View Full Version : Rumor: Wii successor at E3, significantly more powerful than PS3/360

14-Apr-2011, 08:50 PM
Game Informer, IGN and Kotaku are receiving reports:

According to multiple reports today, Nintendo will reveal a new console at E3 this coming June.

Game Informer first reported that the console is capable of running games at "HD resolutions." Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and that Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market. Another source said it is capable of 1080p resolutions.

Nintendo is reportedly showing the console to publishers to garner interest for a late 2012 launch.

Additional sources tell IGN that Nintendo will release a pre-announcement this month with a full reveal expected at E3 and that the console will be backwards compatible with current Wii software.

Furthermore, we've heard that the machine will be more powerful than current-gen systems, meaning Nintendo, currently backing a Wii that is weaker in horsepower than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, will be showing a new console that is more powerful than those current competitors.

14-Apr-2011, 08:56 PM
Just a PSWii60 for £100 - 150 for fall 2011 please.
If it could launch with Rogue Squadron HD and Dead Rising 2 Wii Remote Plus Edition (running smooth at 60FPS) all the better.

14-Apr-2011, 10:04 PM
Goin bowling in 1080p baby!

Then i'll go right back to the systems that are also fun while you're alone...

14-Apr-2011, 10:19 PM
Game Informer, IGN and Kotaku are receiving reports:


TBH, graphical and processor umph is not a surprise. ie: That it will be more powerful than the XBox and PS3. What I'm interested in is Nintendos controllers/interface as this is where the Wii has carved its niche out!

A more powerful box than the XBox and PS3 with a fantastics controller? That could be VERY interesting!

14-Apr-2011, 10:48 PM
Just a PSWii60 for £100 - 150 for fall 2011 please.
If it could launch with Rogue Squadron HD and Dead Rising 2 Wii Remote Plus Edition (running smooth at 60FPS) all the better.

Nope, just a fresh version of MarioWank...

15-Apr-2011, 12:35 AM
A more powerful box than the XBox and PS3 with a fantastics controller? That could be VERY interesting!

Not happenin!

15-Apr-2011, 01:06 AM
CVG reports all new controller with built-in HD screen:


What's most exciting about the Wii successor however is its all-new controller, which industry sources have indicated is not simply an upgraded Wii Remote, and will even feature a built-in HD screen.

Our sources did not specify whether or not the controller displays will feature any other functionality, such as that of the DS's touch screen, but it's easy to imagine the sort of innovation an extra screen could bring to Wii 2 games.

"Nintendo's plans sound unreal," one source said. "Publishers are already planning launch titles and it's all very exciting.

"The hardware is even more powerful than current HD consoles and backwards compatible with Wii. The controller will be all-new and has a HD screen on it."

15-Apr-2011, 02:14 AM
So when the next 360 and Wii come out they will again be more powerful then the Nintendo? Are they then going to stop supporting the Wii?
I fear market saturation...

15-Apr-2011, 02:17 AM
CVG reports all new controller with built-in HD screen:


Yes, in a few more years we'll return to the ways of Dreamcast! I loved their [inovative] screen in the controller, that doubled as a mini handheld game system/memory card. I could see the next console war taking this way beyond the next level of what Dreamcast did.

15-Apr-2011, 05:02 AM
If it's fully baclward compatible with Wii I want to see support for the Wii Remote Plus continue on the next console for shooting and swordplay games, that controller can do more then waggle but there is nothing for it and no commitment to do anything with it.
The new controller sounds fake, what their describing is a handheld and Nintendo just released the 3DS, we won't see a 720p 3DS for five years or so.

15-Apr-2011, 07:25 AM
CVG reports all new controller with built-in HD screen:


---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ----------

If it's fully baclward compatible with Wii.
You'd hope so wouldn't you?!

15-Apr-2011, 08:49 AM

---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ----------

You'd hope so wouldn't you?!

Yes, as there's lots of potential with it's controllers and 3DS connectivity.
Imagine Dead Space, Doom or Metal Gear Solid where the 3DS substitutes the nunchuk for moving the character AND the 3D screen for transmissions, the Ipad and codec, the Wiimote+ would be used for shooting and other actions. Not fair to lefties though unless the touch screen acts as the movement control.

