View Full Version : WMDs found in Iraq??? Hundreds of them? 'Bout time!

22-Jun-2006, 01:13 PM

22-Jun-2006, 02:14 PM

Santorum showed up to do his thing with Peter Hoekstra on H&C and it took one phone call by Jim Angle of FOX News to debunk Santorum's WMD claims today. That's pretty embarrassing when the Dick Cheney network undermines him. Hannity was all excited and tried to say that WMD's were only "a part of the reason we went Iraq." (See quote.)

If that is the document that's classified, isn't little Ricky breaking about a gazillion different federal laws by exposing them? I've taken the precaution of blackening it a bit. Of course, I'm no attorney.

Santorum: I'll show you the classified documents right here...

Video-WMP Video-QT

Combs: It's Alan Colmes. Senator, the Iraq Survey Group, uhh, let me go to the Duelfer Report-says Iraq did not have the weapons our intelligence believed were there. And Jim Angle who reported this for Fox News-quotes a defense official who says these were pre-1991 weapons that could not have been fired as designed because they already been degraded.

And the official went on to say that they are-these are not the WMD's this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had-and not the WMD's for which this country went to war. So the chest beating that the Republicans are doing tonight thinking this is a justification is not confirmed by the defense department.

Santorum: Well, ahh, I'd like to know who that is. The fact of the matter is I'll wait and see what the actual Defense Department formally says or more importantly what the administration formally says. This report...

general tbag
22-Jun-2006, 07:10 PM
if it fox news it bunk . they really jump the gun most of the time.

22-Jun-2006, 09:10 PM
I particularly like it when they have to go in really quick to clean up O'Reiley's transcript before liberal bloggers get a hold of them--you know, after he says something completely and utterly retarded. :D

23-Jun-2006, 01:10 AM
It's a good thing you all watched Fox last night; now you know the way the left plans to disregard this information.

Since we found 500 sarin and mustard gas shells, will one of you oh-so-smart leftists (actually, I'm thinking about you, Zombie a-go-go) please tell me what the half-life of Sarin gas is? Since these weapons are "degraded" and can't be used, supposedly, why don't you do a search and find out just how long the stuff is deadly for.

23-Jun-2006, 08:02 AM
If that is the document that's classified, isn't little Ricky breaking about a gazillion different federal laws by exposing them? I've taken the precaution of blackening it a bit. Of course, I'm no attorney.

Santorum: I'll show you the classified documents right here...

Video-WMP Video-QT

Well hey, I am an attorney, so I'll handle that. Santorum requested that the information be declassified. So the information was originally from a classified report, but the document Santorum showed was not classified. You can see the document at the following link, along with a cover letter from Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte. The last page is what was shown on Fox. Note how it is marked "UNCLASSIFIED" at the top and bottom of the page.


Combs: It's Alan Colmes. Senator, the Iraq Survey Group, uhh, let me go to the Duelfer Report-says Iraq did not have the weapons our intelligence believed were there. And Jim Angle who reported this for Fox News-quotes a defense official who says these were pre-1991 weapons that could not have been fired as designed because they already been degraded.

And the official went on to say that they are-these are not the WMD's this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had-and not the WMD's for which this country went to war. So the chest beating that the Republicans are doing tonight thinking this is a justification is not confirmed by the defense department.

As Santorum said, I'd like to know who the "defense official" is. It could mean nothing more than that they managed to find at least one employee in the DoD who's a Bush-hating liberal. I don't know where he gets off saying they're "not the WMD's for which this country went to war." Hussein said he had no WMDs, so any WMDs he actually had were part of the reason we went to war. Of course we expected to find more, but the whole problem with him refusing to comply with the inspection process is that we couldn't tell exactly what he had.

Frankly, this report doesn't have enough information to assess what it really means. Okay, some or all of the agents were "degraded." But how much? Angles' anonymous defense official says that they "could not have been fired as designed." But when it comes to military weapons there's a big difference between usable "as designed" and usable for terrorist purposes. Which is what we were afraid would happen with Hussein's WMDs. A lot of the stuff that terrorists are killing our soldiers and innocent civilians with are munitions that can no longer be "fired as designed." That's where the I in IED comes from - they improvise. But was any of this stuff still dangerous? How much of it? At this point we just don't know.

