybe provide jobs for others) than work for some other asshat.

01-Apr-2011, 09:45 AM
Well said. For me it's not a matter of taking away a job from someone but doing what I should do. I don't expect everyone to share my religious convictions, but for me I'd almost feel unethical to not work in some capacity.

I agree. I'm sure I'd work less than I do now, to spend more time with my family. But I don't think I'd keep the job I had now. I might do something that interests me that wouldn't otherwise pay enough (or at all). Like working as a full-time volunteer.

01-Apr-2011, 11:05 AM
I'd definitely quit my job (although I'd work my notice period first), I'm still a pretty young bloke with no kids or ties, and theres a whole world out there that I would go and explore if I had the means to do it, as well as being able to afford the things I currently enjoy doing a whole lot more. I wouldnt go crazy and blow the entire lot on stupid luxury hotels and fast cars, but I would definitely travel extensively. I would share cash with my immediate family, but aunties, uncles and cousins who havent who havent bothered with me in years wouldnt be getting a penny. I'd help the people I consider my best friends out too, but wouldnt fall for any hangers on who would suddenly want to know me now I had cash. maybe after a few years I would take a voluntary job somewhere, but I would never work as a full time dogsbody again...

01-Apr-2011, 02:26 PM
Most of you guys are missing the point of the post. The question was what would you do regarding sharing the money with some fellow workers who played the lottery with you on a regular basis...not if you would quit your job.

01-Apr-2011, 02:34 PM
My answer? ...Yes!

01-Apr-2011, 02:35 PM
Most of you guys are missing the point of the post. The question was what would you do regarding sharing the money with some fellow workers who played the lottery with you on a regular basis...not if you would quit your job.

Sorry Leo, that's my fault, I ran off on a tangent...

To answer your question, I would share to an extent. I wouldn't be writing any individual checks but I'd have no qualms in doing something to benefit my entire department here at work (like starting up a fund to take us all out to dinners/events because I can and would enjoy doing it for the folks I work with). I'd probably also try to set up a medical fund at work for people in emergency situations. So, I guess you could call this a type of indirect sharing of my wealth as opposed to direct sharing (as I wouldn't be writing any checks to anyone).

When you write one check for a friend, it's a snowball of issues, me thinks.


01-Apr-2011, 03:43 PM
Sorry Leo, that's my fault, I ran off on a tangent...

To answer your question, I would share to an extent. I wouldn't be writing any individual checks but I'd have no qualms in doing something to benefit my entire department here at work (like starting up a fund to take us all out to dinners/events because I can and would enjoy doing it for the folks I work with). I'd probably also try to set up a medical fund at work for people in emergency situations. So, I guess you could call this a type of indirect sharing of my wealth as opposed to direct sharing (as I wouldn't be writing any checks to anyone).

When you write one check for a friend, it's a snowball of issues, me thinks.


Did you read the article? I'm not talking about sharing with everybody.

01-Apr-2011, 05:39 PM
I dont think I would share it with people who didnt want to be in the draw for that week, it was their choice not to play, why should they be entitled to a share of it? I suppose it really depends on how well you actually got on with those colleagues though, if you couldnt stand them and they made your working day miserable, then would you still share with them? I suppose you'd have to ask yourself whether they would have shared with you if the boot was on the other foot....

01-Apr-2011, 11:34 PM
I saw an interview yesterday with the guy who actually kept track of who played and who didn't each time.
People got in, and sometimes got out, of the pot. The way I see it, luck of the draw.
I say he gets diddly squat. If some of the others wanted to hook him up after we split it up properly, then they can go for it.
I'll say one thing about what he said about not feeling lucky: He definitely wasn't, and his choice of not playing proved that...

And who the fudge would keep their job, other than porn stars and, uhhhhh..... uhhhhhhh....?
I'd rather be my own boss.

03-Apr-2011, 10:34 PM
How anyone can ever see something like this as their "right" is beyond me. You bought a ticket, you got a number and that number came up. How is it that you're anymore deserving of this money than anyone else?

Do what any decent man or woman would do and donate it all to people who ACTUALLY need it! That money of yours could save thousands of lives. It's not a question of wether or not to give it to co-workers, it's a question of how much do you keep for yourself AFTER you've given most of it away to charity.

Stupid assholes. I hate greed, I hate money and I hate living in a world where this is even considered a "ethical dilemma". This is the stupid MTV Reality show equivalent of an ethical dilemma.

03-Apr-2011, 10:54 PM
How anyone can ever see something like this as their "right" is beyond me. You bought a ticket, you got a number and that number came up. How is it that you're anymore deserving of this money than anyone else?

Do what any decent man or woman would do and donate it all to people who ACTUALLY need it! That money of yours could save thousands of lives. It's not a question of wether or not to give it to co-workers, it's a question of how much do you keep for yourself AFTER you've given most of it away to charity.

Stupid assholes. I hate greed, I hate money and I hate living in a world where this is even considered a "ethical dilemma". This is the stupid MTV Reality show equivalent of an ethical dilemma.

Damn Commie :p

03-Apr-2011, 11:06 PM
How anyone can ever see something like this as their "right" is beyond me. You bought a ticket, you got a number and that number came up. How is it that you're anymore deserving of this money than anyone else?

