View Full Version : Facebook or twitter?

23-Apr-2011, 05:01 PM
Facebook or twitter?

23-Apr-2011, 05:34 PM
Facebook! I travel alot with my job, so I use it to keep in touch with all my friends back home. It's really wonderful.

23-Apr-2011, 05:54 PM
twitter, i like the public im/ microblogging nature of it. Facebook is an irritating virtual schoolyard for retards to be catty about their 'status' and advertisers to chuckle about how morons fell for the 'likes this' advertising bonanza.
Plus i use twitter to talk to friends i have but not exclusively, most people who use facebook seem to use it to talk to 'friends' they never talk to any other way, which arent really friends at all.

23-Apr-2011, 06:12 PM
With Facebook I can quick and easy just get a shout or even plan events from another country. I think your attitude towards facebook says more about you than facebook. Especially considering you just tried to generalize a web community which has more than 600 million users. :p

I'm not trying to say Facebook is teh super awesome revolution, but hey. It's fucking great for keeping in touch with people.

23-Apr-2011, 06:13 PM

I do not get Twitter; I have absolutely no understanding of what would make me want to use it over Facebook. The only people I know who use it (Hellsing excluded, I guess) are either narcissists who think people want to know their every uninteresting action or unoriginal thought, or sad-cases desperate to keep up to date with developments such as Stephen Fry's most recent Apple purchase or Johnny Marr's latest bowel movement. I know Facebook suffers from these issues too, to a degree, but the minimalistic format and arbitrarily short message length limit of Twitter seems to have a concentrating effect on such assery. I don't care what anyone says, if something can be expressed fully and in a considered manner in just 255 characters, then it's barely worth saying :p

23-Apr-2011, 06:27 PM

I do not get Twitter; I have absolutely no understanding of what would make me want to use it over Facebook. The only people I know who use it (Hellsing excluded, I guess) are either narcissists who think people want to know their every uninteresting action or unoriginal thought, or sad-cases desperate to keep up to date with developments such as Stephen Fry's most recent Apple purchase or Johnny Marr's latest bowel movement. I know Facebook suffers from these issues too, to a degree, but the minimalistic format and arbitrarily short message length limit of Twitter seems to have a concentrating effect on such assery. I don't care what anyone says, if something can be expressed fully and in a considered manner in just 255 characters, then it's barely worth saying :p

see thats why i like it. you are limited to 140 characters, which means its a lot harder to ramble on and be a douche- that and you choose who to follow that make up your feed of information, maybe you want some movie news, or to send brief little messages to friends. whatever. it just lets me prune out all the bullshit.

23-Apr-2011, 06:54 PM

23-Apr-2011, 07:07 PM


23-Apr-2011, 08:08 PM
see thats why i like it. you are limited to 140 characters, which means its a lot harder to ramble on and be a douche- that and you choose who to follow that make up your feed of information, maybe you want some movie news, or to send brief little messages to friends. whatever. it just lets me prune out all the bullshit.

I guess it's a preference thing. I LIKE it when people "ramble on". :p Words aren't bad. Sometimes saying something in as few of them as possible isn't the best way to express the interesting aspects of life.

Part of the benefit of having a higher word limit is that it allows people's personalities to come through; using Twitter, no matter who you're following/interacting with, it's always like trying to have a conversation with Ivan Drago.

23-Apr-2011, 08:35 PM
I guess it's a preference thing. I LIKE it when people "ramble on". :p Words aren't bad. Sometimes saying something in as few of them as possible isn't the best way to express the interesting aspects of life.


23-Apr-2011, 08:39 PM

I only have friends that can string a sentence together :p

23-Apr-2011, 08:44 PM
Not a fan of either, really. I had a facebook page under a false name so I could avoid people I didn't want to come into contact with, but got bored after a while and deleted. Fast forward to just recently and my wife FORCED me to have a real facebook page. Why? So she could use it to cheat on that friggin cityville game. :lol:

Anyway....she created one for me. So...yeah. Facebook it is, I guess. It is nice to talk to old friends...

I can't stand twitter. A bunch of people thinking they're more important than they really are. Nobody cares what you're eating for dinner, asshole.

23-Apr-2011, 08:50 PM
Part of the benefit of having a higher word limit is that it allows people's personalities to come through; using Twitter, no matter who you're following/interacting with, it's always like trying to have a conversation with Ivan Drago.

Haha, never thought of it that way but you're right. Twitter is full of comments like: "Found new store. So awesome! It has nice things."