23-Jun-2006, 11:26 AM
But we knew they had old chemical stuff hanging around from years ago...

I thought we invaded to secure the world from the the stuff they could unleash on a planatary scale, in a matter of minutes. For example the anti-matter plasma canon some of the intelligence photos showed. OK, so it looked like a transit van, but those experts know what they're talking about! Rumsfeld guaranteed it!

23-Jun-2006, 11:30 AM
Regardless of anything to do about Irag, it is a well known and undisputed fact that the country with the most weapons of mass destruction is in fact the United States.

23-Jun-2006, 11:51 AM
More conservative BS...

The republicans have lost most chance for re-election and are now trying to salvage thier political careers in a last ditch effort to be re-elected. I find it quite amusing that suddenly Rick Santorum... the most hated of PA politicans, decided to open his big mouth now. I guess he got a whiff of his poll numbers and realized he like many other republicans will be on the unemployment line come November 2006, and November 2008. :D

First off... Never trust any information from FOX NEWS, they are too republican controlled and will say or do anything to help the party, including the spread of inaccurate information. We all know this... Electon Nov 2000, and 2004 ring a bell anyone?

The only news source I have come to trust is CNN because they don't seem to favor any side of the political fence. They may have anchors that support one party or another, but they news they do broadcast is pretty unbiased. MSNBC, and FOX are a waste of broadcast air space and cannot be trusted with any information they broadcast.

23-Jun-2006, 02:25 PM
Sounds a bit like LABOUR over here in the UK, clinging desperately onto public opinion (and they're losing it faaaaaast). Although what we've got here is Blair hoping England win the world cup to distract "the working man" from their constant, criminal cock ups (which still persist unabated). Also, we've got Darth Brown (Chancellor) trying to play the "I watch football, go England, yah!" card to get in with the "common man".

Hopefully the Republicans will be ousted next election and hopefully that theme will come across the pond and similarly oust LABOUR from our Houses of Parliament (which couldn't come soon enough to be honest!).

23-Jun-2006, 03:27 PM
That's where the I in IED comes from.

great points. but that quote was a bit of fried gold. :D

23-Jun-2006, 03:32 PM
Just for peoples' general inforamtion, the above that I posted was cut and paste from a blog, the one that I linked to--it wasn't me talking.

Santorum is my *choke* senator (I don't know, he might be yours too, and for that, I feel badly for you). I'm used to his bull****, and this is exactly what it is. It's a very sad attempt to boost his numbers here...what is he now? 18 or so points behind Casey? This jerkoff is going down here and he's panicking. If this was in any way useful or important information, it'd have come out quite some time ago. Rick wants us to believe it didn't because the administartion is just too "forward-looking?" Gimme a break. And Rumsfeld! Hahaa...what did he say? "They're weapins of mass destruction...they harm people." Well, no ****. Sticks can harm people, do we call them WMD's. Puh-leeez.

23-Jun-2006, 03:35 PM
Backing up what Publis said, Sarin does have a bit of a shelf life depending on the conditions of it's storage and how purely it was processed. under ideal conditions of storage large portions of those CD shells could still have an active chemicals agent in them so the discovery isn't without merit.

nor are those shells safe to give to you kids. even dead sarin materials when applied to an explosive device can still act in a greatly reduced capacity on the nervous and respritory systems.

i'm using Wikipedia as a reference on some of the tech info. don't crucify me yet.

23-Jun-2006, 11:33 PM
I went looking for the shelf half-life info last night too and came up with conflicting sources. I heard a "pro" on the radio last night saying that it had quite a long shelf half-life, but I couldn't find an exact breakdown, just conflicting statements from "a few hours" to "many years." Damn internet...

But we knew they had old chemical stuff hanging around from years ago...

I thought we invaded to secure the world from the the stuff they could unleash on a planatary scale, in a matter of minutes. For example the anti-matter plasma canon some of the intelligence photos showed. OK, so it looked like a transit van, but those experts know what they're talking about! Rumsfeld guaranteed it!

The UN was searching for WMDs before we invaded and claimed not to have found any. The word is that our people have been "stumbling" across chemical artillery rounds since they arrived. How could the "jenuses" at the UN have missed them all? Follow the money from Saddam's pockets....