15-Apr-2011, 01:58 PM
I kinda wish the N64 had lasted longer... And Gamecube, for that matter... This new stuff... Meh.

15-Apr-2011, 04:15 PM
the most prevalent rumour doing the rounds from folks i know who can be trusted is its a modern take on the genesis and you buy physical addons - including the wii- that all connect into different points on this new console. like you want a bluray player and you buy it and connect it in this ...whatever this thing is.

No doubt it will be marketed as "have it your way style gaming- customise it for the family or hardcore gamers!" when really its an entirely new way to squeeze every penny.


15-Apr-2011, 10:25 PM
the most prevalent rumour doing the rounds from folks i know


Who are these folks, exactly?

-- -------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 PM ----------

IGN Editor Jim Reilly tweeting more details:


Dual analog sticks on the controller. Can stream game content from the console. Not sure if it'll be full games, mini-games, or apps.

There will be first and third party "Wii 2" games at E3. No clue if they'll be playable.

New Nintendo controller allows players to stream entire games to the device from the console - like a miniature television."

15-Apr-2011, 11:52 PM

Who are these folks, exactly?

friends who work in games development nowadays and a relative who writes for a games magazine, what did you think? "my dad totally works for nintendo"? :lol: nothing spectacular but they are guys i know rarely to fuck with me. One of em i would trust hands down said one thing yesterday in conversation that got me excited, basically describing how the controller is some massive leaping advance on the few gamecube games that used a gameboy as a second screen and interface. Now i remember using it for zelda and it gave you extra abilities like infinite bombs to drop on the gba screens minimap. If it does that kind of thing it could be exciting.
But knowing nintendo you would expect them to just make you need a 3ds for that. So im wondering what the screens for. But the dreamcast fanboy in me remembers how neat that was so maybe the controller acts as a smaller, independent device for some games maybe?

I'd love to see what hideo kojimas mind could strum up.

16-Apr-2011, 07:11 AM
I'd love to see what hideo kojimas mind could strum up.
Nintendo unveils the Wii Remote
Hideo Kojima's reaction: "They've done it!"
later on: "HD is just a gimmick I do war games the dirtier the better."
As of 2011
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Playstation 3
Metal Gear Solid Riisng - Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops - Playstation Portable
Metal Gear Solid 3DS: The Naked Snake - 3DS

Solid Snake was in Super Smash Bros Brawl.

The 'Project Cafe' rumours point to Wii's successor being three core with 'at least' 512 Mb of RAM, a GPU equivalent to R700 (2007/08 tech) and porting games from the 360 and PS3 'should be a breeze' and have motion controls 'better then Move'.

While I'm sure a original game would be awesome MGSR is made for the Wii Remote Plus

22-Apr-2011, 01:46 AM
Allegedly leaked pics, currently named "Stream":




22-Apr-2011, 02:02 AM
so the wii, now the stream?

sounds like someone has an obsession with piss.... :lol:

i really hope they come up with a better name than that....

22-Apr-2011, 07:00 AM
Here's the rumours in total
Nintendo are releasing a Triple core HD console using a revamped R700 GPU for $350 - 400 (£250 - 300) late this year, it features a controller with a six inch 1080p touchscreen which you can stream games onto and the console is fully backward compatible with Gamecube and Wii games.
If all of this is true what they need are exclusive games or exclusives in multiplats and damn good ones at that. I have brought up Dead Rising and Metal Gear before in this thread and I think motion plus support would make them killer aps on Stream. Resident Evil 5 with Wiimote controls, you could have the best of both worlds in all these games by having HD graphics and optional conventional or motion controls.

22-Apr-2011, 09:40 AM
so the wii, now the stream?

Sounds like someone has an obsession with piss.... :lol:

23-Apr-2011, 11:01 AM
Three times as powerful as the 360?
Also Wii games in HD? Like a patch to play Super Mario Galaxy and Legend of Zelda games in HD?
If those controllers are true, imagine inviting four friends over with their controllers and playing Left 4 Dead, One of you could just pop to the kitchen, monitor the kettle, washer or dryer or go to the toilet and keep playing.

(Nice signiture with Carl Sagan there, I never even heard of him until I saw this Family Guy spoof on Youtube where he's been edited for bible thumping rednecks.)