That's why its called the lottery. We pay taxes and hope to get them back in return. It's the luck of the draw. Standard gambling....why is that confusing?

03-Apr-2011, 11:51 PM
I might give some of the others a little cut out of what I got. . . but the lion's share goes to those that participated.

And there is no way in hell I would keep my job. It would be travel and leisure for me for the rest o me days.

04-Apr-2011, 12:24 AM
And there is no way in hell I would keep my job. It would be travel and leisure for me for the rest o me days.

Could you be content with that? Really, I'm curious. Wouldn't you get bored after awhile of not having a daily routine of something that needed to be accomplished other than: "Hmm, where should I travel today? Which car should I drive today? Which whore should I bang today?" etc. etc. How long do you think you could really live like that without having a career or action that you did as opposed to laying around/goofing off all the time?


04-Apr-2011, 12:45 AM
Could you be content with that? Really, I'm curious. Wouldn't you get bored after awhile of not having a daily routine of something that needed to be accomplished other than: "Hmm, where should I travel today? Which car should I drive today? Which whore should I bang today?" etc. etc. How long do you think you could really live like that without having a career or action that you did as opposed to laying around/goofing off all the time?

j.p. I would find other stuff to do, trust me. My job is just that. . . a job. . . .not a career. . . nothing that gives me much "satisfaction" really. I just work to make money. If I have money. . . there is no need to throw away 8 hours of my day on an annoyance.

04-Apr-2011, 06:23 PM
I would find other stuff to do, trust me. My job is just that. . . a job. . . .not a career. . . nothing that gives me much "satisfaction" really. I just work to make money. If I have money. . . there is no need to throw away 8 hours of my day on an annoyance.

Agree wholeheartedly.

Any Day Job that you're not invested in as a career, or in any deeper sense; is simply you mortgaging your life away, 8-10 hours at a time, in return for money.

04-Apr-2011, 06:56 PM
That's why its called the lottery. We pay taxes and hope to get them back in return. It's the luck of the draw. Standard gambling....why is that confusing?

It's not, it's just stupid. You should pay taxes to keep your society running. To give healthcare to those who need it. To improve infrastructure and education. Not to feed some bloated lottery competition.

Yuck. Fuck greed and fuck money. Honest labour and equality is what makes the world a better place. Not some idiotic "luck of the draw" cash machine.

04-Apr-2011, 11:14 PM
It's not, it's just stupid. You should pay taxes to keep your society running. To give healthcare to those who need it. To improve infrastructure and education. Not to feed some bloated lottery competition.

Yuck. Fuck greed and fuck money. Honest labour and equality is what makes the world a better place. Not some idiotic "luck of the draw" cash machine.

You do realize people have to pay for those lottery tickets, right? Each State makes a lot of money from the lottery each time. And not all of that money goes to winners. I believe a portion goes back to the States to pay for those things you ranted about.

05-Apr-2011, 01:35 AM
Yeah, in our state it goes to support the education system. . . .or that is what we are told anyways ;)

05-Apr-2011, 10:06 AM
i'd give, i told myself if i ever won that my immediate family would be set for life. a couple of friends too. then i'd just take a part time job

---------- Post added at 06:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 AM ----------

You do realize people have to pay for those lottery tickets, right? Each State makes a lot of money from the lottery each time. And not all of that money goes to winners. I believe a portion goes back to the States to pay for those things you ranted about.

in england they dont tax the lottery because the jackpot is made back everytime it's played. so our government is just greedy

05-Apr-2011, 10:10 AM
Close family, definitely. Coworkers, I dunno. I note that in this case there are seven winners, and the number of coworkers who occasionally participated in the lottery pool but failed to on this occasion is now up to five.

05-Apr-2011, 05:22 PM
You do realize people have to pay for those lottery tickets, right? Each State makes a lot of money from the lottery each time. And not all of that money goes to winners. I believe a portion goes back to the States to pay for those things you ranted about.

I do realize that. 19 million dollars is still way too much "excess money" not to spend on something that actually helps make this world a better place. A hundred thousand I could understand, I guess. But do you realize how many lives 19 million dollars could save?

05-Apr-2011, 06:34 PM
But do you realize how many lives 19 million dollars could save?

The amount Africa gets annually in donations dwarves that but it makes little difference to lives saved there due to corruption. I would donate handsome sums to select charities, namely those helping wounded British soldiers recover and some of the smaller charities that help animals or animal sanctuaries (I refuse to donate to any charity that has chief execs & is run like a business) but thats about it, and I wouldnt be giving away the entire lot!

05-Apr-2011, 06:47 PM
That's a nice and convenient mentality, of course... If you wanted, you could of course make a difference with that amount of money. Easily.

05-Apr-2011, 07:44 PM
Oh. . .I would make a difference with that money for sure. . . .the difference in all the stuff I don't have now,. . .and all the stuff I would have after!! :p

05-Apr-2011, 10:25 PM
Oh. . .I would make a difference with that money for sure. . . .the difference in all the stuff I don't have now,. . .and all the stuff I would have after!! :p

Clang before:





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08-Apr-2011, 12:06 AM
Big Ballin' and Yes Yallin'!!! Whut Whut?!?

08-Apr-2011, 12:16 AM
Big Ballin' and Yes Yallin'!!! Whut Whut?!?