Regardless of anything to do about Irag, it is a well known and undisputed fact that the country with the most weapons of mass destruction is in fact the United States.

And the last time we used them was when? It's called "deterence." If you have threatened to kill me, I'll get a gun. You then get a better one. I go and buy a tank. You buy a helo. I buy an F-16. You get some Anthrax. I get some Plague... Onward and onward.

And the funny thing is that this wasn't in my paper. Haven't seen an article on this since it was released. You'd think it'd be in the papers, even if it was just to say "look how stupid Santorum is." Must mean there's something there...

24-Jun-2006, 01:03 AM
The only news source I have come to trust is CNN because they don't seem to favor any side of the political fence.

Really? Between CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CBS, and Fox News, I'd say Fox is the best of all of them. During prime time hours the channel does have a right slant, but almost anything during the daytime has a fair and balanced look at things (meaning people from both sides explain their reasoning). What I've noticed from CNN, CBS, and NBC is that all their stories come back blaming the administration for something that is either a) out of the administration's control b) actually a good thing but make it sound negative c) anything they can blame them for. Plus CNN, NBC, and CBS have stuck their heads so far up the ass of the democratic party they wouldn't know reality if it took the form of Joe Pesci and hit them with a baseball bat. And every time Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, John Kerry, and Ted Kennedy open their mouths, I pray and pray and pray that Republicans hold onto their majorities in Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008.

25-Jun-2006, 03:42 AM
I'm with you on that, Zombie. Sometimes I find myself agreeing with what the Dems say, but not with the way they say it. If they tried using a bit more respect and deference to the office of president, maybe they'd stand a chance of winning some elections that matter in the future.

25-Jun-2006, 04:38 PM
I'm with you on that, Zombie. Sometimes I find myself agreeing with what the Dems say, but not with the way they say it. If they tried using a bit more respect and deference to the office of president, maybe they'd stand a chance of winning some elections that matter in the future.

I really don't trust the Democrats anymore. With the way the ACLU and George Soros have basically taken over the party backing they have really become a bunch or ranting lunatics. Sure the country could be doing better, but that's all they're saying but they're not saying how they will fix it. Gone are the Harry Truman's, FDR's, and Zell Miller's in the party and now we have to put up with the Jimmy Carter's, Ted Kennedy's, and Hillary Clinton's. They have turned the party into one big negative rant.

25-Jun-2006, 05:57 PM
Yeah, that Zell Miller is one stable Fella who totally represents, uh, noone in the Democratic Party.
Maybe if The president would respect the office of the president, others might. And they did give deferce to Geo, except he f***ed everything up. He had his chance and he blew it.
And Gone are the John McCains of the GOP who died and what reborn as a pandering syncophant. Strange how now that so called "Bush Haters" includes 70% of the US, a few GOPers , horrors, crtisize a few things the botard in chief does.

"Bush haters" makes me laugh. It's like people don't have a reason to distrust him. Like its some irrational magic superstion that spontaneously generated from the ether. It's not just geo, it's rummy, dick and R*VE. The whole pack of Chickenhawks, Not a vet in the bunch. Calling vets whio critisize them cowards. That takes Sack. And not the kind that means courage.

Maybe we should be shown somw defernce by Geo, because (though he forgets, or doen't care), we are his boss. In NYC he lost by over 80% of the vote. ALL liberals? Hardly. We have a republican Mayor and Governor. We just know (like New Orleans does now) what happens when things go wrong on his watch. You die. And thats not some BS rhetoric from the favorite bugaboos.

25-Jun-2006, 06:04 PM
Yeah, that Zell Miller is one stable Fella who totally represents, uh, noone in the Democratic Party.
Maybe if The president would respect the office of the president, others might. And they did give deferce to Geo, except he f***ed everything up. He had his chance and he blew it.
And Gone are the John McCains of the GOP who died and what reborn as a pandering syncophant. Strange how now that so called "Bush Haters" includes 70% of the US, a few GOPers , horrors, crtisize a few things the botard in chief does.

"Bush haters" makes me laugh. It's like people don't have a reason to distrust him. Like its some irrational magic superstion that spontaneously generated from the ether. It's not just geo, it's rummy, dick and R*VE. The whole pack of Chickenhawks, Not a vet in the bunch. Calling vets whio critisize them cowards. That takes Sack. And not the kind that means courage.