23-Apr-2011, 02:17 PM
Unfortunately, this new system will probably have the same issues that Nintendo has had for over a decade now: a lot of third party developers aren't happy to work with Nintendo, and so they simply don't. Nintendo almost seems to go out of their way to make it difficult to develop on their systems. I was reading an article a while back about how developers weren't even aware that the Wii was coming out until it was announced to the public, so they didn't have advanced notice to actually start making games. That's why the Wii's release titles were so anemic.

Now, granted, a spokesman for Nintendo has said that they are going to get better at it, but they've said that multiple times in the past and it's only gotten worse.

23-Apr-2011, 03:19 PM
Now, granted, a spokesman for Nintendo has said that they are going to get better at it, but they've said that multiple times in the past and it's only gotten worse.

Capcom and Ubisoft seem to have a lot of faith in the 3DS at least, so that's something. It's just too bad for Nintendo that everyone equates their systems with first party titles (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.). I guess it's not a bad thing for them, as the Wii still sold like crazy, but I'd definitely like to see some non-Nintendo developed exclusives for this next system.

23-Apr-2011, 04:42 PM
Capcom and Ubisoft seem to have a lot of faith in the 3DS at least, so that's something. It's just too bad for Nintendo that everyone equates their systems with first party titles (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.). I guess it's not a bad thing for them, as the Wii still sold like crazy, but I'd definitely like to see some non-Nintendo developed exclusives for this next system.

It's going to be interesting to see how things work out, because logically Nintendo can't go the same route that they did with the Wii. The reason it sold a bajillion units was because it was designed to be a "casual" system that appealed even to people that didn't really play video games. Those casual fans won't really have a reason to purchase the new system (they already have the Wii, after all, and non-gamers won't see a major reason to get a brand new system), so Nintendo is going to have to appeal to more serious gamers if they want the system to succeed. Thus they're going to have to work with more third party developers if they really want it to work.

It will be interesting to see if companies like BioWare will be open to developing for Nintendo or if they will stick to their guns and only produce for the other platforms.

25-Apr-2011, 02:19 PM
Nintendo admitted to the rumors this past weekend. Playable demos at E3.

"Nintendo Co. Ltd. has decided to launch in 2012 a system in to succeed Wii...We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo, which will be held from June 7-9, 2011, in Los Angeles"

25-Apr-2011, 04:16 PM
To be honest I could buy a shitty PC from PC world that can beat the specs of the ps3 and xbox....lol
Claiming to beat old hardware isn't particularly impressive - consoles are just a PC in a box now, so comparitively to even a modest gaming rig, the 360 and ps3 look weak - not to mention the original wii. If they came out and said "the new wii will have a dual sli graphics card running at 3GB with dual quad core processors with a 12mb cache that will handle native stereo 3D (not side by side view ala Crysis, CODBLOPS etc) then I might be impressed!

Anyway regardless of it's power, what use is that to anyone if all they keep churning out are stuipd baby games?

25-Apr-2011, 07:48 PM
That first picture Coin posted looked like it was just an ad for an external HDD or some sort of already-existing developer hardware. Why would Nintendo have a thing saying "Easy portability from PC, XBOX 360" ??? To me it seems like it's XBOX 360 developer hardware.

Mr. Clean
25-Apr-2011, 09:52 PM
They'll have to venture away from the cartoonish games for me to be that interested. I never got a Wii because majority of the titles where more postured for younger people. I understand that pulling Mario/Link out of a cartoonish setting is damn near impossible because of that's what their built upon and that they have released a few titles directd more towards adults but bowling with shitty characters or playing Olympic games with Sega characters got boring pretty damn fast.

25-Apr-2011, 10:52 PM
They'll have to venture away from the cartoonish games for me to be that interested. I never got a Wii because majority of the titles where more postured for younger people. I understand that pulling Mario/Link out of a cartoonish setting is damn near impossible because of that's what their built upon and that they have released a few titles directd more towards adults but bowling with shitty characters or playing Olympic games with Sega characters got boring pretty damn fast.

Hey, there were adult themes on the Wii, too. I distinctly remember them raping the Metroid franchise repeatedly in Other M.