View Full Version : Couple of great documentaries on the Afghan War

22-Apr-2011, 12:17 AM
after hearing about the unfortunate deaths of two western journalists is libya yesterday, i watched a great documentary one of them was involved in called "restrepo", chronicling the deployment of one Army unit to afghanistan.


also recently saw a foreign documentary titled "armadillo", which follows a unit of Danish soldiers during their time over there.


both films are incredibly powerful and at times very raw and brutal. they also provide a very good depiction of what deployment life is like. i've never been to afghanistan, but had a roommate from when i lived in the barracks who died there and also know a guy who got pretty fucked up by an IED while on tour there. at times, during these films, i found myself wishing i had got the experience of the mountains and terrain of afghanistan, it looks very similar to where i did some of my basic training at. oh well, i guess iraq and operation phantom fury is enough experience for me...i'm sure my family feels that way, too. but goddamn, the flat and dry desert seems like such a boring and dull place (at times, that is) compared to those amazing mountains and scenery.

anyone remotely interested in military life, the war we're stuck in, or who wants to gain a better appreciation of the hardships and sacrifices these guys and their families make would undoubtedly enjoy these two docs, check 'em out.

25-Apr-2011, 12:46 PM
I just happened to catch Restrepo through Netflix last night. As you said....its very powerful stuff. I went through what had to be the entire range of emotions in those two hours.

It's on instant netflix right now if anyone else is interested.

25-Apr-2011, 02:16 PM
Caught Restrepo a month or so back just after having heard some complimentary things from a friend about the book related to the doc, both of which are a product of Sebastian Junger (A Perfect Storm), iirc. It was pretty well done and somewhat engaging, with a few flat parts here or there.

Now I'll have to look for this Armadillo film. Thanks for the heads up.

Honestly, I'm very interested in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, myself. I had read The Great Gamble: The Soviet War in Afghanistan (http://www.amazon.com/Great-Gamble-Soviet-War-Afghanistan/dp/0061143189) when it came out and immediately became enthralled by the topic. Why? Haven't a clue, just my interest in the Cold War I suppose.


26-Apr-2011, 04:16 PM
The Voice of the Moon by Richard Stanley is another good Afghanistan documentary. Filmed back in the late 1980's when the Afghan Mujahedin were "freedom fighters" against the Communists.

Part 1 of 4

02-May-2011, 02:57 AM
well, according to sources, osama bin laden was killed today. if it's really legit, it's amazing to think that it took nearly a decade to finally get him.

pics or it didn't happen.