Maybe we should be shown somw defernce by Geo, because (though he forgets, or doen't care), we are his boss. In NYC he lost by over 80% of the vote. ALL liberals? Hardly. We have a republican Mayor and Governor. We just know (like New Orleans does now) what happens when things go wrong on his watch. You die. And thats not some BS rhetoric from the favorite bugaboos.

What he said. Heh...:D

26-Jun-2006, 04:13 AM
Yeah, that Zell Miller is one stable Fella who totally represents, uh, noone in the Democratic Party.

And that's why the Dems won't win the House, the Senate, or the Presidency... again. Maybe if you lefties paid more attention to him and less to the bomb-throwers like Micheal Moore and Hilarity Clinton, you just might have a chance.

Maybe if The president would respect the office of the president, others might. And they did give deferce to Geo, except he f***ed everything up. He had his chance and he blew it.

It's called respect the office. Every time some lunatic lefty gets a stage and they demean the president, it tarnishes the office, just as the loonies in the Right wing demeaned the office over a friggin BJ. Bush has made mistakes, just as any president has; the only difference is that all people hear about are the mistakes. The found WMDs STILL aren't news; the fact that Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, "Palestine," and Lebenon are actually undergoing democratic reform has yet to explode on the press, but it's been going on since the war on terror began. Call me a right-winger if you want; I'm not so wrapped up in idealogy that I missed the Clinton welfare reform act, and applaude him on it. Amazingly the "other side" isn't like that.

And Gone are the John McCains of the GOP who died and what reborn as a pandering syncophant. Strange how now that so called "Bush Haters" includes 70% of the US, a few GOPers , horrors, crtisize a few things the botard in chief does.

No, the Bush haters include about 20% of the country. These are the morons who screech and squeal at every opportunity to tell you that Bush is Hitler. We have them on the right, too; they're called morons. Those with differing views who express those views in a respectful manner are dissenters.

"Bush haters" makes me laugh. It's like people don't have a reason to distrust him. Like its some irrational magic superstion that spontaneously generated from the ether. It's not just geo, it's rummy, dick and R*VE. The whole pack of Chickenhawks, Not a vet in the bunch. Calling vets whio critisize them cowards. That takes Sack. And not the kind that means courage.

Well, there's not really another wording that describes it. They hate Bush. Regardless of what he does they will always hate him. These are the people who, after we find chemical weapons in Iraq, they will STILL say "there are no WMDs in Iraq." And let's remember something else: During Vietnam, Kerry and Bush signed up for the Guard to avoid military service. Bush got into the Air Nat. Guard (which had seen no action) and Kerry got into the Naval Guard (also having seen no action as yet). Then the Naval Guard went to war and Kerry managed to get 3 purple hearts in a matter of months, one of which was for a splinter, IIRC. Bush got lucky; Kerry didn't. And I have yet to hear, or see, Bush or Rummy or any of the lot calling anyone a coward. Link me if you have proof, if not, please don't lie about it.

Maybe we should be shown somw defernce by Geo, because (though he forgets, or doen't care), we are his boss. In NYC he lost by over 80% of the vote. ALL liberals? Hardly. We have a republican Mayor and Governor. We just know (like New Orleans does now) what happens when things go wrong on his watch. You die. And thats not some BS rhetoric from the favorite bugaboos.

We are not his boss; his bosses are the representatives we elect. Seeing as we live in a representative republic, our reps place the votes we ask them to place. The reason why NY has a Republican Mayor is simple: They don't want to be fleeced. If they elect someone like Clinton, they know she'll tax everyone, not just them; a NY mayor who is a liberal? Sorry, you guys will be having even more taxes. And the idea of blaming Bush for Katrina... PRICELESS! Let us not forget that the wonderful people of Lousiana (where the Nat Guard is now keeping the peace in New Orleans) have actually elected Nagin to be their leader. Nagin of the Chocolate City and hundreds of empty buses. But blame Bush. And people died on Clinton's watch, if you'll remember. In fact 3000 people inyour city did. It was called 9/11, an event Clinton had no fewer than 4 opportunities to stop. But he didn't. Can we blame him for that? No, because hindsight is 20/20, and blaming him for a terrorist act would be about as stupid as blaming Bush for Katrina... Which you did.

