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24-Apr-2011, 05:41 PM
anyone seen it? its one of those honest scary movies that doesnt run on CGI and special effects. scary as hell. check it out.

24-Apr-2011, 08:04 PM
I found it to be awful, predicticle, and cheezy as all hell. The first half was decent. . .the rest can suck my sweaty ballsack.

24-Apr-2011, 10:09 PM
Awwww, the ghosts were pretty cool, and when it finally got to the demon...
It kinda reminded me of something out of Nightbreed.
I saw where they said it was the scariest thing since Paranormal Activity.
What a crock, this actually had something more than doors closing by themselves.
Cheesy, yes. Entertaining?
Heck yeah.

24-Apr-2011, 10:44 PM
That demon cracked me up. . . .My sister leaned over to me and said "oh no, they are being haunted by a cast member from Cirque Du' Solei!!" I thought the ghosts were pretty silly. The whole thing reminded me of that horrible 13 Ghosts remake. Like MTV made a ghost movie.

25-Apr-2011, 10:29 PM
it beats the pants of paranormal activity though. at least you see something

25-Apr-2011, 11:30 PM
I actually prefer Paranormal Activity for just that reason. As soon as you see the Ghost/mosnter/boogyman it ceases to be as scary because you no longer use your imagination to fill in the blanks.

25-Apr-2011, 11:44 PM
when people pass off a movie as "real" it pisses me off. blair witch was terrible. but then the sequel that was actually a movie kicked all kinds of ass.

26-Apr-2011, 01:35 AM
That demon cracked me up. . . .My sister leaned over to me and said "oh no, they are being haunted by a cast member from Cirque Du' Solei!!" I thought the ghosts were pretty silly. The whole thing reminded me of that horrible 13 Ghosts remake. Like MTV made a ghost movie.
Aww, come on, man. You got the King as your avvy. This had some old school feel to it same as Bubba Ho-Tep. I felt it.
I really only really dug the last ghost and the demon, they were cooler. The others were just filler.

I actually prefer Paranormal Activity for just that reason. As soon as you see the Ghost/mosnter/boogyman it ceases to be as scary because you no longer use your imagination to fill in the blanks.
Ha, yeah. Some people call that not having much of a budget(Cheap). I have an imagination, but that's why I'm paying all that dough at the theater. So they can fill in at least SOME of those blanks, I want my nightmares to have some sort of shape/face.
PA 1&2 were as lame as Blair Witch.

when people pass off a movie as "real" it pisses me off. blair witch was terrible. but then the sequel that was actually a movie kicked all kinds of ass.
I remember seeing the sequel on video cassette wayyyyy back. That wasn't even masturbation worthy...
Ok, maybe a little, but only for the T&A. Other than that, if the first was just a turd nugget, this was just one dipped in glitter and deep fried.
Still a turd.

I still say thumbs up to Insidious. Was kind of a fun ride.

26-Apr-2011, 02:03 AM
when people pass off a movie as "real" it pisses me off. blair witch was terrible. but then the sequel that was actually a movie kicked all kinds of ass.

Oh wow, different strokes eh? I thought "BWP" was one of the greatest horror films of the 90's. The sequel (with exception to the yummy Kim Director whom I'd hit five ways to Sunday) was pure drivel.

I haven't seen "Insidious" yet but it's in my Netflix queue along with around 400 other films (300 of which haven't come out yet, I blame Sundance and Cannes!). I agree with H.P. Lovecraft's belief that you should give a tiny peek, but if you show too much (and these days 'too much' is a CGI snore of stupid shit) then you've ruined the fear. A tiny peak is good, but an individual's mind always constructs fear far more than anything in actuality -- except maybe listening to Sarah Silverman speak.


26-Apr-2011, 02:15 AM
It's always scarier when you can see the ghost.