23-Apr-2011, 09:04 PM
Both suck, but I had a FB so I could find out when my 20 year class reunion was, which I missed anyway...
Other than that, I only look at pics of me/us my parents and sisters post of back in the day.
FB is kind of killing the net, if you ask me. All the forums I frequented are like ghost towns now.
And Twitter? Nice way to run down your cell's battery faster. I don't care WTF people are doing every 2 minutes or less.

23-Apr-2011, 09:09 PM
Indeed. I think Jeremy Klein put it best when he tweeted 'FUCK'.
Facebook sucks too, I only use it when someone I know sends me a message, which rarely happens.
Random forums like this one for teh WIN!! Or at least the bi-win.

23-Apr-2011, 09:25 PM
None of the above. This is about all the interaction with people I can deal with.

24-Apr-2011, 02:15 AM
facebook. found so many friends i grew up with on there

24-Apr-2011, 05:20 PM
yeah, where's option C - f*ck 'em both.

people who tweet are narcissistic....nobody gives a f*ck about your 140-word micro review of video games, movies, your last bowel movement, how many "followers" you have, etc, you f*cking tw*t.

facebook is also for self-righteous blow-hards. look at me and all my "likes", world! check out how many "friends" i have!

both of these methods for "staying in touch" and "connecting" with people are unnecessary products of our gadget and technology obsessed society.

24-Apr-2011, 07:28 PM
Both suck, but I had a FB so I could find out when my 20 year class reunion was, which I missed anyway...
Other than that, I only look at pics of me/us my parents and sisters post of back in the day.
FB is kind of killing the net, if you ask me. All the forums I frequented are like ghost towns now.
And Twitter? Nice way to run down your cell's battery faster. I don't care WTF people are doing every 2 minutes or less.

Totally agree with that, Facebook has managed to kill off half the nets forums & MSN messenger which is a big shame really! That said I'm as guilty as the rest, I have a facebook page & I do keep in touch with a lot of past & present friends through it, as well as using it as a place to share photos I take. Thats the one thing I really enjoy about facebook, people can look through my photos rather than them being hidden away on hard drives or in physical albums which nobody will ever see. My parents have boxes & boxes of photos of their youth & times past, and nobody will ever see them

Mr. Clean
24-Apr-2011, 07:31 PM
Facebook to keep up with family and friends. The ignore feature is pretty nice for all those asshats that sit next to the computer with a bed pan and post something every 5 mins fishing for some kind of center of attention response.

I try to stay away from it though when I've been drinking. Suddenly, everyone has vaginas and I'm tossing sand at them trying to win the damn big teddy bear.

24-Apr-2011, 10:19 PM
Totally agree with that, Facebook has managed to kill off half the nets forums & MSN messenger which is a big shame really! That said I'm as guilty as the rest, I have a facebook page & I do keep in touch with a lot of past & present friends through it, as well as using it as a place to share photos I take. Thats the one thing I really enjoy about facebook, people can look through my photos rather than them being hidden away on hard drives or in physical albums which nobody will ever see. My parents have boxes & boxes of photos of their youth & times past, and nobody will ever see them
My parents and sisters constantly add new pics they've scanned which is cool.
As it has been pissing hard on us for days, and I started some crappy blood pressure medicine, I didn't feel able to drive 2-3 hours to my parents' for Easter, and her birthday I missed last weekend. I called her yesterday to break the bad news, as no one else was coming to see them today either, she mentioned that I'd had some kind of wonderful lunch out with my family yesterday. I was like, "Huh?" as I'd just told her I hadn't done anything that day.
Apparently her love for Murder She Wrote had her on her Facebook page, checking some status update my wife had posted. I told her all we'd done was grab some pizzas, some wings at Wal Mart, and chowed down on the coffee table.
My parents are starting to get weird like that. If what you say doesn't quite resemble what they read on your FB page, you've got alot of explaining to do mister...
Heaven forbid if you don't like a picture or comment they've posted. Scareh.
Online sleuthing never got nobody nowhere, lol.
Is that a triple negative there?

Mr. Clean
24-Apr-2011, 11:15 PM
My parents are starting to get weird like that. If what you say doesn't quite resemble what they read on your FB page, you've got alot of explaining to do mister...Heaven forbid if you don't like a picture or comment they've posted. Scareh.
Online sleuthing never got nobody nowhere, lol.
Is that a triple negative there?


My mom posted a comment on my wife's page saying "I like your page but you don't have any pictures of me in your photos. :mad:"

My wife has pictures of her, our kids, and me. None of her parents or whatever. The wife just was like whatever but it can be weird sometimes for sure.

25-Apr-2011, 08:15 AM
I think it's weird to compare the two; one is for social networking and the other is more like mini-blogging.

However, my answer is Facebook. I use Facebook wayyy too often, as a couple of you guys (whom I'm 'friends' with) have probably noticed.