All in all I give it a -3 on the sense-o'meter and a 10 on the bomb-thrower scale.

26-Jun-2006, 01:50 PM
All in all I give it a -3 on the sense-o'meter and a 10 on the bomb-thrower scale.

I can't read your posts anymore. You are just an incredibly blind, stupid person and I feel sorry for you. Go nuts with your rebuttal, or not. I won't see it. I simply must put you on ignore. :rolleyes:

...this function is awesome...I wish I had it in real life.

26-Jun-2006, 01:54 PM
Now play nice and try to respect some differennce of opinion. Name calling is not nice
(as per my bad rep-thanks).
Simply becaue one disgrees does not make one "looney" or a "moron".

Left-Right. Liberal- Conservative are just black and white labels that are a construct. Few people fall squarley in those ctaegories. for example.
I don't like Hilary. She seems to have no ideology.
Nixon is one of the more interesting Presidents. He made a LOT of bad "mistakes". He also did a lot of tangible great things. Even ROnald Reagan probably did some stuff right. But I don't believe Geo is competant or concerned for the welfare of Anyone.

Bill Clinton was not a liberal. He suucessfully used some old school conservative ideas and ran with it. He was more of a moderate with a liberal social policy and financial conservatism. I think thats why he was so popular.

The "found WMDs" were sold to Saddam by the US. incidentally. During the Iran/Iraq war. Saudi Arabia still has The Saud Monarchy (and Madras Islamic fundamentalist schools-financed by Saud). Syria?!? C'mon. Maybe the WMD story isn't getting much press is because it can't be verified and the truthullness is doubted. Just a guess, though. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the administartion hasn't exactly been 100% honest in the past. to put it mildly.

At least when the Towers were bombed in 93 (I was going there that morning, so I remember it well), Clinton bombed camps that Bin Ladin was in. It was during the Monica stuff. It was called "Wag the Dog". Turns out he was doing his job. He didn't say something like "I'm not that concerned about him".

I knew this political discussion were a bad idea. Someone always flips out. Some may not like it, but most people are not right wingers. Most are not even particularly conservative. Just because I am better at explaining myself than some doesn't make me an irrational bomb thrower. Personally I thought my post was astute and reasoned.Of course theres snark. Contray to what some may say, Fox is NOT fair, and there is no liberal media. Even Rush himself says that conservatives of his ilk know its not true, they just think its fun to say. People who lean left find few places in the mainstream where their views are expressed. Which is why they are all over the internet.
There is so much misinformation in your post of the Swift boats type, I can't even go there.
If you want to call me a loony, bomb thrower, hater, moron, stupid, whatever go ahead. I'm no Zell Miller. I don;t like it, but I'm not going to go bananas. I think debates are fun. Lots of fun. I don't go for arguments though.
The problem with the Dems isn't Geo Soros. It's Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman, That lousiana butthead Kennedy,even Hilary. At least Dean,Soros, Boxer have a very clear ideology. Pick your side, be distinct from conservatives and respond to the smearing and dirty tricks. Dems lose when they are wishy washy. Dem voters DON"T want republican lite. If they go more left, they will win.
I think My post makes 100% sense. is mostly fact with some opinion and no pravda (or Fox)esque propaganda. One needs to see what IS rather than what one WANTS to see.
If one doen't believe Fox is an parotting organ, I present one phrase; Homicide Bomber. A peice of redundant doublespeak strait from Geos mouth to theirs. All bombers are homicide bombers, Its the Suicide part that makes them different from, say, a mail bomber. Its like saying "a sitting chair"

I think the tide has turned, politically, in America. And the Hard right is on it's way out of the public consciousness. Maybe not politically (as in office holders) but in the minds of Americans. If it ever was.

You insist I be respectful of a pres, but you show no repect to me? Not nice.

26-Jun-2006, 05:00 PM
Odd that the age of the WMD's age that we found in Iraq, is very simmiler to the same years that the Reagn admin, sold WMD to Iraq during its war with Iran.

Oh...so we found the WMD that we gave Iraq, thats cute.

26-Jun-2006, 10:38 PM
Bill Clinton was not a liberal. He suucessfully used some old school conservative ideas and ran with it. He was more of a moderate with a liberal social policy and financial conservatism. I think thats why he was so popular.

