View Full Version : So, just how terrifying is mother nature?

29-Apr-2011, 12:28 AM
Actually it can be very.

This was from Tuscaloosa, Alabama on April 27th. Honestly I just cannot imagine what it must be like to see something like that in person. A tornado actually hit my hometown and did some serious damage a little over a week ago in North Carolina. Fortunately my mom's neighborhood was untouched, but some people I know weren't so lucky. I've been through some fairly serious hurricanes in the past living so close to the coast and I've heard a tornado before in the middle of a night, but seeing one I'm sure is completely different.


29-Apr-2011, 01:10 AM
its horrifying stuff. boggles the mind that, for all our 'mastery of every climate on earth' wind can just fuck up an area and we cannot do a thing about it. times like this makes me glad England is near no fault lines or tornado belts and only suffers at worst from flooding in really freak wet seasons.

-what happens at the end to make him freak out so much? was it just letting off steam after the tension of it or did he pass right under it or something?

29-Apr-2011, 03:53 AM
Although it wasn't nearly as severe, remnants of this storm pulled the siding off my house.

Just a few miles north of me it took some lives, though. Very serious stuff. This year has been the worst in history for tornadoes in the south...

29-Apr-2011, 04:23 AM
my brother-in-law took a job promotion that involved a temporary transfer for a couple of years to alabama, luckily, the majority of all the damage took place in other parts of the state.

we've had major rainfall here for nearly a week, maybe one day of sunshine. the river in my hometown area is like 15 feet above flood-stage and not supposed to crest after the weekend. an EF4 tornado was like 20 mins from here last week and an EF2 hit my hometown the same week. fucking crazy weather.

29-Apr-2011, 10:50 AM
THIS terrifying: *pulls scary face*

29-Apr-2011, 11:19 AM
THIS terrifying: *pulls scary face*




29-Apr-2011, 11:47 AM



Kinda. Nature is about two thirds that level of scary. :)