:lol: :nana: :fin: :moon:

26-Apr-2011, 06:19 AM
Eww no. . this movie was nothing like Ho-Tep . Bubba Ho-Tep was one of the most original movies I have ever seen. Insidious. . . .. . . was not. Ho-Tep was a tongue-in-cheek fun movie. Insidious took itself very seriously and while I agree that it was very cheesy. . it wasn't trying to be. I dunno. . .like JD said, different strokes. I've often found that there are 2 types of people in this world. . . .Those that liked Blair Witch project, and those whose tastes in movies in general that I mistrust. And honestly, no offense is meant at all by that. I just mean that if you couldn't get behind the Blair Witch Project, then your approach to cinema is just very different from my own.

26-Apr-2011, 08:43 PM
Eww no. . this movie was nothing like Ho-Tep . Bubba Ho-Tep was one of the most original movies I have ever seen. Insidious. . . .. . . was not. Ho-Tep was a tongue-in-cheek fun movie. Insidious took itself very seriously and while I agree that it was very cheesy. . it wasn't trying to be. I dunno. . .like JD said, different strokes. I've often found that there are 2 types of people in this world. . . .Those that liked Blair Witch project, and those whose tastes in movies in general that I mistrust. And honestly, no offense is meant at all by that. I just mean that if you couldn't get behind the Blair Witch Project, then your approach to cinema is just very different from my own.
Now wait, I said it had that old school feel to it. In no way did I say it was as good. Not nearly, but it was fun nonetheless.
As far as BWP? Listening to some chick bitch at some guy for losing a map for most of the movie, then no payoff at the end?
Already behind that: it's called marriage.
Lol, I'm kinda on the fence over you. Bubba was the bomb diggity, but dayumn...
Scariest thing since The Exorcist, they said. They lied.
Guess other than Bubba, we're gonna hafta base our relationship on mistrust. ;P

26-Apr-2011, 10:39 PM
Guess other than Bubba, we're gonna hafta base our relationship on mistrust. ;P

:lol: let's just agree to disagree on BWP ;)

30-Apr-2011, 11:16 PM
Saw it a few weeks ago. I've seen worse, but I've seen much better, too.

By the way, clanglee , that animated signature is funny as hell.

01-Nov-2011, 11:04 AM
Im sorry, but i like insidious! Its creepy as fuck though but i liked it. The scariest scene was The Smiling Family. I dont ever wanna meet them in a dark alley!

01-Nov-2011, 03:48 PM
Just saw it last night as part of my Second Annual Horror Marathon for Halloween. It had an interesting premise and some of the acting was better than most horror-fare, overall I think it was ruined by showing entirely too much instead of letting it rest in the imagination of people for the "demon".



01-Nov-2011, 08:06 PM
Yeah, not too sure why so many people I talk to go berzerk over this movie. I thought the first like 17-20 minutes were awesome. I was sitting there thinking it looked super promising and a throw back to some 70's/80's ghost flicks. But then it turned into... well, disappointing and cheesy. It seemed like they were trying to do what Poltergeist would have been had they shown the journey through the "other world". Also, seeing the ghosts made them less creepy. Especially since they were pretty much corny looking dudes you'd see at a haunted house attraction or a Type O Negative concert.

17-Nov-2011, 01:50 AM
Did the demon remind anyone of something from Star Wars or was that just me?

Ultimately I love Insidious... a few things made me crazy about it like the way the volume of the film was used to add some 'eeeeke' moments for those who flinch at loud noises but I enjoyed the premise of the show. The idea of 'the further' and traveling beyond your body through your mind because (and this is just my personal feelings here) I very much believe that is possible (like people on operating room tables etc) and then you get into the whole belief that demons can occupy people and yeah I mean the movie had some cogent new ideas. I thought it went a little kookey towards the end and I could've lived without some of that stuff for sure but where the movie was good it was great where and that was the majority of it. I also loved that they pulled Barbara Hershey from the grave to appear in it because she's kind of epic after her movie The Entity and I loved the guys specs and whatever and the lady from Kingpin did a great job. Good film... totally two thumbs up on this one even despite the brief bad part.

17-Nov-2011, 05:38 AM
I tried to watch the movie but I just couldn't get the scene from Kingpin out of my head every time I saw that ghost hunter lady.