Clinton was no moderate. He used it as a way to gain support. Look at his first two years in office, then look what happened to him after the Republicans took Congress back in 1994. He went from Hillarycare to being forced to negotiate with the GOP. I think it had more to do with checks and balances than with Bill's actual ideology.

27-Jun-2006, 12:32 AM
Oh...so we found the WMD that we gave Iraq, thats cute.


27-Jun-2006, 07:27 AM
First of all, prove that we sold WMDs to Iraq.

Second of all, your second post, Coma, made more sense than the first. Had you used the same kind of writing style with that one that you had the first, you'd have made your point much better.

Thirdly, Zombie go-go, if you're going to ignore me... Why add me to your buddy list? :lol:

The WMD thing... Some of you won't be happy until a nuclear weapon goes off in America with a stamp reading MADE IN IRAQ. Even then I'm sure some nitwit will say "Well we sold it to them!" or "See!! It was made BEFORE we invaded." *sigh*

Clinton hit a few Al-Qaida camps after the bombing of the WTCs... See what happened? Also he sort of tossed up the opportunity to a) force the al-Qaida leadership in Somalia to fight it out on our terms b) eliminate Bin Laden during the 90s. As I said in the past, hindsight is 20/20, but still, if we're going to try monday morning quarterbacking Bush's decisions, let's not forget to go after Clinton's.

And to actually attack Bush as a person... Go to Snopes.com and read up on him. Read about Kerry and Clinton, too, why don't you. Then talk to people who have met Bush. It's very easy to attack someone who might not speak too well and call him stupid, but then again, people from NY City don't sound too intelligent to me, hailing from the south as I do, so it's all relative.

27-Jun-2006, 02:41 PM
How did Iraq get its weapons? We sold them

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983.

That's like 5 minutes of looking.
"people from NY City don't sound too intelligent to me, hailing from the south as I do, so it's all relative."
I'm not particularly clear why 9 million people from every corner of the US and the Globe could be ununtelligent. Maybe you should travel more and not be so comfortable being a stereotype.

Incidentally , Clinton said he regrets most not being more agressive in going after Bin Ladin. Its his biggest regret, and ours too. But Geo's been Pres for 5 years. Where BinLadin?
If you've niticed (or maybe not) that while people are against the war/occupation of Iraq, almost none complains about Invading Afghanastan. Maybe with the way it was forgottan about in favor of Iraq, but not Afghan.war.
I don't care if we kill every single Taliban and occupy them forever ( well, not forever, but as long as it takes). At the RNC protests I saw people with "US out of Afrgahastan" signs (obviously from elsewhere( and they got some blood curdling sneers from Everyone else. Analogy is Afghan is PAcific Theatre WW2 (clear goals, good reason), and Iraq is Vietnam (muddy goals, manufactured rationale, no real Goals).

Bush has been pres for 5 years. Clinton is long outy of the picture and Kerry is not preident. Honestly, If you search for TRUTH instead of reinforcing what you want to hear, you may at least, know more. It may not change your mind but you will be supported by facts and not thinly veiled propganda.
It's like when everyone knows your girl is screwing around but you . "why didn't you tell me?" "I thought you knew, It was obvious".

Bush being stupid and embarassing inarticulate is just one of his problems MAybe the fact that every mamber of his circle is either an oilman or a former High ranking member of Oil concerns. Nit just Buig Business, but Oil.
Terrorst don't hate our freedom. They could care less. They have other Motives. Its The administartion that hates our freedoms. Signing statements, oaths, press control, corporatocracy, Voter disenfranchismnt, rigged bids, energy corps writing policy, Military misadventures, Phone Monitoring, email monitoring, Financial monitioring, gerrymandering, Using Soldiers as political pawns, Lies, Misinformation, planting stories in the press, outing an undercover CIA aget, ross upper management incompatence. Electoral dirty tricks.

Instead of insulting My home and all of my friends and family and telling me to "prove it", maybe you should;

Try and find out for yourself in new directions the way I did, instaea of Fox and rush. Theres a whole universe of degrees of truth out there.

Regarding "hilarycare", obviously you either have No health problems or have insurance (or both). Because if you had a serious health problem and had zero acess to health care you would change you tune in a second and think twice about the me first party line. You heath gets worse and worse like your living in Rwanda. Drs might as well not exist when you have no insurance. THAT IS REAL LIFE not some broadside written by the members of a well paid (by US, drug companies, Insurance industry), fully insured Senate and Congress. Hilarycare was giving us acess to the same plan congress has, instead, Because of ther BS "compromise" by the gop controlled house, we got HMOs. You a slight bit too young to remember pre HMO, but we were better off without it.

27-Jun-2006, 04:47 PM
Never saw anything about our selling the equipment to make WMDs to Iraq before, no matter where I looked, and I have. Nothing reputable, anyway. I don't know anything about the site you sent, but I'll take its word that we did, in fact, sell the technology to make weapons to Saddam. I remember seeing a program once about our selling diseases to Iraqi hospitals for medical research, so I assume that's where theNile virus and the other diseases came from. Could they have been used for military purposes, of course; guess Bush the Elder wasn't thinking about that one...

I'm not particularly clear why 9 million people from every corner of the US and the Globe could be ununtelligent. Maybe you should travel more and not be so comfortable being a stereotype.

Traveling is not the issue. I live in FL, and this is where NYers come to die and to tell me how far ahead NY is than here. I've not met a New Yorker from the city that wasn't brash, arrogant, and annoying; not saying they aren't out there, just saying I haven't met them. My family is from NY, but upstate.

Regarding "hilarity", obviously you either have No health problems or have insurance (or both).

When your own personal problems will decide how you vote, you should be stripped of the right to vote. When you vote you are supposed to look for the greater good, not just what will benefit you as an individual. "Ask not what your country can do for you..." and all that. And I have no insurance and a pair of hernias that are getting worse by the day, so I'd like to have some free health care. But free helath care, of the kind Hilarity is planning, would mean waiting for months, maybe years, for routine operations, like other countries with socialized medicine. If that's what you want, you only live a little while from Canada. Go there, get your work done, and leave the rest of us to our good doctors.

27-Jun-2006, 04:49 PM
Traveling is not the issue. I live in FL, and this is where NYers come to die and to tell me how far ahead NY is than here. I've not met a New Yorker from the city that wasn't brash, arrogant, and annoying; not saying they aren't out there, just saying I haven't met them. My family is from NY, but upstate.

Southern hospitality, man. We rock!:D

27-Jun-2006, 07:28 PM
There's a difference between putting up with something and enjoying it, Bassman. Most people I don't mind; NYers have a way of thinking they are somehow better than you, because they come from the biggest city in America. Maybe I haven't been out much, but like I said, NYers come here to visit and die, so I've known my fair share of them.

27-Jun-2006, 09:08 PM
This is getting stupid.
big·ot Pronunciation (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

I live far from canada, And you have to be a citizen. God.
I lived in Fla. Some where cool. Some were Rednecks. Maybe Nyers act arrogant to you because you try to sell them that "everything I ever needed to know, I learned from Rush" stuff..
I mean, c'mon, even YOUR family came there "to die". Are you speaking of yourself? A little introspection please.

Medicine. I never said free. Better to wait months, than wait forever. I have health problems waaaay more severe than a hernia (though I am sure that is awful). I consider the millions, rather than just repeating "I am right, I must be right. Must. must." And even If I was thinking only of myself, so what? Part of the problem is that uninsured are charged 2,3x as much as insurance companies. I just had to spend 375 dollars for 10 days of medicine. Why should I croak in the richest country in the history of Earth for no reason. WHY SHOULD ANYONE? that includes you. If they did offer free med care, I guarantee youd be in line for it. Unless your willing to have you intestine fall out for ideology. Which I doubt. Very much.

I have to struggle to not go tit for tat and be insulting. But you are doing all you can to be as rude as possible. I don't get that. I, personally, find trading ideas with people different than me very interesting. It's the insults I find hard to take. I don't automatically think they are an idiot or whatever colorful adjectives and invectives I've read directed at myself, and populations in the multiple millions. Of course we are all identical. In every way. With no deviaiton. Clones. Robots. Automatons.
Flaming is like road rage. Everybodys the terminator behind the wheel/Keyboard.
Do on to others.

Just to add, George A. Romero is from the BRONX.
Isn't that why we're here"